Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1837: set off

On May 1st, just one month after the participants had entered the world, all the participants of the Burning Legion completed their seemingly easy task in a month, joined the camp and became guardians, everyone It’s a breeze to do this, and there’s no need to do any guardian training to open projects other than tasks.

The manufacture of the new machine, Baihe, Ingram, Youzes, Kilim, four people in the month after coming to the world, all started the manufacturing of new machines, but among the four The only Ingram project is the fastest, and the armor and skeleton of the body have been manufactured and built.

After all, Ingram chose the normal way to accomplish the goal, although it has a very high level of confidentiality for other forces outside the United States, including the same high level of confidentiality in the 51st District, but in the upper US. However, it is a semi-public secret, so it has received great support and advancement from the whole country. Everything needed for resources, manpower and materials is not lacking.

Compared with Ingram, Juss has controlled the Yukon base, but the United Nations military is composed of multinational forces. The internal strength faction is chaotic, even if Yuss can completely control the Yukon base, not to mention that Jues is playing. With the intensive project of the warrior to build a new body, there will be certain restrictions on the relationship between the secret and the confidentiality. Yuz is more focused on the complete control of the Yukon base and the penetration of the upper layer, so the speed of progress is Not as fast as Ingram.

Baihe’s side also chose to keep secret on this matter, but fortunately, after controlling the clothes, he got a lot of support, and he gradually inserted his hand into the higher right class of the Far East. The net allows Baihe to control a lot of rights in the Far East, but it is better to make a new body than Youzes.

But in addition to the body, the progress is even greater in the cover and control of the entire Far East and Tsang, Elsam training for potential pilots including Yu Jian, and in Zengjia and Elsam. Under the strict teaching and training of human beings, although there is no real machine to operate, they still let these people lose the driving habits of many tactical machines, and begin to learn new body driving and progress rapidly.

Kiliam is similar to the speed of the White River, and has taken over the Kiliam of the su-47 strengthening plan. The strengthening project is divided into two simultaneous projects. The first is to strengthen the normal arrangement of the plan. A small number of people came to strengthen the su-47, and more people were put into the manufacturing work of the new body.

Coupled with the support of the people controlled by Kiliam, behind the support of the other high-level, the purchase of other high-level contacts, the exchange of interests to completely grasp the project, so that Kilim’s rights in this project are huge, so Even the other participants in the project simply thought that the su-47 enhancement program itself was just a scorpion, and the purpose was to secretly study the new body.

But they don't know that the so-called scorpion and the real purpose are really the same thing, but what is really to be concealed is not the other forces and countries, but the high-level of this country.

Before the end of May, the su-47 enhancement plan was actually completed, and then the two stations were specially modified and enhanced su-47 was sent to the front line and handed over to Xia and Lala for the time being. It is used as a personal body. The body of Xia is painted red, the joints are reinforced, and there are two more robotic arms on the back. The fuel tank is enlarged, and the antenna of the head is enlarged. It became a red angular su-47.

The higher performance of the two aircraft in frontline operations seems to have been completed in the Soviet Union, so more su-47 was sent to the project and began to enhance, and the new su-47 enhanced version also began. Large-scale construction, and gradually began to deploy to the troops.

Because of the relationship of Kiliam, all of the su-47s that were upgraded and upgraded were sent to the frontline support base and flooded into the tactical fleet of Xia and Ficagia.

Under such circumstances, the main tester of the xfj program, which was originally started in the Yukon Base, was the inauguration of Ingram, who was forcibly transferred to his own project on the grounds that he was suitable for this person. The familiarity of the new machine, the so-called familiarity is just to take the information that Yuss gave him to read the recital every day, and follow the progress of the project to understand the construction work of the body.

For the United States, the brave Briggs is the main tester of the good xfj program, but now the new body project in Ingram is not as important as the xfj plan. Continue to the xfj plan, but it will only proceed in order not to disrupt the previous arrangements. By the way, let's take a look at the new weapons in the Far East. The importance of the new weapons has plummeted. Ingram wants not to say that it has not passed. I am afraid that it has already passed, and people will be transferred back. Ingram’s performance during this time has made him the most important baby in this country. Basically, he is responsive, no matter how unreasonable the request is. same.

The main tester replacement has become a very small problem. Anyway, I don't care about the xfj plan. Naturally, anyone who goes to participate in this plan has no problem. So under the impetus of Ingram, the success of Yingge became the xfj plan. The tester arrived at the Yukon Base on May 1st.

As for the other people, there is no change. In fact, there are only two first-line personnel to be sent. Now Yingge and a young blond named Vincent Lowell, one looks contemptuous but very serious. Little handsome guy.

The meeting between Yingge and Vincent was very dull. Nothing happened. Just after seeing each other’s name, they took the plane. Vincent and Yongli Briggs were originally friends. I already knew that I had to go to the Yukon Base for the xfj project, but I didn’t expect it to be replaced by Yingge, a young man who seemed to be only a teenager, which made Vincent feel depressed.

And this little young turned out to be a guardian. Of course, Vincent is seen from the badge on Inge's clothes, a sergeant with a lieutenant rank, a seemingly only teenager, and a faceless expression. While sitting in the plane to the Yukon base, Vincent also kept complaining in the heart, but in the end, the cheerful initiative and Ingra began to lengthen.

Although the result was only a series of er, or the eyes of the gods, but at least let Vincent begin to think that this young young man is not as indifferent as the surface.

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