Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1819: yield

The pupil near the close of the garment suddenly contracted. He completely heard the words of Bai Hejun, but he cares more about what Baihe said. First, he can complete the final core of alternative4 now. Second, He is able to increase the performance of the tactical machine by more than ten times, and also allows the general guard to drive normally.

What is the concept of ten times the tactical machine performance? I don’t even dare to think about how powerful it is, and let ordinary guards drive. What is the concept? This is basically a huge possibility that represents the imminent rise of mankind and completely clears the beta.

These two points do not say whether they really believe in the heart of the clothes, but these two points really make the clothes close and very curious and curious, the whole person is a little excited, sitting up straight and staring. Baihe said: "What you just said is true!?"

Baihe sneered: "It's true or false. It's still not up to you to decide. I agree to cooperate with me. You will see everything you want to see, but you don't agree to cooperate with me. Even if you are fake, you will always look at it. Not the final result."

"No." Yan Yi shook his head and shook his head. "I won't work with you. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you have. I don't know if you will be in this world, on alternative4. How much threat it brings is related to the last hope of mankind, so I will never cooperate with you, even if you kill me."

"Oh...hehe, hahahaha!" Baihe squinted from a chuckle to a smirk, how screaming the arrogant laughter sounded in the ear of his clothes, as if he heard the **** on the top Like the ridiculous sneer of the ants, it also makes the face of the closeness of the clothes unconsciously become red, but this is not shy but anger.

"Very good, hahaha, very good, for the sentient beings to put the life and death out of the way, you are very good, really good." Bai Hezhen put down the hand on his face, with a little satisfied look at the clothes close Said: "I appreciate your heart and persistence. Tell me in fact, I don't really care what humans will look like under the suppression of beta. The world continues to exist or is destroyed. It is completely complete for me. not related."

"And whether it is destroying the world or saving the world, alternative4 or alternative5 has nothing to do. The people who can really choose the future direction of the world are not the garbage that you can't do anything, but my companion and me, we have the future of the world. The key to the road, whether you decide to cooperate with me can not affect our choices or change the world, but your persistence allows me to see some of your strengths. With this persistence, you believe that I will be my most competent servant. ""

"So, as your future god, I am willing to show you something kindly."

After that, Baihe’s eyes swept Echo, and the latter nodded sensibly. He was obediently obedient with Baihe’s continued installation of this b, and took the initiative to pick up the personal computer on the table. Draw a little on the top and gently click on it, and the personal computer will project a clear holographic projection.

On top of the projection, dozens of different bodies and weapons float in it, and a small, different picture shows the video of the use of these bodies and weapons.

Of course, all of these pictures are processed, all of them are just some very simple test records, and the location is not that the universe is the earth, in short, it is within the normal cognitive range, and will not let the aboriginal associations seen. Go to other things.

"This...how is this possible!" The dress looked at the things on the screen, his face flushed and stood up in a sitting position. He looked at the projections incredulously and said in a trembling voice. "These bodies, what are these bodies, why I have never seen them."

"A body that can be transformed into a four-legged form can be transformed into a body of a fighter plane. The body that seems to be suspended from a tactical machine or a fighter plane is how to do that kind of flexible maneuver. What is the body, how is it possible? Have this powerful power and attack... this kind of attack..."

"Is the beam attack practical? How is this possible? This is a technology that has never been seen before. Is this true?"

"This kind of armor? The live ammunition attack is invalid. What is the material?"

"Impossible, what is this armor, it can be deflected by the beam attack, it is impossible, this is absolutely fake!"

"Which technologies are used in these missiles, how can they be so flexible, how can they hit the target precisely at this height!"

I’ve been paying attention to Baihe’s expression and eyes, and Eich suddenly turned off the projection of the personal computer. When I was close to the launcher, I wanted to grab the computer from Echi’s hand, but just reached out and the whole person stiffened. Because he remembered it, it was just that the lady had just raised him with a white hand.

But then, when I was close to the clothes, I looked at Baihe, and I was excited and asked crazy: "Tell me, these are fake, no, these are really right, are they true, these things are these Is the technology really possible to copy it out!"

"That is what you are willing to pay to confirm this. If you want to get it, you must lose it first." Baihe sighed in a word and there was no other voice, just calmly looking at the clothes, and did not include it in his eyes. Any special emotions are so indifferent and look at each other indifferently.

Seeing the indifference of Baihe’s hustle and bustle, I suddenly felt that my heart was cold, and the excitement and excitement began to gradually dissipate. Then there was endless coldness pouring from the back, and then I became full of sweat. The struggle of the face.

After a minute, the clothes began to tremble, and in the past two minutes, the left-handed breathing became confused. But in the third minute, the clothes seemed to calm down and looked at Baihe’s slow squat. On the ground, he bent down on the back of the Baihe River before he gave up, and put his head on the ground.

"I am willing to work with you and willing to be your servant of the most loyal ministers."

"Get up, I don't like this kind of move. Don't do this in front of me in the future." Baihe's indifferent voice sounded, until the clothes were standing close to the fist and the white river squatted gently: "About these ... Of course it is true, I said, for you, I am equivalent to the existence of God."

"Then you will have a lot of things to do next." Baihe went to the left side of the coat and patted the other's shoulder and said: "And what to do next, what can be done? You should think about things, but the place that broke before all this came down must be lost. Not everyone is qualified to be my collaborator and servant, or know my existence."

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