Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2509: thigh

Parameter Ke Ke looked at the place where Xiaoran's hand was drawn on the map. He listened to Xiao Ran’s voice and kept his head in his heart. He also agreed with Xiao Ran’s words. After all, Keji was a participant in this army. The commander of the world, although not aware of the size of the Scarlet Knights in this world, is said to be only a part, but at least as a commander, a participant in various worlds, strategic commanding should be more or less Business parameter.

The problem of defense is only to solve it. The simplest statement is that it is always impossible to always go in and out of the enemy's defense line. Even if these participants don't care, then it is necessary to go forward and retreat with the enemy every time. Do you have a line of defense? Not to mention that there are other effects in it, so although you don't care about the enemies on this line, you still have to put them in a directory that must be solved.

I ordered a few lines of defense that were not important in Xiaoran’s own eyes and Keji’s eyes. Xiao Ran talked directly about the next question. He used his hands to make several consecutive points on the map, and then separately followed by hand. Some lines are a bit of a gesture. For Xiaoran’s movements, Cornelia, who is familiar with the situation in the 19th district, naturally understands what Xiaoran’s actions mean, but for Kekey, perhaps there is no Cornelia. So clear, but clearly remembered every action and position that Xiao Ran stroked.

"The points I have just pointed out are all the sites where the enemy materials are stored according to the available information, or the replenishment sites, and the routes are the public routes used for replenishment of supplies in various regions. These will be used. The replenishment of the line should be just some common materials, and most important materials should be carried out by air."

Koki recorded what Xiao Ran said, and Cornelia looked at Xiao Ran with a slight frown: "How do you know the situation of these lines and strongholds? Some of the lines and strongholds you mentioned are in our intelligence. Doesn't it exist, depends on the analysis and speculation of those materials?"

Xiao Ran glanced at Cornelia, faintly said: "It's just a simple basic analysis. The first is the size and size of these strongholds, and then the joint access line of these strongholds. According to the location of the location, these strongholds are not owned by the airport or have water transport. Conditions, but also have spacious roads, so even though the points I pointed out are not all replenishment strongholds, they are also very important for the enemy. Of course, the specific analysis will not be so simple, in general it will not There are too many problems, so these places will also be the first target we attack."

Speaking, Xiao Ran nodded again and said: "From the current map area, eu occupies almost twice the area of ​​the 19th district, and because of continued victory and deepening, their main base Today, the distance from the front line is quite far away, which to some extent avoids the possibility of our attack on their main base."

"But at the same time, it is also that they have a deeper depth. However, the strength of the eu side invested here is only similar to the conventional strength we invested in. In other words, the distribution of troops in the area occupied by eu has become more It’s less, and it’s mostly invested in the front line, so as long as we can completely destroy the eu army on the front line, there will be no obstacles to the next road, especially after removing those important positions. The control of eu will also be reduced to a minimum."

"As for the total base of eu, when it is time to fight, the initiative is all on us."

"As for the Rebels, the areas that are actually occupied by them are not large. The regular forces are also the least. They rely entirely on the mysterious organization that supports them as the main support. The mysterious organization may be the real one in the rebel army. Leaders, coupled with their local influence, the actual threat is much larger than the eu aspect, and the Rebels are also the focus of our action."

"There is nothing to say too much. As long as it is the stronghold of the rebel army in the operational arrangements, it will be our target, but we cannot use the general tactics to act."

"The other thing is that although the Rebels have their own source of replenishment, they have also been receiving support from eu, so we can destroy the supply of eu, which will also bring certain resistance to the Rebels. influences."

Xiao Ran gently clicked on the table and looked at the two and continued: "The situation is such a situation. I will now talk about the specific arrangements."

"In the beginning, the Scarlet Knights mainly concentrated their strengths in this position, took the strongholds in the shortest time, and then separated one-third of the force with the conventional army to continue to advance on both sides. The rest of the forces were on all the positions. As soon as it is removed, this speed does not need to be too fast, but we must let the eu side feel the pressure, let them know clearly where our goal is, once they wait until they gather power in that place, because the initiative is in our relationship. So we can change the target at any time."

"And the real main purpose of this aspect is to drag the energy of eu so that they cannot reinforce the Rebels."

"As for the Rebels, I am personally responsible. Connelia, you need to give me the command of your guards. Keki, you also need to send some people to help me. I will solve the whole in the shortest time. Rebel defense lines, and step by step to force the other party to bring together the forces, and take the initiative to fight with us."

"At that time, your Scarlet Knights will need to sneak into the position of the decisive battle of Chen Cang. I will try my best to eliminate the other party as much as possible. Then I will transfer the main forces from the Rebels. The area now occupied, that is, the side of eu, pushes the eu side."

Keji’s brow slowly wrinkled when he heard it here: “In this case, the pressure of fighting will become very large. This is not just a problem of multi-line operations.”

"So you need to use all the power of the entire Scarlet Knights." Xiao Ran said calmly: "As for the combat consumption you need, it will be provided by the 19th and 11th districts, and once it can be on the battlefield. Get enough advantage, I think Charles will take the initiative to provide you with more support."

Keji frowned, biting his teeth and nodding his head: "Okay, but we must provide us with more sakura."

"Reassured, I will be in front of the real striker." Xiao Ran said: "The performance of the sorcerer is good, but I can send the performance of the sorcerer to this extent, but it does not mean that the sorcerer can follow I have to do my job. If the Scarlet Knights can provide me with a more powerful body, I think that it is completely without any problem for me to come to the other side."

"The three bodies of the rebel army that fought with me should be the middle and high-end power of the other side, but there is no possibility of rescuing in front of me, so as long as you are willing to come up with a more powerful body, I can More calmly and simply eliminate the enemy's more powerful power."

Keji looked at Xiao Ran, but his brow was wrinkled but he didn't answer it in the first time. He was hesitating in the heart to ask for a more powerful body to give to Xiao Ran. The soul-stricken person is indeed a middle-class in the Scarlet Knights. The body, but only the middle and high level, the more powerful force is not without, but is it worth it?

Keji was hesitating, and Xiao Ran did not urge and force him to make a decision. Instead, he looked at Cornelia: "Cornelia, from tomorrow, you can gradually bring all the entire 19 districts. The troops moved forward and prepared, I need to clear all the personnel of the base and armed air conditioning to the front line, and the base will be handed over to the Scarlet Knights."

"But the action of mobilization must be small. Increasing the number of vehicles transported in and out of the base, and the planes, slowly moving in and out. It is worthwhile to give up some of the armed forces. It is also possible to leave some people as the logistics of the Scarlet Knights. Support, until the arrival of the Scarlet Knights, the same can create a base or a voice."

Keji fiercely raised his head and his face was a bit stunned: "Give this base to us!?"

"Yes, I can only give it to you." Xiao Ran nodded and said flatly: "Once the battle begins, this 19-zone base in the eyes of the enemy is highly likely to be attacked, and the general strength is simply insufficient. To defend against the mysterious organization of the opponent, so only the Scarlet Knights have the ability to fight back."

"In this case, it is better to give this base to you, and you will set up a trap to kill each other's living forces. This base will become a bait, and the Scarlet Knights will become a killer."

Keji’s mouth was unconsciously pulled twice, but he had to admit that Xiao Ran’s words were not wrong. Except for the Scarlet Knights, Butalia’s conventional power could not resist the attack of enemy participants. In this way, they are completely used as bait. If you are not careful, it will definitely cause problems. The only thing that is gratifying is that the enemy is dark, the base is in the Ming, the base is in the Ming, and they are also dark.

However, Keji always felt that there was something wrong. After all, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves?

Xiao Ran said: "Reassured, I have made some arrangements for the surroundings. If the enemy is swaying and attacking directly, then it is fine, but if they want to covertly launch a surprise attack, it will be very simple to find their location."

This method of searching for enemies is also brought from the world of 00. For those who are ecstatic and difficult to find, some people have found the attack of the heavenly ship Ptolemy in this way and then launched an attack. It is a reverse. The array is connected to the enemy.

Keji feels that he should be a little relieved. After all, Xiao Ran is still very reliable. Now Xiao Ran wants to give this base to them. It is also clear that it is to use this base as a bait, knowing that conventional forces are not enough to resist enemy participants. In the case of Koji, there is no reason to object.

What's more, as a participant, the mind of adventure is never lacking. If you want to win the final team battle, if you can't even take the risk, then why should you join such a chaotic army? Come in the war.

It’s just that Keji is still hesitating. In the end, do you want to give him another, more powerful body like Xiao Ran’s, and the more powerful body, Keji, is not holding it, it’s a **** knight. And Keji has invested a lot of resources to reinforce the modified body, the speed is faster than the soul, the power is stronger than the soul, the power of the attack is more terrible than the soul, it is beyond the 斩The Soul is a powerful body of a level, but that is his special machine, the epic-level upper machine, how can he take his own special machine and hand it to Xiao Ran to use, in terms of the real area's body rating, it is appropriate A true a-class body, and more explosive.

In addition to this special machine belonging to him, the body that is better than the sorcerer is not without, and the degree of epic is indeed one or two higher than the sorcerer. The evaluation of the department is also the level of the body, but almost every one has its own owner, and the value of the body is much higher than the soul, now has given up a soul to use Is it worthwhile to give up a resource with a higher value?

Worth, of course worth it, it is worth returning, a spare machine, what is not worth it, if you can get the final victory, then the price of a body can be doubled and earned back. You can give this body to Xiaoran to the Scarlet Knight. Does the group really have no effect? What do you do with Xiaoran with this body running or vice versa? Of course, Keji should consider these things. He can't betray Lulu Xiu, but it doesn't mean that Xiao Ran can't betray Lulu Xiu. If Xiaoran has other purposes, the rebellious Lulu Xiu is really referring to it. Can you be the Knight of the same name, Lulu Xiu, in the presence of His Royal Highness?

However, if he is not betrayed in this way, the Lulu Xiu can play a more terrible power, and the help of the Scarlet Knights will be even greater. A super thigh who does not want to hug, hug The thigh is cool for a while, and I have always been holding this kind of thing. Keji can't understand.

Hesitated for a long time, Keji even did not hear anything in Xiao’s face, and when he felt that the sound in the room had disappeared, Keji had once again raised his head, and he looked at Xiaoran with some hesitation: The Lulu Xiu Knight, you said that the soul hunter still can't let you play all the strength, then what kind of body do you think can be used to fully exert your strength?"

Xiao Ran's mouth is awkward: "I don't dare to say it all because I have never fully played my strength. But with the physical performance of the soul-stricken person, even if it is five or more times higher, there is no problem. More than I have confidence, I can fully control it."

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