Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2348: Cause, irony

Shaking his head denied the suspicion of Nana Li. Nana Li is not a natural spiritual person. In the world of Lelouch, there seems to be no spiritual person with natural ability, and may have higher mental strength. People, but always have to pass the asss to get their own special abilities.

At most, Nana Li is considered to be more determined, more powerful, and slightly stronger. It is not a difference between the two, but it is definitely not ordinary. It's always different than the real one.

For Xiao Ran’s current physical changes, the green particles are flooding the room, and most of the pictures shrouded in Nana Li’s body are a bit confusing for cc. Perhaps the cc can remain cold in front of others. And calm, but in front of Xiaoran, cc has forgotten how long it has been for him to lose his balance of mind as easily as this few days.

Before Xiaoran told her that the eye was because the mental power was too strong external performance, but now the green particles are scattered, the hair is completely changed into a light band, and these can not simply be strong. Interpretation, but a more special ability, different from the special ability of code and ass, a special ability that cc can't understand at all.

Now Xiaoran does not take care of cc's stunned, control his mental strength and gn particles begin to check in Nana Li's body, from top to bottom to scan every unusual place in Nana Li's body. However, Nana Li was not brought into the world of spiritual exchanges from the beginning.

For Xiao Ran Xiaoran, using Neroli or reading power to check Nana Li is just a very simple matter. Scanning with gn particles and mind power, it is easy to find Nana Li’s body. What is different from normal people? As for the fluctuation of personal spirit, everyone has different volatility characteristics. Therefore, when Xiaoran first saw Nana Li, it is difficult to directly explain the current Nana Li spirit fluctuation. It must not be normal.

But soon, Xiao Ran gently snorted. Nana Li’s physical condition is no different from that of a normal person. The only difference is that it is weaker than normal people, but in Xiao Ran’s perception. Nana Li’s body is absolutely normal, the eyes that can’t see blindness, and the legs that can’t stand up, there’s really no problem at all, and there’s no special power to control it. Eyes and legs, at least from the perspective of the body to see the position of the eyes and the spine these places do not have any strange power.

That is to say, Nana Li’s meeting will become the present appearance. In fact, it’s not because of physical reasons. The reason why Lu Luxi has used Nana Li many times to find a cure but has no treatment at all is This, this is exactly the same as what Xiao Ran learned and thought at the beginning.

Nana Li’s problem is caused by the ability of ass. There is no problem in the body. The reason is entirely from the spirit and the mind. This is also the place where the ability of the **** can make a real impact. It is also the aspect that Xiao Ran is best at. .

In a moment of fierceness, the light in Xiao Ran’s eyes turned again, directly pulling Nana Li in front of her into the spiritual space, forcibly obscuring all the senses of Nana Li’s spiritual space, and began to work on Nana Li. The spirit was checked.

For Xiaoran, the examination of Nana Li must adopt a softer method no matter which way. Otherwise, such a weak little girl can’t resist the impact of his spiritual strength, and he will stun in the first moment, but This does not mean that Xiao Ran cannot unilaterally find what he needs from Nana Li's spiritual consciousness.

In just one minute, I can say that the glare is over. After everything on Xiaoran’s appearance has returned to normal, Nana Li, who has been forced to cut off consciousness and senses, has regained control of her body, and her eyes closed. Nally didn't seem to find that she had completely lost all her consciousness in the less than one minute before the others. She still sat still and waited for Xiao Ran to start checking her.

"Yes, Nana Li." Xiao Ran gently touched Nana Li's head with a smile and said: "The inspection has been completed, not so nervous."

Nana Li stunned, and there was a sigh of relief on her face: "Mr. Xiao Ran, is this finished? I don't seem to feel anything, it is totally different from the previous time."

"I didn't say it before. My method is different from other people." Xiaoran smiled and said: "I have already understood about your situation, and I have found the reason why any treatment before you have no effect. Next, I will analyze your cause and slowly start treating you. I believe that you will be able to see the world again with your own eyes in a short time."

Nana Li looked awkward: "This... is this true, Mr. Xiao Ran?"

Xiao Ran deliberately said in a very positive tone: "Of course it is true. In fact, I have already had some thoughts on your cause. If Nana Li can cooperate with it, then she will be able to see the world again. This time will not be too long."

When I heard Xiao Ran’s words, Nana Li’s face suddenly became excited and joyful. I wanted to say something to express my present mood and thank Xiao Ran, but Xiao Ran held it with one finger before opening. Nana Li’s mouth smirked: “Well, I know what you want to say, thank you and excite these words or wait until you can really see it. Now you need to keep the spirit and mood calm, don’t The ups and downs will affect the next treatment. If it is Nana Li, I think you should be able to control your mood."

"Well, um." Nana Li squeezed her little hand and nodded hard. The body became a little trembling because of happiness and excitement. Even if Xiaoran kept her calm, I believe she can remain calm, but then After many years, I finally heard the news that I can be treated. In terms of her age and mentality, it is still difficult to truly control her own degree.

Xiao Ran just smiled and didn't say anything more, but he was using his own strength to appease Nana Li, who is excited and excited now, let Nana Li gradually calm down, and finally nodded slightly to the donkey. With a smile, he stood up and walked over to Nana Li and took the wheelchair where Nana Li sat: "Oh, Nana Li, if I feel too excited, it will affect the treatment effect. Now I think you should Take a good rest, let's go, I will take you to rest for a while."

"Yeah." Nana Li nodded and said softly, "Thank you, my sister."

When he took Nana Li away, Xiao Ran looked at c.c who had been staring at himself. The brow was lightly picking: "Why, I haven't found anything after watching me for so long."

C.c's chest gently undulating a few times, forcing himself to calmly shook his head and asked: "Just your situation, but also because of the strong mental relationship?"

Hearing the irony in cc tone, Xiao Ran also smiled indifferently and said: "The intensity of mental strength is the primary key to becoming the state just now. It is essentially the external performance after the jump of life. In fact, that It is my true form, the normal form that will be revealed after the full release of my spiritual power, and one of the forms that may be obtained after human evolution."

"The world can have a code like yours, and you can also have the **** ability like Lulu Xiu. Doesn't there be people with other special abilities? And my special ability is nothing more than It is on the evolutionary level that is ahead of everyone."

"Like the drug I injected into Lulu Xiu, the essence is a kind of east-west that allows the user's blood to change and evolve. The only difference is that the evolution direction of the two is different. According to the difference of genes, even if it is Ordinary people have long been in a special environment suitable for him. They can also be evolved to obtain extraordinary abilities, and can adapt to different special environments to exert more powerful power in the current environment."

"Oh." c.c snorted and said: "I have not heard and seen the evolution of the present in the years I lived."

"Then I can only say that you are ignorant." Xiao Ran said without hesitation: "But I believe that in the next time, you must have the opportunity to see more, and on this point, I suggest you have If you are empty, you can look at the knowledge about genetic modification or genetic mutation."

C.c looked at Xiaoran and then directly turned her head. She always felt that Xiao Ran was satirizing her. It took a long time to be an illiterate...

I snorted again, cc said: "I will go and see, Nana Li’s question, I think you should be able to solve it directly, show that this unique ability can't be solved, or you deliberately don't want it. Solve the problem of Nana Li now?"

In the face of cc, Xiao Ran did not conceal his own thoughts and said faintly: "It is of course possible to directly solve Nana Li's problems, and it will not bring any side effects to Nana Li. The reason for Nana Li's problem is not in the body, just happened. In the spirit that I am best at, I can let her recover the light in a flash and stand up again, but now it is good for me."

"Since I found the reason for Nana Li treatment, I hope that at the right time, I can restore Nana Li when I am grateful to Lelouch. Don't forget, although I allow it. You gave him the ability of ass, and I gave him another strength, but that doesn't mean I really trust Lulu Xiu."

C.c pouting: "The mind is dark, the old traitor."

"Whatever you say." Xiao Ran did not care about cc's thoughts, just said: "But to treat Nana Li, in my opinion, of course, it is best to treat in Lulu Xiu, but also to make Lulu Xiu clearer. I know that I have the power he can't resist, and I can cure Nana Li in a flash, and I can make Nana Li look like it in a moment."

"And since this is a transaction, it has to be a bit of a trade. It is impossible for Lulu Xiu to do anything without wanting me to treat Nana Li. He also wants to be clear and wants to get what he needs. Then, you have to pay for what I need. This is fairness and the basis of cooperation."

Although cc knows that Xiao Ran is right, but when there is no such thing as a cooperative transaction, cc will naturally raise some unnecessary pity for the weak Nana Li, not to mention Nana Li and Lelouch. It is also the person she cares about and cares about, but cc is more concerned with Lelouch than cc, although both Lulu Xiu and Nana Li do not have this conscious.

C.c was silent and asked: "What is the reason you found it."

"ass." Xiaoran looked at cc, and said with a smile: "There is a power that does not belong to Nana Li. It is in the brain and spirit of Nana Li, which interrupts Nana Li’s normal perception of the outside world, of course not. With physical means, and purely spiritual isolation, as long as I erase the spiritual power, Nana Li can naturally recover. It is just that I am very good at mentality, so I have to know that there is no power at all. Difficulty."

"And I found something else. Nana Li's memory seems to have changed. Although Nanaly's eyes have no problems, her eyes don't have any problems, but memories, subconscious, and mental partitions. The role of the three aspects allows Nana Li to open her eyes and see everything clearly, but because of the common influence of the three aspects, she instinctively ignores all the pictures that can be seen."

"I know." cc stood up from the place where he was sitting, and chose to leave directly instead of accompanying Xiao Ran to continue to waffle here. She would rather stay with her, and she would not be willing to sit alone with Xiao Ran. Together, until the coming out of the living room, cc stopped and stepped back to Xiao Ran: "No matter what, the child has suffered a lot, I hope that you can get her back to normal as soon as possible."

Xiao Ran smiled: "Of course."

Now that I have found the reason why Nana Li is blind and unable to stand, and it is still the influence of the spirit, it is really easy to solve the mental power of Xiao Ran, but as Xiao Ran said, the present He didn't have to immediately restore Nana Li to normal. Even if he had to be treated, he had to look at the next performance of Lelouch.

And instead of treating Nana Li, being forced to leave Nana Li as a wicked person, to prevent the brothers and sisters who are in love with each other from reunion, it is better to come slowly and let the parties feel grateful with gratitude. The two choices, Xiao Ran, of course, will choose the latter one. This kind of practice is actually more suitable for both parties in the eyes of Xiao Ran. If Lu Luxiu knows Xiaoran’s practice and figured it out, it should also There will be the same idea.

The old witch of cc will not know why Xiao Ran chooses to do this, but when she is a non-cooperative person, she naturally rises to the pity of Nana Li. Of course, she can’t rule out cc’s expectation that Xiao Ran can get Nana Li as soon as possible. Healed, and then managed to take Nana Li away, and finally made Lulu Xiu out of Xiaoran's control.

However, how can Xiao Ran be tempted to change his decision by cc two or three sentences, not to mention that Xiao Ran is already a very dangerous person in the heart of cc, so even if there is such an idea in his heart, he is not so impulsive. The appearance of the show reveals his purpose, but how Xiaoran can't detect the intention of cc.

In the middle of the next day, Xiao Ran put on an ordinary dress and took his own sunglasses to leave the house by the night, and left in the first step of Xiaoran, two of the three people in the room opened their eyes. The cc sleeping alone in a room sat up from the bed, and the faint eyes looked at the locked door of his room. After a while, he fell down and slowly closed his eyes.

On the other side, Yongzheng accompanied Nana Li, who was already asleep, and slowly closed her eyes with a smile.

Xiaoran’s departure is an excellent opportunity for cc to escape, but Xiaoran’s departure still has a lingering sigh, and cc can choose to escape, but there is no way to escape with Nana Li. It’s impossible to really escape from the embarrassing hand. It’s because I know this clearly. Although cc has always thought about getting out of Xiaoran’s control, I haven’t really implemented such an action in so many days because Once you do this, you will really put yourself in the opposite of Xiao Ran and 咲. cc dare not imagine the consequences of doing so. At least, although it is considered to have lost freedom, there is at least no real danger.

Xiaoran, who left, went directly to the place agreed with Lulu Xiu. The imperial **** was on the road of the border tree Suzaku, but Xiao Ran did not directly meet with Lulu Xiu, but went into the road and came to the road. Among the crowds of the dead Emperor who had sent off, quietly awaited the arrival of Lelouch and the **** team.

This time, Lulu Xiu’s performance as a zero was also the first time he was facing the world, so Xiao Ran was not prepared to distract the attention that Lulu Xiu should have, but as a supporter in Lu. Lu Xiu will officially debut when he needs help.

This waited for almost half an hour. In the process, Xiao Ran and Lelouch did not even make any contact, just simply exchanged the so-called plan before, which can be considered as such. It was deliberate, and Lelouch’s deliberate.

When taking Nana Li to Xiaoran, Lulu Xiu did not leave any tools for communication to Xiaoran. Things like mobile phones are definitely not available on such occasions. The only communication can be used. It is estimated that only the encrypted communication with special frequency is adjusted. However, Lulu Xiu did not leave such a communication tool to Xiao Ran, but only told Xiaoran that the time agreed, nothing more.

This is actually a Lulu Xiu's temptation to Xiao Ran. More or less, I have to try to see the idea of ​​Xiao Ran's ability. But more is still testing whether Xiao Ran is trustworthy. Is it really worthy of him? Under the premise of this, even if Lelouch invited Xiao Ran to help, he would also be prepared for other safe evacuation. Xiao Ran’s role in this action is just to prevent it and to add icing on the cake. Lulu Xiu never put the real hope of saving the Suzuki to Xiaoran.

When the team that escorted the pivotal Suzaku appeared in Xiao Ran’s eyes, Xiao Ran just looked at the direction of the team faintly, then put his eyes on other places, not looking at the one by several kf and chariots. The group of escorts did not even look at the special transport plane carrying the kf on the sky. Instead, they looked at their feet, as if they could penetrate the road under their feet and saw the numerous imperial forces underneath the road bridge. And more kf.

This time, the singer of the Suzuki Suzaku, with the existence of these ambushes, let Xiao Ran determine the true purpose of the blue-haired man who is now the commander of the **** team, completely wanting to use the saplings as a bait to attract the eleven. The rebel groups inside the district came to the rescue. This is actually ambushing a lot of people from top to bottom. If someone is really brave enough to come and save the Suzuki, it will be very warm. Welcome and then stay here forever.

Of course, the rescue mentioned here refers to the conventional rescue force, and if it is replaced by Lulu Xiu or Xiao Ran, who does not follow the routine, or even has the ability to control others, then all these ambushes. And enveloping is simply not possible to play too much role. For Xiao Ran, it is impossible to play a small role.

If Xiaoran is willing, you can even jump out and swing a few gn particle beams to destroy all the kf, and leave the tree with the Suzaku. This is the power to be able to ignore any tricks after a certain degree of power. The role, replaced by Lulu Xiu, it still has to be honestly in accordance with the plan.

First shocked the **** team, managed to get close to the **** team, then used **** to control the **** team as much as possible, and left with other arrangements, but such a plan is actually very risky, even Lulu Xiu I am not sure if the person who escorted the team will give him the opportunity to use the ass, but the arrow has to be sent on the string, and Lelouch can only adapt to the plan of the rescue pivot.

However, if Lulu Xiu now knows that Shumu Suzaku, a big fool who seems to have a problem in his mind, rescued him after countless risks, he finally chose to go back to the empire to accept the trial. It is estimated that Lelouch will not be like this. Resolutely want to save the Shumu Suzaku, but will change the way to suspend the suspect.

The beginning of the big drama did not allow Xiao Ran to continue waiting too much time. After the **** team had just passed the position of Xiao Ran, the team stopped because of inexplicable conditions, and Xiao Ran retreated at this time. After the crowd, he walked slowly to the front of the stopped **** team. He also saw a hearse that was slowly coming over from the **** team. One looks like a make-up, but it is messy or even used in many places. A smart car with a tape attached.

The rear of the hearse was hung on a huge box, and Lulu Xiu, a black dress, stood on the roof of the car. It seemed calm and indifferent. It seemed that he did not fall into the ambush of the Imperial Army. There was the slightest surprise and worry, but Xiao Ran could clearly see 'seeing', at this time he was not too far away from the intense sweat on his face.

"I am zero, the leader of the Black Knights, and the murderer who killed Kolovis. No, it should be said that it was the death of Kolovis that was brought about by my sanctions."

This is the first sentence that the Lulu Xiu, who has put on the mask helmet, has changed into the zero costume after the hearse has stopped, and has also made his voice here through the loudspeakers loaded on the car. The ears of everyone on the road rang.

"Interesting." Hearing what Lulu Xiu said, Xiao Ran also smiled softly. The Black Knights were just the name of the organization that was negotiated during the day and Lulu Xiu, but after a short time, now Lu Lu Xiu has already said the name of the Black Knights, and naturally he wants to publicize the existence of the Black Knights.

The blue-haired man on the side of the **** team, Jeremiah Goldbold, as the Earl of the Empire, grinned and raised a pistol and fired a shot at the sky: "Bastard! The coward who hides the face, no matter how Say zero, your performance time is over."

Along with the gunshots, the numerous kfs that had been guarding along the way began to gather in this direction. A special carrier in the sky also began to descend rapidly, with several kfs being placed, and those hidden under the road. The imperial soldiers had all jumped out of the kf, and completely surrounded the hearse that was standing by Lulu Xiu in the daytime.

Under the innumerable military force, Lulu Xiu was surrounded, and it can be said that it was difficult to fly. The gun in the hands of Jeremiah suddenly pointed to the unprotected Lelouch, sneer: "Oh, first Take off your ugly mask."

"Oh." Lulu Xiu, a avatar of zero, chuckled and raised his right hand over his own mask. It seems that the next moment will pick up the mask, but the next second will be a ring. Behind the zero mask, behind the place where Lelouch stood, a few foam boards scattered, revealing a huge circular device behind the vehicle, a device that makes Xiao Ran very familiar.

This device is a terrorist weapon that can threaten the 11th district in the eyes of the resistance organization. It is the poison that can kill countless people in an instant, but in the eyes of the insider, it knows that this thing is just a restraint device, specifically for A prisoner with a green-haired woman.

For those who don’t know the inside story, this circular device appears here as a sealed cabin equipped with poison gas. The people around me don’t know what it is, but as Jeremy, who participated in the additional poison gas action, The thing is to turn all the people around him, including him, into hostages.

The pivotal Suzaku was also surrounded by the Imperial Army. When I saw the device behind the hearse, the expression on my face suddenly turned from silence to surprise. After a pair of stunned eyes swept through the 'toxic gas' device, It was staring at the zero in front of the gas device, which is Lulu Xiu.

Zero, that is, Lulu Xiu did not notice the eyes and expressions of Shumu Suzaku. He said from his own mouth: "What is this thing you should be very clear, and know the consequences of this thing being released here."

Xiaoran saw clearly the expression on the face of the Suzaku, as well as the shock in his eyes, and the thoughts flashed in his eyes.

"Is this kid guessing? Is it leaking too much before?" Xiaoran unconsciously touched his chin, but shook his head randomly: "The two fools just saw the gas device familiar, maybe I guess that Lelouch helped the rebels after he was in a coma, but he would never have been so smart to guess that the zero in front of him is Lelouch, and he would not believe that Lelouch killed the man named Kolovis. The prince, even if it happened in the car because of the relationship with Lelouch, he could not say it... Wait, this kid should not think that zero is me? It may also think that I am killing the library. The murderer of the Queen of Lovis?"

"Oh, it's interesting." Xiao Ran grinned and said: "If this is the case, will the two fools reveal the information about me once they have a chance? After all, it is the loyal dog of the empire, not to say anything." It will be strange."

Looking up at the corner of the mouth, Xiao Ran said: "But ah, I will not let you leak things about me so easily, such as forcing Lelouch to help rebel against the organization, such as cc, I am very Curious next, if you know that Zero is Lulu Xiu, and the person who kills Clovis is also after Lelouch, what choices will you make, or whether the mentality of these two fools will be completely Crash, think it seems very interesting."

"But if these two idiots are stubborn, they can only use some special means to completely control this guy. Although it is the best choice to let these two fools disappear, but now you can look at it." This guy has become my most loyal subordinate. At least these two idiots still have a lot of shining points in some respects. It is really useful to strengthen the body and give him a suitable body. indefinite."

Next, everything was carried out in accordance with the plan of Lelouch, because the shock of the gas device made Jeremia not dare to act rashly, and was seized by Lelouch to take advantage of the **** ability to control, and finally under the influence of the **** ability. Assisted Lulu Xiu's escape, and in this process, Xiao Ran can basically say that it has not played any role, in addition to using the power to help Lu Luxiu, the pivotal woods and the girl named Honglian blocked a few haircuts. Beyond the dangerous bullets.

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