Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2607: effect

At the beginning, Xiao Ran was aware of the idea that the second-born beast gradually recovered his reason because of Shirley’s singing of several of them. For a moment, the heart also raised the idea that the ms in the command directly fell down the head of the next-born beast. It’s just a moment of hesitation.

A violent sub-beast and a sensible sub-bead are more terrible. Of course, you don’t have to think too much to get an answer. Of course, the violent sub-beast that can’t communicate is even more terrible, but there are countless violent sub-beasts and countless The wise next-order beast is even more terrible. Maybe different people will have different answers. The answer to Xiaoran alone will only be the latter. In particular, these sub-beasts are now human beings, but they are now monsters. I may have personally contaminated the blood of my loved ones.

And for a once-human being, knowing that he has become a monster and can never recover, perhaps most people are certainly unable to accept such changes, and by that time these have been awakened by reason. The next-born beast will make any terrible things, and no one can guarantee it. At the same time, Xiao Ran feels that letting these sub-beasts who have no way to change back will die without knowing anything, and always have to awaken their senses for a lifetime. The painful life is going to come better, but when you are born, you become a beast. At least Xiaoran feels that it is very difficult for him to accept this point. He will definitely think about the problem with his heart.

But because of that hesitation, Xiao Ran took the initiative to go forward and use the power to contact the resurrected sub-beast, and this connection was also felt by Ingram and Youzes who were also the sorcerers. I also learned that this sub-beast was transformed from a little girl, a little girl who knows how to be up to three years old.

Ingram sighs because of the poor girl, Yuz's sneer is not aimed at this girl, but against the fate of this girl can not be independent, the weak can not resist the fate of the strong.

For an already crazy soul, Xiao Ran has definitely got a hand and is not soft, but in the face of a pure white paper child's soul, Xiao Ran is difficult to issue a dagger's order, but Xiao Ran will never let this change from human beings. For the life of the second-born beast, continue to maintain a sober survival in the invaluable important fortress of the home, so in the end, Xiao Ran just waved his hand and let Ingram continue to inject drugs into the next-born beast to make this first-born beast fall into a sleep again. Among them.

"If you want to continue research, don't use this sample." Xiao Ran said to Dilandal after a short silence, and the latter also nodded, and has restored the rational sub-beast, belonging to the human soul. Already awake, but the body is still a beast, then this sample is considered a human or a monster. Dilandal does not want to pursue this more philosophical problem. Anyway, there are still many sub-beasts that have been caught, and the research materials will not Therefore it is missing.

Xiao Ran looked at Ingram and asked: "How is the result of the analysis."

"The results have come out." Ingram pressed a button, a virtual large screen appeared in front of everyone, showing some data and charts, and also marked some special notes on specific items.

"The problem with the soul is that the device can't read the result, so we only say that it can be observed." Ingram went to the front of the virtual screen and slammed the content on the screen with his hand: "This curve is that. From the icon point of view, the original cell activity has been continuously rising, but after several people started singing, it is clear that the activity of the cells begins to stagnate and then a relatively flat line begins to decline. And this line has been accelerating until Miss Freya began to practice, until after Miss Shirley began to practice, it has dropped to the lowest level and fell silent."

"So far, that kind of cells are still silently silent, which is enough to show that the song has a very strong suppression effect on the transformation of this cell, but for the time being we can not confirm whether the suppression is continuous or temporary. , so it will take some time to observe."

"In addition to this special cell, the monitoring has also shown that under the influence of singing voice, the energy operation in the meta-beast will also be slow and completely stagnant, and the fully transformed gene in the body will decrease in intensity, all Cellular activity also has corresponding performance, which shows that the defensive ability is reduced, the attack ability is reduced, the speed is reduced, and so on. The weakening of all-round combat power should be because the body of the sub-beast is transformed from the special cell assimilation, so It will also be affected by the song."

“The overall decline in strength is more than 50%. This ratio is only valid for this sub-beast or for all sub-beasts. More tests are needed.”

"However, there is no sign that the transformed cells have been reversed from the monitoring. There are only a few small changes in the head of the second-born beast. This change is benign, just like giving the sample brain A new kind of power has led to some changes, but it is not a physical and structural change. I speculate that this change should be based on the awakening of the soul and spirit, so the last time the beast will recover. It belongs to the rationality of human beings."

Ingram said that he paused here and then said: "In terms of the intensity of the impact, I have come up with a data based on the available information. Miss Miss, Miss Makina and Miss Lena, the voices of the three of you. The suppression of the second-born beast is about 23 to 25 percent, and the suppression of Miss Freya is between 30 and 33 percent. Forty or so, and Miss Shirley's suppression is the highest, reaching 100% of the full value."

"So, Miss Shirley is not involved in the experiment, because I can't get any useful data from it, but based on the fact that everyone is a battlefield Valkyrie, the more critical the situation, the stronger the power can break out. , so this data is also limited to the reference."

Xiao Ran looked at the female Valkyrie: "Then you will cooperate with the Gene Research Department."

"We know that even if we don't need Xiaoran adults to say that we will cooperate fully." Meiyun glanced at the sub-beast that fell into a deep sleep, and some rare words in the speech: "There is a three-year-old girl like this, this I will never forgive things."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded gently, facing Dilandal, Ingram and Juzes: "The next step is how you will do all the departments will cooperate fully to find out more detailed information about this cell as soon as possible. Ways, even if there is no way to reverse, other methods of suppression, simpler detection methods are similar, and we must come up with results as soon as possible."

All of Dylandal knows the seriousness of the problem, especially for the infection and examination of cells. It is not a joke at all. Now, even if all the power of the whole genetic research department is transferred to this project. It is simply not an exaggeration.

After leaving the Genetic Research Department, Xiao Ran did not transfer to Luo’s technical department, because the situation there is much more complicated than that of the genetic research department. After all, the former genetic research department has always studied the sub-beast, and the genetic comparison After having a certain foundation, it is easier to sit up.

On the other hand, on the other side of Luo, the receiving body has become broken inside and outside. It is more troublesome to study. First, clean up, then find out the equipment that can still be operated, analyze and repair and then determine the purpose. Down is the research and repair of the wreckage, etc. The situation is too complicated, and it is impossible to get anything useful every few days.

Returning to the Burning Legion, Xiao Ran got in touch with the Earth in the first time. The person who contacted was Kane, and also learned about the current situation of the Earth through Kane’s mouth.

This sub-beast invasion is a huge disaster for the earth. From the beginning to the end of the earth, only the loss is not a little bit of gain. This kind of loss can’t talk about the loss of military strength, including the dimension. The beast invasion and destruction of the secondary channel brought about a series of related losses such as the collapse of the city, the sacrifice of civilians, the changes in the geological environment, etc. After all, from the beginning of the disaster, the countries of the earth simply failed to come up with one. Ding was enough to cope with the power and strength of this incident, and it was the Burning Legion that took the battle for them.

It is also because of this, the violent invasion of the sub-beast has made the whole earth's sub-beast's cognition have a new change. It is no longer just an accident that can cope with it and can be solved as before. I didn’t expect it to be serious enough to be the extent that they could solve it.

Today, more than 30 dimension channels appear at the same time. Numerous sub-beasts emerge from the passages. The places where the battles have appeared are completely smeared as flat pits. The impact of the battle can even be deeply felt in the whole world. Only a lot of people on the earth began to worry.

As a representative, Leonard also received extraordinary attention. Originally, because of Leonard’s means, it has already affected and indirectly controlled many countries. However, Leonard’s more fears, at least not rushing. Sticking over, but now the situation of the second-born beast, many people really know that those sub-beasts are not the enemy that they can defend with their own force. Now they are rushing to take a photo of Leonard. Assorting, I hope that Leonard can think more about it, help them guard their country, protect their own security, and so on. It’s just that Leonard’s head is a vision. Now Leonard is very busy, but The next specific arrangement is estimated to take another day or two to be determined.

The impact of the invasion of the Dimensional Beast is far more than that, but it is only a battle for the Burning Legion, but it also brings some measurable influence to the Burning Legion to control the world. At least the myth of the Burning Legion that saved the world, even though it is mysterious in the eyes of countless people, has become the only life-saving straw in their hearts.

In the following time, the division of the Burning Legion was completed, the Gene Research Department and the Technical Department continued to be busy, Xiao Ran was waiting for good news on both sides, and on the Earth, because of the high-level silence of the day, the atmosphere gradually It has become more tense and horrible, almost reaching the level of global martial law.

Suddenly, one day, many countries stood up and announced that the reorganization of the anti-Norwegian army was completed. The countries will provide more materials and personnel to join the war against the Yuanyuan beast, and master the advanced technology beyond the earth. For centuries, an organization has played a leading role in fighting against the sub-beast.

This so-called organization is of course amalgam, but once the reputation of amalgam is indeed a bit bad, so the name of the organization announced by these countries has been completely changed into burning, and those battleships appearing on the earth, destroyed The body of the second-born beast has also been established as the body owned by the Burning Legion. All countries are also conducting guidance from public opinion, explaining their own deformation fighters. What technologies of ms are all circulated by this organization, etc., do their best to push Rising the reputation of burning the earth in the earth.

Then, a small country that was not noticeable in Western Europe suddenly announced a reorganization, which seemed so unimportant in the wave of news created by various countries, but as the forces sent by the first fleet came over the capital of that country, After being stationed near the capital, more and more relevant information was gradually 'leaked out'.

The original burning organization has always been the real leader of this country, at least since a long time ago, so the organization that has more than a hundred years of technology beyond the world is simply this country. The inner burning organization is essentially amalgam, but change There is not a lot of people who know a name, but the people who know it don't dare to have the slightest leak. The burning label is also to provide some convenience for the world, and some proper reasons.

Soon, France suddenly announced that it was integrated into the small country controlled by the burning organization, and it was unanimously recognized by all members of the parliament. This caused a new wave, especially in France, many people stood up against the parade. After the second fleet of submarines landed over Paris, the parade ended inexplicably, and the opposing people became approved. The people who originally agreed with it were even more supportive. Such powerful force was placed on their own heads. This is not a threat but a guarantee of security. The anger at the beginning turned into joy, and the initial anger turned into pride, because nothing at this time was more important than guaranteeing the safety of life and property.

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