Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1836: Sensitive time

From scratch, using all the equipment materials in the 51st district to create a new thermonuclear energy engine to create a new high-energy battery, Ingram said it is not that simple, he is not a Luo guy, even if a person gives tools to hand I can get these things out in a few days, and the guy who is supposed to be a day is called by Xiao Ran as a cow. After all, the person can do more.

In short, the most important problem in the face of Ingram is the material. The manufacturing engine does not need the same material as the armor. At least it needs to have a high heat resistance. This world energy is almost a piece of energy. Blank, and the material aspect is similar.

Fortunately, Ingram has the experience of building the Tolonim engine, and has also systematically studied in the world of the ship, not only him, Yu Zesi, Bai Hezhen, Kilim, obviously have the qualification of technicians. The people will accept Luo's experience before entering the mission world. In addition to the personal computer, there is a detailed technical reserve. It is not difficult to copy it out, but it will be different from Ingram's previous thinking.

There is nothing to complain about Ingram, but he sighed in front of Amro: "I really didn't think that the world has experienced the development of weapons technology after decades of war, the development of materials technology, energy. The development of technology has not grown much at all, and there is still a big gap in basic industries."

“Basic improvement is not something that can be done in a short period of time, which will greatly delay the manufacturing technology of our new machine.”

As a pilot, Amro is the son of a technician who can make up to such a thing. He usually knows about technology in the same way, and he has also systematically studied technical aspects, and he has the advantage of having ordinary technicians. At this time, as one of the researchers of this project, I heard that Ingram’s words just agreed and nodded.

Amro said: "But fortunately, the industrial ability basically meets everything we need to build a new body. At least we can make things like tactical machines. Some industrial equipment can be used together, and the current level is barely b- The level body should be fine, and at most it is a waste of time."

"Time, the most uncertain thing we have now is time. An energy system does not say, there are other problems that will delay us for a month or so." Ingram shook his head: "But it has to It is said that the world is doing very well in some gadgets, such as the whole system of the battle suit, the retina projection screen contained in it, the motion-sensing technology, which cannot directly improve the combat power. The tactical machine needs this. Things can drive, I really don't know who made these wonderful things."

"What body memory control, the body's indirect thinking control, especially the existence of the latter is simply on the road, there will not be too many problems for the skilled person, but for us, it becomes a limit, for the novice Saying a random thought, influenced by the fear of the battlefield, the final result is probably that the body can't even do it with the action. The eight-minute life and death line is estimated to be due to such a wonderful operation. It can only exist in eight. Minutes of fighting weapons, huh, huh."

Amro also suddenly smiled: "Is it only suitable for the mode of operation of the general skilled person, how do I suddenly feel the beta of the world, or the weapons that have been developed, and the people of this world are full of deep The malice is like something that deliberately leads this to develop in a certain direction, and ultimately it is not destroyed or waiting for the hero to save."

Ingram heard the words of Amro and stunned. After a sinking, he shook his head and smiled: "It is estimated that the world is like what you said, but it is completely different after we came here."

"In a short time, a lot of time has been wasted. Everything is ready for completion. Once the parts of the body are manufactured, they will be handed over to you when they are offline. I will preside over the new materials and Energy, two months, up to two months must be made of the body."

Amro nodded, suddenly thought of what the opening said: "Right, Siman contacted me today, telling me that this side and the Far East officially opened a new joint project, seems to be called xfj plan, is a very important Cooperative project, but the location of this project is Yuzes."

"But the body and weapons that are planned to be built will be sent by us as the main testers. Yukons Yukon Base is only responsible for assisting and acting as the coordinator of the plan test. You can't reach the core of this plan. You Do you feel that you need to let Swee or who is fighting for this position?"

"The cooperation between the United States and the Far East at the Yukon Base?" Ingram thought about it and finally shook his head: "First communicate with Baihe, Youzes, after all, there is the territory of Youzes."

Amro nodded and didn't talk. The two of them didn't have other people in the conversation. It was in Ingram's office. It was previously confirmed that this office was actually monitored, but Ingram was the first time. After entering the office, after all the surveillance of the entire office was found in the face of the 51st district leader, the 51st district did not do anything extra, so the two people are casually in this office. It is impossible to say that it will spread.

The project of the new body began. The new body created in two months is only a conservative estimate of Ingram. If you are optimistic, it can be completed in about one and a half months. The reason why it can be so fast is completely because of all The technology is ready-made. As long as Ingram leads to slowly take out the data a little bit, whether it is material or technology can be solved in an instant. As for those American technicians who do not understand the data, then Regardless of Ingram's business, Ingram wants only these technicians to do what he wants.

After the four people in Ingram, Baihe, Yuzes, and Kiliam communicated, it was only in the Yukon base that they were not only going to fight the xfj project, but also the Soviet side. An independent plan that seems to be in a semi-discarded state, the specific information was not even investigated by Kiliam, and this caused the interest of Jues.

Bai Hejun also had some understanding of this plan. First, he gave a message about weapons and the body and then expressed his interest in withdrawing from the video communication.

Juzes said that the main tester of the xfj plan was personally selected by the United States. Even if he wanted to put in the staff, he could only insert a team commander to cooperate, and the boring shovel. It's a good choice, and if you want to get the main tester position, either he can directly kill the tester over there, or directly control the other party, or you can only let Ingram deal with it.

But no matter who sees the information of this plan, they will not think that the xfj plan will affect their current plans. The **** body and the **** weapons that are barely useful are not worthy of their attention, but some are black. A few guys have noticed what it was from the official start of the project, just the time the main task was completed. After all, it was a somewhat sensitive time.

In the end, Youzes said that it is still to let Ingram people send individuals to be the main testers in the past. It is simple but it will bring troubles to kill the main testers, but the control is not impossible, but Yuz, Kelly. Yam, Ingram thinks it is better to put a person in the past, but Juesus has already indicated that there is not enough manpower to control the Yukon base, so he can only send an idle person from Ingram. It is.

For those who are idle, Sman is not good. This guy is playing the eyes and ears of Ingram and Amro in the 51st District, so it is the seemingly cold boy of Yingge.

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