Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2072: Leonard

At the top of the base observation deck, Xiao Ran stood alone and looked at the lunar city with a bright transparent structure through the huge transparent structure. He could also see all kinds of large and small spaceships and warships coming and going from the base. A busy scene is in stark contrast to the absurdity of the moon around.

Hearing the clutter of footsteps behind him, Xiao Ran turned and looked at him, and saw Leonard, who was sent over a dozen guards at a glance.

Until Leonard was pushed to Xiaoran's body, Xiao Ran nodded to the guards, and soon the guards all left, leaving only Xiao Ran and Leonard in the entire viewing platform.

Xiaoran turned and looked at the noisy scenery again. It was only after a long time that he suddenly said: "What do you think of seeing such a lively and peaceful picture?"

Leonard looked at Xiaoran and didn't mind his current situation. He said with a faint smile: "To cover up the war under the bustling, the more warships here and there, the more the scale of the next war will be. Bigger."

"Your thought is like this." Xiaoran turned his head and looked at Leonard. He smiled and said: "You are really right to say this. It is true that most of the places that come and go in this place are warships. This bustling scene is also for The next war is preparing."

"But I think there is another way to say that the war is to guard the prosperity of the rear."

"It’s not uncommon, the United has said so." Leonard kept his smile on his face and said: "But as one of the initiators of the war, this is just a modification of oneself, just your decoration. It’s better to be better than the United, and the winner is the king’s loser. How can you guarantee that the joint confrontation will not face you in the future?”

“Hey.” Xiao Ran gently patted his hands and nodded in agreement: “It’s very good. My brilliant place is to modify myself more than the United, but the most important thing is that I will always choose only the public. The party that is willing to see will only choose the party that will eventually win."

"Peace... is always the most eager thing in the world, so forever standing on the side of peace, then I will never have the possibility of failure."

Leonard smiled and didn't talk, and didn't know if she thought that Xiaoran's words were too self-confident and lazy, but still felt that she had no language to argue Xiaoran's words.

For Renard’s current thoughts, Xiao Ran can guess a few points. Now Leonard’s heart is definitely calculating the possibility of escaping from here, and even guessing the intention to bring him here, perhaps even more to see him. There is no worry about life at present.

But it is impossible to escape from this base. The isolation of Free has also determined the internal simplicity. It is impossible to have a member of amalgam that can lurk in, so it is definitely not a game for Leonard to escape. .

Xiao Ran smiled and asked: "You are not curious about the purpose of bringing you here."

"I can appear here to be betrayed. Although I don't know what happened after I was in a coma, I think Kowloon should have been accepted by you." Leonard glanced at Xiaoran and said with a smile: "You There are two purposes for bringing me. First, I will use it for my own use. Second, I will use amalgam for my own use."

"And the second point is that Kowloon is already operating, so it is more likely that you do not trust Kowloon, so I want to turn me into your hands and supervise and control the entire amalgam with Kowloon."

Xiao Ran said: "Yes, since you have guessed it, what about your choice?"

Leonard took a look at Xiaoran and said: "I am thinking about where there is something worthy of your fancy, and let the world's most powerful now you go to the earth to arrest me. This kind of emphasis is not reasonable. It seems that apart from the existence of amalgam, I personally have not threatened you or Free."

"It's just not for the time being, it doesn't mean it won't be there in the future, is it?" Xiao Ran looked at Leonard and said: "How is the λ system researched? The system that relies on will, thought, and impulse to exert incredible power. I think it should have been developed."

Upon hearing the λ system, Leonard’s expression finally changed, and the brow was slightly wrinkled.

Xiao Ran touched his chin and deliberately said: "But you don't seem to be a complete group with amalgam. What do you want to do with the power of amalgam? Well, then the power of amalgam to enable whispers to receive The black technology that is in the process of creating these black technologies, using the same technology as the λ system to reset the whole world?"

"Oh." Xiaoran shook his head and sighed: "I don't want to comment on your thoughts. It's right or wrong, but what qualifications do you have to decide other people's lives? Moreover, the world that has been reset will not be the same tragedy." Then you know what you are going through now, and how many times have you reset the world?"

"You!?" Reinard finally couldn't help but look at Xiao Ran, and was shocked by the fact that Xiao Ran could guess the purpose that he had never told others.

"There is nothing to be surprised by Leonard, the world is not likely to be reset, the only possibility that the world is really reset can only be destruction, and the world after destruction will start another cycle." Xiao Ran said here. After a pause, I continued: "Of course it is reincarnation in another world, because the multi-dimensional world, the parallel world does exist."

"The whisperer, but only because of a special situation that allows you to receive information from the parallel world. When a certain frequency of the two worlds completely coincides, the transmission of information in the two worlds becomes possible, your brain The λ system and various black technologies in my opinion are nothing special in my opinion."

“The λ system needs a very large amount of energy to achieve the best results, and the requirements for the users are also very high. In the popular way, it is to mix your soul and will to drive the λ system to play the surreal. The power, more accurately, requires the impulse of the individual's own impulses, but it is difficult to do so without actually generating enough power."

"I should not be wrong in this regard?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Ran suddenly smiled and said: "I don't know how much you have mastered the λ system, but I have all the technical information that has reached the ultimate λ system. How do you want to try the power? The full-open λ system will be used when it is mounted on the body."

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