Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2535: Too LOW

Xiao Ran brought a wave of rhythm to the eu army inside the 19th district to directly defeat, not a purely tactical tactic, but a goal achieved by purely advanced combat power. Capturing a level is not very High but possessing a special ability of the body, but also ran a seven-god combination of seven bodies, playing the other side, although not crying and crying, but it is absolutely very uncomfortable, the loss can be said It is not small.

The participants of eu were completely repulsed, which means that the Scarlet Knights and the 19th District Warriors will no longer have any rivals. They will easily recover all the lost ground and restart the confrontation with eu, and this is simple. Winning this battle also gave Connelia at the rear an unbelievable, which was a little too easy to win.

Eu can't believe it, because it's also too easy to lose.

However, all this is not an accident, nor is it a fluke. The simple one is that the powerful side has pressed down the side of insufficient strength. What tactical strategy has not played any role in such a battle, it is completely between hard power. Competition.

Now in the wars of the African continent eu and Buria, the ordinary military forces have not had much ability to change the situation and guide the war. Even the schemes are difficult to play too much role, from the original tiger wolf in this world. It became a flock, and it completely evolved into a battle that relied on the participants as the real main force. Even the tricks and arrangements required the participants to implement it. The participants won the ordinary army and the participants lost the ordinary army. Losing, even if the ordinary army can not fight anymore, it can not affect even the direction of a battle.

This situation is very normal. After all, the general army does not have the potential to pose a threat to the participants. It is possible to have fewer participants. However, it is now a legion-sized participant. How can the general army threaten it?

According to this development, the role of the general army has been limited to material transportation, patrolling and defense of the stronghold. The real frontal combat, no matter how many soldiers use, can also cause more interference than threats. In this case, it is only a part of the African continent. It has not reached the situation where the members of the Legion size have to dismantle the troops completely into different theaters.

But in this situation, eu and Butalia have invested a considerable amount of ordinary combat power, so that these ordinary combat forces are not consumed at all on the battlefield. This is not a normal talk. The situation that led to this situation is not Xiaoran.

From the beginning of the 19th district, Xiao Ran did not use the ordinary army as the main force from the beginning of the command. He always used the Scarlet Knights as the main force. Even if he wanted to launch an offensive battle, he would only arrange these ordinary troops behind the wing. Support is given because he knows that the general army has no effect on the participants.

But on the eu side, this is not the case. The regular army will always play first, and a swarm of bees will attack and the participants will be behind them. Once the participants of the Scarlet Knights attack, they will attack and intercept, letting the generals suffer losses. Let the ordinary army fight, in a seemingly slow but rapid process, use a myriad of lives to directly pull out such a fighting style, and actively pull eu and Butalia into the ground meat fight, Both sides have sacrificed too many lives during this time, which became even more serious after Xiaoran left the 19th district and was noticed.

Why do this, why do the participants on the eu side use these ordinary sergeants as consumables? Xiao Ran said that he is not very understandable, but if the participants do not treat the aborigines as equals, this is Xiaoran. I know, but I don't agree with it. This kind of consumption is completely meaningless. What is the purpose of doing this? Xiao Ran feels that there should be a little story here, for a longer-term purpose, but it will not affect the current situation in the 19th district and even the entire Butalia.

But no matter what, Xiao Ran is not a person who will take the lives of ordinary people to vent. After this battle, almost all the ordinary soldiers who have captured more than 100,000 eu have been taken. These captives were all taken from the lion lions. The place was placed in the stronghold. Although many people were to be guarded, Xiao Ran never thought about doing anything excessive for these prisoners.

Cornelia wants to take advantage of the victory brought by this victory to return all the grievances of this time to eu. After all, Xiaoran’s departure time is too difficult, too much sacrifice is sacrificed, I want to To revenge this emotion is not just that Cornelia has one person, but an army from the top to the bottom, and Xiao Ran directly rejects Cornelia's proposal and temporarily suppresses the high-level ideas.

This victory does not mean that all the strongholds of eu can be directly and unimpeded. Xiao Ran has reason to believe that since the eu party dares to go deep, it is impossible to think of the follow-up means. It is a good thing to be safe, and it needs to leave a black. The opportunity for the Knights to debut.

Throwing the situation to reorganize the military power to Cornelia, Xiaoran drove the devil of Caesar to the station of the Scarlet Knights, where there is another important thing to do.

After the body stopped in the base, Xiao Ran, who came out of the cockpit, saw the sneak peek of Keji, if the former Keji only respected Xiaoran because he wanted to be loyal to Lulu Xiu. However, in fact, Xiaoran is only treated in an equal cooperative relationship. However, when I meet Xiaoran, it is really going to be a big man, and I can’t do it.

"Roussillon Knight, you are here, I have already arranged it here, and the body can be transported at any time."

"Go and see." Xiao Ran glanced at Koji, who even bent a little bit on his waist. He didn't say anything but just nodded slightly, then he said, "Is the body checked?"

Keji, who was half asleep behind Xiaoran, said quickly: "I have checked it, but we have no way to unlock the system of the body. We can only thoroughly inspect the body and remove all parts of the body's positioning and communication. The energy system was cut off by physical means, and no other self-detonation measures were found."

Xiao Ran said: "This is ok, the body I am going to ship to the 11th district for analysis and see if there is any possibility to thoroughly analyze and copy the technology that makes the body, the kind of imaginary and aggressive avatar. I am very interested in the ability."

"But the technical staff in the 19th district is still a little worse. Are there any excellent technicians on your side who can recommend it?"

Xiao Ran said that it is already very straightforward. It is to let Keji send people to analyze the body together. In terms of the technical level of the eleven to Lloyd, there is still a great technology to analyze the death machine. The fault, even if it can resolve the copy estimate, it takes a long and long time to do it. If the task ends, Xiaoran may not be able to make a little result, but if the Scarlet Knights have enough excellent technicians, That will definitely speed up the resolution of the body, but the death machine Xiaoran will eventually use the skills to bring it back to the Legion. The analysis here is also to avoid some small accidents, because Xiaoran It’s not Luo, although it’s enough for Europe, but after all, it’s not the kind of European emperor. It’s very likely that there will be incomplete recycling. In this case, technical information is needed as a support.

When Keji heard Xiaoran’s words, it was a bit embarrassing. It seems that it is a bit embarrassing. However, Xiaoran understands what is Keji’s embarrassment. Cracking the bodies of other participants is a kind of technical theft, especially if the body belongs to This is especially true in the case of the unique technology of the enemy army. This is a prohibited act in Prometheus and a protective measure for the participants themselves. If you are not yours, don’t think about chaos, they are more likely. It is completely impossible to get anything useful from that body.

It is precisely because of such measures that Xiao Ran can sell warships in Prometheus without worrying that other legions will copy them, because other legions can never crack the core technology of the battleship, which is a magical rule.

For this body, Xiao Ran is not the technology of the other body. It is only the principle, and then uses other techniques and methods to show the same effect, and the entire Prometheus wants to do the same as the Burning Legion. These are really not many, there may be a lot of technicians, but most of the technicians are not likely to have access to too much technical information, and there is no such opportunity. A single technical system is estimated to be enough for them. A lifetime, and more estimates are just familiar with a technical sequence, not to mention the excellent technical staff is not every legion.

There are many worlds like the Burning Legion, and there is also a chaotic and integrated world like this. There are three systems of real, super, and fantasy, and there are countless different kinds of technology trees. The whole system of the technical system is Prometheus. That's it, and there are a few black kings like Luo. How many European emperors can there be? How many more can you independently create a three-series s-class body?

The development of the Burning Legion is too special now. It is special for every technician to know the different technologies that are proficient in multiple systems. The different technologies of different worlds are even more unconstrained. This is the time when the Burning Legion began to develop. I felt the imprint, but the other legions were completely different.

Xiao Ran knows that the Burning Legion is very special, but ignores the technical level of other legions. He believes that the Scarlet Knights can create a sorcerer and strengthen the technology of the sorcerer to the demon **** Caesar. Technicians should have a technical know-how to figure out the principles of a body should not be too difficult.

But the fact is that it is so difficult. The Scarlet Knights know the techniques of the Souls, but they only know the techniques of the Souls. Although the techniques have commonalities, they don’t understand what they don’t understand, just like knowing the League of Legends. How can the operation of Ruiwen's speed of light qa be the same as that of the operation? The general technical staff of the Legion has been completely restricted by the single technology possessed by the Legion. If there is no legion, then the limit is even greater. There is no environment for them to grow up. Only one point is understood on one line.

It’s like a battleship sold by the Burning Legion. It can be solved without any territory. Even if there is a territory, it’s impossible to create a macros level with the old owner’s territory. Is it a Chinese, one in English, two different systems without a middleman without translation, can you use a common gesture to carry out technical communication?

Keji coughed twice, and said in a distressed way: "Our technicians can't do it. There is no problem with the daily maintenance of the body, but there is really not much understanding of the technology. There is no technician in the strict sense."

Xiao Ran glanced at the technology and nodded lightly. He felt something from Keji’s words. It’s not a slogan or a complete embarrassment, but a bit of real helplessness.

Xiao Ran could not help but ask: "Your level of technical staff is just the level of inspection and renovation?"

Keji said with embarrassment: "It is better than this, but it has not yet reached the level that can be solved from other people's bodies, but the other parts of the body are moved out to their own body. no problem."

Xiao Ran picked up his eyebrows and didn't say anything about this problem. It was just a little surprised. So what is the level of a small legion that is not so small, it is too low.

Shaking his head, Xiao Ran asked: "How is the prisoner?"

"It seems that I haven’t suffered any serious injuries, but I haven’t been awake until now. From time to time, there will be some nerve twitching. Some capillaries in my head are exploding but I can still survive. I ask if it seems a bit cerebral. Signs, I keep people watching."

Speaking, Keji also looked at Xiao Ran with a strange look. It’s really unclear how Xiao Ran made the captive guy even if he was in a coma and he was like a fool. He would still drool. Unable to flow.

Xiao Ran felt Kekey’s eyes and said it in disregard: “Oh, the prisoner will be handed over to you to deal with it.”

Keji quickly nodded, such a prisoner is really useful for the Scarlet Knights, but I don't know that this is the chip that Xiao Ran deliberately left for them to take advantage of the opposite eu leg to trade. After all, The level of the pilot of the Taiwanese death machine is not too low. I believe that the opposite side should be willing to pay some price to return the prisoner. As for the brain, it is not a problem to go back to Prometheus anyway.

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