Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1853: The brave will go forward

Under the command of Zeng Jia, all the people, such as Yu Jian, and the night, all sat on their own bodies. The white river scorpion presided over the manufacture of the cottage hunters, which were mainly made of g-series skeletons. It is exactly the same as other configurations, with two beam knives, a beam rifle and a 36mm assault rifle for the secondary weapon.

But there is a little bit different in the back of Baihe's body, that is, there is a cylindrical rocket launcher that no one else has.

The leaders of Zeng Jia, Bai Hejun, Eich, and Elsam have different body colors, but the color of the body used by the tactical squad composed of Zeng Jia and Elsam is the color of the body. It is basically the same, all are simple blue and white painting, but Yu Jian Night has a special identity in it, so she specially prepared a purple paint for her to distinguish, but it is worth mentioning that Yu Jian is also the captain of the tactical squad.

The tactical squad was selected by Zeng Jia and Al Sham almost at the beginning of the mission. They were all excellent reserve guards in the training center. Their personal qualities are higher than the average soldiers. There is already a certain degree of accomplishment in driving, not to mention how powerful the driving of the tactical machine is, but at least it can also carry out the driving of the guards normally, which is a little driving.

After a long period of intensive training, the entire tactical team also worked hard to persist, training programs such as swordsmanship, body training, combat awareness, and body operations became the only time for the tactical squad. The things that can be touched, under the joint teaching of Zengjia and Elsam, especially the swordsmen, these girls who have already had important people’s labels in Zengga’s view, have really shown Stronger potential and learning ability than others.

This tactical squad is indeed a lot less than the Xia-controlled Red Comet Brigade and the Jiaer Brigade, but the quality is quite high, and the strongest Yujian Midnight is close to the real c-class. And the girls, such as Zhuang Yiren, Qian Qianhe, Cai Fenghui, and Zhu Yuji, all entered the c-level level. As for other people, they also have normal d-class or The level of the d+ level is indeed a good quality compared to the level of the mixed military in Xia, which is the d level. If you want to continue to improve, it will really take longer and more battles to slow down. Slow and full.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the level of learning environment and effort. The teacher who is using the same mind is also very much related. Xiaya is the group of two groups to study, Xia is actually very Less to teach the two brigades how to operate the body, more is telling everyone how to fight.

As a result, the person who finally taught the two brigades to drive ms became a lala that had nothing to do. The level of Lara was not high, and the energy of people would be dispersed, even if there were people from both groups. The ability to operate a tactical machine, but in the end it is a great effort to have both of the two teams learn to drive ms.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the help of Kiliam, using his own rights to transport several bodies in advance, and the special driving training cabin allows the two teams to be familiar with when they are fine.

The bodies of more than a dozen tactical squads, led by Zeng Jia, Alsam, Bai Hezhen and Eshi, are directly in the line of defense. There are countless Far East Army and United Nations troops in the eyes of the martyrs and idiots. Crossed the line of defense and rushed to the occupied area of ​​beta, and quickly disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The situation here is completely different from that of the Far East side of Xia'a. Xiaya is passively waiting for the beta across the shoreline to come back and then counterattack. I really didn't think about taking the initiative to take the troops across the coastline to find the dead. Eurasia, which has been completely occupied by beta.

However, Zeng Jia’s side, in the absence of an offensive in beta, is now violent with a handful of people who are rushing toward the beta-occupied area, and this time the purpose of the war has been determined to directly complete the delay. The long-standing main line task 2, let everyone complete the elimination of 3,000 beta.

Zengjia, Baihe, and Elsam add up to nine thousand. In addition, the number of Echi is almost 10,000. How many betas are there in the occupied area of ​​the Far East? That's definitely the number that can't be counted. The 10,000 beta is just a small part of it.

After leaving the defense line and rushing into the beta occupied area, Zeng Jia and other four people did not feel any flustered, but half of the tactical squads behind the four people jumped into the heart. It doesn't stop, although after a few months of training, they already know that the body they are driving now is completely different from the tactical machine. Whether it is defense, attack, speed, flexibility, and operability, it is far from the tactical machine. Comparable, but the occupation zone that rushed into the beta also made them feel a little scared. There is always a feeling that the warriors will be strong in their hearts. After all, this is their first actual combat. The first actual combat is this kind of battle. I am afraid that I will not be flustered.

However, the beta brings them to those flustered, compared to the kind of power that Zeng Jia showed when training them, a person with a knife can split the assault from the front into two halves, single The horror of a beta can kill a beta without a bit of comparability.

In half an hour or so, the entire team did not see the trace of the beta, but after half an hour, from the first beta appeared in front of them and then Essie casually shot a second, dozens, count Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of betas appeared in front of them.

Then everything that can be seen in the dense screen is completely occupied by beta, but Zeng Jia, Alsam, Bai Hezhen, and Eich are still the same, and Ech knows that his strength is limited. I am afraid that so many betas will become slag, but there are three big shackles in front, Eich said that he is very reassuring, very reassuring.

Faced with so many betas, and still with 13 new recruits, the general barrier-free area is not the most suitable place to fight, but no one is ready for a reverse evacuation, confirming the situation on the map. After that, Zeng Jia’s orders were passed to everyone’s ears.

"Everyone in accordance with the training to form a c-form, open the propeller to maintain ultra-low-altitude suspension, Elsam is in the middle, after the White River is broken, the direction is 35 kilometers southwest, five minutes and so on."

As Zeng Jia’s voice fell, a battle-like formation resembling a diamond shaped like Zeng Jia appeared instantly. Zeng Jia controlled the body to directly put the beam rifle in the hand on the back and pulled out the height of the two foot organisms. The special enhanced version of the beam saber, the body of the body slightly curved, a dozen of beta was directly cut into pieces, and then with the tactical team behind him rushed toward the intended target battle site.

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