Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2024: Juyam

"Joint?" Orfan raised his head and frowned and looked at Xiaoran. Some could not understand the idea of ​​Xiaoran.

It is said that since Xiao Ran has contacted Aobu and contacted the plant, why is the union of the same forces on the Earth Circle in the enemy's target of Xiao Ran, and in turn, the relationship with the alliance, how to look at it is weaker than The Aub and the plant are more suitable.

Seeing the idea of ​​Ovan, Xiao Ran said: "You have been in the joint for a while, and with the help of the joint force to create the West Road, what is Granite?"


"Then you should be very clear that some people in the union are not good people, and together with the human adjustments, they can use the nuclear bombs to deal with them. What will we look like for the alien race, even if it is a moment? We will accept us, but we only want to use our power to deal with other forces and then try to acquire our technology."

"Once we wait until we are useless, the United States must be able to deal with us without any means, so the alliance is definitely not a suitable object to cooperate."

"But plant and Aub, especially Abu, are different. They don't have such big ambitions. So if we can become our partner, we must find someone who can support us and accept us. If we can't do it, then only Can choose plant and Aobu."

"And I believe that with our help and the current chaos in the earth, the joint side will become difficult to resist under the cooperation of us and zaft."

Ao Fan stayed in the joint for a while, and thought of those in the union also nodded: "I know."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded gently and said: "But you have to remember what I said, must not hurt civilians, but want to let Freedom really integrate into the earth to let all citizens get a better life, You must follow my orders and arrangements. The princess has given you a chance, but I will not give you a second chance to understand."

Ao Fan was silent: "Understand."

"Go." Xiaoran said, bowed his head and began to look at the various documents on the table: "The location of the landing is chosen by you. My suggestion is in the place where the alien beasts are most infested, preferably a large city. There is a complete agricultural foundation around."

Ovan was ready to turn around and leave, until he walked to the office door and turned to look at Xiaoran: "Can tell me, who are you, what is your relationship with Princess and Fry?"

When I heard the question of Ovan, Xiao Ran did not return and said: "You can treat me as the last defense and means of Free, which everyone else except the Wang family, does not know. Protecting the blood of the Wang family is a priority. Guardian, oh, if you want to conflict with the United, it is best to let them start first. I also need to find a reason for the occupation of the United Lunar Base and the Moon City."

Ovan nodded and turned to open the door. After going out, he saw Fulu holding the file waiting outside, and gently closed the door behind him. Orfan silently said: "Is there something for me?"

Fulu nodded and asked Aufan seriously: "This time... you are not betraying Fry?"

"I have never betrayed Fry." Orfan coldly glanced at Fu Lu and said: "Just at the end I insisted on my choice, and you first recognized the situation."

After that, Ovan turned and left, and Fu Lu looked at the back of Aofan's departure and sighed softly. "I'm sorry, I am a Knight of F, after all, it is my responsibility to protect the princess."

Ovan left but didn't go to Free's hangar in the first time. Instead, he returned to his room and lay on the bed. His hands were on his head and his eyes were on the ceiling. Into the gloom, as if there is a female figure in front of me, there is no movement for a long time.

Xiao Ran did not say when to let Afan leave, but Ovan also knows that he can't delay for too long. After a proper day of rest and re-finishing himself, the first thing is to go to jail and take his apprentice from the cell. Brought it out.

Ovan asked: "Is there something?"

The young man with green hair seemed to be clean. He shook his head and looked at Ovan’s presence in front of him. He smiled: "I am fine with Orfan."

"Well, then I will take you to the Earth to carry out the mission." Orfan patted the shoulders of his apprentice, Juyam Darby, and said, "Let's go."

Zhuam grinned and nodded and followed Ovan: "Okay."

"This time you go to Earth, your former temper is going to change. Freedom and the assimilation of the earth are imperative. Nothing can be stopped. I know that you look down on the Earth and think that the Earth is a symbol of inferiority. We want to integrate into the earth. Although the war is inevitable, we still have to be supported by the people of the earth to truly stand on the ground."

When Ovan walked in front of him, he said in a low voice: "People, friendly, they must not be able to do it."

Juyam’s footsteps stopped: “Aofan Daren? Are we really assimilated with the Earth? And those dross?”

"More accurately, it should be integration and integration into the earth." Ovan also stopped and turned to seriously look at Zhu Yam, said: "You must change your mind, integration is a princess and there is a new guardian The meaning of Xiaoran adults, this is the only way for Free and the future of countless people in sleep. If you can't follow my orders, then I will send you back now."

Zhu Yam squeezed his fists, but Zhu Yam is a very respectful and respectful person to Oran. He heard that Ovan’s words also know that this time can’t be as self-willed as before, but this is not the point. He simply Don't care about the princess or Xiaoran, he only cares about Orfan's words, and he can't fight with Orfan.

Zhu Yam dissatisfied biting his teeth, but he nodded and said: "I know Ou Fan, I will listen to your orders, you let me kill who I will kill."

Oran looked at Zhu Yam and nodded. He turned and continued to take a step and said: "If you want to fight, there will be opportunities. The people on earth are not all bad people. The princess and Xiao Ran have decided to regard the alliance as hostile. Goals, but need a suitable opportunity for the joint initiative to attack us, so that Fry can also have a legitimate reason to attack the joint military base outside to occupy their city, and we will have enough resources to sink everyone. Wake up in sleep."

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