Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2533: Seven gods

Under the sudden movement of Xiaoran, the death machine directly destroyed the important but least important part of the whole body. It was located below the head above the cockpit and completely disconnected all the connections between the head and the body itself. At the same time, the destruction of the internal structure also makes the arms of the body also out of control. It is not impossible to walk with bare feet. However, it is necessary to risk the explosion of the energy pipeline and the risk of a big explosion caused by the loss of control.

It doesn't matter, because the first place is not the cockpit, the second is not the energy point. The integrity of the body itself is still very high. It is not so important to kill the murderer, but the back of the cockpit has exactly An important body part, Xiao Ran is the body itself, so the place to choose the attack can only be selected in that position. Of course, it is okay to cut off all the hands and feet. Xiao Ran will do the same, left. When the arm lifted up and received the sword that was seen after holding the left hand of the giant sword, the leg of the Death Machine was cut off, but at least the life of the other driver was left. No matter how simple it is, it is a death machine. --broken.

Koki saw that Xiao Ran had solved this problem a lot of troubles before, and often suppressed the body's eyes that forced him to lose the battle. He couldn't help but linger on his face and heart after the next second. Only fortunately, I am fortunate that I did not have to do it with Xiao Ran, but I have such a super-big shackle that solves my own estimation and is the same as cutting vegetables.

The death machine was suddenly solved. Not only was Keji surprised, but many people in the Scarlet Knights did not react, let alone other participants on the eu side. No one can think of kneeling on the battlefield before. The body of Hehewei’s name lost its fighting ability so quickly, not damaged but not completely wounded.

The eu side is indeed prepared, but they are prepared to prepare. They are not prepared to accept the body of their own name so quickly, so that they have not even brought out their hidden hands. The time, this is simply unexpected. Everyone can't imagine the war, but in just a few minutes, there have been such terrible changes.

The preparation of the eu side is naturally to deal with Xiao Ran, but also to annihilate the true main force of the Scarlet Knights, just like holding a king and a big hand in the hand, but did not expect to put a continuous plane to fight. The hand is lighted, all the preparations are stuck in the hands, and even if you can continue to play the cards, the high-level combat power is still one less, and now the strength of Xiaoran’s performance can be easily It will be hard to say that it will be Xiaoran’s opponent if you will solve all the preparations.

However, the current situation is to push them to a dead end. Even if they are not willing to take this preparation out, it is impossible. After Xiao Ran solved the knight machine, this high-level combat power is equivalent to being directly idle, regardless of whether Keji can From the current entangled situation, I pulled out, but as long as Xiao Ran joined the battle of Keji, it was not solved by the ruin. At that time, the two dads dealt with a group of sons who did not have the ability to fight back. Needless to say.

Under such circumstances, the three bodies that had been entangled in the three bodies that Keji did not allow him to join in other directions had forced a wave of people who had also entangled them and then quickly retreated. In addition, three of them seemed to have been in the front line. The body also momentarily separated from the battle and merged with the previous three bodies.

After the six bodies merged, they began to rush to the sky, and gradually formed a special formation, the left two right and the middle two high formations.

At this time, Xiao Ran has just used a power shock to the pilot in the cabin of the death machine. This is not a skill but the ability of Xiao Ran personally. Then it is the real skill mental impact. Two impacts have been used in succession. A pilot who couldn't resist at all, suddenly turned his eyes and vomited and shivered and fainted.

The reason why I took this machine and attacked this pilot is also because Xiao Ran is worried that the other party will start the body to blew himself. It will directly impact the spirit and body of this guy directly, and directly let this guy suffer serious mentality. It is certainly not a problem for Chuang to lose consciousness and have the opportunity to return to Prometheus. It is naturally dead to go back, but it is estimated that it will be insane for a long time.

Controlling the devil, Caesar, will carry the 'scrap iron' that has completely lost his ability to move backwards. Xiao Ran’s eyes are also placed on the six bodies, and he also opened the communication and issued his own order: “Recycling All the parts of the body, including the legs that I have smashed, will be returned to your station without recycling after the recovery."

Xiao Ran’s order was not aimed at anyone, but the person who was present for the entire Scarlet Knights. Xiao Ran said this, but everyone who heard these words of the Scarlet Knights did not dare to ignore Xiao Ran’s words. Keji was in the first place. The person was designated to recycle the body and quickly escorted his own station, and the selected person happened to be the acquaintance who appeared from the side after the war, and the last time the team was rescued from the lion corps.

The movements of the six bodies have always been in the eyes of Xiao Ran, but Xiao Ran did not want to stop the other side. Before that, there was a **** of death. Then Xiao Ran also wanted to see what the six bodies would do. Demon, can show some of the ability to come out.

In the six bodies, after the formation of the formation, each body made a lot of movements. The six bodies began to deform at the same time. The arms of the four bodies on the left and right sides were lifted up and folded, and the feet were folded. Even more completely, there is no gap at all. In the middle of the two bodies, one of the heads is retracted but a larger head appears through deformation, and the whole body, legs and arms are completely folded. It became the head of a huge robot and a small body, and the last one formed the last half of the body.

The six bodies, hands, feet, head, and torso were linked together under the guidance of several lights, and then the seventh body that did not keep up with the six bodies from the beginning appeared at this time. In the sky, it was transformed into a strange and special special combination. After the huge body of the six-machine combination, the shoulders were extended like a flexible metal, and the new shoulders were taken. There were also cannons on the left and right.

In a short period of time, a huge robot consisting of seven bodies appeared in front of Xiao Ran, and stopped the posture of continuing to rise. From the air, a large sword composed of energy and then quickly converted into a solid was thrown out of the air. It rushed to the direction of Xiaoran's body and stopped in less than two kilometers from Caesar.

Along with the appearance of this body, the eu party participants also forced their opponents to quickly reunite behind this huge robot, as if to announce the beginning of the second round of the first round.

This huge robot is almost seventy meters tall. It is a huge body, but it feels like Xiaoran... This combination is not too familiar. The six gods fit together and it is clearly the six gods. Even the shape is similar to the six gods. The process of deformation is similar to seven points. It is only after a great change. The combination of the trunks is different, and the original six gods become the seven gods. Anyway, such a description is quite appropriate in Xiaoran’s view.

"Interesting, I don't know if this seven-god body and the death **** were just a legion. There are two bodies that are meaning a lot. There are a few things on the opposite side."

The other party re-arranged the team, and in addition to a small team with a body escaping to escape, the other bodies slowly began to merge together, with Xiao Ran as the biggest c-bit gathered around Xiaoran.

When I saw the movements of people on my side, Xiao Ran also shook his head and shook his head. The heart secretly said these guys, a little speechless said: "I said that you are reorganizing the formation is why, the other party is reorganizing the formation is wanting Pulling the battle back to the starting line, you just look at it and watch the other party reorganize the formation. We need to do the step of reorganizing the formation. At this time, we will not carry out the defeat. Chasing and consuming their own fighting power, are you all here to prepare for the fighting contest?"

Xiao Ran’s words suddenly made all of his own people stunned. Then Ke Ke was the first to reveal the expression of guilt and embarrassment. Xiao Ran said that everything is correct. There is such a need to reorganize the formation, but it is completely There is no such need, watching the other side reorganize and not doing a little blocking. It is really to turn the battle into the second round. The key is to completely annihilate the ordinary troops of eu when the other party reinvigorates the formation. It also has the opportunity to focus on the firepower to kill the opponent's left behind or not strong target, so watching the other side not to say, but also affected by the other party's reorganization, it is no different from sb.

Xiao Ran exhaled a breath, shook his head and clenched the joystick: "The situation is really wasted, you are wasted, Keji let your real master and I charge to break the formation of the other side, others support the firepower At the same time, I was looking for an opportunity to attack from the flank, and the biggest body was handed over to me."

Before the strength of Xiao Ran shocked Xiaoran, Xiao Ran did not give the face of the point to break their mistakes and shocked Keji, anyway, at this time, Keji faced Xiaoran, but he couldn’t afford to be hard-pressed. The strength is stronger than him. Regardless of whether he is driving the body, he seems to be unable to change his hand, his brain is better than him. This time has been relying on Xiaoran’s arrangement to be able to resist the current strength of eu. Anyway, the number of combat forces is more than them, but there is no Xiaoran has already been defeated by the whole army.

Which is better than, for example, Ke Ke can still be hardened in front of Xiao Ran, obviously just an aboriginal, but in front of this aboriginal people seems to have no ability to resist, which makes Keji feel a deep sense of defeat.

At the moment of Caesar's action, Keji also ordered his own strongman to follow Xiaoran at the same time to launch a surprise attack. Similarly, Xiao Ran took the lead and single-handedly smashed the few streets that followed Keji and others. Under the collective attack of the body, it is still easy to keep close to the enemy, and even the speed has not been affected too much. This seems to be a horrible thing in Keji~~~

The long-range attack can't even block the devil's Caesar, let alone hit the damage to the devil, Caesar. One person is multi-person and has such a powerful ability. The participants on the eu side are also extremely in the heart. Uncomfortable, there is not much fear in my heart, but the pressure is absolutely huge.

The people with low strength don’t even dare to make a positive contact with the goddess Caesar. It’s simply the second thing in the blink of an eye. Under the helplessness, only the seven gods who have obviously become leaders have dared to meet Xiaoran’s attack from the front. If the body does not meet Xiaoran's words, the result will of course be obvious, and other people will die under the knife of the devil Caesar.

The body is huge and it is still a combination of seven bodies. The strength and energy are definitely extremely large. Even if this body has only the upper level of the epic level, Xiao Ran has never had any idea of ​​welcoming any other attack. It is huge and still fits in six gods. The hardware combination of this way is not like the soft combination of Gaeta, or fusion. With powerful power, it is certainly not as good as the devil that is driven by Xiao Ran. Caesar, this seven-god combination is only fresh in Xiaoran's view. Before he showed no specific specific ability, Xiao Ran did not feel that this body threatened himself. What is more important is that he still has a moment. The ability to move, such a large body is also a very good target.

When there is still a distance between the devil's Caesar and the Seven Gods, the devil, Caesar, turns into the air and disappears completely. Once again, it appears in the head of the seven gods. When you have not yet thrown your weapons, you will see On the surface of the body of the seven gods, a yellow barrier emerges, and the Qishen is protected like an egg. It is not difficult to create such a shield with the energy output of the seven machines, but this shield is not. How strong is Xiaoran and I feel it with a huge sword.

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