Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2159: Upgrade advanced

(The three districts have not written a melee, don't think I will finish this!!!!)

At the end of the core meeting, after everyone has spread, it seems that nothing happened. They have been busy with their own affairs, but this time the meeting ended, although it has not been shown yet, but the entire legion has to bear Stress and things will be more and more than before.

On the morning of the next morning, Xiao Ran appeared again in Prometheus. The 100-point mental strength obtained from the rewards was added to the spirit. The additional growth of the 100-point attribute made Xiao Ran’s spiritual strength once again. A very huge upgrade can make Xiao Ran's thoughts more powerful, and also greatly improve the quality of Xiao Ran's mental power.

There are a lot of obvious changes, and the perception has been greatly increased. Don’t just increase it by a hundred points. But in the sense of Xiaoran’s own feeling, the degree of perception is at least doubled. It is completely quantitative. The effect of qualitative change has been achieved.

In terms of motivation, some techniques that used to be slightly difficult to use have become very convenient and quite easy to use after adding a hundred points of spirit. All the abilities related to mental strength have been very scary. Although the quantum assimilation is not turned on, Xiao Ran also wants to improve the spirit of this hundred points, which will also make him more terrible in the state of quantum assimilation, and can also persist for a longer time.

Although it only improved the basic attributes of a hundred points, but for Xiaoran, it is actually a total improvement of 160 points, a hundred points of technical attributes plus skills, **** mental strength plus a full sixty points Directly let Xiao Ran's mental strength reach 368 points, the more late the attribute points are more precious, the real utility of the attribute point growth is not small, so so many attributes pile up to get double improvement It is not an exaggeration. If Xiaoran is completely familiar with the new power, it is not surprising to get some growth.

Using the 100-point attribute of the reward, but there are 144 reserved free attribute points in the hands of Xiao Ran. From entering Prometheus until now, basically all the free attribute points obtained are not used at all. However, these 144 attribute points are the rights that he and all followers have to use. It doesn't really matter when they look at the multiple allocations, but so far, everyone has no need to use these free attribute points. .

Going to the intensive room of Prometheus, it can be said that Xiao Ran has not been to the strengthening room for a long time, and once again, Xiao Ran has a feeling of kindness.

"Enhanced, improve driving skills for s-class, use ordinary s-level evaluation; changer blood level upgrade, use special s-level evaluation; adjuster blood level upgrade, use special s-level evaluation; read power blood level upgrade to full level , calculate the required consumption."

“叮, No. 678, please confirm your enhancement project, the driving technology is upgraded to s level, the inspection number 678 has completed the s-level pilot promotion task, and can upgrade the a-level driving technology to the s-class driving technology.”

“The blood of the changer is upgraded to a pioneer changer. You can only add special props materials to adapt to the blood in this promotion, and consume a special s-level evaluation.”

“The adjuster's blood level is upgraded to a perfect adjuster. You can only choose one special adjustment as an addition in this promotion, and consume one level of evaluation.”

"Lecture power blood level upgrade, the current level lv6, upgrade to lv12 full level need to consume the ordinary evaluation s level, upgrade to lv9, need to consume b level ordinary evaluation three, or a level ordinary evaluation one, upgrade to lv10 level need a 3 general evaluations, or 1 general evaluation of s grades, upgraded to lv12, requiring s-level general evaluation 2."

"After testing, you currently have two special s-level evaluations to meet the conditions for blood promotion, three for ordinary s-level evaluation, one for general a-level evaluation, and the conditions are met to confirm whether to start strengthening."

Xiao Ran exhaled a breath, this time to strengthen him is ready to directly raise the level of the three blood vessels to the full level, but the consumption is also very horrible, the blood can not use the combat points to carry out the same level of improvement, Therefore, it is only possible to use the evaluation to upgrade. Fortunately, the motivational blood flow exists in a hierarchical form, but if it is upgraded, it can be performed by ordinary evaluation.

However, the original motivation was only five grades. However, after so long exercise and use, it naturally improved the level to reach level 6, but the more difficult it is to upgrade to the back, so it is simply taking advantage of this promotion. The opportunity of the s-class pilot directly raises it to full level.

In this way, the only two s-level special evaluations, all the s-level general evaluations are all exhausted, leaving only one a-level special evaluation, one ordinary b-level evaluation, which is the entire team's savings.

However, it is certainly worthwhile to consume so much to improve. The increase in the three blood levels will definitely become even more horrible, allowing him to continue to have strong strength after growing into a s-class pilot. In particular, the ability to read, can also allow Xiao Ran to get a good self-protection ability when not driving the body.

It’s not that Xiaoran’s own decision to do this. After knowing Xiaoran’s situation, especially after returning to his own world, he needs to carry out a so-called invasion that is now completely unclear. Xiao Ran’s strength has become a top priority, so this intensive advancement is also agreed by the entire team, even if it is consumed.

However, the blood of the changer can be added to the special props material, and the adjuster can also choose the second specialization. These two points are indeed Xiaoran’s thought before coming in and strengthening.

The second specialization, Xiao Ran, is clear. Before strengthening the blood of the adjusters, there was a special choice. However, Xiao Ran chose the direction of specialization of combat, and it was attributed to other than the specialization of combat. Among the options.

If you can choose the second specialization, Xiao Ran feels that he should think hard and choose the most appropriate specialization.

The changer's blood promotion can be added to special props materials, so that Xiao Ran stunned at the same time but quickly thought of the fact that the orthodox plot and the els fusion became the pioneers. At first he did not intend to merge with els. It becomes a shape that looks like a metal monster, and it makes him look like a ghost.

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