Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2416: Find

Seeing the rare bitter expression on Kilford’s face, and the eyes of other people’s attention, Xiao Ran would not know what happened before he arrived. It is estimated that they had wanted to approach them through these methods. The venue, but only the end of the failure, and the person who issued the order is estimated to be a little bit wrong with him.

But Xiao Ran didn't want to say what Kilford was doing at this time. At this time, even if he was talking about satirizing Kilford, it didn't make any sense.

"Oh." Mai Mais glanced at Kilfurt and nodded and said: "There are so many, and there is still no specific solution. What you said can be of no help to rescue the hostages inside."

"I am going in." Xiaoran calmly spoke and said in a crowd: "If I go in and start negotiations, at least I can let the other party feel some sincerity, and let other resistance forces and ordinary ten who are watching at this time. The civilians in the first district feel that we really have the idea of ​​changing the 11th district. After I go in, I can also open the conditions to the other party. At the very least, I have to let the old man, the woman and the child exchange it, and then change it out. Even if there is a strong attack, people will not have too much condemnation."

Xiao Ran’s voice just fell, and Euphelia directly took Xiaoran’s arm and nervously refused: “No, absolutely not allowed you to go in. What is the situation inside, we are still not clear, you will only let you in. I am in a dangerous situation, and I absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen."

"Now this is the only way to stabilize the other side." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "And if you really want to attack, I can also guarantee the safety of the hostage."

Xiao Ran had to go in and had plans. The imperial party could not enter the venue. For the time being, because of the willingness of Euphelia not to hurt the hostages, the other black Knights wanted to debut. They also had no way to get close to the venue. On the other hand, it is also impossible to deal with the current bad situation, and it may be caught by the empire party as soon as it appears.

Once the imperial party loses patience and directly orders a strong attack, then the best time to make a comeback will be missed.

What Xiao Ran has to do is to guide the current situation into the original plot, but it is to replace the role that should have been replaced by Yufelia, let Yuferia suppress other people outside, because of those Innocent hostages, and secondly because he is inside, the outside Imperial Army will not dare to attack the people inside, giving Lelox the best chance.

If it is not because of a sudden jump out of a mais, in fact, Xiao Ran does not need to do so, the rights of the mais are too big, comparable to the royal children with official positions, can completely ignore the command of the life of Ufelia Of course, if it is not necessary, then Mais will not do this. After all, as a knight, the loyalty is that the royal family will not be too overstepped, and will also try to avoid the royal members with official duties like Euphelia. In the event of a conflict, I believe that as long as the situation inside is stable in a short period of time, then Euphelia should be able to hold back.

"His Royal Highness." Xiaoran looked at Euphelia again and said, "If you want to save all the hostages safely hijacked inside, then it is absolutely necessary to send people in, and I am the exclusive knight of His Royal Highness. In the case that His Royal Highness can't take risks, it seems that the princess is willing to listen to the sincerity of their needs. Of course, this sincerity is not manifested in the resistance of these hostages, but to all the people in the 11th district. This can reflect the goodness of His Royal Highness, and it can also show that His Royal Highness cares about all the hostages being hijacked. Similarly, those who are hijacked know that His Royal Highness has not given up them, nor have they given up any civilians in the 11th District."

"Second, my identity is sufficient. It is easier for the exclusive knight to let the opponents exchange the possibility. I try to save the old and the weak in the hostage first. Even if I want to carry out a storm, there are at least those who have strong physical strength. A little self-protection ability, when the storm fails, at least it can safely rescue a group of people."

"Third, I think I have the ability to ensure my own safety, so no one other than me should be more suitable to negotiate and exchange with them personally."

Mai Mais looked at Xiaoran with his own one-eyed look, then turned and said to Yufei Lia: "His Highness, I agree with the proposal of the Lelouch Knight, if you want to rescue the hostages inside, at least save part of it." Hostage, then it is a good idea to let a person with the right status to exchange. It is because the identity of the Lelouch Knight is special, so the security is more guaranteed. As the last retreat, the other party should not let Lulu The repair of the knight is in danger of life, and the Lelouch knight is inside, and can also try to pass the message to us, so that we can more confidently save the remaining hostages and eliminate those rebels."

"But if this is the case, the Lulu Xiu Knight will not be in danger, what should I do if I have something wrong." Euphelia is not willing to take risks, but she also wants to save the hostages inside. As for the terrorists, in fact, Euphelia did not have any compassion for them. Even if they eliminated Effelia, they would not feel that there was anything wrong with them.

Mr. Mews said: "I think that since the Lulu Xiu Knight has come up, it should be ready to meet any situation. Is that the case, the Lulu Xiu Knight."

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded and said calmly to Euphelia: "You can rest assured that your Highness, as the Knights of the Knights said, because my identity is special, it is safer than the hostages. As for safety, I believe that my ability should be able to ensure my own safety."

Mai Mais also said in a deep voice: "I will also make corresponding arrangements here and do my best to protect the safety of the Lelouch Knight."

Xiao Ran turned and looked at the two subordinates of the company. After gently nodding, he stopped talking and was not convenient to say anything more. However, if these two people, there is a great possibility that they will be hijacked. In the meeting place, once the two men enter, it is basically equal to the wolf into the flock, and the results of those rebellious players can probably be determined.

These two people who appeared together with Mai Mais were filled with a lot of abnormalities in Xiao Ran’s eyes. For example, the eyes of these two people almost always went back and forth between themselves and Euphelia, although they were deeply hidden. However, Xiao Ran still sees something from the eyes of the two.

When the two looked at him, they revealed that more emotions were curious and amazed, and there were some excitement, and when they looked at Euphelia, they were different from the rights and even bigger. In the eyes of these two people, there is no little respect for Euphelia. They are even full of **** in their hearts. Only the participants are mostly actors. It is okay to disguise themselves when necessary. All the disguise in front of Xiao Ran has no meaning, because Xiao Ran can directly read the most real emotions revealed in their hearts.

Therefore, these two people will definitely not be trained personnel in the empire. Xiao Ran can also be sure that these two people should join the participants of the Empire camp. As for the strength of these two people, Xiao Ran can only say that he is far from letting him Feeling the degree of threat, the intensity of mental power is relatively weak compared to Xiaoran himself. If these two people are not spiritual participants and will not unite their spirits, then Xiaoran feels that if they want to release them It is not too difficult for the two people to solve the problem before the body. In short, it should not be a too high-level participant. It is about the level of c or b. For his s-class pilot. There are not too many threats.

The two men, basically, have been labeled as slain in Xiaoran’s heart. It’s not because the two participants’ minds seem to have awkward thoughts on Euphelia. At least it’s not exactly the reason, the same The reason is also because the two men joined the camp of the empire, and they were completely opposite in the camp. It was originally a small role that could not kill, but it was precisely because of the embarrassing thoughts of the two people that they just took the initiative to step on it. Into the line between life and death.

Xiao Ran was silent, and the eyes under the mask swept away from the two. The heart said: "But it is not the time... at least not at the present, you can't kill these two people in this place."

Xiao Ran’s resolutely coupled with the support of Maxim and the persuasion of Kilford’s side, how can Euphelia’s reluctance to agree, and the fact that Xiaoran’s unilateral trip to the venue was so determined, once determined Someone contacted the terrorists in the venue and expressed the request for negotiation to the other party.

There is no reason for the rebel army to refuse such a request. Moreover, it is only a person who goes there. It is also a person with a noble status in the 11th district. There is such a special knight that Xiao Ran can enter, and the role that can be played in the eyes of the resistance forces is simpler than The hostages that are now hijacked are still useful.

When Xiao Ran was preparing to enter the venue building, a special written news soon began to be broadcasted from various media, and soon caused a lot of reversal within the entire 11th district, a series of news broadcasts. It is said that Yuferia is willing to get along with the people of the 11th district in the future. The 11th district will gradually improve the living environment of the people in the 11th district, rebuild the city, and hope that the resistance organization can let go. The weapons used a peaceful method to find the future of the 11th district, etc., but also emphasized that for those who were taken hostage, Euphelia sent his own exclusive knight to the venue building, hoping to communicate. The way to rescue those hostages, etc., how much effect is not important, the important thing is to express the position of Euphelia.

After leaving the command room, Xiao Ran took out the communicator and quickly wrote two new messages and sent them out. One was to remind the participants of the flow wood field to appear, let her be careful, and the other was to ask Lulu Xiu now. Case.

"I am going to enter the venue to fight for time. What are you going to do now and what I need to do."


“Be careful, there may be special abilities.”

Lulu Xiu only replied two words in a short time. Xiao Ran saw the information recovered by Lelouch silent for a few seconds. After quickly replying to a sentence, he retracted the communicator and strode out of the land battleship. Slowly walked to the front of the only main road left at the end of the venue.

This is the first time that Xiao Ran has contacted Lu Lu Xiu, and such a big thing happened. Even if Xiao Ran does not contact Lu Lu Xiu, he will definitely know that from a certain time ago, Xiao Ran and Lelouch have been waiting for the image. It is now an opportunity for the Black Knights to make their debut, so Xiao Ran has reason to believe that Lelouch must have been preparing for this day.

A long time ago, because of the swaying wings of Xiao Ran, Lelouch had already put a lot of thought on the Black Knights, no longer created in special occasions like the original plot, but from one The Black Knights were established and the internal action plan was established.

He also reminded Xiaoran that there will be a rebel army to be prepared to do something. From that time, Lulu Xiu should know what will happen, so it is more likely that Lelouch is choosing opportunities instead of waiting for opportunities. Coupled with Xiao Ran's reminder, Lelouch's ability to use geass is no longer so 'small", although Xiao Ran is not quite sure how the black Knights developed in the end, but in this process Lulu Xiu used The number of orders of the geass king is definitely not in the minority.

Xiao Ran guessed whether the guy in Lelouch had already reached out to other resistance forces, or maybe this guy has already been mixed into the venue. But to put it bluntly, if you don't have complete control, this guy in Lelouch will never let himself venture into the Imperial Army when setting the plan, let alone actively enlisting in the encirclement of the Imperial Army. .

Xiao Ran suddenly picked up his brow, followed by a silent smile, and said: "I am afraid that this is not the only thing. This guy in Lelouch should be developing the Black Knights very seriously. This kid may have been in the empire. The military has inserted its own nails, and it is very likely that the kid has already entered the room before the encirclement of the venue building is completed."

At this time, Jeremy and Vereta had led some of the guards to block at the gate. They also got a jump when they knew that Xiaoran had to go to the venue building alone, but looked at Xiaoran slowly. When I walked to my own time, I didn’t know what to say.

Taking a deep breath, Jeremiah said in a deep voice: "Is it an adult, will it be too risky?"

"How can I save all the hostages safely without risk?" Xiaoran shook his head and handed his gun to Jeremy, and told him: "Let the special Lancelot prepare. Driven by the pivotal Suzaku, once I get my signal, I immediately rush from the pipe under the road, destroying the foundation of the building, I will take the hostage to a safe place before the building sinks completely, if it is the pivotal Suzaku boy driving Lancelot’s words should be able to break through the past safely.”

Jeremiah screamed: "Signal?"

"There is a signal when a bullet falls to your feet."

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Chapter 2415-2416 Discovery (page 1/1)

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