Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2158: I also have an idea.

(The chapter number is wrong for n days, only to find out, hahaha, there is no book collector who collects real game groups, help collect it)

When Leonard finished, he looked up and looked at Xiao Ran: "The key question is that the description is not, or can't be easily. If it is the latter, it is not impossible."

Xiao Ran thought for a while and gave Leonard the answer: "Can't give up easily."

Leonard said: "Then we must consider the issue of command priority. We can only say that the level of authority seems to be more leisurely, and the addition of two words is easy to consider even if the order of the instruction that cannot be abandoned is extremely high. The situation of the order."

Xiao Ran nodded lightly. Kruze glanced at Xiao Ran and smiled. "In this case, I think it is nothing more than two possibilities. First, it is a situation in which there is a conflict and it is difficult to handle. Forcing Prometheus to help you can only give up on you. Secondly, it is that you have a situation, so that Prometheus can only try to let you leave. If it is the latter one, it is estimated that there will be some messy problems later. Of course, if Prometheus really follows the core regulations, there will be some messy problems, but you can rest assured that there will be at least no big problems."

"I probably understand some of your thoughts, but if you really decide to do this, then it is best to be prepared for sacrifice." Kruze said with a faint smile, not eager to say: "With your temper It is impossible to accept any problem with any of our core members. However, if you really want to test it, it will be very dangerous. I think it is not the time to wait for the time being, at least until all the people present are promoted to become s-class pilots. ”

"At the same time, as the only two s-level pilots in the team, you and Nazi must upgrade their responsibilities as soon as possible. I suggest that you take more resources and push everyone into the ranks of s-class pilots as soon as possible. If you want to do everything you can to improve your authority, the key is to find a way to improve quickly. I think the promotion of authority will definitely not be based on the level of the pilot to improve the single."

The people present were not fools. They were all the real core of the Burning Legion. The bosses and the big brothers of the worlds, Kluzer only said half, and everyone’s heart understood the true purpose of Xiaoran’s call to them.

Xia Ya smiled and nodded, and Bai Hejun also showed a meaningful smile. Juzes touched the little bug on his head and silenced it, but also gently nodded, Zeng Jia’s eyes closed. With his arms, he also swayed a profound war...

As a super-ai expert, Leonard nodded. "This is a bit interesting. If it is really a system controlled by the core regulations, then if you can find the flaws in the regulations or the bugs, there is a real possibility that you can control it. live."

Kruze touched his chin: "I have an idea."

"So smart, I suddenly have an idea." Xia is also smiling, and Baihe is also tilting his mouth. The three people seem to have a wonderful feeling that you understand and understand.

Xia shook her head: "If the idea is the same, it is still too early, first as Kruze said, and some insignificant aspects can be slowly tested."

"It is estimated that we really have the same idea." Baihe smiled and nodded. "There is too little cannon fodder. If you return to the original world, you may be able to collect some useful information." It is quite appropriate to wait for it."

Kruze nodded: "Then we will slowly become more and more busy. Everyone must unite as one." Although this time will be very long, we can also take advantage of the current as soon as possible. Enhance our own strength."

Youzes, Ingram, Kiliam, Alsam looked at the three people, and chose a silent nod. It was estimated that Kruzer, Xia, Baihe’s three hearts The idea is gone.

Xiao Ran also picked up his eyebrows and glanced at the deputy officer of the Overlord Corps, Fades, who was trembling on the side, and the squinting Nazi. In fact, his heart was also extremely shocking.

Xia, Kruze, and Baihe’s trio were prepared to use all the participants of Prometheus as cannon fodder to test Prometheus, not only as simple as cannon fodder, but in Kruze’s words, The promotion of the means of folding is not for the inside of the Burning Legion. It can only be targeted by other legions and other participants.

Xiao Ran was silent, and was shocked by the calculations of the three people. After taking a deep breath, he also defaulted on the idea of ​​three people and said: "Do not rush this thing slowly."

Kruze smiled: "We know how to do it."

Xiao Ran shook his head and said to Luo: "I have got a brand new body and four new technologies. You and Leonard want to get through the technology as soon as possible. The analysis of the body may not be possible because of the prescribed relationship, but also You can see if you can grasp something from the new body. As for my s-class body, I will consider it after I officially advance tomorrow."

Luo nodded and did not reluctantly take over the task, and Nazi also said to Xiao Ran: "If the body is awarded, if the promotion rewards the reward of the body transformation, it will be transformed by the factory inside Prometheus. Or Promethis directly transforms your body. This is a one-time permission. It can be used whenever you use it, so if the body is stronger, the effect should be better."

Xiao Ran looked away from Nazi’s face and fell to Luo’s face. “You don’t have to think about it, let’s get it first.”

Luo gently breathed once, keeping a smile and nodding his head. "Okay, Leonard and I will get the body out of you as soon as possible."

In the face of Luo, Xiao Ran can only laugh haha: "That's fortunate to you."

Luo’s heart is actually not reluctant. This is the task that belongs to him belongs to his work, and now the research strength and technical strength of the Burning Legion are so large, and each department has its own functions and is very flexible and effective. They can alleviate a lot of pressures and things for them. If you don't need anything to do these things, you have to go and do it yourself. The key is that he has to master, he has to be familiar with him, he wants to lead, and he is really tired.

"That's it, today is like this. Everyone should rest for a few days, prepare for the task after a few days, the maintenance of the maintenance of the body, the repair of the repair, the change of the changeover, the transformation of the transformation, busy I will throw it all over Lao Luo. I still feel that this task should be resolved as soon as possible, because the situation on my side is that I can leave at any time. I can rest assured if I solve one thing."

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