Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1852: The beginning of change

In the face of the sharp corners of the assault, the thick carapace makes it impossible for the existing tactical machine to use the conventional 36mm rifle to bring more damage from the front to the sharp corner, but under the power of the beam weapon, those The heavy carapace is like the most common layer of steel, and it can easily be penetrated by a beam weapon to achieve a fatal blow.

With this kind of weapon, the guards don't have to take risks to find the weakness of the cracked corner, and don't have to rush into the back of the sharp corner and risk their attacks on the sharp-skinned **** in countless betas, as long as Standing on the square, boring locks and then pulling the trigger will eliminate the sharp corners.

Of course, the power of beam weapons is not small, but it also has great disadvantages. Whether it is Yuss, Ingram or Kilim, the frequency of beam weapons attacked by them in this world is not in their minds. The degree of standard, on average, is one release per second.

Such an attack speed is absolutely unqualified by the people of the Burning Legion. It is almost the same level as the practical application of the small beam weapon of 0079, so all the bodies are actually equipped with a 36mm assault rifle. Weapons are replenished, but the extent of this is already terrifying for people in this world. As long as they have a certain number of beam weapons, they can follow the beta.

Don't look at the frontal battlefield. There are only a few dead souls who use the beam weapon to attack, but one attack is enough to penetrate the beta that eliminates several heads. In total, more than 20 undead souls will actually be positive. The innumerable betas have been confusing, and the speed of progress has slowed down a lot.

In addition, Xia directly rushed to the beta group. In the face of the beta group, Xia actually formed a line of defense for himself. The shape of the tuck in the left arm of the Argus team suddenly popped up. With a beam of light, it was easy to cut a single assault from the front and cut it into two halves. After evaporating countless red mists, a massacre began.

Not only the beam rifle, but also the beam saber, which makes the Argus team even more unbelievable, not only the Argus team, but also the other two experimental teams have seen the beam saber and beam rifle, only The experimental team of the two white hairs was the most happy, especially the two white-haired sergeants, and the eyes were completely illuminated after seeing the two weapons.

At any time, the term slaughter refers to beta to humans in this world, but today, in this place, the word slaughter has become a description of human beings, not only Xia, but also The Red Comet Brigade and all the undead of the Jiaer Brigade have become the mainstay of this slaughter beta, and there is simply no beta attack that can smash the beam weapon.

The body that Xia was driving rushed into the beta group, but turned into a monster more terrifying than beta, the speed of terror, the attack of terror, the ability to reflect terror, the beam rifle, the beam saber, and two shoulders. The exposed 36mm after the opening of the armor was maintained at a very high frequency throughout the entire process, destroying the beta around the body.

Any type of beta, sharp horn, small worm, small scorpion, or even a hookworm called the fortress level in this world, there is no difference in the eyes of Xia, all can be eliminated with a single shot. The small slag, even the largest fortress-level hookworm, can directly penetrate the hookworm's head with a luminous beam, and then sputter out a myriad of red mist flowing down the red liquid like human blood.

After eliminating the lack of knowing how much beta, Xia’s squad communicator in front of the screen suddenly flashed, and the two messages popped up again, Ingram, Amro, Song Yongzhen, and Jonny have successfully completed. The task of destroying the light species, but also all the beta slaughter around the light species.

Seeing this news, Xia also nodded lightly, and after using the voice to reply to both sides, the command channel was opened and the command was issued again: "The air force immediately set sail and began to bomb the battle area, commanding all tactics except the undead. The aircraft immediately evacuated 30 kilometers to re-form the encirclement of beta."


Not long after, Ingram, Amro, Song Yongzhen, Jonny returned to the front line, according to the instructions of Xia, the two teams formed a team to the front and rear of the two defense lines, maintaining a very high The speed dropped from the sky, just like falling, but it scared many fighters on the battle line.

But just for a moment, the four bodies that have not yet landed on the ground suddenly became the ms form, and then stopped at a distance of about 30 meters from the ground. The hands held the weapons and began the slaughter of beta. .

In the Far East, near the Yokohama base, the front line, Baihe, Zengjia, Elsam, and Eshi have gathered here, far from the highest point of the line of defense, watching the land occupied by beta on the other side. At this point, there is no beta in the absence of beta, but the eyes of the four are looking to see what is there to attract something.

Suddenly, the four-person communicator rang at once. After seeing the exact same content on the communicator, Zeng Jia directly turned to a group of boys and girls standing behind them. .

Yu Jian’s night, Qian Qianhe, Cai Fenghui, Zhu Yuji, Qiu Zunren, etc. These girls who should show their brilliance at another point in time suddenly stand up, everyone is wearing different All-black combat uniforms in which the defenders normally use combat uniforms.

The essence of these combat uniforms is the original guards' combat uniforms. After all, they have a good ability to withstand pressure. They can also tighten the muscles of the users and provide a certain degree of defense, but the original ones made Zeng Jia feel ashamed. Partially modified, changed to a more formal and forbidden style, it looks like it is a set of a close-fitting jacket with different styles for men and women, but it is also a whole of combat uniforms.

I glanced at the teenagers standing straight in front of me, and looked at the many bodies that stood behind the teenagers, and the fragrant moons that screamed around the body and screamed around the body. "Today is when you show me your training results. If you don't have a beta, you will take the initiative to find beta. There is only one goal, fight! Eliminate all the visible beta!"

"Boarding, starting."

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