Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2498: aloof

When Xiao Ran left, Lloyd called Sehir into the office, and after handing over the parameters and suggestions of Xiaoran’s adjustment to Sahir, he let Sehir block his office, and if not, any No one can come in and disturb his work.

Xiao Ran came to this forum to go in and out. It was almost half an hour before and after. Even after entering the special area, even the idea of ​​wanting to visit did not rise. This is quite normal for Xiao Ran. In this case, the special research institute of this world can make a body like kf, but it is still quite backward in the eyes of Xiao Ran.

Even in the boat group, Xiao Ran rarely ran in the direction of the technical department, and when it was really something, it would only pass, and all the things inside were all they were dealing with. Xiao Ran just moved his mouth and finally took it. The information on the finished product comes over Xiaoran, and it is ok to demonstrate it.

More advanced and more advanced places, Xiao Ran will not visit, let alone the small special research institute that is quite backward in his eyes. It is really Xiaoran who knows the technology and knows the surface but can’t understand it. Connotation, naturally, is not very concerned about technology-related matters, of course, there is still considerable patience for the collection of very fast Xiaoran.

From the council hall, at this time, there are still several hours from Lulu’s appointment. However, Xiao Ran did not intend to go back to the Governor’s Office. He drove directly back to the original Shuzhu, but was In the house occupied by Xiaoran Qiang, holding a lot of documents, he looked directly at the room in the room.

The thick documents are all taken from the top leaders of these officials in the 11th district today. They cover all the administrative documents and various reports in the entire 11th district in recent years. It is the entire 11th district, not just Xiaoran. The city that lives.

Taking a careful look at the pages, Xiao Ran began to understand all the things about the entire 11th district from the side of these administrative documents and various reports. At the same time, he also relied on the current situation in the 11th district, the production of sakura and Details of exports, military configurations, etc. to reverse the situation of the entire empire.

From the connections among various instruments and reports, Xiao Ran actually sees a lot of things from the inside. The most typical one is the period when Clovis is the governor. There are many flows of funds within the 11th district. The problem is that these are not in a clean place, as the flow of funds is nothing more than several aspects.

From a lot of details, it can be said that Clovis has created a secret laboratory, but now it should have been cleaned up, and the other side is the current super-standard guards, and finally the library. The huge cost of Lovis personal.

And more or less in many cities in the 11th district, including the city where the current capital is located, there are also some problems, such as military mobilization, although the exercises and inspections are ultimately the name of the name. However, every exercise and inspection is often accompanied by the consumption of military materials, and there should be losses and sacrifices that should not occur. This also makes Xiao Ran see some unsatisfactory signs from inside, which is absolutely true. Military action.

Presumably, it is estimated that during the Kulowis period, the rebel movements within the 11th district were also due to some special reasons. In short, in order to ensure the stability of the position, Kurowes should appear within the 11th district. A number of military operations, but in the end they were concealed, creating an illusion of a stable peace in the 11th district, but in Xiaoran’s view, the reality that occurred under these illusions is more likely to be Cullo. Weiss has no evidence of slaughter, or it is a defeat in the war.

Because according to the character of the guy of Clovis, if there is a rebel army and there is sufficient evidence, and it will eventually destroy the rebel army, then it will definitely be regarded as his own merits by Kolovis. Sticking to his face, and if there is no evidence but military action has been carried out, and many civilians have been slaughtered in action, it will not be concealed to hurt his great glory.

There are also some small problems of officials, but it seems that Xiaoran does not matter. Now all the documents and materials do not clearly indicate who has problems. All these things are Xiaoran’s own speculation, in the eyes of Xiaoran. It’s not something that has to be dealt with. It’s easy to understand that there is no fish in the water, but as long as it is within a certain range that can be accepted by him, there is not much problem, and now he and Yufelia It is also necessary for the strength of these officials and nobles. As long as there is no crossing of the past, it can be regarded as nothing.

As for the future, what should be done, what should not be done, and what should be done, Xiao Ran will naturally let these officials and nobles know with their own attitudes and actions, while others are nothing special.

But I have to say that in Butalia, the prestige of the royal family is simply terrible. The loyalty of the following people to the royal family is also terrible. The small problem is that Xiaoran has not found any of these problems. Big problems, even if there are traces of indiscriminate reach, but the internals are also completely maintained at an acceptable level, basically some convenience and small cheap.

As for the foreigners, the Brittalias have never really regarded the 11th district as a presence equal to them. How to reach out to them is no one to manage, and all internal contradictions are transferred to the outside, even the royal family. This is basically the default rule of the empire of Brittalia.

If you look at it, if you choose to overthrow the royal family of Butalia from the outside, it will become very troublesome. It will almost form an enemy of the entire Kingdom of Butalia, but if you push someone from the interior of the royal family, If that, then the matter will be much simpler. Xiao Ran also feels that he has chosen to become the Ephelia Knight.

After Xiaoran finished reading all the things, he also sorted out the materials and reports according to their importance, timeliness and documents that needed to be processed. The final result was less than one percent of the original thickness, and then the pen was taken out. Approved on the document, and based on his current understanding of the 11th district, he has also written some new plans for the administration, and will eventually send these things to the hands of Euphelia, through Euphelia’s Hand in hand to implement the entire 11th district.

In accordance with the agreed time, Lu Luxi walked into the living room one by one, and saw Xiaoran, who was instructing the documents. He glanced at the documents piled up on the table, and Lulu Xiu sat silently. On the opposite side of Xiao Ran, a pair of eyes quickly swept through the documents he could see, but only a few seconds passed, and Lulu Xiu’s face showed a surprised expression.

When Xiao Ran disposes of the files on his hands, he will put the documents on the side and smile at Lulu Xiu: "It’s quite punctual, just two."

Lulu Xiu nodded silently and asked: "How do you get these things?"

"Just got it." Xiao Ran inserted the pen back into his pocket and said: "Just tell them that I want all the administrative documents and all the reports in recent years, they will take the initiative to send to me."

The meaning of Lelouch’s Xiaoran is of course clear. He is asking how how Xiaoran might get these things that were accessible to the senior officials of the 11th district, and they are so complete in front of Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran’s answer to Lulu Xiu also fully understands that there is no need for any effort. In one sentence, those officials will be sent up. At the same time, Xiao Ran expressed his position and power in the 11th district.

Lulu Xiu took a breath: "In such a short period of time, I did not expect that you have already reached this level. Sure enough, this country is already **, even people of unknown origin can become knights, and still In contact with these things... Euphelia, have you become her exclusive knight? If she is still the same as before, oh, this is not without function, but no one from Connelia sent someone to help. She? I don't believe that the people sent by Cornelia will let you do what you want in the 11th district."

"I am not a person of unknown origin." Xiao Ran's mouth swayed and said: "My identity is Lulu Xiu Xiao, an imperial aristocratic collateral, a special secret force operative, who withdrew from the army a few years ago, all actions. The archives are destroyed, so the identity is completely reliable, and it is not a big deal to become a knight."

"And as the governor's exclusive knight, it is necessary to solve the problem for the governor. It is not normal to know what kind of environment the guardian is working in. In this case, what strange things I have in contact with these things, I can If you are guilty, then there is no harm to you, and I think you should be clearer than I am."

"And, there is no one to send people to Cornelia, but here is the 11th district, and the governor is Euphelia."

There was a mockery on Lulu Xiu’s face: "So in the eleventh district, Euphelia can decide everything, and as an exclusive knight, you can operate everything."

Xiao Ran didn't mind laughing: "But at least this is good for Nana Li, for you, and for Euphelia. At least I won't do anything to hurt and betray you, but instead Help Nana Li Deng to God, help Euphelia to control the 11th District, and help you to change this decadent empire, but also to get a more equal status in the 11th district, this is just a little more, but I also I have to admit that the goodness of Euphelia really touched me, so I will concentrate on helping her to do things."

Lelouch chose silence. At least he couldn’t refute these words from Xiaoran’s mouth. At least Xiaoran’s current performance in front of him is still unknown, but he did give him the power and was willing to help Nana Li become The emperor of this country.

"Emotions have been vented almost, but even if Euphelia knows what Nanaly’s identity will be, she will only protect Nana Li better. Iphilia’s character, I think you should be very It’s clear, and you’ve not been very good with you.”

Xiao Ran looked at Lulu Xiu with a smile and said: "This time you are coming over, you want to communicate with us on both sides. As for me, I have become the exclusive knight of Yuferia. It is the right spokesperson for Euphelia, the second right in the 11th district."

"As for Euphelia's idea, I hope that I can build the 11th district into a special zone, so that the people of the 11th district can be equal to the status of the Butalians, and the true peace will be merged together. I will do my best to help her. Achieved."

"I will know." Lulu Xiu sighed and shook his head and said: "With her character, this naive idea will indeed appear. You have to help her, and let me grow the Black Knights in the dark. Is it true? You don't know if Euphelia really did this, it is very likely that the Black Knights will be forced to disband before they grow up. Without the guidance of hatred, how can I grow the Black Knights."

Xiao Ran said: "This is very simple, just change the position, let the Black Knights hit a double standard to solve."

Lulu Xiu looked at Xiao Ran inexplicably, and Xiao Ran did not want to sell Guanzi. He said directly: "The existence of the Black Knights does not conflict with the establishment of special economic zones, and even now the entire eleventh district of Butalia People are still full of oppression in the 11th district, and both sides have hatred that cannot be eliminated at all. It will be a long time after Euphalia officially proposes the special economic zone."

"So at this stage, the Black Knights can do a lot of things. It is of course necessary to gather the rebels, but the Black Knights cannot simply appear as a rebel in the 11th District, but should become a The protector standing on the side of the weak, becoming the messenger of justice, the tyranny of the rebellious Butalia, the rebellion of all the atrocities in the world, will also become the greatest boost to the status of civilians in the 11th district."

"To choose to develop yourself in the right way, this will also make your position more detached, not only the tyranny of Butalia needs to be destroyed, but also the extreme acts of many rebel groups in the 11th district. We also want Stop, now when the Black Knights are still weak, our eyes can only be placed in this area for the time being, but when the Black Knights gradually expand, then you must lead the Black Knights to look at the entire 11th district. , put it all over the world."

"At that time, the Black Knights will become an important force in safeguarding peace in this world. They will also become the most transcendental forces independent of the forces of all nations. The name of eternal justice is above all forces and let all forces And the Ambitions will keep peace forever under the threat of the Black Knights."

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