Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2507: Keji participates in the battle

Let Cornelia in the 19th district go to the things far away from the 11th district, and still have to get a batch of sakura to the 19th district with all the people carrying it, knowing that even the 11th district The governor of the United States, Euphelia, can not say that too many hands can be inserted for the Sakura mining area, but now it is necessary for Cornelia to do this thing, it is simply a difficult Connelia.

However, Cornelia also promised Xiao Ran, not only will all the stored sapphire in the 19th district be gathered into the base, but also try to coordinate a batch of sakura to try to bring the sakura needed by Xiao Ran. At the same time, get from the 11th district.

The war in the 19th district has always been quite tense. Although there is always support from the empire, after removing the sapphire that needs to be consumed normally in the short term, the number of sapphire stones that can really gather will not be too much. It is still unclear how much support will be given to the next large-scale operations, so I still have to count on the slate stone that was shipped from the 11th district.

What kind of record can be created in the next nineteen districts? It is also necessary to see how many sakura stones can be gathered in the shortest time in the 19th district. With the help of Connelia, and then Xiaoran made in the 19th district. Every arrangement and arrangement is believed to be able to get a quantity that is satisfactory enough.

Cornelia is very clear that the body of the Scarlet Knights is a very consuming material of the sakura stone. Every time I need to sing stone to supplement the energy, she never knows that the so-called sapphire supplement is actually more than half. All of the above were smashed by the participants of the Scarlet Knights, and the accumulated amount of preparations was used to unlock the more advanced body.

The Bloody Knights want to use the unsealed body, and also need a certain amount of sakura as an energy support. It can be said that among the tasks of this world, all the participants' corps can get more sakura at the beginning. That basically means that the legion will have an absolute advantage in this mission. The current situation of the Scarlet Knights is actually in a backward stage, but because of the relationship between Xiaoran, the Scarlet Knights directly rely on Lelouch. I got some supplements a little.

Xiao Ran is preparing to get a lot of sakura in the 19th district. The purpose is to take advantage of this opportunity to at least let the participants of the Scarlet Knights who come to support more power and use the shortest time in the eu participants. The Legion did not respond before fully achieving the envisaged mission objectives, and then quickly moved to resolve Charles, the current biggest stumbling block.

The Battle of the Scarlet Knights will be played, and the next help will become even bigger. After all, this Butalia will still need the assistance of the participants of the Blood Knights to truly compete against the other participants. Otherwise, with the power of Butaria itself, it is not known how long it will take to resist the possibility of these participants.

After reading the morning information, Xiao Ran returned to the command post, and continued to read the rest of the information at the fastest speed throughout the afternoon, and then spread a large map on his desk. Carefully and seriously began to start the battle plan.

This combat plan is actually more for the ordinary soldiers in the 19th district, but also to prepare for the 19th district to be attacked by some important positions in the next large-scale operations, and then to fight The finishing arrangement, in fact, Xiao Ran does not need such a combat plan at all, he only needs to know which base and city is important to the enemy, where is the heavy armor, where will bring threats, and then drive the souls all the way Participants who lead the Scarlet Knights can do it in the past, but ordinary soldiers can't keep up with his rhythm, and they also need these ordinary soldiers to receive the occupied strongholds, encircle and search for those defeated defeats. Therefore, this plan has also been formulated. Of course, the so-called plan is only a big direction and arrangement. The specific rules are still arranged according to the situation at the time.

When I left the command, I almost walked into the night. I was able to slip away quickly under the serious work of Xiao Ran. But at this time, Xiao Ran had already made the plan for the battle almost the same. This will be once It affects the operational arrangements of all the troops in the entire 19th district, and the rest of Xiaoran only needs to be slightly improved and then thrown to the staff for complete completion. For example, the route of replenishment does not require Xiaoran to operate in person. .

After a busy day, Xiao Ran did not take a break after returning to his home, but took out the communicator and chose a person's name to dial out.

Not long after, the communicator that Xiaoran gently held in his hand rang the voice of a man: "Hey."

Xiao Ran did not put the communicator in his ear, but used amplifying mode to sit in a chair and shake the glass to communicate with the other party: "The leader of Keji, I haven't seen it for a long time."

There was no surprise at Keji, and it was normal and calm to say: "Roussillon Knight, you should be late at night, is there anything to contact me so late?"

Xiao Ran slowly said: "The request for assistance in the 19th District should be known to you. I hope that this time you can send a real combat force. It is similar to the power of the Soul of the Soul. Don’t be in this 19th district. In the real battle, you can't exert too much combat power. The batch of sakura that was provided to you should give you some help. This time I have prepared more for you in the 19th district. Sakura, I want real power, to destroy the rebel army in the 19th district in the shortest possible time, and completely weaken all the conventional power of eu in this place."

When Keji heard Xiaoran’s words, he suddenly silenced, and then he said with a little surprise: “The Lelouch Knight is preparing to make a big move this time, but even if we have us, we must eliminate eu and now. Rebel is also extremely difficult?"

"You don't have to worry too much about this. After I analyzed the fact that the hostile forces we really have to face are only the ones that resist the army, and the eu side has not invested in the real power, that is, the one who joined the eu and is similar to you. The organization, they should be the main target in other places, such as eu itself."

"You are not in a mysterious organization. Are you in a situation of mutual opposition? Before the organization of eu moves the target to the 19th district, it completely eliminates another organization that may be associated with the eu aspect. This is your **** knight. The regiment should be a good thing."

"And you don't think there is not much time left for you. The political model of eu is completely different from that of Butaria. The organization you are facing is now likely to be trying to figure out the real leadership of the whole eu. After they got the leadership of eu, Butari is still in this situation, and the Scarlet Knights are still suppressed by Charles’s distrust, and Butalia will soon be completely destroyed. It is also a big trouble for you to go where you are going in the future."

"With me as the real main force, and give you the absolute support and trust of the Scarlet Knights, now there is such a chance to weaken the enemy. I think you should not give up."

On the other side, Keji was frowning at the same time. The situation of the Scarlet Knights in Butaria is not so much to say, but Xiaoran’s eu-members’ legions are likely to seek The fact that eu’s supreme leadership really made him feel a lot of threats and urgency, but he never thought that he would open a hard steel with another legion in the absence of too much preparation. The whole war started, but now Xiaoran said so much, and Keji suddenly felt that it would indeed be a good opportunity.

Although Keji is not in the 19th district, the situation in the 19th district is also well understood. After all, there are two participants in this place. Of course, more attention will be paid, and Xiaoran will pick one before. He also watched the video of the battle video. To be honest, Keji was really shocked at the time, and was scared by the performance of Xiao Ran driving the soul.

The Soul Eater is a very advanced body in the Scarlet Knights, but it is not the most powerful body, that is, the body used by the middle and upper level cadres. His own body is definitely beyond the soul of the soul. However, Xiao Ran’s soul-stricken person has solved the three powerful bodies in such a short period of time so easily. It seems to be a little too unbelievable in Keji’s view. The kind of easy performance seems to be already Explain that the other party has the ability to fight with him in a positive direction, and that the soul-stricken person in the hands of Xiao Ran is just like being fully reinforced and exerting some performance that people can't understand.

But no matter how hard to imagine, Keji only feels that whether he is driving the body or not driving the body, his participant has some feelings that he can't lift his head in front of Xiaoran's aborigines. It is so powerful and outrageous. The superiority of the participants.

On the other hand, it is also a great thing for Xiaoran to be so powerful for the Scarlet Knights. This means that from a certain level, the Scarlet Knights suddenly have a top super mechanic. The other legions also had more suffocation, and now this top-level pilot has to take the initiative to eliminate the opponents of the Scarlet Knights, although not for the Scarlet Knights, but for the Butari Empire For Lulu Xiu, the final Scarlet Knights will still be the beneficiaries, which makes Keji also very heart-wrenching. The only thing that is not very determined is that the development of the Scarlet Knights was too bad, with the first batch of sakura. The income is still a bit stunted, not sure how many sakura stones have been prepared for this war.

Between heartbeat and hesitation, Keji said tentatively: "Of course, it would be good for us to annihilate the enemy, but the Lulu Xiu Knight, if the Scarlet Knights want to use more powerful power, then the pair of sakura The consumption is absolutely huge, otherwise I will send more power in the past and it will only become a display."

"This is of course." Xiao Ran smiled and understood the concerns of Keji. He said: "You can rest assured that all the reserves of the entire 19th district, except the part that must be removed, will be handed over to you. And soon there will be more sakura from the 11th district. The number of sakura will definitely be several times more than the number of sakura that was delivered to you. So many sakura shiki knights should you I won't have any doubts."

When I heard this, Keji’s eyes suddenly brightened: "Of course it is enough. I will definitely send the most powerful force in the Knights. No, this time I personally led my men to the 19th District, I will definitely Help the Lelouch Knights to win the war."

"Then I will wait for the arrival of Keji Knight in the 19th district." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "Once the battle in the 19th district is over, the next step will be to overthrow Charles to let the lower house of Lelouch board the plane." Action, I can promise you first, and by that time the sakura **** Knights from the 11th district will have three layers."

"I got the sorcerer's sapphire consumption. I know it very well, so you have to keep more of the slate stone, so I have reservations, but you need more sakura anyway. I already know this stone. Although I know why you want so many sakura stones, I probably want to get what you need for Sakura, and you who accept the gemas of His Majesty, will always be my best. Trustworthy comrades, so I will definitely support you at this point."

Keji took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your trust and thank you for your trust. Our Scarlet Knights will never make anything against their Highness."

"That's it, I am waiting for your visit."

Hanging up the communication, Xiaoran was silent for a little while and then contacted Lulu Xiu: "Luluchiu, you have to be prepared."

When Lulu Xiu suddenly heard Xiao Ran’s words, he stayed for a while and quickly asked: “Would you like to start? What is the reason for this short time to let you decide to speed up the action?”

“The eu side will change very quickly, we have to do what we should do before their big change begins.” Xiao Ran said: “In addition, I need Sakura, a larger number of sakura, than the last time. The district is the key to delaying the eu change. I want to eliminate all the military forces of eu on this side in the shortest time. This time, Cornelia will use all his strengths and relationships to match you."

"Cornelia..." Lelouch sighed and immediately became firm: "I understand."

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