Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2484: Soul

Xiao Ran is very calm and calm, just like the first time I met Keji today and didn't put him in my heart, and didn't care about it. But this is not disguise, but Xiao Ran's most real emotions and thoughts at this time. Keji may feel that this time he joined the camp of Xiao Ran and Lelouch, but in the eyes of Xiao Ran, the Scarlet Knights are just a tool that can be used, and if the Scarlet Knights are easy to use, Xiao Ran doesn't mind. Leaving these people a life, just like the Overlord Corps, will not be able to include the corps of the size of the Super District in the Super District.

However, if the Scarlet Knights are disobedient and make things that Xiaoran can hardly identify and accept, then the Scarlet Knights will naturally get the value after they have used it, so that they will always remember Xiaoran and always treat Xiaoran as The result of the nightmare.

So now, at this time, the Scarlet Knights are just a tool, a tool of the whole scale. As for the individual units in the Scarlet Knights, it really can’t be remembered by Xiao Ran, let alone any attention, and In essence, Xiao Ran did not think that the current Scarlet Knights really belonged to him.

However, Keji did not continue to go on, and Keji did not continue to delay. After he mentioned the body, he took Xiaoran and Maimas directly to the other buildings in the base. A huge warehouse built together.

Entering from the gate of the warehouse, Xiao Ran saw the warehouse about 17 meters high. A body mainly painted in red was lying on the floor of the warehouse. Because this machine is too big, it is a large body that is about twice as large as the conventional ms by about 20 meters.

From the perspective of Xiao Ran, this machine seems to have no protection at all. The faintly lying body on the ground also makes Xiao Ran feel a little familiar, just because Xiao Ran can only see this from one angle. The huge body, and did not see the whole picture of this body at all, so I couldn't think of it for a while. What kind of body is this?

After seeing this body, Xiao Ran did not use the detection skills to confirm, but stopped the same steps as the Maxim, and made the same surprised expression as the Maxim in the direction of the body.

"This body?" Mai Mais was seeing this lying on the ground, because it was too big to see the whole body, and then turned to look at the front of the lead Keji, surprised: " How can there be such a huge body, it is simply unbelievable, this body is really ready to be handed over to the body used by the Lelouch Knight?"

The problem of Mai Mais actually contains two meanings. The first meaning is that the huge body can really fight like the kf they are using now. Will it be just a huge look?

The second meaning is to ask Keji, how the huge body of the Scarlet Knights got it.

Keji didn't know if he had completely heard the meaning of Mai Maisi, but after hearing the question of Mai Maisi, he was also proudly laughing: "Yes, this body is what we are going to deliver to Lelouch. The body used by the Cavaliers, this aircraft has a height of forty-four meters. It is a fighting machine specially built to meet the requirements of the Knights. It also has certain long-range combat capabilities. The performance is definitely far beyond the Lance. The body of Lott is more than several times, but it needs to consume a lot of slate stones to support it when it is used. This is barely the biggest drawback of this body."

"Take this out, even in our hands, is extremely rare and rare, because the Scarlet Knights are willing to gamble and lose, and they have received such generous compensation, and the ability of the Lelouch Knights to match this body. It also complements each other. As for whether it is capable of exerting remarkable attention, the Lulu Xiu Knight can control this body. It is better to let the Lelouch Knight sit up and feel these problems.

Mai Mais nodded, and the one-eyed eye that had opened was flashed with solemnity. The surprised expression on his face gradually disappeared and became serious. He turned and smiled at Xiao Ran: "In this case, Lulu Xiu, that Feel free to sit on this body and feel it. I am also curious about such a huge humanoid body, and what kind of power can be exerted."

Xiao Ran responded with a sigh of initiative and took the initiative to step forward and said to Keji: "Then I will trouble the Keji Knight to introduce this body to me first. I am completely strange to this body, I don't know how to sit in the end." Enter the cockpit of this body."

In the world of Lelouch, there is no large body that exceeds the normal kf size, but those large bodies can't be called real kf, but all are shaped machines, not human figures but other messy shapes. The body similar to ma occupies the vast majority of all large bodies, and the other is basically a special body similar to the ground fort, so a body of more than 40 meters is illuminated and given The surprise of Mai Maisi can also be imagined, and if the power of this body can be exerted, it will have more special meanings for Mais.

Keji nodded and looked at the only body in the hangar. He said: "The name of this body is called the Soul of the Soul. It is one of the best bodies owned by our Scarlet Knights. It is mainly for close range. The super-body developed by the warfare is more powerful than the normal body, but it has super-maneuverability that is completely opposite to the huge body. The weapon is mainly based on the big sword of close combat. There are certain long-range weapons to make up, and it is also a super-body that can be driven by one person. As for other information, the Lelouch Knight may wish to feel it by himself."

When Corgi said the name of the body, Xiao Ran had already reacted. Of course, the body of the sorcerer, Xiao Ran, of course, knows that, with the power of the slayer, the slayer is a body under the series, which is a proper Super body, of course, some of the characteristics of the real system, like the g-series body, barely count as a special body of the hybrid system.

This body is mainly based on melee attacks, and in Xiao Ran's memory, the sorcerer also has some special abilities, such as the special ability of avatar, mobility and flying ability, which is from super robot. The body of the og world in the war, and the burning army of Xiaoran has the camp territory of og world. Of course, it is no stranger to the souls, so when I saw the first sight of this body, although I couldn’t see it from one. Looking at it from a clear angle, I still feel familiar with Xiao Ran.

However, the soul-stricken person is not the body owned by the og world itself, but another parallel world of the og world, which is made in the world of mirrors, and the mirror is also no stranger to the world, which once attacked the og world. The shadow mirror unit was completely disintegrated by Xiao Ran, the alias drawing machine, Vasaka, as for the soul-soul itself, it is also owned by the Burning Legion og world.

The advantage of this machine is the sportiness. As for the attack performance, it can only be said to be general. Of course, this is compared to the same level of the body, but it is not very good in Xiaoran’s eyes, but Reluctantly can also enter the ranks of the protagonist, but in the world of the mirror, the soul-hunter seems to be a mass-produced body, of course, can also enter the ranks of special machines, but also into the first production version, try to do The machine is also the difference between the real machine and the full-production version of the fake machine. It is only in the Burning Legion that it is simply not worthy of attention.

Xiao Ran is not sure which kind of sorcerer is in front of him, but Xiao Ran estimates that if this sorcerer is not made by the Scarlet Knights, it should not be possible to reach the full version of the test machine. More likely should still be the ordinary production version, and the color is also very different from the real souls that Xiao Ran knows, but it is not important, after all, the color can be completely replaced.

However, Xiao Ran can guarantee that it is absolutely impossible for this body to load the xn Holy Spirit system, and the specific performance is really only to sit on the body to know.

Xiao Ran endured the use of reconnaissance against the stalkers in front of him, in order to avoid the presence of Keji or other participants who have similar skills and abilities to detect the investigation. Otherwise, a detection skill should be able to go out. Simply get a lot of information about this sorcerer from the feedback.

However, soon Xiaoran can sit in the cockpit of this sorcerer, but he is not in a hurry to understand the intelligence of the stalker.

And in Xiaoran’s heart, it’s still a bit surprising that Keji can come up with such a body. Although the level of the sorcerer can’t be too high, it’s impossible to reach the level of a real a-class body. Maybe there is no way to enter the a-level stage. It is only a b-class body. It is estimated to be a super-class rating. It is estimated to be only fine. The extent of the epic level, even if the avatar ability has Not necessarily, and the sorcerer is certainly not capable of super-burst and higher-order combat power.

But even if it is just like this, after all, it is probably an epic-level body, but also the name of the protagonist like the Soul Eater. It’s absolutely true to say that it’s powerful in this world. What is the level of the Legion's body? Xiao Ran is hard to say, but it is indeed a good body, a body that Xiaoran can use, and it is indeed a rare and valuable body, a **** knight. The group is definitely worth a lot.

The Scarlet Knights took out such a body and Xiaoran also guessed whether they also paid a lot of price. Perhaps the vast majority of the slate stone that I got from Charles today has already been put into the unblocking of this body, so that Then the Scarlet Knights really invested a lot, and placed a bet on him to make a gamble. Basically, he gave up the opportunity to improve his army's strength, and instead pinned his hopes to him.

However, Xiao Ran did not feel moved because of Keji’s gamble. At least, the sense of Keji’s senses changed a little. He slightly improved his feelings. After nodding at Keji, Xiao Ran also Still calmly said: "Then I will try this body myself."

Keji raised his hand: "Please, the body has been pre-charged with sapphire, as long as you sit in the cockpit, you can start it directly, but please wait a moment before I let people transport this body out. ”

Xiao Ran glanced at the sorcerer lying on the ground, but also nodded slightly. After all, this body is too big. Although this hangar is installed, there is no way for the sorcerer to stand up in the hangar. It is reasonable to ship the hangar.

The transportation of the body in the case of Keji's unwillingness to completely expose the strength of the Legion in the eyes of Maxim, it is also very troublesome to transport the body out of the hangar quickly, so the next time Xiaoran and Mai Maisi I was invited by Keji to my suite, drinking tea and chatting about the gossip about the situation in the current empire. Of course, Xiaoran basically did not speak very much, but only the conversation between Maimas and Keji. Only.

In addition to a brief and direct discussion of the situation in the theater, the dialogue between the two is basically the same as that of the Maximilian and the Scarlet Knights. The words of Keji compliment Max and Charles and the entire empire are the most, a few words are not Open the beam and rely on such topics.

Keji also completely put down his face, and many times thanked Charles for providing them with a large amount of supplies, what kind of changes these materials can bring to the Scarlet Knights, and then to work harder for the Empire, hope that Maxwell can Help the Scarlet Knights to fight for more sakura, and so on. As for the singular stone to unblock the body, Keji is completely concealed and mentions nothing, even the sapphire consumption that made the sorcerer is also In my heart, I pretended that because of the batch of Sakura, the Scarlet Knights will continue to develop and then better serve the Empire. After all, it is difficult to explain this phenomenon.

After Xiaoran listened to the chatter of the two people for about forty minutes, they finally got the notice that the body had been transported, and they couldn’t wait to see what kind of performance the body of the Scarlet Knights had. Max, also hurriedly urged to appear on the huge open space in the base.

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