Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2531: Blurring ability

At the forefront of the battle, the battle between Butalia and eu continued from the night to the rising of the sun, and did not stop because of the night, just compared to the daytime battles in the past, night The battle was even more sporadic, and the scale of the battle became smaller and smaller, until even the guns disappeared completely.

The eu side has been very accustomed to this situation of retreating the whole army with the help of the Butari side. At least in these days, there have been several such incidents on this offensive line, even if it is eu itself, On other fronts, there have always been such incidents. It is nothing more than a force that temporarily loses resistance and then retreats and reorganizes the line of defense, but this time there are some different atmospheres.

From the time the sun just rose, eu’s combat forces began another reorganization, and the Butalia side suddenly gave up resistance and then withdrew 100 kilometers without letting the commander of the eu party lose his sense of disappointment. It is a steady and steady reorganization of the military, sending personnel to slowly carry out investigations after dawn, a little steady progress, like a water pipe inserted into the territory of Butalia, constantly from the other end of the water pipe Enter more troops.

The eu aspect is also very clear. Now that they have added a steady stream of follow-up forces, this position is still too deep into the territory of Butalia, which also puts them in a lot of military pressure from the ordinary level. Even though eu participants can ignore these pressures more, they are worried that they will fall into the trap of the Scarlet Knights because they are too deep.

When Caesar, the devil of Xiaoran, approached the other side with a group of organisms, he did not make any move to hide his whereabouts. This also led to the movement of so many bodies in the sky at high speed, which was easily known by eu personnel. When Xiaoran’s devil, Caesar, is about to approach each other, welcoming Xiao Ran is the body of dozens of participants who have been launched by eu.

As for the ordinary combat power of eu, just as Xiao Ran ordered the general soldiers to evacuate, the participants in the eu side discovered the first command of the demon **** Caesar with the Scarlet Knights. The ordinary soldiers of eu are evacuated.

The number of dozens of aircraft has been quite a lot. If it is replaced by a normal task with only one hundred participants, then these bodies are almost half of all the participants in the mission, but in this army However, it is only part of one of the ten legions, perhaps half or less than half.

Xiaoran’s demon, Caesar, was the first to take the lead. The full-speed explosion directly dropped all the bodies of the Scarlet Knights, including Keji. The sudden acceleration was also the command of the war. Keji looked at the devil who quickly rushed forward. Caesar, I felt that my eyes had just spent a bit of time. It seemed that I saw a red light flashing away from the devil, but Caesar, there is no such function.

However, this is just a matter of blinking. Keji has set his sights on dozens of planes facing each other. He has seen the most core of the dozens of bodies at a glance, and it has been in recent times. The enemy who has been entangled with each other as an opponent has controlled the body to pull out his own sword that is comparable to the door panel. The red energy that is like the shape of the flame is ignited on the body, and the body is leaning forward to follow the speed behind the devil. Rushing toward the enemy.

The two big assaults symbolize the official start of the battle. There are countless beam missiles in front of them, and they have attacked the bodies of Xiaoran and Keji, both of whom are in front of the charge, and similar attacks are also behind the two. From the rear of the two bodies, pass the enemy that flies to the far side.

Perhaps only a moment has passed, the collision between energy and energy, the collision between missiles and energy, and the explosion between time and time in the sky, countless fireballs and energy **** appear in the sky. Because of the rapid explosion of the explosion, the chaos of the wind and the wind, but not too much impact on every body in the sky.

Xiaoran and Keji cooperated together. The different performances of the two people in the air exemplified the different characteristics of the real system and the super system. Countless beams flew continuously, and the devil of Caesar driving in Xiaoran would perform with the slightest movement. Dodge, control the body to move around and dodge, continue its own charge with an irregular forward route, there are many times when you can't see any body dodge action, the attack will pass through the body, you will choose A completely evasive attack or an attack that can be blocked, with a weapon in your hand to block an insignificant minor attack that does not affect your route.

The movement of the Keji body is more direct, the movement and amplitude of the dodge are greater, and the momentum is heavier. It will use more of the door sword in your hand to block and shoot all the attacks in front. It is If the powerful attack can't be blocked, it will choose to avoid it, and once you choose to avoid it, it will directly open a long distance, and the energy layer wrapped on the body will be used as a protective relationship. The critical attack is simply a straight line, and the last second is covered by countless smoke, and the next moment the body flies out of the flames and smoke, and there is no way to be affected by the Ding.

Soon, Xiao Ran took the lead in the body that had been regarded as a deadly enemy by Kekey during this time. With a long hands and a sickle, it was almost as fast as the phantom appeared in front of the devil Caesar, both hands. The powerful waving of the sickle also brought a crescent-like light in the air, aiming at the biggest body of the devil's Caesar target.

The sickle smashed his arms and the body of the shocked body with the force of the slashing knife and the giant sword collided back. The armor plate in front of the chest opened to the left and right, and the dark blue light rushed in the chest. It seemed to be a big move when it appeared. Instantly exploding dozens of small dark blue speeds of light, from the frontless endless coverage to the devil Caesar.

The body that uses the weapon of death looks like a **** of death. The black painted red eyes are also smaller than the body of the super system. They are slightly shorter than the devil, Caesar, but the figure is more For slenderness, there are phantom-like afterimages in every move.

Faced with the immediate attack, Xiao Ran sat in the cockpit of Devil's Caesar without any slight change. Perhaps it seems to me that the speed of this body is very fast in front of others. It should also be a super department that emphasizes speed flexibility. And with a good destructive ability, the body of the decapitation ability, but in the eyes of Xiao Ran is just the same thing.

At the same time as the other side swings the sickle, the devil's right arm of the devil's right arm holds the sword and blocks the opponent's attack. The friction between the sickle and the giant sword causes countless sparks to sputter from the place where the two weapons intersect, and the weapon in the other party is completely from the giant. After the sword was crossed, another countless beam of light was spread. The response of the demon Caesar was to throw the big sword in the hand like a flying sword to the other side, to the chest of the body of the **** of death. Caesar, the **** of the gods, suddenly rose with the most convenient movements. When he left his left arm, his left hand squeezed his fist and flew out from the arm of Caesar, occupying a slightly above angle and directly blasting to the attacking **** of death. The head of the body.

The scattered light beam flew from the foot of Devil Caesar and then flew to a farther place, but in the face of the devil's Caesar's attack, the dark blue light of the body of the dead body disappeared instantly, and it was not covered on the armor. In this case, the body becomes illusory. It seems that there is a special movement, and the whole body looks illusory and fascinated. If you want to say it, it is like the Flash is doing high-intensity. The dithering makes the whole individual completely obscured, and the picture behaves like this but is definitely not the same concept.

The giant sword that flew away directly passed through the fuselage of the **** of death, as if it had pierced a phantom, and even a little bit of blocking did not appear and passed through the phantom. The same was also the fist that flew out from the devil Caesar. Then the fist suddenly opened, directly grabbed the sword of the giant sword and ejected more flames, holding the giant sword and flying to the devil Caesar.

On the other hand, although the old opponent found the devil Caesar, but also other bodies to meet Keji, followed by the other body of the Scarlet Knights, also individually and squad as a unit to meet their own enemies The war broke out directly, and even a little politeness did not speak. What did the pre-combat dialogue before the war did not happen, and the words were directly hit without a word.

At the same time, Keji faces three enemies who are about one level lower than themselves. The pressure is also very big, especially for the super system, which is even more difficult to know when the opponent will break out. It can be said that the difference in the line is the same as that of the super-system explosion, and Keji, as the head of the Scarlet Knights, can't sit still in this position without facing a few people. After the attack, a series of rampant operations in the past, with the door-like giant sword to fly the last enemy, followed by two men from his side entangled two of the three enemies, which also let Keji have I was free to speak.

"Be careful, that guy's ability is very different, some similar to the avatar, but you can let yourself enter another space when you are attacked, can't keep it for a long time, just don't know how long it will last!"

Keji has long known the other party's ability. After all, he has been fighting with the other party many times. If he doesn't even know this point, it will be too inferior. It is precisely because this body with the ability to blur will definitely appear in the battlefield and then wrap around. With him in the face of such a missed body, and it is not clear what the other party's ability to operate, Keji estimates that he also ate some small losses.

"I already know." Xiao Ran already knows the other's ability when his attack is defeated. It is indeed a kind of avatar similar to the sorcerer, but there are some differences with the avatar. And special ability to improve the dodge ability, there will be some kind of situation that makes the body blur, but the ability of the enemy to use is more concentrated in use, is to smear the whole body to avoid all attacks.

This kind of ability, or a certain technology, can't even be owned by the Burning Legion. It doesn't mean that it doesn't really exist, but the people who can use it seem to have only Xiaoran, even if there is similar technology. This kind of thing is completely different, and without such an effect, the concentration of this effect cannot be achieved.

This suddenly gave Xiao Ran some interest in this body, and also had a little interest in the legion with such a body. Of course, the goal of interest is of course the technology and other technologies owned by the legion.

Xiao Ran raised his left arm and left the left hand holding the giant sword to return to his position. His eyes showed an expression of interest: "There is no action when the blur can't be attacked. At least it can't be attacked. It's obvious. What kind of special?" Technology, is it a space class? Such a body should not have any effect in general attack. From the beginning, I encountered such an interesting enemy. This battle will not be so boring, except for this body... ...what is the opponent's backhand, and I don't think it would be my opponent to have such an illusory body."

Xiao Ran chuckled and asked: "Is this body capable of acting when it is blurred?"

"Amount?" Keji stunned a voice that made an unclear meaning, and immediately said: "No, the body does not have the ability to move when it is blurred, but it has the function of moving in short distances."

At the same time, Xiao Ran swept his eyes, and the investigative skills were used without hesitation. They got information about some of the target organisms. The information was very simple and there was no redundant introduction. All the information that was learned appeared, but none of them understood. The ability to change, the ability to move instantly, just have such a word for the description of the ability is completely absent, but at least get the information of the opponent's body level - epic level.

"It's just an epic level. Even if you have both imaginary and instantaneous movements, you should have a level of a level. It's not that there aren't many epic levels. Here is another one, the lion corps of the 琉 琉 琉Keji of the Scarlet Knights, this guy in front of him is not estimated to be the head of the other party. That is to say, there is at least one epic or stronger talent pair. The information obtained before is the intelligence error, the Scarlet Knights. Is the intelligence gathering ability too bad, or does the opponent have hidden strength?"

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