Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2071: It’s a bit stunned.

In the end, Kowloon contacted Leonard, but it was not because of the threat of Xiaoran, but he was willing to contact Leonard.

The two reached a deal, and Xiao Ran contacted Leonard for his current illness, a fair deal, and only part of the deal.

This transaction does not mean that Kowloon will be convinced of Xiaoran and will choose to follow. In fact, even when contacting Renard, Kowloon’s heart can’t wait to kill Xiaoran immediately.

Xiao Ran doesn't care what Kowloon is thinking about now. For the person like Kowloon, he has a way to rectify this guy. He has met Kowloon in the all-metal frenzy. He has met Kowloon in the world of machine war v. He can hold this guy twice. Of course, there will be no accidents in the third time in this world.

As long as you can grasp the persistence of Kowloon and provide compensation to him, of course, this is not only limited to money, but also has more powerful strength than this guy. Then Kowloon will definitely be more loyal than the dog, and there will be more time later. The time to deal with Kowloon, so Xiao Ran did not worry so two days to get down to Kowloon.

Quietly waiting for a few hours, until the huge sound of the helicopter coming from outside, Xiaoran did not hurry to stand up from the chair and slowly walked outside the pub.

When I just walked out, I saw a military helicopter slowly descending from the sky. The wind that was rolled up blew up countless dust, and the windbreaker worn in Kowloon behind Xiaoran creaked.

However, the look of Xiaoran’s eyes in Kowloon was extremely shocking, because in the face of the hurricane brought by the helicopter landing, Xiao Ran’s hair and clothes were not affected by the gusts of wind, as if all the winds disappeared in front of Xiao Ran. This extremely abnormal situation has also made the heart of Kowloon thoughtful.

The helicopter just stopped, and the two robots wearing **** trench coats jumped from the helicopter first, followed by Leonard with his hands in his pocket and a smile.

Seeing this b-flavored, a calm and indifferent Reinard Xiaoran is also a faint smile, taking the initiative to walk toward Leonard's direction.

At this time, the helicopter's propeller also slowly stopped, and Leonard also walked toward Xiaoran with the b-flavored smile.

But after a few seconds, Leonard’s eyes were completely dark before the last thing I saw was Xiaoran’s smile.

Standing behind Xiao Ran, Kowloon is really seeing exactly what Xiao Ran did, his right hand raised and pinched, and the heads of two small **** protecting Leonard dry directly, squatting and then Reina Dee fell softly on the ground, and the whole process progressed very quickly. Even if he made it clear to Kowloon, he did not know how it happened.

After Renard fell, Xiao Ran directly mentioned that Leonard had thrown the guard with him. Several guards pressed the comatose Leonard to the car, and Xiaoran went to Kowloon. before.

"This is handed over to you, Leonard, I will bring it back first, the idiot is dead, and Leonard is missing, but you have the best chance to develop more strength in amalgam."

After that, Xiao Ran turned and sat on the car that was driving over. After the door was closed, he continued to say to Kowloon outside the window: "My people will contact you to provide you with the necessary support, new body, weapons and you. Everything you need, when you want to meet, both of you can be polite, don't let me down, Kowloon."

When Xiao Ran’s team left, Kowloon stood still and watched the team slowly disappear into his eyes. One of his men ran quickly and asked, “What should we do, bending down and whispering down? What are the people brought by Gates and Leonard?"

"Would you like me to teach you how to do it?" Kowloon looked at his hand with a cold look and walked toward the helicopter brought by Leonard. He said, "Let the obedient, do not obey, kill, see Who is the site of the joint Alaska base?"



When Reinard once again returned to consciousness, he only felt his head groggy, and the back of the brain was even more painful. He reached out and touched the pain behind his head. When he touched it, he let him unconsciously **** a cold breath.

After a heavy breath, Leonard sat up on a bed that was not very soft. He found himself being held in a cell, and suddenly made Leonard’s expression a bit horrified. Suddenly, I don’t know what happened.

However, Leonard's performance was very calm. He did not yell in the iron cell, which is only about ten square feet. Instead, he slowly stood up and began to observe the entire cell.

The cells that can be seen in the cell are all made of steel. There is a very obvious camera in the position above the corner of the room, but in Leonard's view, the role of this camera may not be to monitor the situation in the cell. It is a reminder to the people in the cell that someone has been watching you.

Looking down, Leonard found that his clothes inside and outside were all replaced. The original bulletproof clothing became a very common white prison uniform. In other words, there was nothing in him that could help him to leave. The tool for this cell.

More crucially, Leonard felt that the gravity in the cell seemed to be not quite right, and he reminded him of the fact that he might not be on Earth at all.

After Xiao Ran seized Leonard, it was true that he did not waste more time on the earth and took Leonard to the lunar base for detention. He was detained in the private area where only Fry was in the base, and even Reina. When De was still in a coma, people were always watching the movements in the room.

Less than five minutes before Leonard woke up, the door to the cell was opened by the guards of Freedom. Two guards who were armed but did not carry any weapons walked under the watchful eyes of a dozen guards outside the door. Into the cell, without a word, directly used Leonard's hands and feet, and put Leonard on a wheelchair, under the supervision of many guards, sent to Xiaoran's current location. local.

Leonard kept quite quiet along the way. It was more sensible not to make any action that made the soldiers who watched him feel dangerous. Since the other party caught him and did not kill him at the beginning, in the heart of Leonard. I think that the person who grabs him may find that he is still useful. It is the most important thing he should do now to find out what purpose the person who grabs him has.

But what surprised Leonard even more was the rigorous attitude of these soldiers to him. Even if there were no threatening weapons on his body, there were still so many soldiers treating him in the way of seeing repeat offenses. This also makes Leonard dispel the idea of ​​making a little movement and then fleeing.

This kind of posture is estimated that he dares to have any action, and the soldiers next to him will kill him without hesitation.


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