Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2400: Great army conception

"Overriding all the forces beyond the forces?" Lulu Xiu began to think with a slight frown. It seems to be thinking about a certain possibility in Xiaoran's words. After thinking for a while, he looked up and appeared on his face. Some interested smiles: "It's very interesting, but it's not easy to do this. At least one thing to be sure is that it is a powerful force that no other force can resist."

"Although I also feel that if the Black Knights really can go that step, it will definitely become a great vision, and it will bring more changes to the world, so that the whole world is forced by our force. Under the trembling, no longer dare to provoke the war of Hulai, but you should be more clear, to do this is not just to pull up a rebel army is so simple, but not just take the gun to fight can do, I I am very curious about what you have to do to get to this point."

“Is it really difficult?” Xiao Ran shook his head and said, “It’s just that you think it’s hard. It’s not so difficult for me to do this, especially for you.”

"What you think is difficult, probably in these respects. First, the goal of the insiders of the Black Knights cannot be unified. Now if the Black Knights are built on the basis of the Resistance, they think of Butalia. Drive out of the 11th district and rebuild a new Japan, and to achieve such a goal, the scale of the war will become even bigger, but what we need to do is not to drive Butalia out of the 11th district, but let There is a new order here to stop the emergence of war."

"But I have also said that it is only a late goal to achieve this step. In the early days, all we have to do is gather a group of people. The resistance to Butaria is correct, but the real core and position should be It is to protect and help the weak. From this time on, you should pay attention to the ideological construction within the Black Knights, to influence them to have the same goals and ambitions as us."

"There was a step by step to force the change in the 11th district, which ultimately affected the whole world. In the later period, the 11th district has restored peace, and the people in the 11th district have also got a better life. How many people will be there at that time? Willing to fight against Butalia? But if there are more lofty ideals, then they will not give up on the Black Knights to achieve the great ambition to change the whole world."

"Second, the support of materials and armed forces, if you want to grow and develop, financial resources and materials are the most important part, I will also provide some help, and your geass ability can not control some people to become black. Is it a member of the Knights? And can't it be used by every member, giving them orders that are not allowed to betray the Black Knights?"

"We have the ability to have geass, we want to develop a huge transcendental force that is absolutely not as difficult as you think. In my opinion, this is really simple. Once the black knights announce to the whole world, they will always stand on the real side. The weak and the peaceful side will naturally have more people with the same ideas and ideas to choose to join."

"Now the rebel army gathered together, saying that it is not just an excessive force that can be abandoned at any time. If it is not really used for itself, the following people hold some unrealistic purposes, and some people are blind. If you want, you can leave them alone at any time."

"But you are not an 11th district. If you have other methods and more powerful power to help you achieve the desired goal, I believe that you will definitely not choose to bring a group of shrimps and crabs to challenge higher difficulty. Moreover, these people There is no one with you from beginning to end. You have to use their mobility. They are not using your command."

Xiao Ran said that these are not open, but waiting for Lu Luxi to think about himself, playing with a group of rebel forces is really not very interesting, Xiao Ran even if he chose to join the Black Knights, but he did not see him must be Lu Instead of acting together, Lu Xiu mixed into the empire to try to strengthen his power.

This is really because these rebel forces are uneven, and all aspects are at an absolute disadvantage. In the plot, Lulu Xiu developed the Black Knights because of too many karma, and there is not a big situation behind. There are even cases of betrayal. In the end, in the resistance of the entire 11th district, most people are basically soft-shrimp and incompetent. Only a few of them are considered elites. .

Xiao Ran has no time to take the soft-shrimp and slowly level up, not to mention these things that I don’t know what can be used for nothing, but only consume resources. He wants the real elite, wants It’s an actor with good execution ability. It’s okay to be willing to be obedient, but it’s stupid and incapable of daring, but I think I’m smart enough to keep my own unique ideas. Sorry, Xiao Ran has no time to entertain them.

In comparison, in the military of Butalia, the quality is much better than that of the rebel army. It is not a joke to ban the ban. It can really pull back a group of people and can form an effective one without waiting. The combat power is no better than those who estimate how to get weapons and ammunition, and when to implement what action is expected to be a long time noisy rebel army.

According to Xiao Ran’s thoughts, he wants to build the Black Knights into the most powerful force in the world. He must have the ability to fight with the participants’ legions. Of course, if the latter can be achieved, the first one will naturally not cost much. Said to form their own help to fight against the participants of the legion.

The direction and goal of development are indeed like the Heavenly Man, but it is not just as simple as the Heavenly Man. What Xiao Ran really wants to do is to develop the Black Knights into a complex of Heaven and Man or Amalgam or Mithril. It is not easy to develop to this extent, but it is necessary to develop in this direction.

The purpose that must be achieved in the short term, it is necessary to say that the Black Knights will not be able to say that pulling up a group of forces that can be trusted to use is the most urgent thing that Xiao Ran feels. Fortunately, he has joined the empire to become Yuferia. The exclusive knight can use the power of the empire to do things that are not related to the Black Knights.

Lelouch was also silent for a long time. Xiao Ran said that they have the power of geass and they can easily pull up a huge force. He only admits half because he knows that there are many things that can be solved without relying on geass ability. He also did not quite understand what kind of capital Xiaoran had in the end and felt that it was very easy.

However, he really agrees with Xiao Ran’s words. He is not a member of the 11th district. In fact, he is trying to use the power of the rebel army to try to become a leader of the rebel army, rather than relying on the cooperative relationship to finally make a big difference. In the end, it was reversed and slammed into rebellion to do things, so at the beginning it was indeed necessary to erect the relationship between the master and the slave.

Many people in the rebel army are really unbearable, but it is a bit useful, and what can be expected now? Things can only be done slowly, a little bit, Lulu Xiu feels that it is very challenging to develop the Black Knights now, but now after listening to Xiao Ran’s words, Lu Luxi thinks that the previous plan may have to be changed. It is even more challenging to change the estimate. Let these people who have gone to the rebel army abandon the hateful ego and then become the peace of the world. The challenge is very difficult.

Lulu Xiu was silent for a while. Xiao Ran saw him like this. He knew that this kid also listened to his own words. He tapped the table and let Lulu Xiu return to God. Xiao Ran said again: "In fact, don't worry too much. Many, now you can use the flag of resistance to find people who have more energy, better brains, or those who have strong execution skills and don't have much ideas."

"As far as combat capability and mobility are concerned, this is the best thing to do. Is the ability of geass enough? Are you enough to get the special serum? This level of power does not say that every one Can get, but at least it can be made in batches, especially the ability of geass, even for everyone."

Lulu Xiu’s gaze suddenly became awkward. The nature of human beings was selfish to a certain extent, so he did not expect that Xiao Ran would actually use this idea to create a batch of geass capable. This sentence made Lulu Xiu lose some of his ability to think, and he did not know what he should say.

But cc is in the hands of Xiao Ran at this time. Lu Luxi has never had too much contact with cc, so he never felt that cc has anything to do with him. Naturally, there is no position to veto Xiaoran’s idea of ​​preparing for this, but if If he is replaced by him, he will not let other people gain the ability of geass, because it will become a threat to him, which can be seen from the original plot. Otherwise, Lulu Xiu can use the power of cc for himself. To create a group of powerful geass regiments, it is necessary to know that the people who really support loyalty to Lulu Xiu in the original plot are not in the minority. However, he does not give such ability to other people. This is selfishness, but it is also fearful.

This is a big difference from Xiao Ran. The ability of geass is really special, but it seems to be the case in Xiaoran. Of course, there are special places. It is said that the degree of importance is also there. When it comes to precious words, Count, Xiaoran has seen too many incredible things and people with a mess of talent since entering Prometheus. The ability of a geass does not seem to be hidden in his view, and truly expands the geass ability. It can be resisted by those who have different abilities. If they don't pay, they will get something.

Moreover, the people under him become stronger, and that is equal to the fact that they become stronger. As for the consequences, as long as they can control all the people who have acquired the geass ability from him, no matter what the consequences will be, Xiao Ran They all think that this is controllable. In the troubled times, the most lacking is power. The most lacking is power. But the power can use that power, and the power that does not exist can be counted.

The team that made the geass capable was the plan that Xiao Ran had at the beginning, but only now told his plan to tell Lulu Xiu, and this step of action is also Lulu Xiu has no way to stop and refuse, this is why Xiao Ran The reason why cc will be controlled in your own hands.

"How can you do this? How can the ability of geass be imparted to others indiscriminately?" Although Lulu’s mind thought so, he chose silence and recognized that he seemed to have no way to influence Xiaoran’s thoughts. After a short silence, I was reminded: "In any case, if someone gains the power of geass, then he must be able to control him absolutely."

"Luluchiu, your eyes and chest are a bit narrow." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "When the geass ability is only owned by a few people, it is said that everyone of these people may become a threat to the world. At least it will become a very dangerous existence, and everyone can bring accidents that ordinary people cannot cope with."

"For ordinary people, the geass ability is equivalent to God, and ordinary people can't deal with God."

"But when everyone in the world has geass ability, then it is not special to have geass ability. One person has evil thoughts. At that time, there will be ninety-nine people standing up to stop, but it will make the only one The person with that thought hides his thoughts, because he never knows what kind of geass ability the next person facing has, and then he will restrain his ability, and then gradually become very Ordinary, there may be confusion, but people who can solve the confusion will become more."

"Of course, my idea is not to let everyone have geass, nor to let only a few people have geass, just let some people who have been tested and loyal to get geass, wait until a group of people get geass and for the same goal When you struggle, all the dangers will become controllable. Several people choose to betray, there will be more people to solve them, and if you can keep yourself strong, then these people will never choose. betray."

"And as long as I am in the Black Knights, then the world's most powerful force will always be here, enough to suppress all the geass capable, and enough to suppress the military power of all the world's forces, naturally there will be no one I dare to betray, because anyone who chooses betrayal can't compete against my strength. I can also change it to the Black Knights. Do you understand what I mean?"

"If the Black Knights have 10,000 geass abilities, there are dozens of geass abilities or traitors, can't be a thing of the past."

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