Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1883: success

Human beings are actually a very emotional existence, and they are also the existence of sincere reality. Kruze’s first hand shows the conspiracy that Ingram is doing now, and it is easy to provoke a country without any confusing words. The minds of those civilians.

A live broadcast of five hours before the start of the voting, a battle against the dead of beta, let the people of this country really see the hope, see the future, and let the people of the whole country fully boil and Excited.

Kruze’s approach is actually a very common practice used by Xiao Ran. It promotes fame and value, provokes the practice of real needs and worship, and uses the most critical things to impact those at the most critical moments. I don't know the human mind.

Ingram’s fight against beta before the start of the vote, even if it’s relaxed, simple and bloody, it’s really doing something that the civilians want to do, awakening their original stealing in reality. In the heart, compared to Ingram, as long as there is a little hint and reminder, there is no need for Kruze to do more actions, naturally someone will have another candidate at this time and himself. The team is open to meetings, sitting in a safe place to prepare for other elections.

Originally a very common thing, but in such a world environment and special time, let everyone feel the strong contrast, and some excited public figures quickly publicly expressed support for Ingla In the case of M, even if Kruze did not guide the situation afterwards, in this shocking moment, some people changed their original choices under the kind of blood and excitement, as if not so To do it is to be the same as the whole world.

At this time, when the public opinion and choices of the whole country are completely consistent, the voting points spread all over the country have more than five times before the official start of the voting, and the Ingram is played repeatedly at each voting place. The battle video is only intended to end faster under the impact of Ingram.

From the beginning of the voting, it seems that the result has been determined. Ingram has directly crushed his opponent with a leading position. At the beginning, even in the case of obtaining dozens of votes, his opponent can get a vote, and then he will get a ticket. Although this proportion began to gradually decrease, it was almost the same as the opponent's crushing to about one tenth of his own.

Through this excitement and shock, and continue to create this excitement and shocking atmosphere, Ingram gained the most support from the beginning, took the opponent out of ten streets, and directly locked the final victory.

Xiao Ran, who has been paying attention to the situation, nodded after confirming Ingram’s victory. It was not used until the final result of 24 hours, and the victory was confirmed. It was originally intended to directly attack the United States in Graham’s defeat. The reason for it no longer exists.

When the last statistical result appeared, and the face of Ingram, who was serious and peaceful, appeared on television and began his inauguration, the entire Burning Legion was silent for three months and finally showed it to the world for the first time. I have my own teeth.

A bloody, cruel cleansing began very quickly, and members of the legions that were distributed in various regions began to come out in a variety of different ways, either assassinations, assaults, or directly driving from another world. The body has started to act on those who have long logged on the list of murders.

At this time in the United States, the federal situation suddenly became extremely tense, as if the whole world had collapsed, and there were terrible bloodsheds in many places.

In the Soviet Union, New Moscow, several bodies suddenly appeared in the city and launched attacks on several important places and high-rise houses. The front-line base, a unit that almost covered half of the entire front-line base, suddenly took control of the entire base. Then he brought out one after another, a fearful person, out of the base, and recovered calm after a burst of gunshots.

In the Far East, Zeng Jia held a long sword and killed a group of people who gathered to watch the American movement. Bai Hezhen controlled his supporters to reoccupy all important places behind the scenes.


At the same time of this **** incident, Ingram stood on the stage of countless people's centers and delivered his own speech: "Fellow compatriots, I am now in front of you, standing at the very center of the rights of the whole country. The place, just want to say a few words to everyone, about us, about humans, about the earth."

"From the time when beta was discovered to the present, humans have been resisting the invasion of beta against the earth. Even decades of using various methods have not blocked the attack on beta, for decades. There have been countless human compatriots who have been sacrificed in the hands of beta, and we have almost no resistance in the face of beta."

"But I also found something more terrible in the process of destroying these betas. The beta is spread not only on Earth, but on Mars, but throughout the solar system. There is a beta presence throughout the universe. There are also grade differences. The beta nests on Earth are only six, while the nests on Mars are nine."

"A six-level nest under the nine-level nest can force humans to resist only for decades, if there is more than a six-level nest, a seven-level nest, or even a nine-level nest. Hands-on, the human beings will inevitably cease to exist, and no one can escape the crisis of this earth."

"But a year ago, the x-series developed by me and the new series developed by the federal government won the first victory in the battle against beta, and swept ten beta nests continuously. It can be said that It’s a huge victory that has never happened in decades since the discovery of beta.”

"Under that situation, whether it is the United States or the United States, if you can maintain a progressive attitude, and cooperate with the federal government during this year, and jointly contribute more power to the beta strategy, then Now the beta on Earth may have been driven out of the earth."

"But...but whether it is the United States or the Federation, or any other national power, there will never be a lack of ambitiousness in this world. For more rights, for more benefits, it is clearly in control. In the case of more advanced weapons, it has prevented all military operations that should have occurred, and continues to be deadlocked with beta."

"And in order to drive the beta out of the earth and gain resistance to the beta in the universe, I have to unite with more people who want to protect the earth and protect humanity. It has been gone for a year. More research has also yielded very shocking results."

"From today, I will unite all the people who want to protect humanity and protect the earth, contribute the research results we have got together and drive the beta out of the earth, and will vigorously develop new military forces and completely eliminate them within half a year. All beta nests on earth."

"The last thing, I will also announce my first decree here. From now on, the Federation will be integrated into the United States as a whole. The new national system will be officially renamed as Earth Integration, and I will continue to be the President. From the moment of the present, each of them will fight, and the different forces fighting each other will unite together and represent the true unity of mankind!"

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