Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1884: We are very good at making things happen.

Going out from the stage of the light and entering behind the scenes, Ingram couldn't help but unbutton the sweat on his forehead and wiped his forehead's sweat. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the station. Kruze, who smiled and congratulated in front of him, asked: "Is it just too embarrassing to say that things on the stage?"

"Not sure." Kruze smiled and pointed his finger at the spokesperson who had succeeded Ingram before the referee. "The guy said what he said, it will bring what you said." Give it a firm, now I am more curious about whether you got that thing."

"Not yet." Ingram shook his head and said: "Although you can ride on the votes, you should also be aware that this emotion is only temporary, an outburst in a specific environment and time. It’s not enough to get more sincere recognition, let alone the fact that the federal government will be more complicated.”

Kruze nodded and said: "It doesn't matter. In short, now that you have got this position, and you have taken this position in a very formal way, one of the preconditions has been met, and the federal merger is temporarily It's just that the name can be delayed for a long time. It doesn't matter how the country should clean up. Just keep the area to get more support, but all the next actions will completely erect you into the real core. There are still many things to do."

Ingram nodded and didn't talk. He turned and looked at the big screen around the scene. On the screen, a body that had never appeared in the world appeared from time to time. The macross level, the small new major level, and so on, are more federally responsible, and the heads of the regions appear in the picture to support Ingram to allow the Union to merge into the United States.

And the guy who was pushed to become a spokesperson by Kruze was also sweating. He began to watch the audience and reporters throughout the venue against the pictures on the screen and the information in his hands, and even watched it through TV and the Internet. The people introduced the bodies and warships that they had never seen before, and according to the information, these things are the things that Ingram had jointly developed with countless people with lofty ideals during his silent year. The body that stepped on beta will also officially step into the cosmic era.

Graham could also hear all kinds of screams, shouts and applause.

Kruze suddenly smiled and patted Ingram's shoulder and said, "Look, you first lead the topic, and finally explain the topic. This effect is not very good. Now, just wait until these things in the information really appear. Your reputation and support will be improved in the eyes of everyone."

Ingram also shook his head and said: "Really, you really have more experience than me in these areas."

Kruze nodded: "Let's go, now it's time for the guy in the house to rush out. You should meet with the friendly supporters now, with their help, but then save. A lot of work."


Overnight, the situation in the whole world once again appeared. People did not anticipate the horror changes before. The original fortune was great, but the Federation, which was stagnant because of internal factional struggles, appeared innumerable force at the beginning. The incident, a large group of people, a strong supporter of a large group of divided factions, was cleaned up in a short period of time. The disappeared people reappeared a year ago, and it took only one night to control the federation again. .

On the other hand, in the United States, a person who was not optimistic has won the favored person with absolute advantage, and even announced the news that people are extremely shocked. That is, the Federation has to merge into the United States. That name is not really important. What is important is that when the two most powerful forces are combined, that power can really be regarded as the only force in the world.

In addition to these two things, the information released by the press spokesperson also gave them the final blow as if they had done three things in a row. The updated and more powerful body was free to travel in countless betas. No damage, huge beam weapon lethality, and a real space warship, is the kind of warship that can really fight in the universe.

It is worth mentioning that the United Nations in this world, the United States actually has its own fleet of cosmos, but they have never really seen the so-called cosmic fleet in their eyes. In their eyes, it is not the universe at all. The fleet, but only a cosmic death squad, and very small, very small, that is the battleship that may be exploding in the process of sending to the universe, no one will admit that it will be a spaceship.

However, the new majorage class, the small major-class warships are different, this is the real battleship, the space battleship capable of fighting.

Some people thought that these warships and bodies were nothing but fake things. But when warships and bodies really appeared in different parts of the world, no one thought that these things were false, and there were countless gossips circulating everywhere. It is said that these warships and the body are all the ultimate weapons against Ingram, and there is no such thing as Ingram. In short, the reputation of Ingram is once again pushed to a higher level. Those civilians are also deeply honoured, because the people who made these things are their current presidents. Well, although they have not yet officially taken office, the former president has already said that he will withdraw from the administrative center within a maximum of three days.

When all this is barely counted as the dust has settled, Xiao Ran, who has been in the Yukon base but can't have any action, has finally relaxed his own lazy waist. After so long, he can finally start acting. With a sly look and a face shocked to the imperial sword of the night, leisurely into the burning army from the sea and then landed in the Yukon base, Unicom in the Far East of Zengjia, Baihetun, the Far East of Kyria M, Xia, and Nazi's Overlord Squad, Jeffrey's squad, and the warships of each squad took off and began to travel to the United States.

And then so many warships traveled to the United States from all corners of the world at the same time, in order to continue to create momentum for Ingram, to create a more exciting and shocking performance, more endless too high Ingram Power and prestige.

After Yu Jian’s night also entered the bridge, he looked at the inside of the bridge and looked at Xiaoran involuntarily: “This person, no one knows that this talent is the real master of all this, it is the world. Now the most powerful person."

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