Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2515: Surrounded

There are five bodies in front of and behind Caesar, but the front is to kill the devil, Caesar, which is driven by Xiaoran, while the latter is to take the devil, Caesar, away from danger, and it is obvious that those who want to kill the demon Caesar's body is closer and faster, and the five bodies that are accelerating and accelerating after seeing the devil's Caesar in danger are only able to watch the five bodies opposite each other and make it impossible for Caesar to make a demon. Dodge the attack.

Below is the possibility that the ground is not evasive. The upper part has the agility of the body, and the fire-fighting body of the body is stunned. The defensive body in front is used to completely kill the arm that can be infinitely extended. There are two bodies in the left and right. Impact, the only direction that can be chosen is only to retreat. However, if you retreat, you will suffer from the chasing of the upper and lower body. It can be said that in the situation, the devil Caesar suddenly fell into an absolute disadvantage, even this time. The attack may not be enough to completely destroy the demon **** Caesar, but once the opponent's attack is connected, it will inevitably bring great damage to the demon **** Caesar.

This kind of situation will be a deadly situation that can't be solved by any one of them. Unless you can have teammates to assist you, you may be able to break free from this kind of death, but now it can only be the devil Kaiser alone. The threat posed by five bodies.

"Be able to use such a tacit cooperation attack. At this level, you are really doing very well. Even if a class a pilot is not careful, you may be a little embarrassed by you, but only some And already."

Xiao Ran’s mouth is slightly moving and talking to himself. The performance of these five bodies is really good, but it is only relative to their level. It is replaced by Luo, Zengga, Bassac, Kruze, Gera. Hamm, Youzes, Kira and so on, there are countless ways to use the familiar body to deal with the current situation, not to mention that it has reached the s-class pilot, after special reinforcement has been completely It is not really a human being.

The axe instantly retracted and turned into two pistols and put them back in front of the chest. The right hand lifted up and pulled out the giant sword that looked awkward from behind. The flying wing fan shook out the blue light spot sprayed by the body itself. Under the operation of Xiao Ran, Caesar did not retreat into a forward leaning body and suddenly burst into a red light. The body turned into a residual image and brought a few phantoms moving forward to the front.

While keeping the forward leaning forward, the right hand slashed the sword, and all the surrounding conditions were printed into Xiaoran’s mind. Each movement of the enemy’s five bodies, the trajectory of action, the angle of attack, each factor Did not escape the control of Xiao Ran.

Caesar, the demon **** who burst out of red light, became more swift in action, like a thunder lightning that could not capture the trajectory, leaving only countless afterimages and illusions, in the eyes of the five body drivers The child becomes like a ghost, and the line of sight seems to be the figure of the devil, Caesar, but it seems that the existence of the other party cannot be seen at all.

Caesar, the demon god, began to explode in full performance, and flashing red light flashed in an instant, as if suddenly there was a collision between several bodies that rushed to the front of the defensive body. The sword in the hand was accompanied by the body itself. The rotation pulled out an arc, and a white and silver light was pulled out in the night sky. The flashing light seemed to cover all the surrounding fires in an instant. The whole world was left with darkness and This abrupt light.

But the light can't be eternal, the blink of an eye will dissipate and let the whole world 'recover' normal. The devil, Caesar, will be so vacant, the flying wings will unfold, the right hand will hold the big sword and point to the sky, and the right foot will bend and face. The defensive body in front suddenly stops and maintains such a posture without any action.

The series of movements of the devil Caesar is so fast that the other five people are completely unresponsive. After stopping, the body of the face-to-face demon Caesar has a new movement, the pilot in the cockpit. In the stunned expression of the face, the two long-shaped eyes of the head suddenly swelled, and the body slanted shoulders raised a series of squeaking sounds, and then several lines appeared on the body, and the lines began to flash. Electromagnetic sparks began, and as the long arm that extended out began to break, the body began to crack, and there was a reaction that seemed to be compressed.

Until this time, the Caesar demon **** once again flapped its wings and flew up. Once again, it rushed to the rear of the body with strong firepower. Until this time, the three bodies that originally rushed to Caesars and Devils reacted. Quickly stopped, quickly turned to chase and the magic **** Caesar they missed perfectly, but in the end they could only look at the distance between the goddess Caesar and himself, and easily escaped from the attack with a powerful fire body. Then, insert the big sword directly into the chest of the body.

"Abominable, hateful!"

“How could it be so powerful, how could such a person be just an aboriginal!”

"No, we can't beat him..."

The three different voices almost rang in the chat channel of their team at the same time, but the answer to them was just a stunned scream and a very harsh murmur, and then it was repeated twice. The explosion and a long scream.

Under the enthusiasm of the five people, Xiao Ran drove the devil, Caesar, completely chose the hard-hitting way to face the enemy five people, and then easily destroyed the two bodies in succession, which is more accurate in the complete strength. In the case of unequalness, a more direct way is chosen to run through each other's formation.

After solving the two bodies one after another, the devil Caesar turned back and started to attack the remaining three bodies. It was obvious that he was caught in the disadvantaged side before, but in a short time, the original advantage became The party that was chased after playing, but if it is to be replaced by Xiaoran's own body, the time that is really needed can be solved by a face-to-face, and it is completely unnecessary.

Before the team that was sent by Keji sent to help, the remaining three bodies were all packed up by Xiao Ran. The whole process was actually without any suspense accident or threat. Just catch up with one moment. The eruption and slashing of a knife, even the response to avoiding is not directly destroyed, the level of the body is higher, the level of the pilot is even higher, it is not surprising that such a situation.

After solving these five enemies, Xiao Ran did not continue to do more actions, but waited for the radar identification to indicate that the five bodies of the friendly army were close, and then opened the communication very calmly said: Is Keji letting you come over?"

The communication channel was silent for less than five seconds, and a slightly rushing voice rang in Xiaoran’s ear: "Yes, Master Lulu Xiu, is the head of Keji, worried about the troubles of Lulu Xiu’s adults, so Let us come over and fight."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran did not have any dissatisfaction because of the kindness of Keji. He said: "Since the front of the stronghold is handed over to you, the action is faster, and the time left for you is not How many."

The five bodies got Xiaoran’s instructions, and quickly rushed to the rebel base, which was not far from the front, and took over the work of suppressing the stronghold. After the five bodies left, the devil Caesar was also under the control of Xiaoran. Slowly taking off and maintaining a certain speed also began to approach the stronghold, but Xiao Ran’s attention was not placed on this stronghold that was either completely destroyed or completely suppressed, but instead focused on Other places, such as the body detection information feedback of the devil Caesar, received the satellite image in real time.

From the defensive posture of this stronghold, there is a feeling that the other side is delaying or forcing himself to retreat. The five bodies are not defending against the defense fire of the stronghold itself at the beginning, so Xiaoran has reason to believe that the five bodies just now It’s just the first wave of enemies to deal with, and it’s likely that there will be more rebel forces coming.

But this is only possible. If the other party is not a fool, then it should be understood that the strength of the five-level body level is not likely to be his opponent even if the number is too high. The difference in the level is some non-existent. Any kind of combat power can be compensated by quantity. Unparalleled is a typical example, unless the other party really wants to use these low-level forces to test his true strength, or use these low-level combat powers. Expend it to him, but if you do this, then the legion is really too chilling. It is absolutely impossible for the Burning Legion to happen.

The more the number, the more troublesome the coordination, but it is easier for him to seize the machine. If the other party does not intend to send a real high-level combat force at the beginning, then it is possible that the reinforcements sent will eventually stop at a certain position. Next, a certain degree of confrontation is finally formed, and this is the situation that Xiao Ran is most willing to see.

Just after Xiaoran’s Caesar demon stopped at the top of the stronghold, the radar detector of the devil’s Caesar made a continuous alarm, and the red dots suddenly appeared in the radar and looked down the screen. A variety of bodies in a station also appeared in Xiaoran's eyes. These bodies appeared in all directions, but stopped at a distance from the site, and were able to incorporate the site into the visual distance, but kept enough The distance, just so quiet to watch, but there is no intention to come over to support the stronghold, to drive away or to break the five bodies of Xiaoran and the Scarlet Knights, completely abandoned this stronghold and all the rebel forces in the stronghold.

Although the appearance of these bodies did not have any action, they also brought great mental pressure to the five members of the Scarlet Knights. When they faced the same number of enemies with them, they could maintain a normal mentality and condition and bravely charge. Just to 'save' the dangerous Xiaoran, but now the number of enemies has exceeded many times. Even if there is a very powerful pilot at Xiaoran, they can't help but feel guilty. Xiaoran can only deal with it at the same time. Five bodies and easily won, but now they have to deal with the bodies of dozens of participants. Where they have the confidence that Xiaoran can deal with so many enemies, even if they can deal with them, they may not be able to guarantee them at this time. Safe?

Now this support team has not thought that it is to help Xiaoran, will not want to save Xiaoran, has completely become protected by Xiaoran, to hold Xiaoran's thigh safely left here.

After seeing the successive appearances of these dozens of bodies, Xiao Ran also slightly raised his eyebrows. The number of participants in the rebel army was quite large, and it was necessary to assemble such a group of participants in such a short period of time. I can't just describe it with the speed of the other party's reaction. It's more of a force and a decisive decision.

Today's situation is that they occupied the strongholds, and the other side allowed them to destroy the strongholds but chose to surround them. It formed a very strange and quiet confrontation. Xiao Ran was calm and calm, but it was destroying except Xiaoran. The five people in the stronghold could not do Xiao Ran so calmly. They have already hurriedly contacted Keji, who is far away from the other side, and told the other side of the situation. There are dozens of bodies on the famous side and they have fallen into the world. In the midst of encirclement, there is an urgent need for support from the power.

At the same time, from the satellite observation to Xiaoran has fallen into the encirclement of the other side, but for a long time without any order issued by Cornelia in the front line base also showed an anxious expression, the other party suddenly appeared dozens in her The eyes can be regarded as the enemy of high-level combat power, which makes Cornelia worry about the security of Xiaoran. I can't help but directly give the guards who are hiding behind Xiaoran at this time to order the rapid advancement of the whole army. Let the airdrops troops prepare for the departure, so that they can reinforce Xiaoran as quickly as possible.

Connelia’s order was naturally unable to circumvent Xiao Ran, who had obtained the command of the front line. Xiao Ran easily saw the order issued by Cornelia from the beating information, and this order also made Xiao Ran suddenly wrinkle. Brows.

Just like Xiao Ran does not feel that dozens of bodies in front of him can pose a threat to themselves, the quality gap depends on these dozens of machines is not enough to make up for it, even if the number is doubled, it is of no use. This is the same for Cornelia's guards. The quality of the guards is not comparable to that of the enemy. There is no more use for the number. It is really necessary to speed up to arrive here according to Cornelia's orders. That is simply to give The enemy has created the best chance of attack. This is not helping, but helping out.

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