Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2534: repel

The attack of the demon **** Caesar did not stop because of the addition of a shield on the outside of the seven gods. The heavy sword was hit by the full force of the devil, Caesar, and hit the head of the seven gods. Just as soon as it collided with the barrier of the Seven Gods, a powerful repulsion will resist the attack of the demon Caesar, so that the giant sword can stop at a distance of about one meter from the head of the seven gods, and that The huge resentment is like the power of rebounding, and the giant sword is pushed back with more powerful force.

Xiao Ran felt that it was wrong at the moment when the attack was blocked, and knew the role of the Seven Gods fit barrier. If it was replaced by other pilots, it would suddenly give the Seven Gods a combination, and it was exhausted with almost all efforts. On the other hand, the repulsive force of the Seven Gods fit barrier will be like a spring or a magnet of the same level, and the attack will be fully bombed. It is difficult for a general pilot to react to such a situation. Naturally, it will be rebounded by its own attack and then lose its balance.

But now the person who is dealing with the Seven Gods is Xiao Ran. At the moment when the giant sword slammed the stagnant power to rebound, the devil Caesar had a new movement under the operation of Xiao Ran. In the face of this repulsive shield, no Before you have the absolute power to break through the shield directly, as long as you don't exceed that critical point, you can say how much power you can use in a simple and simple physical attack like this. Then the worst will rebound according to the power given. Come back, and generally use it to bounce back the power that has been applied in a single moment.

For energy-type attacks, in general, for the real-world body, beam attacks also use some kind of force to constrain the beam, so such a barrier also has a certain defense ability for beam attack. It can be said that it is a versatile defense, but there are also many ways to break this barrier.

At the moment when the power began to rebound, Xiao Ran controlled the body to loosen the grip of the giant sword, and then turned around and turned his right foot out to look like a hard and light, and took the initiative to point on the shield of the seven gods. When the giant sword was bombed, it also ejected from an obstacle on the barrier shield of the Seven Gods. It suddenly took a long distance away from the Seven Gods and avoided any of the Seven Gods. A counterattack that may be carried out.

A series of actions, except for the giant sword being thrown away by the decisive abandonment, did not let the devil Kaiser be affected any more, and with the left arm of Caesar's left arm raised again, he used the flying fist to recover the giant sword. Caesar, who is far from the seven gods, also slowly turned to face the direction of the seven gods.

A simple collision from the perspective of the performance of the screen seems to be driving the devil of the devil, Caesar, because he is not familiar with the ability of the other body's body and eat a thread, but Xiao Ran is the deliberate attack to test the barrier defense performance of the other side, there is no repulsion barrier in the other side. Under the effect of imbalance and in the shortest possible time to make the most decisive and simple response, it seems that Xiaoran's ability seems to show a dripping feeling.

"There is a defensive ability for any attack, it can bounce off the opponent's attack, at least to some extent, it has the characteristics of 'unbeaten', and it can effectively drag our high-level combat power, even Can attack the attack in some cases, this is the card that you eu dare to go deep into this point?"

"But it’s a pity. If it’s the same with the death machine just now, it’s a combination of right and wrong. It’s really a threat to me, but now I can only have such a body. The effect is just that."

Xiao Ran mouth steel has a faint smile, but there is no feeling of disdain and ridicule in it, it is a very simple smile, as a s-class pilot to disdain an epic-level body to nothing to be proud of, The other seven people together are responsible for a part of the real tacit understanding, but it can also play a very powerful fighting force, Xiao Ran laughed, just feel that the other side seems to write a little too.

As mentioned earlier, the role of the repulsion barrier is to bounce power, rebound the attack, and then passively prevent everything from approaching. Even if the weapon is sent gently, it is impossible to break through the barrier. I really think this barrier is a bit troublesome.

However, people who feel trouble will definitely not have Xiao Ran in it. The simplest and most violent way to solve the other's repulsion barrier is to destroy the barrier of the other party. The barrier is the use of the force field. The power nest is not single.

The repulsion barrier is not like the ordinary defensive barrier. It is mainly based on the constraint of using energy to exert the corresponding effect. This constraint can be carried out from the inside to maintain the stability of the shield.

Although the repulsive barrier is the same as the application of the force field, it can be used in the opposite way to most barriers. It is the effect of energy to support the expansion of the force field, and the formation of multiple force relaxation points to jointly maintain the repulsive field. Existence, so as long as you can find the node of the force field to carry out targeted attacks, or analyze the force rate of the barrier, you can break the barrier by integrating the frequency into the attack. If you attack in the latter way, It will make the opponent's force field become the power of attack and increase the destructive power of the attack.

These two methods are the easiest way to procure this repulsion barrier, but at present, unless Xiaoran enters the quantum assimilation state, it is difficult to analyze the opponent's kitchen with his own ability and find the node of the other barrier. Yeah, or frequency, it’s a bit too difficult to do this, and if the other side has a bit of a brain, the seven machines can completely separate one person’s adjustment for the force field. And the revision, Xiao Ran has no tools that can be borrowed under the circumstance, and the possibility of using these two methods is almost impossible.

Once entering the state of quantum assimilation, Xiao Ran does not need to use any of these two methods at all, and there will be more sails to completely eliminate the seven gods.

The above two simple methods can not be used, Xiaoran can only use another more troublesome way, but the body of the devil, Caesar, is still a little troublesome. To some extent, Xiaoran does not control at all. Caesar Caesar, who may get super-burst performance, is really a bit of a feeling of being in the inside. The energy output level is really not high. Instead, it emphasizes the physical fighting attack performance. It is really a bit of a call to such a body to ambush Xiaoran. I will analyze a lot of Xiao Ran can Liu, and then deliberately want to feel the feeling of Yin Xiaoran inside.

What I didn’t expect was that the body of the Seven Gods, which was well matched with the Seven Gods, was directly dropped by the second before it was exposed. Now there is a meat shield that has not yet shown the ability to attack. Confront the Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran sometimes has a sense of heroism, but definitely does not really regard himself as a heroic hero. He does not hesitate to speak directly through communication: "Keki, this body is a bit interesting, it is difficult to express the individual performance of Devil Caesar. Breaking the barrier of the other side, but it is not difficult for me to wrap the body."

"I am responsible for this body. You take the time to clear the other targets first, let more people come out, wait for my orders and then attack the body at the same time."

Ke Ke, who was originally prepared to support Xiao Ran’s attack on the Seven Gods, quickly controlled his body and turned the target. At the same time, all the **** Knights’ high-level combat forces began the same movement, completely ignoring the seven gods. The firepower turned to other bodies on the eu side.

Xiao Ran’s current thinking is also very simple. Since he can’t break the barrier of the other person by himself, he simply doesn’t force it. I can’t help you, you can’t help me, although I can’t really break the barrier, but I can give you Bring enough threats, and our high-level battle bells are not too simple for your low-level combat. After other people are free to cooperate, even if your barrier is so powerful, you have to stay here.

As long as there are multiple helpers attacking the seven gods at the same time, different angles of attack, different directions, different attack strengths attack different points of the barrier, only one explosion can break the balance of the barrier, not to say that it can destroy the barrier of the other side. Certainly, but what is certain is that by that time, the barrier of the seven gods will not have any effect on Xiaoran.

Xiaoran driving the devil Kaiser can only do this, but if it is replaced by the new body that Lloyd got out, it really doesn't need anyone's help. Xiao Ran can use the body to break through this way. The other party.

Next, Xiao Ran really just entangled the renting of the seven gods, and replaced the melee weapons with double guns. Most attacks, there may be as many as ninety-nine in a hundred ray bundles, there is no threat to the seven gods, but the last one will often find the most suitable opportunity, under the forefront of the ninety-nine attacks. The penetrating barrier brings the most immediate threat to the Seven Gods.

And any attack of the Seven Gods can not capture the devil of Caesar, nor can it make any effective restrictions on the devil, but Caesar will make the seven gods fit the guns all the time. There is a threat that may occur.

However, this situation only lasted for a few minutes. The seven gods and the pilots also noticed that the body of one side was being quickly broken. They suddenly understood Xiaoran’s plan and continued to do so. A lot of fire reinforcements, don't say that all the friendly forces that are being smashed will be completely destroyed, and even they will be completely defeated in this place.

The participants on the eu side were also extremely decisive. After they noticed the development direction of the situation, all the bodies were retracted, and all kinds of chaotic attacks were like the lack of money. Even the seven gods were completely integrated. Ignore the devil of Caesar, risking a huge risk, and I will not help Xiao Yan’s start to help other bodies to evacuate. I can use the giant sword in my hand, the cannon on the shoulder, the beam gun of the arm, the missile of the leg, etc. All the armed forces launched a cover-up attack on the Scarlet Knights, and they were also caught off guard by the Scarlet Knights.

Xiao Ran knew the other side's plan after the sudden change of the eu attack. He only issued a new order with a brow: "All the members dispersed and removed the enemy's attack coverage, and pursued at half speed after the enemy attack stopped. ”

Keji responded and asked in the newsletter: "They are going to run away? Is the half-speed chase to let them leave?"

Xiao Ran calmly said: "Let them go, don't force the other dog to jump into the wall, if the opposite is determined to leave some people to break off or all the water to fight, drag you to count one, the Scarlet Knights will have a big loss. You still have a lot to do after they leave, and even if they run today, they can't run tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ran also suddenly smiled: "And I also hope that they can escape, so the next development will be more interesting."

Keki nodded and instructed his subordinates to pursue the bluff, but only looked at the enemy who was getting smaller and smaller on the screen: "I know."

Ke Ji didn't really know Xiao Ran's real thoughts, and Xiao Ran's thought was just that if these people were allowed to escape, they would leave with other forces like the Seven Gods and appear on other battlefields, until he drove the new body to the Black Knights. After the name of the attack, the body was broken, isn't it more able to give the world more shock?

This time, the Seven Gods escaped and the death machine was destroyed. It would be difficult to say what the eu participants are. But at least if they want to play against each other, they will definitely send more power. Xiaoran is very I hope that the other side can send more epic-level senior pilots, so that the appearance of the Black Knights will become more shocking and more shocking, and the Black Knights will only be able to pass such a fight. Directly become the shadow and restraint on the heads of all participants.

Xiao Ran is now looking forward to the next time in the name of the Black Knights, and finally can drive a real body to carry out a battle.

Participants of the eu side evacuated, because Xiao Ran’s command of the Scarlet Knights did not catch too far. He turned his head and began to cooperate with the ordinary forces mobilized from the surrounding area to begin to annihilate the ordinary eu troops that had been attacked with the eu participants. Moreover, there was no harassment by hostile participants. The area that had been lost in a few days had only been taken back in less than a day and a half, and the two sides of eu and Butalia were again on the same front.

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