Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2606: Pure white paper

This battle with the Yuan Yuan beast has too many conditions for the Burning Legion. Many things are very sudden. The Legion never thought that there would be such a situation, for example, suddenly appeared. More than 30 dimension channels, the other side has the ability to influence the diurnal earthquake, the sub-beast is actually transformed from human.

Xiao Ran has very little understanding of the sub-beast. He said that the exaggeration is only a matter of knowing that the sub-beast is such a thing, so the report obtained from the side of the beast is also the first time to contact Xiaoran. I am very shocked by the problem of the source of the second-born beast, and I am worried about how much the cells that can transform human beings into the next-born beasts.

But before Dylandal and Youzes came up with complete information about the cell, Xiao Ran couldn't do anything at all, and he couldn't waste manpower and resources to arrange something that was completely useless in the end. What's more, the fleet is just finished, and then it will take some time to return to each other. The current solution is to wait.

After waiting for the genetic research department for more than half an hour, several members of Shirley and Valkyrie arrived, suddenly called to Xuelilu. They still don’t know what it is, but at least Shirley knows if it’s not because In special circumstances, Xiao Ran certainly will not call them all so suddenly.

After entering the Department of Genetic Research, several people of Valkyrie quickly greeted the two after seeing Xiaoran and Malang. Although the watch on the face was serious and heavy, it was still exposed to several people. a smile.

When Shirley came over, she asked directly: "What happened?"

Malang said to Shirley: "The situation is more serious. After the battle today, the Gene Department discovered a special kind of cell from the recovered genus, which can devour human cells and convert them into dimensions. The beast, that is to say, the sub-beast that we are facing now is actually transformed from human beings, but only human beings in another world."

"But now, we still don't know how the cell's ability to infect, can we find a way to reverse the engulfment." Malang glanced at the female goddess after Shirley, and said: "This time I called you over. See if your singing can affect the beast and the special cells."

After Shirley's dew, I heard that the captain of the Valkyrie, who was explained by Malang, was incredulously pouting his mouth. Margina and Lena were surprised to be together. The rune on the top of Freya was unconscious. The upturned, the hands clasped gently to pull the clothes, only Meiyun in it seems to be the most calm, the face does not change the color of his hair.

Shirley’s face was also shocked, but she quickly calmed down: “It’s not too late, let’s get started.”

Xiao Ran recruited and called the staff of a research institute: "Get ready, let the guards send a few people."

The staff quickly said: "Xiao Ran adults, before Miss Xue Lilu came to them, Minister Dylandal had already arranged for the manpower to prepare. Now, only the meta-beast will be transferred to wake up the beast."

Xiao Ran nodded: "Lead the way."

"please follow me."

Following the staff, Xiao Ran, Malang, Shirley and other people went deep into the research department, then took the elevator down to the inside of the module where the research department is located, a more empty space, and then Separated by a glass.

At this time, a group of people who have put on special protective clothing is on the other side of the glass, using various equipments to be busy on the next-born beast that is still in a state of slumber, and the sub-beast in the sleep is not only on the other side. It is loaded with many different devices, and some devices are directly inserted into the body of the sub-beast. It is pulled into the most convenient position. The five bodies are also in the head, tail, and legs. They were all shackled on the ground, and they were wrapped around a lot of special cables. There are still a few ms on the side, and the beam saber is already in the hand. It can be opened at any time and then directly penetrated. The second-born beast completely ends the life of this first-order beast.

It was not long before Xiao Ran came here. Dilandal and Ingram also rushed in. After seeing Xiao Ran, he said very directly: "It’s all ready, it took a little time to separate from another meta-beast. Some of the cells came out, and Juss was placed inside."

Xiao Ran nodded: "When can I start?"

Dilandal turned to look at the glass inside: "After stopping the continuous injection of drugs on the sub-beast, the beast can be awakened in about half an hour, and that time can begin."

Ingram also said next to him: "The corresponding singing weapon equipment has been transferred from Luo in advance. I have already arranged all of them here, and then I can test the impact on cells by singing."

Xiao Ran turned to the back row of chairs: "That will wait."

I haven't waited for half an hour. It's just ten minutes or so. The other side of the glass is pulled out of the other side. Only ms is guarding the next-born beast. It is also safe to consider leaving in advance. If you want to wait for the beast to wake up, If you evacuate inside, it will be very embarrassing to make a mess.

Dylandal’s prediction of the time of the second-born beast is still relatively accurate. That is, the half-beat of the first time the beast opened his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he began to swing wildly, but because the whole upper and lower were completely smashed. The struggle of living has not had any effect, and even if the mouth is open, there is no way to do it.

Shirley revealed that the Yuanyuan beast was ready to go up and pick up the microphone, but Xiaoran raised his hand to stop the road: "Shirley, you and Meiyun don't have to worry, and Freya, you too, you, you three First come, one test, I want to see how much your individual singing voice can have on the sub-beast. If it works, there may be a possibility to ask you to go to a certain area to carry out the task."

I nodded and understood why Xiao Ran was so arranged. If you simply evaluate it with the power of singing, you should have the lowest singing power of Lena and Makina. The lowest person should be Freya, Kefu. After all, Leiya has a special ethnicity, and rune has a certain increase in the power of singing. After so long, after special training, Freya has already surpassed them.

And Freya's singing ability is under the beautiful cloud, and Meiyun is also very special. The cloning of the ancient singer's singer's cell, there is no need to say more about the ability, and Shirley dew need not say more, if If the singer of the star is what, then Shirley is definitely the singer of the modern version of the star, and it should be the most powerful one in the existence of the singer of the star, and the other can be regarded as the singer of the star. It is the small green hair in the world of the ship, and the ability is almost above Meiyun.

These singers, that is, the "only" singers in the Burning Legion, after all, the singer school is still only in the plan.

When the three people were asked to go forward, Xiao Ran also looked at Ingram, who is working on the equipment. "Ingram, confirm the different situations of each person."

Ingram’s head did not return and said: "I know."

Dilandal also sat down at Xiao Ran and looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "Look at your arrangement, do you think their singing will have an effect?"

"Well, intuition." Xiao Ran should have a voice, although it has not been tested, but Xiao Ran feels that Shirley's songs will definitely have an effect, or that this can be regarded as an intuition, but it is a speculation.

The singing voice of the singer is very mysterious to the impact of life. In many cases, it can play a special role in amazing, physical, genetic, spiritual, and even the soul has been because of the singing of the singer. The examples that have been affected exist, and it is not surprising that such things as the Yuan Yuan beast really have to be affected.

In addition, Xiao Ran has some other conclusions. The machine warfare z is indeed a series of time-space series. The appearance of the time-space series is impossible to play the role of those planes that can be deformed. Therefore, it must be only the singer plays a role in it, and according to the water used in the series of warfare, if the singer’s drama and influence are not important, Xiao Ran can’t believe it, maybe even So important, but it must have a considerable degree of influence on the sub-beast, and the sub-beast is undoubtedly something that emerges from the world view of the machine, that is, the sub-beast will also be affected by the songs of Shirley.

The first person to start singing is as the captain's main, the song is ringing, and the sound that makes people feel good and can cause heart fluctuations does not let too many people calm down at this moment. All the people are watching. In response to the reaction of the former Yuan Yuan beast, looking at the feedback of the equipment on the screen in front of each other, the song is not the main thing at this time, but becomes a foil and experimental drug.

Just one or three minutes after the end of a song, Ingram turned back and nodded to Xiao Ran, then said the next one, and Makina let out Lena's hand and went on to start singing.

Yes, Makina, Lena, Freya, Miyun, Shirley, and after singing one song after another, also retreated to Xiaoran’s side, and Xiaoran looked at the submerged animal brow that was gradually calming down. Slowly wrinkled up.

"Your intuition is really keen." Dilandal stood up and said, then went to the console in front, and also began to review the data on the console screen.

The influence of the song on the next-born beast can now be determined. It has been determined from the calming of the beast that has not continued to struggle, not to mention the fact that after the experience of a concert, the color of the eyes is also There has been a big change since the beginning, and the thread that has flowed out of the eyes has changed from violent anger to sadness and pain, and the eyes have even flowed out of tears that do not know what the estimate is.

Shirley went to Xiaoran and said after a moment of silence: "I can feel that it has recovered my mind and recovered my soul and heart that belongs to human beings. It is very painful."

Xiao Ran glanced at Xue Lilu and turned back to gently nod. "Yes, that's it, but after all, he is no longer a human being, so for them, awakening them belongs to the human soul." Good things are still a bad thing. For them, they are crazy, they don’t know what to die, or they are tempted after they have recovered their minds, or they become even more crazy and eventually they are killed. Which one is against them? More cruel?"

Xiao Ran stood up and walked to the front of the glass separating the two sides. He gently carried the glass on his hand and silenced it.

"Your choice is to continue to maintain what it is, then wait for us to not know when to find a recovery method, or choose to hold such a body that is not human, go crazy, choose to revenge, or Choose to die, what is your choice, whether you have been human, can you tell me what kind of mentality and decision I will take next to those more beasts."

"Even revenge doesn't know what it is? It turns out that..." Xiao Ran said in his heart, let go of the hand on the glass, Yuzes, Ingram did not know when he put his gaze on Xiaoran. Youzes didn’t know why the sneer and then turned his head. Of course, it’s not for Xiao Ran, not for everyone and everything in the room, but I don’t know what it’s like to suddenly make this sneer, ridiculing himself. What is ridiculous is something special, or fate?

Ingram sighed softly, and he felt that it seemed to be too cruel. Why didn’t she kill her directly? Now this body and the energy of the past are for the soul of this second-born beast. Say, that is the real cruelty.

"If you say it, there is no way to make her reborn." Xiao Ran turned to the crowd and said: "If the original demon is to extract the soul from the body of the sub-beast, then fill it into a new body. ""

"Yes, that's okay." Dilandal suddenly turned back and said: "It is indeed a safe solution. It is not difficult for us to manufacture things. But I want to ask you guys who are capable." After showing your ability, can you tell me what happened just now?"

"She... I used her power to communicate with her for a while." Xiaoran turned to look at the Yuanyuan beast and said softly: "It’s just a three-year-old girl. Even revenge doesn’t know anything, just a thought. I want my own mom and dad, a little girl who knows nothing like paper."

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