Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2514: Cooperate

The beam intensity of the two pistol-like weapons swayed out to make Xiao Ran satisfied, and it was easy to sway a small barrage-like attack, so that several kfs acting in front of the defense were directly penetrated through multiple holes. Then blasted, the resulting explosion is even more affected by the entire line of defense, more or less also makes the original defensive firepower slightly confusing.

Devil Caesar has a suitable long-range weapon. Xiao Ran is very satisfied, but if it is used, this kind of weapon with very fast and powerful power still has quite a problem. Under the premise of guaranteeing the speed and power, this also无法The two rifles have an effective range, and it is very fast. The remote weapons are only pulled down to a short business. The impact will increase.

Fortunately, the bodies that are in front of the goddess Caesar are all kfs that do not have any defensive power in the world, so even the medium and long distances after the attenuation of power have enough damage to these kfs, in a strict sense. Although the two pistols are considered to be long-range weapons, they are essentially short-range and close to the weapon of war. The devil's Kaiser is also a fighting-type body, so the real use of these two weapons should still be a gun. The way to use, this is also a mode of use that Xiao Ran is not good at, but as long as this body supports Xiao Ran is not used, but he is still more accustomed to using the normal way of long-range attack, although with the attack habit of Xiaoran It is said that his long-range attack is not so normal.

The devil, Caesar, who is disposed close to the ground, the two wings quickly spurt out some blue light particles, and the speed flies around and evades the artillery attack, passing through the continuous artillery fire and hitting the blast. The ground, with a speed enough to bring up the afterimage, quickly close to the body of the rebel army, and because of the relationship with the ground too close and too fast, some of the defense fires in the base can not effectively attack the devil Caesar. This makes the pressure of the firepower output mostly on the kf as a defense force, but these kfs do not have any effect in the face of the devil Caesar driving by Xiao Ran, and must be careful at any time. There may be a single blow that runs through their attacks. The situation directly presents a one-sided situation. Once the demon **** Caesar approaches the stronghold, the one who waits for the stronghold of this stronghold will also have no resistance at all. Destroy the situation of an army with the power of one person.

Xiao Ran simply did not cover up his own operational intentions. If the direct action is seen in the eyes of others, how can he not guess it? Those who originally wanted to carry out remote containment only want to delay the speed of Xiaoran’s attack and see if they can catch it. After seeing such a situation, the participants who gave the opportunity to Xiaoran’s fatal blows could only rush to drive their own bodies and quickly intercept them from the sky in front of Caesar’s skl, trying to stop Xiaoran from continuing to approach the stronghold. Otherwise, let Xiaoran Close to the stronghold, which in turn will be greatly limited by the relationship of the stronghold.

From the time when Xiao Ran easily escaped from their attacks, these participants generally felt that Xiao Ran really had extraordinary abilities, but before the real confrontation with Xiao Ran, how could these arrogant participants be so simple? In the face of an aboriginal self-identification, not to mention the fact that they have an absolute number of people at this time, even if Xiaoran is better than them, they can directly draw off under the absolute number advantage.

"Oh." Seeing that the bodies are not hanging far away or choosing to intercept themselves in a positive way, Xiao Ran also gently smiled in the cockpit of Devil Caesar, his eyes swiftly swept from the screen, roughly I also have some understanding of this body that is ready to intercept myself.

The five bodies are all super-systems, and the biggest feature of the super-system is that most of the functions of the body are not clear enough. Unlike the real system, it is divided into types such as assault, firepower, and fighting. The super-system is basically Fighting mainly, there are also a small number of bodies that rely mainly on firepower to attack.

The super-system distinction is characterized by emphasis on speed, strength, or defense, or emphasis on energy. The five bodies in front of you are simply differentiated according to the size of the body, one of them. Focusing on defense, two are more focused on strength, one is more on speed, and the last one seems to be based on energy attacks.

The five bodies fell, and the one in the eyes of Xiao Ran was more focused on defense. The body seemed to be somewhat round. The short-legged but long-armed body directly cracked the ground with its own body that was comparable in size to the soul. The thick short legs shook, and the white fire was sprayed under the feet. The arms rushed toward the front of the devil, Caesar. It seemed that he wanted to grab the devil Kaiser from the front to create opportunities for his companions.

The body that is more focused on speed also has a height of more than 20 meters. It is not much different from the height of the devil's Caesar. It is only a lot of slender body, and the rear is a v-shaped flying wing, which does not really fall on the ground. When he was about ten meters away from the ground, he adjusted his flight direction. He did not know where to pull out a long sword of more than ten meters. He died behind the fat body and disappeared behind the body.

The other two power-type bodies are slightly higher than the devil's Caesar. One left and one right follow the defensive body, forming a sharp triangle with the defensive body, and rushing toward the devil Kaiser.

And the last body was slowly falling on the ground, arms raised to reveal four huge muzzle, armor of the shoulders and legs, revealing a circular missile launch, in their own Before the companion had officially contacted the devil Caesar, the four muzzles of the arms suddenly ejected a green beam, and the beam that was not too far from the ground pulled out a few long traces directly on the ground, and then counted Ten missiles flew out from all over the body, spread out and adjusted the angle of the air to the devil of Caesar.

The five bodies are not the shape of the body that Xiaoran is familiar with, but there are more or less familiar places that Xiaoran is familiar with. These five bodies are not self-made or are the products of the complete magic modification. This is also very common in the super zone. In the case of the super zone, the type of the body is not too small, but it is really no match compared to the real zone.

Moreover, compared with the real body, the super-system is so small that it is completely incomparable. After a certain level, it is more difficult to find a machine that is completely in line with its own style and ability. The system is much higher, and those powerful bodies, such as the devil of Caesar, which is now driving by Xiao Ran, or other demon gods, Gaeta’s high-end goods are not available to everyone, and low-level goods are not without. The production version has a lot of advanced body shape, and it can be transformed and requires too much investment. The price/performance ratio is too low. It is too expensive for middle and senior pilots, especially intermediate pilots, and it may not be suitable.

Therefore, after having the right body, the participants of the super department will basically modify the body greatly, use materials to enhance their own body, improve the basic performance and the upper limit of the explosion, and improve the level of what is not too Difficult things, and the individual's habits of aesthetics are different, the base of the body is different, which leads to the super-zone's body has also become a variety.

Even in the real area, there are many bodies that have been transformed to be completely different from the original ones. The higher the level of the body, the more so, just like the current Burning Legion, the follow-up bodies are basically all produced by themselves. The speciality of the super zone makes this situation even more remarkable.

The four beams passed through the middle of the triangle, and they used the speed of how many times faster than the body to advance. They directly attacked the devil, Caesar, and the four attacks were able to see the extraordinary by the power. The earth broke open and attacked the body of Caesars skl, and Xiao Ran did not dare to try to see his body is not strong enough.

A phantom flashing, I saw the demon **** Caesar suddenly left and right, suddenly up and down, looked as if passing through the beams, and seems to pass over those beams, and finally above the four beams Stabilize until the beam slowly becomes small until it disappears. It does not let the Devil's Caesar slow down by a half, and continues to move toward the enemy closer and closer.

But then, the missiles that flew in and out exploded in front of and above the devil's Caesar. When they didn't hit or touched anything, they exploded and exploded. These bombed missiles flew out again. Some of the smaller things, all flew toward the devil, Caesar, and the denseness of the rain, like the rain, fell on the ground not only directly penetrated into it but also blasted into the ground one after another, making it The bulging of the ground everywhere exploded and shot countless gravel.

Of course, these gravel bounces will not have any problems even if they are played on the devil, Caesar, but the missiles are a special kind of split-gun, and the things that fly inside are special weapons for covering attacks. Suddenly The use of the body to deal with flexible speed or huge body has a miraculous effect, the body that Xiao Ran is driving today belongs to the former. The penetration performance of this weapon is terrible. It seems to be a very small energy drill bit, which is drilled with high thermal energy. In the body of the target, Xiao Ran only knows the usefulness of this weapon with a sweep of mental power.

Xiao Ran didn’t think that the missiles were of this type at first, but thought that they were just ordinary high-explosive warheads. So after thanking the missiles that flew over, they were a little so small, and they had to admit that the other party did He gave him a little surprise.

For a moment, it was only a moment of time. The two pistols held by the devil’s Caesar were combined together. From the position of the muzzle, a slender black shadow was instantly entangled and formed a long The handle, while the gun body itself is slightly deformed into the axe at the front end of the handle. The pistol becomes a battle axe and rotates directly under the action of the devil's Caesar arm, forming a barrier and rolling a gust of wind. In front of the barrier formed by the rotation of the long axe, there was also a layer of green-wrapped blue light, which did not shrink back and blocked all the small warheads that flew toward the devil.

At this time, Xiao Ran’s eyes also illuminate a brighter light, not a quantum assimilation, but a natural reaction that occurs after the ability is activated.

Even if the attack of the other party is unexpected, Xiaoran is Xiaoran after all, a powerful s-class pilot with very special ability. He said that the reaction ability alone does not know how many pilots are opposite, and the special ability of the individual brings The additional effect can make Xiao Ran even rely on his own ability to create a layer of gn shield and a layer of dynamic power barrier even when driving the demon god, the body without the solar furnace. Too much strength, but because of the poor adaptability of the body, this wave of attacks has at least achieved the speed of the devil Caesar.

When the small warheads that flew directly to the ground or were bounced off by the devil's Caesar fell into the ground and burst open, the thick smoke also completely covered the body of the devil, Caesar, and the statue of Caesar was not visible from the outside. In turn, the goddess Caesar's screen also lost the goal ahead.

At this time, the defensive body's arms suddenly extended long and long, and the same round fingers began to lengthen twice as much, regardless of the like, like a sharp arrow, ejected toward both sides. Then draw the arc and clip it toward the front. The real goal is the devil Caesar, now in the dust.

The other two power-type bodies, one of which is rotated together into a bit-like thing, the fast-rotating warhead rolled up a fierce hurricane, and the body itself was turned into a hurricane to accelerate toward the front, and more Those countless soots rolled up in just a few seconds to make all the smoke and smoke part of the hurricane, and the other one with the same arms began to accelerate the remnants of the shadows until the demon **** Caesar had been completely revealed.

In the last speed-type body, the flying wing of the v-swing suddenly doubled, rushed to the sky and then turned the direction, clenching the long-sword with the light shining, and the devil Caesar seemed to fall into the moment. At the same time, facing the four bodies that flew toward them, there was also an enemy who was watching in the distance.

In the distance, the five-person team of the Scarlet Knights who worked hard after the devil's Caesar, after seeing such a picture, also showed a shocked and anxious expression on his face, no longer thinking about hiding his body, regardless of the full speed of the explosion. I began to rush in the direction of the devil Caesar.

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