Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2483: actor

After sending away Lu and Lulu Xiu, Xiao Ran returned to the guest room in the guest room, quietly leaving and quietly coming back. No one knows the current users in this suite. Once upon a time, without leaving a trace, the important battle of the **** Knights, which is now the most reliant on the empire, has been brought into his own hands.

On the second day, Xiao Ran will send away the Jeremy and Veretta who accompanied him, and there will be Sehir with Lancelot coming. The three will take the plane and Lancelot returned to the 11th district together. As for Xiaoran, there should be no chance to return to the 11th district in a short period of time. At that time, the theaters will go directly from the capital to the edge of the theater to represent the emperor. Xiaoran also Use this opportunity to control the theater and border areas as much as possible.

After resisting Jeremiah and Veretta, they should pay attention to the protection of Euphelia. Xiao Ran did not send too many words to the last Sehir and sent the three people to the plane until the plane took off. Xiaoran sat on the black extension car waiting for the road, and left the military airport to start the trip to the Scarlet Knights.

On the back seat of the car, Mai Maisi sat in it, dressed in formal, cocked Erlang legs and held a cigar in one hand, holding a glass of wine until Xiaoran entered the car, then lifted the glass and gently shook Xiaoran: Come for a cup?"

"No." Xiao Ran shook his head and refused. After adjusting his sitting position to make himself sit more comfortable, he said: "The action of the Scarlet Knights is so fast? The delay does not delay, so I willingly took the body so quickly. Come out, it seems that these people are a bit honest."

Mai Mais said with deep thought: "Even if they have integrity, but the so-called integrity is not based on the loyalty to the emperor, but on the interests, although they will come up with a failure according to the bet. The body is handed over to us, but the Majesty will also give them corresponding compensation, and this compensation is not a decimal, it is a large number of sapphire they need most."

"These sakura were sent to the Scarlet Knights station early this morning, so they don't want to take it."

Xiao Ran deliberately paused, then shook his head and smiled: "A confrontation is just a head, and as long as they fail, they will have no chance to repent if they send it to the past. Otherwise, they will find it harder to stand in the country. Nor will it be trusted by the sire, nor will it be possible to get more resources."

Mai Mais smiled and agreed with what Xiao Ran said, and then asked: "In fact, this is equivalent to the fact that we have set up a body from the Scarlet Knights. According to the agreement, we cannot carry out any technology on this body. Analytical, but it does not mean that we can't understand this machine as a pilot, nor does it mean that the technical department of the empire can't imitate this body, so although it is used to use this body, it is actually an empire. Thanks to your strength, we can get a special body from the Scarlet Knights."

Xiao Ran waved his hand: "I just finished my task, and by the way, I got a powerful body for myself. As for the others, it is not my credit, and I don't have the resources to pay, I can't have a chance. The people of the Scarlet Knights fight against the body and cannot get the body from the other side."

Mai Maisi did not speak, just smiled, but the heart also recognized Xiaoran’s statement. If it wasn’t for Charles, this body could not fall into Xiaoran’s hands. Even if there was a match, it was only a reason, and There are no more than one hundred and dozens of reasons for achieving the same purpose. Xiaoran’s credit is only to make this reason for the Scarlet Knights to refuse.

Mai Mais put down the glass in his hand and looked up and down at Xiaoran. He said, "You don't worry that the Scarlet Knights will take a body and flicker you, or arrange a back door? After all, this body is you driving. If there is any problem on the battlefield at that time, it is very likely to pay the price of life."

"I don't think they dare." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "If there is any problem on the battlefield because of the relationship between the two bodies, the first one who can't escape the relationship will only be the Scarlet Knights, so they I don’t think so, I think they will hope that I can use this body to exert more powerful power, and in this way, they will have more chips in the hands of the empire and the sire, and you and me. I don't know if the other party is interested in agreeing to the conditions you have proposed, or maybe waiting for the price. If the opportunity is right, it will be invested in the empire by technology or the body, in exchange for more benefits?"

"If this is the case, the body of the Scarlet Knights is estimated to be better and not worse."

Mai Maisi’s brow slightly jumped and slowly nodded: “You are not impossible to say, but if you can get more powerful bodies from the Scarlet Knights and get the unique technology they have, even pay for it. Some of the costs are worthwhile, but I have never had such an opportunity before. Now because of you, this opportunity has appeared. If the opportunity is right, I would like to have a good conversation with the Scarlet Knights."

The two talked, and soon came to the Scarlet Knights station that Xiao Ran had been in the night before. The time has not been checked for ten hours and then saw the head of the Scarlet Knights, Keji.

Just in front of the command building in the station, Xiao Ran and Mai Mais wore the same style, only the knight uniforms with slightly different colors came down from the car. Keji took a few people standing next to the car, and before the night The guy with the head that Xiao Ran saw did not appear at all. The atmosphere and feelings in the entire station were completely different from those in the night. All the people who appeared were wearing military uniforms belonging to the empire, although the same There was no tension, but the casual and casual atmosphere was completely concealed, even if it was only an illusion, but at least in the eyes of the Scarlet Knights in the eyes of the Knights of the Scarlet, it really did not pick up any problems.

After getting off the bus, Keji, who was waiting, looked at Xiaoran with a big look, and there was no trace of the eyes. After all, Keji could not see the Xiaoran eyes under the mask, so he looked at the situation. Unless there is a great tacit understanding, such as 咲 and Xiao Ran, you don’t have to look at each other’s eyes to understand the idea with only one action. Even if Xiao Ran and Ke Ke are even completely confronted for more than ten seconds, it is estimated that Keji can’t understand Xiao Ran’s. intention.

Ke Ke walked up to the two people, haha ​​smiled and extended his hand, giving people a feeling of atmosphere and heart, and said: "Welcome to welcome, Jumeis, Lulu Xiu two round table knights to visit the Scarlet Knights station But let it shine here."

Xiao Ran did not speak, it seems to remember that he was only the second knight, and that Max was the first knight, standing behind the back of Mews, and kept silent.

However, in the face of Keji’s enthusiasm, he also smiled friendlyly. After shaking his hand with Keji, he also said: “Where, I can get the most respected Keji Knight in the Empire, so I feel the face. Those who have light should be right."

Keji smiled and didn't pick up the words of Max, but looked at Xiaoran. The smile on his face also slightly converged so little, like a dissatisfied heart but had to continue to smile. As usual, I can't see that this guy has completely fallen to Xiao Ran at night, just like an actor.

Keji said: "The Lelouch Knight, welcome you to come to the station of the Scarlet Knights. The Lulu Xiu Knight was really shocked in yesterday's confrontation performance. I didn't expect the empire to hide Wu Yong like you. People, even so easily driving the same body to defeat the super ace of our **** knights, the strength of the Lulu Xiu Knight in this empire, no, it is estimated that it is difficult to compete in this world, I am also very honored to be a companion to your powerful Wu Yong."

Keji’s words were laughed out, and there was a lot of praise in the speech about the meaning of Xiaoran, but in the view of Mai Maisi, this praised words could not be seen from the surface, because Keji spoke. Even if I keep a smile, but more or less there is a sense of igniting in it, it is praise, but the actual more is a deliberate, is to kill, is a counter-attack, is also ironic, and there are some provocative It means that the relationship between Xiaoran and Mai Maisi is also the relationship between Xiaoran and the Knights of the Round Table. It is also the relationship between Xiaoran and Charles.

After all, a person who can be regarded as the strongest in the whole world will still be a second knight under the mais, and still has no clear right, can only enjoy the treatment of the Knights of the Round Table, but there is no mais at all. The second knight of such rights, even the ones who belong to themselves, did not have the second round table knight that most of the resources owned by Max.

According to the truth, Keji said these words, Mais should be unhappy and unhappy, but on the contrary, at this time, Mai Maisi’s heart is quite satisfied, and he is very satisfied that Keji’s treatment of Xiao Ran is full of fire and I have to suppress the uncomfortable attitude, and I am more satisfied with the hostility and dissatisfaction that Xiao Ke showed to Xiao Ran. I feel that the relationship between Xiao Ran and Ke Ji should be like this, and I am satisfied with the current situation, and originally Charles and Max. It is also intended to erect the relationship between the Scarlet Knights and Xiao Ran.

But Mai Mais would never know that ten actors and ten actors, and the best actors who can keep the state of the exercise all the time, Keji’s performance made him not see a flaw at all. Even if you give an actor award for today's performance, there is absolutely no problem for Koki.

Mai Mais does not know that the relationship between Xiao Ran and Ke Ji has been completely different. From the general direction, he has completely stood aside. The goal is to overthrow his allegiance to Charles, to make Lulu Xiu an emperor, and he is the first knight of Max. Also in the goal.

But if Keji is the best actor, then Xiao Ran is definitely the king of the actor. After he finished his speech, he was satisfied, and his face only showed a smile that was not happy or unhappy, and Xiao Ran It was completely expressionless, and the voice of the speech did not fluctuate a bit. The calm answer: "The Keji Knight praised, although I did have some strength, but I still dare not claim that I am the first in the Empire, than my strength. Powerful people abound, I am just a lucky one among the numerous soldiers in the empire, and the one who can get a chance to show, and the Knight of the Knights as the head of the Scarlet Knights, the strength must be strong and capable. I am very fortunate to work with the Keji Knights for the Empire. Fortunately, the Legion of the Scarlet Knights is not an enemy, but a friendly army."

The words that Xiao Ran said are very common. There is no smoldering fire, no compliments, but plain but full of a little politeness and more distance. It is also the most suitable for those who are now. A person who doesn't care what others think, just do what he is willing to do, and a person who doesn't mind the attitude of others.

Ke Jipi smiled and laughed, and Mai Mais also interjected at this time. After all, although he needed Xiao Ran to balance the Scarlet Knights, he also needed the blood of the Knights of the Scarlet to stabilize the external situation. Before he could disintegrate the Scarlet Knights, he still hoped that Xiao Ran and Ke Ji could maintain mutual dissatisfaction and contradictions, but they could maintain a stable state. So he also worried that the two would become angry if they continued the dialogue. Bigger.

From his own point of view, from his point of view, Keji is definitely a man with many intrigues and tricks, and he is still a somewhat sullen person. He is also worried that too much fire will lead Koji. Live to Xiaoran to use the outside of the move, such as assassination of this similar thing.

And Xiao Ran is here, and Mai Maisi does not think that Xiao Ran is an atmospheric person. Although he is light but also proud, he is more self-confident and more self-centered. It is definitely a hateful report. Guys, as long as they want to do it, they will never take into account the overall situation and try to shoot against the Scarlet Knights. This is also not the case that Maxim wants to see now.

So when should we adjust the centering, and when should we provoke the anger between Xiaoran and Keji, so that this anger can be kept under control, and Mais has long thought about it for a long time. Arranged, and now is an opportunity to stabilize the fire.

"Oh, you two don't need to be polite. They are the pillars of the empire. They are also the most important people in the empire. They can afford these glory. As for the first knight, I don't mind letting it out, but I also need Lu. Lu Xiu Knight has made a greater contribution. Well, we should not talk nonsense. Keji Knight, you should be very clear about the purpose of this trip. I don’t know the body prepared for the Knights of Lelouch?"

Keji put his eyes back from Xiaoran back to the company, and nodded: "Well, I am ready, please come with me."

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