Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2350: question

The zero of Lulu Xiu’s incarnation left with the pivotal Suzaku, and Xiao Ran also disappeared into the crowd and soon disappeared on the road that had just had a huge chaos, followed by Lulu Xiu, Shumu Suzaku. A total of five people quickly left the city ring line and went to the ruins of the city outside the ring line.

Now, when the sun is not rising, the whole ruins are simply dark compared to the bright lights of the city in the ring. Just inside a collapsed low-rise building in the ruins, Lulu Xiu incarnation The member of the rebellious organization that was contacted by Zero has already occupied the parties. It is not an inconceivable move to chat with zero and save the Suzaku. It is a serious face hiding in places that are not easy to be discovered. Outside situation.

Xiao Ran came to this position with Lu Lu Xiu and others, and entered the central area of ​​the building without anyone discovering it. A roof has collapsed into the ruin space.

When he followed Lu Luxi and others to the ruins of the building, Xiao Ran recognized the other people who participated in the rescue operation of the Shumu Suzaku with Lulu Xiu. One of them was shocked by the rescue on the truck. A long-haired man, a man with a long hair, is the leader of this rebellious organization.

In addition to the long-haired man, the girl with a red hair is also the person that Xiao Ran once saw on the truck, the name is Carrian, and the last one is a young man with a similar aircraft head. In the normal development of the plot, he took over the fan of the leader of the rebellious organization. A role like the 25th and the fifth is barely a **** who is stepping on the rank of Lelouch.

Xiao Ran’s gaze did not stop on these temporarily insignificant people, but followed Lulu Xiu and Shumu Suzaku into the architectural center where only two people exist, watching Lulu Xiu and Shumu Zhuque in the dark. Performance.

The rude of Lulu Xiu became a zero standing on the high side and facing away from the moon, so that his figure became a little taller under the support of the moon, and then the surrounding environment was empty and the Lulu Xiu was changed. The voice also rang in the ear of the Suzuki: "The practice of the empire should be understood after this thing, the pivotal first class, even if there is no evidence, but as long as the situation is good for them. Then they will kill anyone without breaking the means."

"The current Butalia is decaying. If you want to change the world, you will become my companion and join the Black Knights."

The pivotal Suzaku looks at the shadows under the moonlight, but it is completely a look of justice and seriousness: "It's you, it should be you."

When Lulu Xiu heard the words of Shuzhu Suzaku, he stunned: "What?"

Shumu Suzaku did not answer the words of Lelouch, but said in a positive tone: "I believe that Prince Clovis is killed by you, and only people like you have the speed that I can't respond. Only have the ability to sneak into the place where Prince Clovis is not found by others. You said, your name is called Lelouch, why do you want to kill you? Prince of Clovis."

"Well?" The emotions that Lulu Xiu had just brewed were directly smashed by the words of Shuzhu Suzaku, and the eyes in the mask were all puzzled question marks, but they quickly reflected the end of the tree. Whoever I recognized myself, I couldn’t help but whisper, saying: "It seems that you are confessing to the wrong person, and the first class is the same. I don’t know who you said, but Lulu Xiu is indeed It’s in my hands, and it’s a war, and there’s no reason to kill the enemy.”

The brow's brow wrinkled, but it must be said that the heart of the Suzuki is indeed a rather stubborn person, even though Lulu Xiu denied that he is 'Luluch,' but in the view of Shumu Suzaku, this is clearly A cover.

Lelouch denied that he was Lelouch. This made Xiaoran’s mouth, which looked at it all happening in the dark, could not help but curl up. I think Lulu Xiu and Shumu Zhuque both said you, I said to me. The picture feels quite interesting.

I didn't get an accurate answer from Lelouch, but the stubborn pivotal Suzaku thought that Zero is Lelouch, no matter how much Lulu Xiu explained, it is useless, and for Zero or Lelouch's answer, the pivot The wooden Suzaku said, "That gas, civilians are not enemies, why should civilians be taken hostage?"

Lulu said calmly: "This is just a bluff when negotiating negotiations, and the results are very obvious. No one is injured or killed."

"The result... is it." The Shumu Suzaku was full of bitterness and made a sigh, but Lulu Xiu did not notice the dissatisfaction and disdain after the sigh, but once again stretched towards the pivotal Suzaku Out of the box: "Boutalia is not worthy of your allegiance to the country, come on, join the Black Knights to become my companion, let us change this decadent world together."

"Maybe you are right. This country really does not deserve my allegiance, especially after knowing that they have slaughtered civilians without mercy." Shumu Suzaku raised his head and his face showed firmness. Expression: "So, I want to change it into a country worthy of my allegiance, from the inside of Butalia, to change it in the right way."

"I don't think that the wrong way will bring any valuable results to the world, to the country, relying on external forces and wars, will always bring only destruction and sacrifice, and will let more innocent people get involved. So, I want to change this country from the inside, in the right way."

Speaking, Shumu Suzaku turned directly and took a step to leave. Lulu Xiu seemed to have heard the heart of the Shumu Suzaku and the whole person stunned until the Shumu Suzaku walked out a few steps before returning to God. Come, stop and say: "Stop, where are you going!"

"After an hour, the military court will open the court. I will go to the trial. For the 11th district, and for the 11th district and the famous Butalia, if I don't go, they will have the opportunity to use this excuse to oppress them. ""

Lulu Xiu stunned: "But you will die!"

"I am not afraid." Shumu Suzaku's footsteps stopped and turned to look at the location of Lulu Xiu: "Because this is the rule, I can't make it easier for me to get a quiet life because of my own life." One district and the famous Butalia are affected by me."

"And, thank you for saving me. I will not say anything about your business and the day. It is not for you, but for the 11th district and my best friends. It will not be implicated because of you and me." ""


Suddenly there was a round of applause in the empty space, and suddenly Lulu Xiu was shocked, and the pivotal Suzaku, who was about to leave, looked at the direction of the applause and made a look of alert.

Along with the crisp footsteps in the space, a figure slowly emerged from the darkness at this time, letting himself appear under the moonlight, completely exposed in the eyes of the Shumu Suzaku and the Lulu Xiu incarnation.

"It’s really a touching friendship. I think I can’t help but cry.”

"Is it you??" The pivotal Suzaku saw the figure completely exposed to the moonlight. When the face rose out of the stunned expression, he turned his head and looked at the direction of the zero. He suddenly understood that his previous guess was a mistake. .

Lelouch frowned slightly behind the mask: "How come you."

When the pivotal tree Suzaku heard the zero, he suddenly looked at Xiao Ran's fake Lulu Xiu, and gnawed his teeth: "Luluchiu, you really are a group."

The face of Lelouch with a mask is like eating a shit. Although the pivotal Suzaku is talking to Xiao Ran, he is calling his name and telling the truth of the truth. Lu Xiu wants to take the mask off and lift the neck of the Suzaku. He points to himself and says: I am Lelouch, I am Lelouch, yes, we are a group!

It was Xiao Ran who applauded the clap and appeared in front of the two. After looking at the pivotal Suzaku, Xiao Ran’s eyes were placed on Lulu Xiu, and he did not care about the problems raised by Lelouch, but only said "When you want to get the approval of the other party, you naturally have to gain the trust of the other party. For this guy, you are a person who is not trustworthy, so no matter what you say, he will not believe it. I will agree, now that you know why you can't win him, at least let the other person trust, then you should give the other party a reason to trust."

After saying this, Xiao Ran took his eyes from Lulu Xiu’s body and put it on the pivotal Suzaku. He chuckled and said: “I have to say that your thoughts are really naive, and they are quite interesting, even I will recognize that guy as me, and I almost didn’t laugh when I saw it."

The Shumu Suzaku bites his teeth and doesn't talk, and Xiao Ran doesn't care if the Shumu Suzaku wants to say anything, just keep on saying: "As for what you said, the way to change the empire, in my opinion, you and next to me. That guy is just a radius of eight or two. It’s no different. It’s changed from the inside, it’s changed from the outside, and it’s a good thing. It’s actually not that important in my opinion.”

"Your choice is like 1+2=3, or 2+1=3. There is no difference at all, and there is no right or wrong. The correct way should be to achieve the correct way. The result, and the whole process is also correct."

"That is what is right. For the Empire and the 11th District, it is the opportunity for the ordinary people in the 11th district to gain true equality and to live freely under this sky while changing, so that the Empire can truly recognize these so-called The rights of civilians in the colonies should allow both people to recognize each other in good faith, and to avoid as much as possible the sacrifices that should not occur, instead of achieving integration through hatred and domination. The decaying empire must also be internal. Changes have taken place and a new system is established that is more suitable for the current situation. The 11th district cannot face the empire with hatred, even if there have been so many pains."

"Of course, it is not easy to do this. There are too many difficulties in the middle that need to be solved. Just as the empire thinks, it has paid so much sacrifice. So why do you have to occupy the 11th district? Give people in the 11th district a comfortable life without any effect at all, to consume the resources that would have been enjoyed by the Butlians."

"For the people in the 11th district, Butalia has occupied their country and brought them war and harm. Now they have deprived them of their original life."

"This is a conflict between two classes, a conflict between two peoples and a country. These two points are just an example of what I am playing, but there are more hidden problems, many, many of these problems, the pivotal Suzaku, do you really think that you can really solve these problems by working alone with your naive thoughts?"

"I can tell you that this is impossible. You can't do it. The guy with the mask can't do it. The whole world is full of hatred. One person, two people, even a group of people can The role played by this world is very small, hatred and contradictions cannot be solved, and it can never be completely solved, so these things will appear in this world all the time, because you can never really change others. The idea, today can suppress dissatisfaction and hatred, but one day dissatisfaction and hatred will still erupt, because you simply do not have the ability to eliminate this forever."

Lulu Xiu was immersed in contemplation. What Xiao Ran said was indeed very reasonable. It did make him think of a lot of things, but even if Xiao Ran said it was unreasonable, Lelouch would never choose to refute at this time.

On the contrary, it is the Shumu Suzaku, first 愣, then 愣, it seems that I don’t quite understand what Xiao Ran wants to express. The eyes are a bit stunned, but at least he understands what Xiao Ran said, to change the empire and eleven. District, it is absolutely not enough to rely on him alone, but even if he understands this sentence, the heart of Shumu Suzaku does not want to join Lulu Xiu.

"It's really a second fool." Xiao Ran looked at the stunned expression on the face of Suzuki's face. He couldn't help but shook his head and asked to the pivotal tree Suzaku: "Boy, I ask you a question, if one day your loyal empire I ask you to kill a group of unarmed civilians in the 11th district. They tell you that if you kill these people, there will be more people in the 11th district to get a better life in the future. What do you do? At that time, if If you refuse, then there will be other people to replace your mission and kill more civilians. Those who should have a better life will die as a result. How do you do it?"

"I?" Shumu Suzaku stunned, his first reaction but let it refuse, but after listening to Xiaoran's words, the pivotal Suzaku face is even more sluggish, staring at Xiaoran, staying I don’t know what to choose.

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