Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2023: Wealthy

No one mentioned that Isaida died in the hands of Ovan, Xia Mia did not mention, Xiao Ran did not mention, Fu Lu did not mention, but after all, Esserda is indeed dead in the hands of Ovan.

Xia Mia did not mention that Ovan did not want to continue to fall into disappointment. Xiao Ran did not mention that it was not useful for mentioning it. Even if this matter was not raised, Orfan’s heart was very clear, killing his master, forever. It will also become a stain on his body and become a nightmare in his heart.

Xia Mia believes that Ovan will be rehabilitated, and Xiao Ran feels the embarrassment of Aofan’s heart and the feeling of redemption. It is not very easy to say that it is believed, but no matter how to lead the team to the earth, Handed over to Oran to do it.

Leaving from the Chamber of Deputies, Xiao Ran took Ovan and Fulu to the office of Cranton, which is now occupied by Xiao Ran, and replaced it with Xiao Ran of Freedom Uniform, although he said that he had replaced Cullen as the total generation. The Cavaliers, but actually it is now that Xiao Ran has actually replaced Cullen’s rights.

Sitting in the position that originally belonged to Cullan, watching the documents that Fu Lu brought him in the morning, Fu Lu and Ao Fan stood silently at the desk until Xiao Ran quickly put all the documents. After looking through it, I looked up and looked at the two.

"Statistics is such a situation? Now that Free has been arrogant to this extent!?" Xiao Ran seems to have tapped the table lightly without force, but in the hearts of the two, it is like a drum.

"Without my own output, the whole person who is waking up now has no real civilians at all. Just because the real people are not living enough, the real civilians can't survive." Xiao Ran stood up and slowly circumvented the table, Shen Sheng: " Even the logistic majority of ordinary soldiers can barely meet their normal needs, all the supplies are enriched to the military, so many bodies are created to do!?"

"Ovan, you seem to have been on the earth for a while, I believe that you should not only be alone in the earth, but other people, why are so many people in Fry mixed into the earth, they have not thought about trying to improve What about the whole life of Free?"

"There are so many materials and transportation records, and life-related things are only less than one tenth in them. They are all sent by Isaidda. What are you doing in the rest? You are not clear." Knowing to what extent the current Fry is empty! All soldiers, all warriors, all pilots, even if they are not all related to the military, what is this going to do?"

"Invading the earth, just relying on the strength of your three-legged cats, just so much power, so that the logistics support wants to invade the earth to destroy the life of the whole earth?"

"Do you know that you really do it, and it will take less than half a year for the entire Fry to be completely ruined. How many people who were originally Fryben will die in the war! The true hidden power of the Earth Circle How much do you know in the end? Have you gone through a detailed investigation?"

"Grandon really thinks that he is a god? Really can become the emperor of the Earth Circle? Are you knights really so brainless?"

"Isaida sent it to stay and use it to wake up other people's materials and use them all. Do you not know it at all?"

Really understand more about this Fry, Xiao Ran understands that this Fry and og world's Free is still more different, because the world does not have the ability to curb Cullen in the right, at least in another There are also sergeants in the world, and Isaiah, a sane person.

But the world is not the same. Isairda’s rights simply cannot be confronted with Gulton. Even his apprentices have chosen to betray the last dead, but after Isaida’s death, this is fast. In a year, the whole situation of Free was simply falling in a straight line. It could not last for too long. It was clearly forcing the soldiers of Freedom to attack the Earth, for themselves, and for those who were sleeping.

And all this is still more carefully produced by Cullan, in order to inspire all the Fr.'s hatred of the earth in this way, Xiaoran estimated that Orfan may have fallen into the bureau designed by Cullan. It will be so arrogant to change the current situation of Free.

Xiao Ran turned and picked up the statistics from Fu Lu from the table and gave it to Fu Lu: "Take all the materials left for use now. Then I will contact the forces of the Earth Circle to help them add one to us. Approving the materials and publishing all of them out, let everyone take a good look at the situation that Cullan has carefully crafted and bring Free into a plan that will never go away."

Fu Lu caught the information that Xiao Ran had thrown at her, looked at Ovan next to him, nodded and turned away, leaving Ovan and Xiao Ran to stay in the office.

"In the future, I will use my brain more. War is by no means the only way to solve the problem. It is just one of the means to achieve my goal." Xiaoran glanced at Oran and re-sit back into the chair and said: "I have already told you, already Arranged the troops to be handed over to the earth, I don't want you to have a hot head and what is out of control."

Ovan lowered his head: "Understand."

"You have been on Earth for a long time, and the status of the Earth has always been concerned. You know very well about the situation there. I will not say anything to you." Xiao Ran gently tapped the table and said "Now the earth's Aub, the plant of the universe has a cooperative relationship with me, and they will give some help to the team to the earth to a certain extent."

"But you have to remember that although everyone is a cooperative relationship, this relationship cannot be exposed. You know what to do. This time, you have two purposes for going to Earth. First, occupying a piece that is enough for the Fry to move. Territory, second, to determine the hostile relationship against other alien aggressors, to a certain extent after the occupation of the territory to help those civilians affected by war and aggression."

"To let these civilians recognize and support Fry, and if they jointly find their heads or attack you, they will establish a hostile and joint hostile relationship."

"Since the United States has occupied such a large area on our site and does not pay rent, we have to occupy their territory as compensation. We must remember which are the enemy and which are friends. All the civilians are our friends. Stars, unity is our enemy."

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