Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2510: Ready to finish

Xiao Ran asked Ke Ji to find a higher level of the body is also a bit forced to feel helpless, Lloyd's action is too slow, so far in the long time, Lloyd also made a She came out, and it was still a shelf that could not be used for high-intensity operations. Even weapons and energy were not completely solved. In some materials, there are also problems of low qualification rate that are not up to standard, and the real problem is true. The completion of the body, the time given before Xiaoran should be impossible.

However, the situation in the world now makes Xiao Ran feel that there is not much time to continue to wait. The key is the movement of the participants' leg of the eu side. Once the other party completely controls the eu, then if one has not yet decided the power of everything, there is no Integrate all the forces that can be used, and when it is against the other side, it will definitely fall into the unconditional unconditional.

Unless Xiaoran can play that decisive force, and even the Scarlet Knights can play their own foundation and strength, and can control Butaria, only in this case can be said to have an advantage, Otherwise, even in the situation where it is not in the middle, it is a great ending with the opponent.

More crucially, the next world is in chaos. From the aborigines as the dominant to the participants, and the world-scale war will become inevitable. With the passage of time, the various legions will also get enough. At that time, the participants will not be as low-key as they are now, without strong power, and the aborigines will not have the resistance to the participants. It is impossible for Xiao Ran to borrow other forces to limit the participants. Only by getting yourself more powerful as soon as possible can you truly ensure that you are at the top of the list to control the development of the situation.

The self-made body at Lloyd's side is temporarily unreliable, so Xiao Ran can only get a sneak peek at Keji, from his hand to get a more powerful body, a body that can truly reach the level of a, can also make Xiao Ran's ability Get more play, instead of the one who can't afford the most b+ level, the upper limit is too low. Even if you can pick up some a-class aircraft with a-level pilot with pure technology, the body itself may not be able to Withstand continuous, multiple high-intensity battles, and everything is safe and compact.

Keji wants to give it and does not want to give it. The current mood is very complicated. It gives the benefits that have been given. It does not give benefits. It also involves a question of dominance in the future. As a participant who Willing to be an aboriginal suppressor on his own, unless the aborigines are really strong enough to even the participants do not dare to resist and admire, but this will involve the problem of holding the thigh, this thigh is too powerful, hug It will definitely be very cool, so it is really hesitant to make a decision.

However, Keji soon figured it out. Although some of them were distressed and had to come up with a body, but the body of the sorcerer could still recover at least, even if there is no dominant power, the thigh has been guaranteed. Helping the Scarlet Knights deal with the other nine legions, now they are not already aiming at the first fire, as long as they can win the final victory in this mission, even if they give up the dominance.

And Xiao Ran's sentence even if it is more than ten times stronger than the performance of the soul-stricken person can also be completely controlled, it is to let Keji make up his mind, and endured the pain and once again agreed to take out a new body and hand it to Xiao Ran.

"Yes, I will give you a more powerful body, but this body can't be counted in the amount of sapphire you added to us."

"No problem, I will give you the sakura stone as soon as possible when the body is ready." Xiaoran heard the words of Keji’s teeth and smiled a little. He said: "With the higher performance of the body you provide, I believe that the next battle in the 19th district will definitely become more relaxed. Believe me, you are willing to come up with this body, which will definitely make you feel value for money."

Cornelia looked at Xiao Ran in a few simple sentences and got a body from Keji. I thought that it wouldn’t take long for the sorcerer to get out of the Scarlet Knights. After a few times, this kind of behavior is too wasteful. Although it was the bet that both sides lost, but now I know how Conran and the Scarlet Knights relationship can really think so.

And Charles did not get the body from the Scarlet Knights anyway, and the difference in contrast also made Cornelia look out. The Scarlet Knights never put Charles in the heart, and Keji The obsession with Sakuraishi can also indirectly indicate that the Scarlet Knights were willing to accept Charles's solicitation. The fundamental reason is still on the cherry stone.

After thinking about it, Cornelia sighed in the heart and felt that Charles might have actually made an unnecessary stupid thing. If I knew that the Scarlet Knights were so good to buy, why should they Restrictions, now turned out to be abandoned prince who has no status and rights in the empire at all, plus a mysterious secret of the gods who can't figure out the details of the **** knights that make the empire more powerful. Simply pulling the past, the key chip used by the other party is actually the thing of Butaria. This kind of behavior that succumbs to others' endeavors and ultimately benefits Leenella simply does not know what language to use for description.

After three people discussed the follow-up arrangements in Xiaoran's office in detail, the next thing to do was to start the operation according to the scheduled plan. The people of the Scarlet Knights gradually entered the base, and then the original base people left behind. A part of the necessary logistics personnel will gradually be transferred to other places, and the military forces of the entire 19th district will begin to be mobilized as a whole.

Large-scale military mobilization is certainly impossible to win over, and the ability of the participants is special, and their personal abilities are extremely strong. It is very simple to collect information. The actions of the 19th district will naturally make eu and the rebel army. The aspect was aware, but under the premise that only Xiaoran, Keji, and Cornelia knew all the plans, both eu and the Rebels never imagined that the 19th district now wants to launch a large-scale The battle started the war between the participants and the participants in advance.

For the military mobilization in the 19th district, in the view of both the eu and the rebel army, it is only a high probability that their military actions gave more pressure to the 19th district some time ago, so they will mobilize the military forces. Establishing a stronger defense line, or a certain degree of counterattack, and the two sides also maintained a continuous concern about the situation in the 19th district, but slightly deliberately strengthened some offensives to determine ten. The true purpose of this large-scale military mobilization in the nine districts.

The greater the movements on both sides of the eu and the rebel army, the faster the movement of the 19th district is also under the arrangement of Xiao Ran. It is also the gesture of a decisive battle to be held, and the numerous troops are transferred to the front line. He also voluntarily gave up the original line and began to build a new line of defense at the beginning of the rules. This made eu and the Rebels think that the 19th district wants to stand alone and do not want to get a daily car. The internal base of the 19th district where the aircraft came to the airport has undergone tremendous changes.

With some aircraft, some cargo ships entered the 19th district, and the impact of the 19th district began to slowly become different without being known by others. The Scarlet Knights have completely taken over. The total base is brightly lit every day from morning to night. The entire base is divided into two areas by the Scarlet Knights. Only one person in the core area can enter the **** Knights, while the rest is dedicated to the area. Arrange the logisticians who are essentially used to fill the head and keep the base busy.

The planes that arrived at the base, the large trucks, all contained a large number of sapphire stones that were transported from all over the 19th district and the 11th district. The number of the sapphire was so large that the smile on Ke Ke’s face did not disappear. Tons are calculated, which is the first time that Keji has been exposed to so many sapphire since entering the world.

Xiao Ran is not sure what kind of method is used to calculate the sapphire resources. It is also unclear how many sapphire stones the Knights of the Scarlet want to unblock different levels of the body, and the number of sapphire stones transferred is quite a lot. From the face of Keji, he can see his satisfaction and happiness. This batch of sakura also made Keji feel satisfied.

Keji got so many sakura stones, which also cleared more than half of the warehouses where the sakura was stored in the 11th district, and the rest of the wares could not be taken out, as long as they did not solve Charles, ten In the same area, some sakura is also needed to deal with accidents. Moreover, sapphire is not only used as an energy source, but also a special ultra-rare material. The place where sakura is used is actually not too small. .

But in Xiaoran’s view, even if it’s all the sakura stored in the 11th district, it’s okay to hand it over to the Scarlet Knights. Just for the energy system, Sakura has once occupied a very large weight in the world. As a result, some science and technology systems for sakura were created. However, when Xiao Ran handed the thermonuclear energy technology to Lloyd, the meaning of sakura as an energy source has been completely rewritten. Development does not even take too long for the slate to lose its status as an energy source, leaving only the status as a special important material, and instead it will become a new nuclear energy.

Therefore, it is irrelevant to use all the sakura that has been excavated for the Knights of the Scarlet to enhance the strength. After all, there is still a huge amount of sapphire in the 11th district. When it is needed, it is excavated, and The use of materials will not be more expensive than the use of energy. Of course, this is only a short time and only for the military, but it will be easier than ever to restock a batch of sapphire resources, because Sakura Stones are not used as energy consumables.

Prepared for many days, from the transportation of the sakura stone, the military mobilization, and then the entry of the members of the Scarlet Knights, the front line of the defensive camouflage, and finally, when everything is ready to be completed, the **** Knights as the main force have arrived. The 19th district, of course, those who did not go out to perform other tasks. As for the members of the Scarlet Knights who were placed in various theaters, they were left in the original place. There is no way to join this large-scale operation. Come.

The headquarters was completely relocated to the newly established defense line. It was built with a line of defense. It was better to build a tofu **** project with the guise of building a defense line, and then quietly put an original stronghold in a bean curd project. It was re-reinforced and arranged to become the new headquarters of the 19th district.

But for the outside world, including the 19th district itself, the relocation of the headquarters is not known to them, and only a small number of people know that the headquarters has moved out of the nominal total base of the 19th district.

Regarding the situation of the general base, everyone only thinks that in order to resist the tremendous pressure brought by the eu and the rebel army, the 19th district has begun to mobilize military materials to establish a defense line, a batch of materials are delivered, and various things are busy. None of them, and even Xiaoran, who left the base and headed to the front line, did not know what kind of changes were taking place in the isolated areas of the 19th district.

But even if I don't know, Xiao Ran guessed that the reason why Keji had to isolate those logisticians was because the special ability of the participants could not be known by outsiders. For example, personal ability is good, but if you see the warehouse, A large number of sakura stones suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly became a large row of bodies that did not know where they suddenly popped up. This kind of thing similar to seeing ghosts will of course be easily leaked out.

Now, Keji’s isolation of the general base is also because of this, because they want to convert the slate into a sapphire material measurement, which is used to unblock the body and then summon the body. With the support of Xiaoran, the Scarlet Knights It’s simply that the guns have been fired and a large number of powerful bodies have been unsealed, and these bodies must be hidden before they begin to fight, so as not to prepare for the eu and rebel forces.

The movements in the 19th district also let eu and the Rebels have some coping, and began to transfer more military forces to millions, just like to meet the preparations of the 19th district, and try to open one. The field directly wiped out the war of the 19th district empire military forces. For a time, the two sides were surprised to reduce the occurrence of armed conflicts.

Finally, perhaps Keji felt that the time was almost the same, and the preparations before the war were all completed. Xiao Ran also returned to the general base that had been abandoned and thrown to the Scarlet Knights as a bait.

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Chapter 2510 Preparations (page 1/1)

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