Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2508: arrival

Confirmed the participation of the Scarlet Knights and the sakura supplement provided by the 11th District. The next large-scale campaign in the 19th District was completed halfway. The real main force of this battle is his Xiaoran and the Scarlet Knight. The regiment, as far as the original military force in the 19th district was only assisted by the side, and Lulu Xiu heard that Xiao Ran said that Cornelia would cooperate fully, and his heart probably understood what it was.

The reason why Xiaoran chooses to contact Keji at this time is not simply to make it possible for Keji to send enough strength to decide the battle, nor to remind Keji of what the next action will bring. The real reason for this is to give Corchi and the Scarlet Knights a chance, an opportunity for them to prepare in advance.

Xiao Ran did not know how many bodies of the Blood Knights at this time had been unblocked. A ten or a set of units could not bring a decisive advantage in the mainland where the 19th district is located. Although the Bloody Knights were admitted to the most powerful force of Butaria, their own development is extremely backward, so the number of unsealed bodies will not be too much, and it is still dominated by low-level organisms. .

Therefore, Xiao Ran is going to deliberately contact Keji. This is to let Keji know in advance that there are a large number of sakura in the 19th district waiting for him to receive. Then you can do some preparations first, it will be the **** Knights. All the sapphire that has been collected is converted into the body, but people come in to receive the slate stone in advance, and use a time difference to unblock the body with a time difference, instead of inexplicably coming over and discovering that there are so many sakura here. Stone, for no reason, after accepting Sakuraishi, suddenly became so many bodies, so Xiaoran is deliberately giving Keji a head that can reasonably get more powerful bodies. From this point of view, Xiao Ran is I am very concerned about Ke Ke.

The next development was not much different from what Xiao Ran expected. On the second day, Keji took the lead to lead a group of Scarlet Knights to the 19th district, even one body was not brought. Then I ran over. When I arrived at the total base of the 19th district where Xiao Ran was located, it was already the afternoon of this time. This speed can be said to be extremely fast and fast. Basically, I am ready to choose the time. The plane left the country of Butalia directly.

The only thing that is out of Xiaoran’s surprise is that it is too early for Keji. At this time, the sakura stone that was shipped from the 11th district is estimated to have not been put on the plane. The sakura stone in the 19th district is also Not all of them were collected together, and Keji ran with people, and it was quite low-key. Even the **** plane flew directly without a plane.

When Corgi arrived, Xiao Ran still worked in his own office, or the young female secretary who was picked by other people and wore a hip skirt, informed Xiao Ran that Xiao Ran knew that this guy in Keji was in a hurry. The capital of the country flew over, and it was not long before Xiaoran saw Keji in his office.

Seeing Keji walk into his office, Xiao Ran stood up from the chair and walked to Keji with a smile, and took the initiative to extend his hand very politely: "Welcome to welcome, the **** Knights of Keji The head of the delegation came here. I will first welcome the arrival of the Keji Knight on behalf of His Royal Highness Cornelia and the entire army of the 19th District."

“Polite.” Keji also performed very politely and had a sense of distance. He and Xiao Ran’s hand immediately released and said, “This time it’s because of the will of the emperor’s will, knowing the 19th district. There will be a big move soon. I came here in advance to get to know the situation here. I also need to discuss the battle plan with the Knights of Lelouch and the Conservatory of Cornelia."

Xiao Ran nodded slightly and glanced at the secretary who stood by the door and said, "Go and invite the Highness of Cornelia, and prepare a pot of tea to come. The arrival of the Scarlet Knights, Keji, in the 19th district is not allowed. Temporarily not allowed to leak out."

"Okay, Governor." The female secretary officially nodded and turned and walked away from the office and shut the office door.

Xiao Ran smiled slightly, gently raised his hand and gestured to Keji to sit down next to him, and waited until the two sat down separately and said: "The Keji Knight came over this time but was too anxious, even if the notice did not come directly. I am not prepared for this."

Keji smiled and his eyes gestured around. When he saw Keji, Xiao Ran also waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, I have thoroughly checked this place, there is no problem."

When I heard Xiao Ran say this, Keji also let go of his heart and said: "Hearing the Lulu Xiu Knight, you said that a lot of sakura is waiting for me to accept it. You also know that we have received Charles’s system for a long time. I got too many sakura stones, and suddenly I heard this news and it made me feel uneasy and I rushed over the first time."

"And this time I came in this way, I don't want the enemy to notice our movements, and affect the next action. As for the body, as long as the battle begins, I guarantee that these bodies will appear in the place where the Lelouch Knights you want to appear. ""

Xiao Ran said with a smile: "It is not this problem, but you came too early. The slate stone I said in the newsletter is not ready yet. The slate stone that was shipped from the 11th district is estimated to be later." The reserve slate stone in the Nine Districts is also being mobilized for collection. There is no way for you to accept those sapphire."

I don't know if Kekey is prepared, for now there is no sakura stone, or there is no sakura stone that can satisfy him. This does not make Keji reveal any dissatisfied expression, but does not carelessly laughed: " I also expected this. After all, according to the normal situation, our Scarlet Knights still need some time to get here. You have made a reservation. I am completely relieved, so I mainly hope to communicate with Lelouch in advance. After the battle plan, you also need Lulu Xiu to actually make some advance arrangements for the arrival of the next Scarlet Knights."

"Keki Knight can understand it best." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "The specific combat plan, we will wait until the next door of Cornelia, then say, what needs you here can tell me."

Kirky nodded and said: "I hope that the people I am under will be able to have a separate base for their use."

"This is no problem. The 19th district can completely remove a base and deliver it to you." Xiaoran heard this is the same thing, but also said with a smile: "I would have been willing to be beaten according to my thoughts. It is still arranged according to the size of your own legion. Independent of the local military system, it will be used as a real main force to distinguish it from the conventional combat force. Therefore, you only need to complete the scheduled operational objectives. Of course, sometimes you may need to cooperate with some actions, but in general, it should be more with the local army to cooperate with you."

Keji also laughed. He was worried that Xiao Ran would be afraid of the separation of the **** Knights' forces and then resetting them into the regular combat power. That would be to forcefully pull the palm of the fist into the palm of the hand. The combat strength of the regiment will have a great impact, which will result in the vulnerable to the enemy group of the legion in the case of insufficient strength. Now, Xiao Ran has made up his mind to keep them in the system, and will give Their certain independence, of course, is a good thing for a participant army.

Keji didn't know that Xiao Ran was a participant. He only thought that after they had relied on Lelouch and accepted the binding of geass or mission, they really got the attention and support, and they got the trust, not the ones like Charles. I want to break them up and limit them, which makes Kekey feel very comfortable.

But precisely because Xiao Ran is a participant, it is clear that the participants' mode of action and combat mode have a relatively basic guess for the strength of the Scarlet Knights. They know that there is no such thing in the Scarlet Knights, or that they rarely exist. A person who can change the situation with a single force, so he will choose to keep the Scarlet Knights in shape. If there are several people in Zengjia in the Scarlet Knights, where they are still used to make them fists, spread out The enemy army can be beaten and crying.

The two chatted and talked, Cornelia knocked on the door and walked in. After seeing Xiaoran and Keji in the office, they also brought a faint smile close to the two, and took the initiative. Stretching out his right hand toward Keji: "This is the Keji Knight. Although I haven't really seen it, I have heard the name of the Keji Knight. I have heard it many times. Thank you very much for coming in person. The nine districts have helped us, and we also thank the Scarlet Knights for their support and help to the 19th district."

Keji also stood up. He also had no contact with Cornelia, but he clearly knew that this person is the one who has the greatest influence in the military and is also the governor of the 19th district. Nelia, now this time to come to the 19th district is equivalent to doing things under the hands of Cornelia, which is also very polite.

"His Connie's Highness praised it. Being a member of the empire and doing everything for the empire is also the duty that our Scarlet Knights should have."

"Everyone is their own, they don't need to be so polite." Xiao Ran looked at Cornelia and said with a smile: "His Cornelia is one of the supporters of His Royal Highness, so we are all ourselves." It is also equal to the 19th district has become the site of His Royal Highness, so the Knights of Corki, this time in the 19th District, the real help is not Charles, but His Royal Highness."

"Now the lower house of Lelouch has already had help from the 11th and 19th districts, and there is also the support of His Royal Highness Cornelia, who has a high reputation in the military. Once we have resolved the war in the 19th district. The prestige of His Royal Highness, the reputation of the Scarlet Knights will be higher, and it will save us a lot of things."

Keji’s eyes flashed a bit, so he looked at Xiaoran with amazement and looked at Cornelia: “It’s like that, everyone is really a person, His Royal Highness Connelia, Lulu Xiu Xiao The Cavaliers can rest assured that this battle of the Blood Knights will definitely send the most powerful force and use all efforts to calm the battles in the 19th District."

Ke Ji’s heart is not surprising that Xiao Ran can win Cornelia. After all, Xiao Ran once showed his special strength in front of him. At the same time, Xiao Ran also said that he has the ability to surrender to others and deal with Connelia. An ordinary person will not have any accidents at all.

For Cornelia, Xiao Ran suddenly said this, and then Keji said such a thing, but also let her completely confirm that the Scarlet Knights did stand on the side of Xiao Ran, supporting her brother who had never met before to become the emperor. And this also made Cornelia sigh with a weak heart.

The Scarlet Knights are now the strongest military force in Butaria. It can be said that the combat power is absolutely all the forces under the entire Bataliya military system. Such forces have chosen to support Lulu Xiu. It can be said that there is no suspense, and there is also Xiao Ran, which has never let Connelia see it completely from start to finish. It is even more mysterious and horrible. This empire is still in the hands of Charles. It can be said that Xiao Ran and the Scarlet Knights are really unable to open the time.

Xiao Ran stood up and nodded to Cornelia, then walked over to his desk and picked up a map and walked back, spread the map on the table in front of him, and said to the two: " I have already specified the operational arrangements, sit first, I will tell you about the next arrangement."

Cornelia sat down with a blank expression, and Corki saw a smile in the heart of Cornelia, and sat down to look at the map.

Xiaoran’s hand pulled a red line along the map. It was a long, long red line and there were many small icons on both sides of the red line.

"This is the dividing line between us and the enemy. Both sides have placed heavy defense here. From the map, the Cavaliers can clearly see that we are at a disadvantage, and many of our bases have actually It was completely emptied, but it belongs to us in name but the initiative is in the hands of the enemy."

"And the meaning of this line of defense is resistance, but this resistance can only be directed at conventional combat forces. Now both us and the enemy have unconventional military power. In other words, this line of defense is The enemy is a display, but now it has become a display for both of us, but for conventional forces, we want to play an auxiliary role in normal operations, break this line to create multiple gaps or completely destroy the line of defense. It has become a must."

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