Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2602: S level

Ying Long God enters the battlefield with an extremely violent attitude. The first step is a wave of coherent auxiliary dragon scales and gn dragon cavalry's beam network attack. The sky's beam directly covers, divides, tears, suppresses, and directly makes the dimension. The beast's offensive has also become a lot smaller. Countless sub-beasts began to bark in the first wave of Xiao Ran's attack, and the painful shackles then fell to the ground.

The purpose of this step is to suppress, suppress the sub-beast to let other members of the legion have the opportunity to withdraw from the battlefield, and then the division, the battlefield is completely divided into two areas inside and outside, the inner zone is completely controlled by him, and the outer zone It is the member of the legion that has been evacuated. Once the members of the legion have resolved all the minor beasts in the outer zone, they can evacuate without any burden.

In the third stage, it is the suppression, the suppression of the already emerging sub-beasts and the elimination of the emerging meta-beasts that are constantly emerging. This step is also very good. It is better to cover the sub-channel directly with the attack. Xiao Ran's personal ability and physical ability to do this step is not difficult, the second and third stages can also be treated as a stage for Xiao Ran.

The last step is to stuff the reaction bomb into it. Of course, the situation inside the dimension channel is unknown. It is not so easy to detonate the reaction bomb at the right distance. Xiaoran himself cannot enter the dimension channel himself. Therefore, before putting the reaction bomb into the dimension channel, it is necessary to first storm a wave toward the inside, and clean up the sub-beast inside the dimension channel as much as possible. Then the reaction bomb enters and then detonates to completely close the dimension channel.

These steps naturally appear in his mind when Xiaoran enters the battlefield. How to arrange the battle is very simple for Xiaoran, who has participated in countless battles and wars. This is experience and The dual effect of ability, if you change to an inexperienced person, it is estimated that the choice is to force a high-level force to clean up a channel into the reaction bomb, in such a tough way to achieve the purpose, inevitably If there is enough capacity, there is no problem in using this method.

As Ying Long God gradually approached the Dimensional Passage, the flying wings behind him were completely covered by the green light. The branches under the wings also grew a pair of wings of light, and then formed a full eight-light wing. Like an angel, the green light particles are spilled over the entire land.

Whether it is the b-class sub-beast or the a-level, all of them are completely shrouded by the gn particles released by the dragon god. In this case, Xiao Ran can completely tear all the enemies with a full-screen attack, at least a level The underlying body does not have the defense against this kind of attack, and those a-level sub-beasts are more or less able to stick to it. After all, Xiao Ran’s full-screen attack is completely out of thin air without a transmitter increase. The attack power is for low-level bodies. Destructive, but for high-level enemies can only rely on grinding, and the level of the undefeated division of the East, in addition to the interference effect, has almost no other effect, and it is not under the quantum assimilation. Being able to use this attack mode is quite reluctant for Xiao Ran, but Xiao Ran can still do it only if he wants to achieve the split effect.

The suppression effect of the attached body and the gn dragon cavalry has already been presented. When the two giant weapons in the hands of the dragon **** are combined and started, the huge energy begins to gather in the weapon, and the light in the battlefield also appears, not covering the whole situation. And just draw a circle on the battlefield to completely divide the battlefield into both inner and outer sides, completely suppressing the scope of the activities of the sub-beast.

With the flash of the dragon **** cannon in the sky, the huge light flew out and split into countless beams. The front end with sharp crystals penetrated the sky and the body of the beast on the ground, once again the dimension The size of the beast has been reduced to a very low level.

The members of the Legion, who had already been ordered, did not hesitate, and Xiao Ran completely suppressed the chance of the Yuan Yuan beast and quickly withdrew. In a short time, he withdrew a long distance.

Xiaoran, who witnessed all of this, took back all the offensives and saw the second-born beast that had once again emerged from the passage. He saw the troops that had already gone, and the brows were slightly wrinkled.

"More than 30 dimension channels have appeared at the same time. As far as my attack has killed almost two hundred or more beasts, it is roughly estimated that the number of sub-beasts in this area is more than one thousand. Each channel has such a number. There are also tens of thousands of sub-beasts. How many times in the world there are still waiting for the world to enter the world, hundreds of thousands? Millions of millions? Protecting this earth is almost equal to protecting this whole The world is over."

"Yinglong." Xiaoran shook his head and said: "The next step is to try the new ability of the dragon god."

"I'm ready."

"Then let's get started." Xiaoran's eyes shot a blue light, and the dragon **** rushed forward again with Xiaoran's operation. Many dragon scales and gn dragon cavalry are clearing all the surrounding targets. .

As Ying Long rushed to the higher sky, he released the weapons of both hands and let the arms float freely on the side of the body. The right arm of the dragon **** was lifted high and the wings were fully unfolded. The raised palms were lifted. There was also a blue light ball that quickly condensed and condensed.

"Come on, Hao Leilong!" Xiao Ran felt a little shameful shouting out the style of Ying Long Wang, so that he was not used to the feeling of real, but shouting shouted really felt a bit of imposing taste inside, should Long original What the move is, Xiao Ran doesn't know, but after the combination with the Dragon King machine, the original moves have also changed. Leilong is one of them.

The blue light ball condensed by the right hand instantly rushed into the sky and exploded. The blue energy that spread out caused a change between the heavens and the earth. The dark clouds suddenly shrouded the sky, and countless lightnings appeared. Above the dark clouds, then a dragon-shaped lightning consisting entirely of thunder light descended from the sky, and a dozens of meters of thunder and lightning roared and landed on the ground. The huge energy exploded and blew out the light that made the heavens and the earth eclipse. Everything, such as the raging wind, burned the target, broke out the power of a small nuclear bomb, and annihilated the bodies of countless beasts and sub-beasts in this world.

"Yes, there is such a big power, then the next is the thunder!"

This time, Xiao Ran did not shout it out. Although it was still very powerful, it was like Luo and Bassack yelling at the Super Invincible Overlord movie bomb. It was very sensational, but Xiao Ran really did not call this feeling, just Just use the power of the mind to cooperate with Ying Long Wang to launch the next move.

The impact of the thunderstorm is not as large as the tens of meters of brontosaurus falling down, but the power is also full, and countless lightnings are falling from the sky. As long as the clouds are covered, lightning will fall, and the lightning will not be there. Everything between the heavens and the earth has become the target of lightning.

Two consecutive skills, all of which are high-intensity killing and destructive bombardment skills, are quite useful in the face of a wide range of enemies, but should not only have these two skills, but also use dragons. Inflammation, you can pick up a hurricane, you can release a powerful beam and so on.

These skills in Xiaoran's view can't be described as simple skills, but as an attack method. They are real spells. They can not be used to attack these abilities according to the fixed attack mode. Tianlei and Hao Leilong The attack mode Xiaoran feels free to transform, and Longyan can also wrap it on the weapon to increase the intensity of the attack. The hurricane can be used not only for attack but also for defense. It is completely different from the conventional body system. It is the core rather than the fixed move.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the alternative is not an exaggeration. Xiao Ran is a person who can't use the super-system. But after he has the motivation to play, he can fully exert the ability of the super-computer, so that Xiao Ran can be used by the super-system. Exaggerated attacks, not relying on strength but relying on the power of mind, it can be said that the super-machine is quite lining the current Xiaoran.

"The next move is not convenient to test in this place. The damage of the Long Hao Lei gun is too great. It is still used under the current s-class performance. It will never be less powerful than the nuclear bomb. This will cause the area to collapse directly, causing huge geological disasters."

Xiao Ran’s gaze suddenly looked at the Dimensional Passage, and finally shook his head again: “The dragon gun belongs to the entity and is also part of Ying Long. Although it is a game derived from the motivation of the power, it can be recalled if it is lost. It’s a hassle to throw it into the sub-channel and cross the sub-element. So you can only use the reaction bomb."

Pressing the communication button, Xiao Ran said: "Launch reaction bomb."

"Understood, the reaction bomb is now launched."

Several warships that had been far away from the rear fired reaction bombs in the direction of the Dimensional Channel. At the same time, they also sent drones to cover them. Xiaoran gave up the intention to continue testing other attacks of Yinglong, but regained the main body of the body. Weapons, the pair of cannons that can be combined with melee, under the integration of Yinglong, these two weapons also showed some changes, not only the dragon scales but also the dragon fins, the position of the muzzle became more vague Some faucets look like.

The combination of the two artillery pieces, the wings of the light behind the dragon **** will become more dazzling, and countless light particles will emerge from the wings and most of them will be sucked into the weapon. At the same time, the crystals on the body of the dragon will all light up. The texture of the body also flashed brightly, and the huge energy extraction reaction also appeared at the front end of the muzzle, and the energy that was condensed shook the space.

The bombardment of several energy sources simultaneously charging is almost completed within a few seconds. A shot is blown out. The diameter of the shelling is much larger than that of the Dragon King itself. The electromagnetic flickering light is distorted, and the powerful energy is connected. The air is enough to burn, and it is straight into the passage of the dimension, and all the obstacles that block everything in front are completely annihilated.

When the light disappears, there is no one-time beast that can come out of the passage. The reaction bomb also enters into the dimension channel without any hindrance under the defense of the drone, and the scene transmitted by the drone facts, the channel In the middle, I have not seen any existence of the sub-beast. Until now, Xiao Ran has successfully treated this sub-channel. Xiao Ran did not hesitate to drive the dragon to turn and leave quickly.

After a dozen seconds, the huge shock appeared from the place where the dimension channel was located. The space that was originally enough to be distorted became more distorted. Not only was it twisted but also the space collapsed. Like a black hole, it swallowed everything around it. The original battlefield was The area has become a doomsday, the red lightning flashes, the space tears and smashes, and for a period of time has become a deadly enemy that prohibits any life from entering, and this state lasts for more than a minute and then slowly The recovery is calm.

After everything has returned to calm, the only thing left is the devastation. The mountain has become a regular pit, but the dimension channel has disappeared into the sky.

Open the communication, Xiao Ran sent a message to the Burning Legion in the universe: "I have solved this."

Soon, Malang also gave Xiao Ran a reply: "All the secondary channels have successfully destroyed twenty-three, and there have been some accidents. Only the last one of the eight important node channels has not been eliminated."

Xiao Ran frowned and changed the text communication directly into a video communication. At the first time of the appearance of Malang, he asked: "What happened?"

Malang’s face was serious and said: “There are s-class enemies there, claiming to be the next.”

Xiao Ran frowned and quickly replied: "Take me over."

Ma Weidao: "I am already preparing, but Nazi and the masters have now arrived on the battlefield. At present, the three planes are in the middle of the battle."

“Well?” Xiao Ran snorted and said: “The teacher and the Nazi have passed. Can they not suppress one person?”

Malang brows slightly wrinkled: "After all, the same as the s-class, the ability of that dimension will be somewhat special, both melee and long-range ability are quite outstanding, and can also invalidate the attack against him, but not sure of this invalid In the end, what is the mechanism to transfer or weaken the attack? The current situation is that neither side can really hurt the other side, but the other party can force the attack to be ignored.

"I know." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "That will start sending me over immediately."

"Okay, ten seconds." Malang said, worried and looked at Xiaoran: "Be careful."

"I know."

The transmission begins, and the one that represents the transmitted beam is again overlaid on Ying Longwang's body, but this time the transmission is actually equivalent to two transmissions, that is, after the recovery, the continuity is transmitted to the body. The pressure is greater than the pressure of a single transmission, even after the end of the transmission with Xiaoran's physical quality, he took a deep breath and let his inexplicable feeling of detachment slowly calm down.

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