Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2414: Method

Flowing wood wild scorpion, who has been replaced by a green combat uniform, walked from the car to Xiaoran, who stood in the black deformation fighter. Xiaoran looked at the new pure black deformation fighter in front of him. Even with a mask, he could see his mouth. Some helpless smiles.

Shaking Xiaoran turned to look at the flow of wood wild horses: "The black Knights on the side of Lelouch will definitely debut, but now this situation is estimated to be a bit troublesome, the character of the round table knight is not clear, but Kiel The **** certainly won't care about the life of the hostages, and it will probably affect the black chivalry."

"I will affect Euphelia's old energy to avoid the attack and give the Black Knights a chance to try to save all the hostages so that Euphelia will hand over a complete answer, but the power of the Black Knights is too Weak, your mission is to ensure the safety of the Black Knights, especially Lelouch. Although it is only a d-class body, there is no way. If you encounter any situation, I will create more opportunities for you. If you do, you will give up Lelouch."

"But be careful, I don't know if there will be participants, so be sure to pay attention to safety, no matter what happens, your safety is the most important."

Liu Muye smiled slightly toward Xiao Ran, and gently nodded his hands in front of his body: "I know, if the situation is wrong, I will give up Lulu Xiu."

Xiao Ran reached out and touched the hair of Liu Muye, smiled and nodded and turned and left to sit in the car, and then rushed to the venue where the accident occurred.

After seeing the vehicle evacuation of Xiao Ran disappeared into his own sight, he turned and jumped on the black deformation fighter. After he took the helmet, he opened the various systems one by one, and ejected it under the black fighter. The strong airflow, slowly rising upwards, rushed straight toward the sky.

Xiao Ran was arrogant all the way, but it took him about 40 minutes to reach his destination and boarded the purple land warship.

Under the leadership of the soldiers in the ship, Xiao Ran went to the control command room at the highest point of the land battleship, and this is the first time that Xiao Ran actually came into contact with this special land warship that belongs to Butarea and has a wartime command post. One is quite rudimentary in Xiao Ran’s eyes, and it can be called a tattered thing. Apart from acting as a command post and commander’s camp, I really don’t know what it is.

When Xiaoran entered the control command room, a lot of people had entered the command room. In addition to the normal staff, Euphelia was sitting on the only chair on the last high platform. The rare face was serious. In front of her, Deputy Governor Moyas, Kiel Anal, and several other people around a rectangular table are watching what the picture on the desktop shows.

Xiao Ran, a tall figure, walked in, and suddenly everyone's eyes turned toward Xiaoran.

When Juferia saw Xiao Ran, she clearly showed a touch of joy. Moyas, who has become the deputy governor, even though she has been physically and mentally convinced by Xiao Ran, at this moment, she is only calmly moving toward Xiao Ran. As for Kiel's anus, he pushed his eyes, glanced at Xiao and then re-focused his eyes on the desktop display. As for the other few people, they all wore casual clothes. In this kind of honesty, some were incompatible. It is quite interesting to look up and down Xiaoran.

The leader, Xiao Ran, can see it at a glance. It is one of the guys with a goatee. It looks like a 30-year-old. Although wearing a casual suit, he can also see the strong military atmosphere on his body. The other two people, also with their heads high, but when they saw these two people, the eyes under the mask of Xiao Ran were slightly stunned.

"His Royal Highness." Xiao Ran quickly swept all the people in the command room, but it was very calm. He walked over to Euphelia's side and bent down slightly: "Sorry, I am late."

"It doesn't matter, I haven't been here for a long time." Euphelia quickly hurried, stood up and lifted Xiaoran, who was slightly covered, and then grabbed Xiaoran's arm and walked to the front of the table showing the copy. In front of the introduction of those wearing casual clothes: "Mr. Maisqing, to introduce you, this is my exclusive knight, Lulu Xiu Xiao, Mr. Knight, this is the most trusted round table knight of the father First, the maisvaldstein."

"These two are subordinates of the Knights of the Mews." Euphelia looked at the other two people again, but when he clicked on it, he only said: "This time it is coming together to **** the special research materials."

Xiao Ran nodded and smiled at him and the two people behind him: "It's nice to meet you, the Knights of Max."

From a close distance, there was only one eye open, and the left eye seemed to be tightly closed, leaving some special stitching marks. For the first knight of the Charles Emperor’s book, now Many people with knighthood regard it as their own catch-up target, and they have many huge rights. For example, the Raven area is managed by themselves, monitoring the actions of the emperors and reporting to the emperor. These are the knights. Have exclusive rights.

However, when Xiao Ran faced the knight with great power, there was no intention to compliment the other party. After a simple polite sentence, he did not speak.

Mai Maisi also looked at Xiao Ran, looked at the black uniform worn by Xiao Ran, and said with a slight smile: "Luluch Xiu? Good name, your name, I have been removed during this time, before driving Lanslow The special record can cause a lot of discussion in our machine ten. It is indeed a very powerful pilot."

"But I am very curious. You have the strength to become the pillar of the empire. You even have the strength to become a Knight of the Round Table. Why have you been willing to be obscured before this?"

These words are simply accusing Xiaoran of having a purpose. He is deliberately approaching Euphelia, but the good-natured girl of Euphelia has not heard the meaning of the words.

Xiao Ran is very calm, calm to Mai Maisi can not see any fluctuations in Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran also used a very normal tone to say: "Nothing special, just because I don't like it, I have no interest in oppressing those unarmed. People, even less like too many people see life as nothing, I want to work for whom, when I want to work, I only rely on my own will, and I can't force me to do things I don't like."

With aggravated tone, Mews asked deliberately: "Is the order of the emperor's Majesty the same."

Xiao Ran smiled, and he smiled at a polite moment. He did not answer the question of Jumeis. He just said: "His Royal Highness is very kind and wants to solve the problem between the 11th District and Butalia. Conflict, want to bring to those who are living in poverty, struggling on the edge of life and death, a better way to live a better life, I agree that His Royal Highness Euphelia has such an ideal and ruling direction, and is willing to serve for His Royal Highness The power of all gives up all the power, and it will not let anyone pollute the kindness and innocence that Euphelia now has."

"Even if the whole world has become ruined, as long as Euphalia's Highness wants to make the 11th district better, then I will use all the power to make the 11th district a real Taoyuan."

Xiao Ran did not answer that is the best answer, not to say that the emperor only said Euphelia, the meaning is also telling Max, yes, even if the order of the Emperor Charles, I do not want to do anyone can barely force me, but for What Euphelia wants to do is the same goal as him, so he will do what Euphelia wants to do, and if someone wants to command him by influencing Euphelia, it is also fundamental. Impossible, and will also suffer his hostility.

Finally, I pointed out that I don't care about other things. Other people don't want to provoke me. Although the words are very polite, they are very hard. But in fact, the meaning expressed in the words is tough.

In this case, Mai Mais understood most of the meanings inside. At least the basic meaning was that it was heard. It was also awkward. Now that he is in a high position, not many people will be as direct as him. Speaking.

Looking at Xiaoran suddenly, he finally laughed and nodded but did not continue the topic. Instead, he turned to face the desktop that showed the plan of the surrounding situation, and asked: "The Lulu Xiu Knight, for Do you have any opinion on the current situation? Let us not take any action after the arrival of His Royal Highness. I hope that when you come over, I will say that now that you have come, how can you solve the current problem?"

Xiao Ran turned to Uffelia: "It is not difficult to solve the current problem, just to see how much you want to achieve by His Royal Highness."

Yufei Lia groaned and looked at Xiao Ran as if she was asking Xiao Ran exactly what it meant. Seeing this, Xiao Ran also smiled slightly and said: "There are difficulties in dealing with the simple and simple way. Ignore the safety of all hostages in the house and attack them without any compromise. This will bring about the least loss and the greatest casualties. The loss is ours, but the casualties are innocent. I don’t recommend you. Do this."

"Because if this is the case, the cruel means will only bring greater resistance, and it will make the 11th district more chaotic. At the same time, it will also make many innocent people lose their lives, so that you can gain more from this order." The hatred is not only the hatred of the 11th district people, but also the hatred of those innocent hostages."

"Can't do this, the hostages inside are innocent." Euphelia did not hesitate to ask, "What about the difficult method?"

"Negotiation." Xiao Ran spit out two words and glanced at the two men who did not speak, and said: "Start negotiations with the other party, but refuse all the other requests, but it must pass this time. Negotiations will pass on your true wishes and the ruling goals you hope to achieve through news and broadcast to every corner of the 11th district."

"Let the Butarians and the 11th District understand that His Royal Highness is hoped that the 11th District will become better. I hope that the war will disappear in the 11th District forever. I hope everyone, including the 11th District." Can get equal and get a better life."

Kiel's **** pushed his eyes and said, "I don't think that the terrorists inside will give up the hostages and willingly surrender. You haven't said how to solve the present." problem."

"And I don't agree to any negotiations with the rebel. I must let all the rebels know through this matter. The authority of the empire cannot be provocative, and it will never accept any threat. Let everyone know that no one can pass. Terrorism is forcing the Empire to make any compromises, even if it pays more for it."

Mai Maisi did not speak, but with his sincerity, he agreed with Kiel’s **** idea, that is, attacking, attacking, ignoring the hostages inside and thoroughly suppressing all terrorists.

Xiao Ran drags: "If His Royal Highness wants to make the eleventh district truly realize the dream of peace and common prosperity, then the current negotiations are absolutely necessary. A momentary oppression will only bring resistance, and rigid and soft will be the real king. This incident is the best time for the entire 11th district to truly understand the Highness of Euphelia and to support His Royal Highness Euphelia."

"Of course, Kiel's **** is also true. The other party will not surrender because of the absolutely rejected negotiations. Perhaps it will irritate them, so they need to be prepared."

Xiao Ran looked at the flat picture on the desktop. The hand pointed a few times in several places on the screen. He said: "The city will be built under the rear mountain rock. There is no retreat. The other party's idea is very simple. Chengren, at least in the end, will arouse more people’s dislike of Butalia, and at the same time bring a group of Boudrians who are regarded as honorable and the missions of other countries to die together.”

"If you want to rescue, you must first know all the things inside, but in the three roads that entered the venue, the two bridges have been taken up and cannot pass. The only thing that can be used is the main road, but even if it is a storm, the final result is nothing more than That is to say, both sides lose, as long as the bomb is set on the main road, the frontal attack will not have any effect."

"And I have reason to believe that the rebels in the vicinity of the venue have already arranged absolutely strict defenses. It is estimated that the airborne means will be directly shot down by the air defense means there, and special troops will be sent to dive across the lake. The ambush rebel is killing."

"As for the last passage, there is no dodge space under the main road. If it is me, I will not only have a large-scale weapons of mass destruction inside, but also place bombs on the outside of the pipeline, as long as someone enters from here. It can be done with ease and effort, and it is the most impossible road to pass."

"So, with these factors, it seems to you that there is really no other way than the storm. After all, the hostages are indeed in the hands of the other party."

After Xiaoran finished, slowly looked up, the people around him had no one to speak at this time, but looked at Xiaoran with a gaze, and Kiel’s **** was even more revealing.

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