Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2603: break the balance

After being transferred to the destination, Xiao Ran did not drive Ying Long to actively join the battle in the first time, but only sent all the gn dragon cavalry and dragon scales to enter the battlefield, destroying the secondary beasts that were encountered along the way, also Spread the gn particles with these bodies to increase the dispersion concentration of the gn particles, and to understand the situation on the battlefield.

Today's Burning Legion has a lot of bodies equipped with solar furnaces, so the density of gn particles in this battlefield is not effectively controlled because there is no changer's relationship, but it is only distributed in terms of scattered area. The maintenance of combat time has reached a wide range.

The reason why the special equipment of the solar furnace is popularized is that the solar furnace is not a high-end technology in the Burning Legion. The solar furnace is particularly flexible because it can bring special flexibility. , concealment, etc., of course, is also prepared for the most top changer of Xiao Ran, using these ordinary bodies to speed up the concentration and spread distance of gn particles, so that Xiao Ran in the battle from the beginning You can get the biggest advantage.

Almost just a few blinks of time, the situation on the scene has been almost mastered by Xiao Ran. At this time, the battlefield has been completely divided into two inside and outside. There are only three bodies in the battle, and each collision and attack will bring huge Destruction, a beam of light traversing the sky, a fist and a foot will cause the wind and roaring space to oscillate.

On the periphery, it is a few kilometers away from the very internal battlefield. The body of the Burning Legion and the battleships that existed here almost formed an encirclement to completely surround the internal battlefield, and used long-range attacks to kill those who tried to rush. There are a few minor beasts outside, but these people, whether they are the second-born beasts or the Burning Legion, have already become absolute supporting actors in front of the three bodies that are facing each other.

In the eyes of Xiao Ran, neither the body of Nazi nor the undefeated body of the East can fully exert their strength, but limit their output to a certain extent, and try not to let their own strength release. Too much burst and affect the surrounding environment makes the landscape change too much, but even so, the area where the battlefield is located has completely turned into a black scorched earth, and a city not far away can only see the wreckage. appearance.

Instead, it is the white body that calls itself the Dimension. Every attack is more violent than that of Nazi and the East. It doesn't matter whether it is necessary to care about the damage caused to the world.

This white dimension will have two special flying wings, one pair at the waist and one pair on the shoulders. It doesn't look like a regular flying wing shape, but four large curved knives. The overall white inclusion is very small. The black lines, nor the armor shape in the conventional sense, do not have much mechanical sense and armor, and there is a feeling of a biological weapon mixed with mechanical weapons.

The front of the body, the chest, the arms, the flying wings, the legs and the waist, in the armor's crevice, in the middle or below, is another completely different material, sparkling with colorful brilliance, looks Some are similar to the crystals carried by the Dimensional Beast, but the brilliance flow does not seem to be a few grades higher than that of the colorful crystal, but it is definitely not a crystal structure. It should be made of a special material. .

The appearance of the body emerges with the same color as the flowing colorful light of the body. It looks like a thin layer of brilliance and the brightness is not as high as the body itself. It is indeed the energy formed by the body. Special shield.

The attack mode of this aircraft is mainly melee, and the degree of flexibility is almost no worse than that of the masters. The fists and feet are also quite fierce. The punching is also visible to the naked eye and the stability of the space in front of the fist is changed. Sex, every punch seems to break the space and tear the dimension. Even with such a powerful attack, the plane has a lot of long-range attacks. The body wave is the appearance of hundreds of flame-colored light balls. Overwhelming flying to the division of the master and Nazi, each explosion has a degree of a level of energy storage.

In the battle of the three men, the division master can completely do the same with the second dimension, and the same position as the s-class pilot, Nazi is very conspicuous in front of the two. As a result, it is rare that in the battle, attacks from the front are rarely made to the enemy, and more are used as output aids for existence.

By observing Xiao Ran’s discovery, the ability of the second dimension is indeed special as Malang’s said. It can distort the space and dimension around him to avoid attacks and speed up the movement of attacks. Even without any negative effects. The degree of distortion itself achieves the same purpose. In the teleportation, Xiao Ran did not see the other party used for a minute or so, so it should not have such ability.

The layer of colorful light outside the body also has the role of a shield. It is indeed to invalidate most of Nazi’s attacks. From the appearance of the appearance, it should also be related to the ability of space. It is obvious that after seeing the energy hit. Diffusion phenomenon, but the specific mechanism and restraint method is really difficult to determine.

The current problem is Xiaoran. It is obvious that the powerless attack will not threaten the dimension. It can be blocked only by the shield. The powerful attacking dimension can also rely on twisting itself or space to achieve the attack dislocation and avoid it. And for the time being, there is no means of restraint, but it is obvious that the attack of the masters will indeed have a small deterrent effect on the Dimension. Many attacks do not dare to engage in hard anti-collision, but choose to distort dodge to avoid. Open the edge of the master.

Xiao Ran brows slightly wrinkled, opened the communication again, and said directly after the other party connected the communication: "Ma Yu, will Yuz, Kyriam, Ingram, Yingge, atx team, srx team all Tune in, if they are still fighting, let other people take over their current tasks as quickly as possible."

Malang nodded and immediately arranged Xiaoran’s instructions and asked: "What do you see?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "The ability of the other side should be related to the dimensional space, but the operating mechanism has no way to see that it will not find the weakness of the other side, but the power should be able to achieve space blockade and lock the attack, call them over. just in case."

"I understand." Malang nodded and said: "If it is possible, it is best to recycle the other's body. Maybe we will face more such enemies in the future. This body is very important."

"I try to." Xiao Ran nodded and finished, and finally began all actions, manipulating the place where Ying Long God floated to the battle of the three central battlefields, and at the same time let Harrow link to Nazi and the master. Communication between the two.

On the side of the Nazi, it was accessed about a second after the communication was turned on, and the master had been on for a few seconds.

"You are here too." The teacher's face showed a free and easy smile. It seemed to be a little relaxed from his expression: "I didn't expect an enemy in the district to actually have three of us together. It is really awkward and embarrassing. The ability of the other party is really a bit strange, you have to be careful."

The expression of Nazi is more serious than it is: "Most of my attacks are ineffective, and melee can't be suppressed. Even if I open the gravitational field, it will not affect him. This time I was completely restrained." ”

The East is undefeated and the mind is comforting: "Really, the ability of this enemy can offset the attack in the first time of attack, because the distortion of the dimension or space makes our attack fall in the air, even I dare not Saying that his attack must be able to hit, just because the enemy is too mysterious to us, the little girl does not have to be so lost, hahaha."

Xiao Ran asked: "With your ability, the teacher should be able to completely lock the other party's talents, even if this can't attack the other party?"

"It is indeed possible to completely lock it." The unbeaten expression of the East has become a little more serious. He said: "But the eyes are not visible, but the enemy is not simply a person who can be eliminated. Not much worse than me, although the other party relies on their own special abilities to have such a degree, but the other party can't hit me, I am not so easy to hit each other, threatening and troublesome than in terms of you."

" Moreover, this place is not a suitable place to fight and there is not enough containment. If the whole force breaks out, this piece of land may also completely collapse. Earthquakes, ground collapse, lava eruption will also occur, my attack If you want to really hit each other, the damage will be too great, and in other ways, at least in an hour or so, you may be able to win the game."

"Now instead of saying that we are trying to break the other side, it is better to contain the other side to shock each other. The other side's attack is also extremely dense. The reaction bomb can't enter the passage at all, but now that you are here, you can try to take it. Take it."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran gently squeezed his head, his eyes fixed on the white dimension in the screen. Several operations mobilized all the dragon scales and the gn dragon cavalry. The dragon scales will fly quickly toward the dimension. Going, there are countless beam forming networks along the way to cover each other.

For this kind of coverage attack, the dimension will not show too much special ability, relying on a flexible way or advancing or retreating, showing the extraordinary ability of the s-class pilot, all the light is escaping, even if there is One or two attacks rubbed each other's body and passed, and only after seeing the undulations of the surface of the body, there was no other situation.

However, Xiao Ran’s purpose is not to hit the other side with such an attack, but just want to hold back the speed of the other party, even if a wave of attacks can only slow down the opponent’s speed by one percent, but for Xiao Ran It is also an opportunity and an advantage of one percent.

Next, the dragon **** directly threw away the arms of both hands, letting the weapons spray the gn particles and the light of the propellers to fly in the air to combine, and the countless gn dragon cavalry that flew out also quickly moved away from the body. The weapons that came together came together, and the echoes echoed with the dragon god.

Ying Long God himself raised his right hand, and there was a blue light ball in the palm of his hand. The dazzling light of the light ball turned into a long gun with a dragon scale and flashing an electric arc. The wings of the flying wing swayed, and the red light burst, the blue light of the whole body was more gorgeous, and the blood red light that flashed from time to time made the dragon **** add a strange look, because the appearance of the dragon gun made the body look It also flashed an electric arc, pulling up a long afterimage and quickly approaching the dimension with a speed that the naked eye could not capture.

The East Unbeaten and the Nazi also made corresponding cooperation without any words. The first is Nazi. In the case that the general attack can not cause damage to the Dimension, Nazi also raises the firepower to the extreme and then the firepower. Open, use the special ability of his own body and simultaneously pull out his own whip sword from the void with his right hand and slam forward forward. The special weapon made based on space technology also appears directly in the distant distance across the distant distance. Under the armpit, a highly flexible whip sword can't be blocked in a hard-resistance manner unless it can hit the tip of the whip sword very accurately and hit it.

The huge firepower appeared from the front, and the top of the head was even more difficult to ponder the trajectory of the whip. The second dimension of the body burst out with a colorful, green-based radiant glow, and hundreds of scorching energy **** appeared throughout the body. Attacking and attacking, there are countless roaring bangs in the sky, and the squally winds blow up the black smoke and dark clouds all over the sky, and even a circle of diffused energy flows can be seen in the universe.

The East is undefeated, and does not care about the guru's temperament. The second dimension will launch an attack. The new body arm is a knife, the left hand is lit with black light, the right hand is flashing golden light, the flashing palm and the dark palm are simultaneously Out, the two very different forces together with the energy repulsion as a guide also set off the traces of the space to break and tear.

The unbeaten attack in the East caused the space around the dimension to appear a twist. The energy layer of the body surface seemed to be in a stagnation, forcing the dimension to use only the way of twisting itself to forcibly escape the undefeated attack of the East. And then quickly move away from the East unbeaten.

At this moment, the power of Xiaoran’s thoughts has been fully opened, and the t-link of the power-increasing device installed on the body has also been spurred to the highest state. The all-round increase in the ability of Yinglong God itself will also greatly enhance Yinglong’s ability. The attack that God has released will also give the complete lock to the dimension.

Breaking through all the obstacles, the first shot was the rifle with lightning and thunder lightning. At the moment of the spurt, the long gun that was only more than 50 meters in length instantly burst into a huge energy and became a hand. The pistol, which is composed of pure energy and is hundreds of meters long, hits the place where the second will be the chest.

Three people, three s-class pilots, were completely broken when the balance of Xiaoran joined.

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