Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2645: Don't think about it, give me the task.

"Ha? Ah? Hey?" Uryen’s face suddenly appeared awkward expression, and suddenly he couldn’t get back from the words that Xiao Ran said. Suddenly he was a bit unsure of the situation.

You said that you are a stranger, I am here to prepare a dinner for you, and you tell me that you are a businessman coming here to trade with me.

I agree with your transaction. You tell me that you are not a businessman but a mercenary. The business you do is actually asking me to hire you.

The mercenary is nothing more, you look at what kind of business you are talking about, the undead natural disaster? Burning Legion? Orc Undead Dragon? Is this what the average mercenary can do? Do you know how difficult it is to deal with these things, even if you are a stranger, you can't say so easily.

Xiao Ran smiled slightly and raised his hand gently: "It seems that I am scared of you."

Wrynn swayed his head and looked back, so he laughed at nothing. "Where, it’s really surprising that the guests said something. Please, let me talk about the employment. I am going to talk at the dinner. Now I am I want to introduce you to everyone."

In fact, Wrynn does not know how to introduce Xiao Ran. The situation of Xiao Ran is a very simple matter. The Archbishop of the Holy Light got the hint of the Holy Light. The mysterious power from the order of the different world came to Stormwind City, Dala. The ** division also got a vague prediction that a mysterious powerhouse would appear in Azeroth and then bring a huge change to Azeroth.

As for how the Holy Light and the sorcerer got this information, Xiao Ran can only say that the ghost knows, but can't escape the role of the mysterious person. The prestige 999 is quite useful.

Xiao Ran, who has a mask in the eyes of Wrynn, is indeed full of mysterious feelings from top to bottom. It is also unclear where the mysterious Wryen is. Of course, if you want to be clear, it will not be mysterious. Xiao Ran couldn’t feel the slight fluctuation of the light. He couldn’t see if Xiao Ran had undergone rigorous training. The luxurious clothing worn on his body did not look like the kind of clothing suitable for combat. No staff did not wear a robe. Whether it is a mage or not, but no weapons or shields is not like a warrior profession.

Xiao Ran all the way to the palace by asking for directions. Uryen also knows, probably also sees the purpose of Xiao Ran, otherwise the big palace in the storm city still need to ask for directions to find? This is clearly deliberately telling others that he is ready to come to the palace, just because of the light of the light and the alert of the wizards, Wrynn wants to personally receive and test this so-called mysterious So the guy got out of the banquet, but Xiao Ran is ultimately the enemy and the friend is so powerful that it can only be slowly tested in the banquet.

The feast is a good feast, there are delicious foods, good-looking performances, atmosphere and harmony. There is no such thing as someone standing up and deliberately stretching their face and being beaten. The banquet is more than half of the guests. Xiaoran is not posing. The shelf has always been smiling with a smile to those who toast to their own glasses. They also drink all the wine in their glasses. A little bit of wine will not let Xiaoran drink more, and Xiaoran will not feel that he is a guest. So many people toasting is targeted.

Wrynn has been paying attention to Xiao Ran. Although she can't see Xiaoran's eyes because of the relationship between the masks, but Wrynn is very keen to find that as long as someone raises a cup to Xiao Ran, even if Xiao Ran's face is going in another direction, it will be in the first place. For a time, turning around and turning to a toast to respond, from this point of view, Wryen actually saw Xiaoran's unusual.

After observing for a while, Wrynn decided to take the initiative and smiled so cheerfully: "Guests are satisfied with today's banquet?"

"Very good and very characteristic." Xiao Ran nodded with a smile and put down the glass in his hand and said to Wrynn: "The king of Wrynn is not welcome, just call me Alex."

"Hahaha, since I am so rude, Alex can also call me Varian." Wrynn said with a smile: "Alex, I see that your dress is also very unusual." But I can't see if you are a mage or a warrior. The clothes are luxurious and unique. Presumably, Alex, you have an unusual identity in your world?"

Xiao Ran nodded and smiled: "Surely, if you look at Varian's understanding, I am also a king in my world, but my world is still calm, I am not willing to be riddled with some chores. Therefore, I prefer to travel around the world and see the unique style of different worlds."

"Oh." Wrynn was a little surprised, saying: "Are you Alex is also a king, and today's hospitality is a bit rude."

Xiao Ran shook his head: "Where, if you are happy, even if you are eating in the wild, you can make a barbecue. It is full of flavor. If you are not happy, even if it is tasteless, I am really happy here. Varian, your sincerity, I have already Feel."

Wrynn felt that Xiao Ran was really a talented person. He spoke very well and made people feel happy. Just say a word and he got to the most comfortable place.

Wrynn haha ​​smiled: "Haha, Alex, you said this is true, as long as you are happy, everything is rich, hahaha."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "I just asked Varian about me as a mage or a warrior. In my world, you mean the equivalent of two professional systems. I have learned about your world. Masters, warriors, paladins, druids, warlocks are all different professional systems, but in my world there is no such occupational division, and there is no professional system similar to this world."

"Speaking, I think I am more like a teacher. I am fighting a huge battle. If it is correct, there should be something like magical mechs in this world. What I said is probably It's just like the mech, but I also have some special abilities, so I don't have to use the mech to play my own strength."

Wrynn nodded: "It turns out."

Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "Of course, I am still very confident about the strength, and our two worlds have some different understandings of war, so the ones I said to Varian before are all true, I hope I can collect some things that belong to your world, such as knowledge, inheritance of professional systems, materials, special foods, creatures, etc., but now I have no way to exchange what I carry with them for enough gains. I can only show off my own force as a mercenary."

"Of course, relative to other forces, I prefer to work with people on the side of order to eliminate those who bring destruction, destruction, destruction and war to different worlds."

"But standing on my side, even if it is a race that has brought destruction and pain to the world, we can actually explore why it is like this, and even a race has become the majority. Crazy, but there should still be some people who admire and long for peace. A simple war can't solve any problem. If we can work together to reach a consensus, then it will be easy to see the dawn of peace. Putting down stereotypes and favoritism to achieve a certain degree of fairness, it is not difficult to achieve multi-ethnic communion."

"In my country, perhaps because of the relationship of resources, but real peace and communion have been achieved, not just the racial integration between the stars, but the racial communion of the entire universe."

Xiao Ran said here, took a look at Varian, said: "Although I am sorry, but I prefer to tell the truth, after I came to this world, I saw people and people, race and race are full of suspicions, hatred, and somehow Pride, contradiction, but no one wants to stand up and really resolve these contradictions, but just want to use war to solve problems, but in addition to bringing more sacrifices and greater hatred, for this world What kind of benefits can you say?"

"I don't deny that some races have been ruined and destroyed, even in my world. This kind of race can certainly be used as an enemy. Everyone can unite and face together. It is also the direction that the world should develop, not There is a lot of fighting, Azeroth is very big enough to accommodate all these races to live together, but all races have chosen the wrong path, and it is not a necessity in the development stage. ""

Xiao Ran suddenly said so many words, for a time to make Wrynn a bit aggressive, it is really embarrassing, and his face has written a slogan.

Xiao Ran took out his personal communicator and put it on the table in front of him. He gently looked at Wu Rin again twice: "Varian, are you interested in seeing my world?"

Wu Ryan’s face was so eager to nod, Xiao Ran used a personal terminal to play a video in a projection, a video equivalent to the length of a movie. Xiao Ran’s move naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the hall, the entire hall. It also slowly calmed down as the video played.

The beginning of the video is the universe, and then quickly swept through the huge fleet of invisible borders, numerous bodies in the fleet, it is appropriate to promote their own force.

Then there was the war. The numerous bugs in the muv world appeared in the universe. It was as if it was all over the universe. It was all this disgusting monster. Some planets were completely occupied by these disgusting things, but in that huge fleet. Under the attack, it was vulnerable, even the planet was destroyed, and once again properly promoted its powerful force.

The time of the war is not long. The next thing that happens is the situation of some territories. The harmony between the insects and the human beings in the ship’s territory, the unity and cooperation of many different races, many strange races appear in the video. Human nature is also among them, but even in the video, even if there are separate settlements, everyone can still live together in harmony.

"Is this an orc? There are also cats, kobolds? What is that, fisherman?"

"Unbelievable, incredible, this is incredible. Is it like this in the stars?"

“The most unbelievable thing is that all races can live together without warning. Is there no contradiction?”

"Your concern is not a problem, but what kind of mech, but only need one to destroy a planet, and the countless monsters in the front of the mech just turned into ashes! ”

Gradually, some of the voices appeared in the hall, and the vulgarity on Uryen’s face was even worse, but it was gradually covered by surprise and doubt.

Xiao Ran looks at Wrynn: "Do you not think that such a world is the real future?"

Wrynn smiled and said: "I can understand but it is difficult to do. I can't imagine how long it took to do this in your world. Relatively, Azeroth may still be very young, maybe There will be the same grand occasions in your picture in the future, but I don't know if I can have a chance to see that day, and Azeroth's problems are too complicated and hateful. It will be very difficult to do it."

Xiao Ran agreed with the nod: "It is true that every peace is hard to come by, but I believe that one day there will be such a grand occasion."

In the mind of Wrynn, there was a picture of humans and orcs squatting and sipping together, and the human being suddenly became him. The orc became a great chief, and suddenly he slammed his head and rushed his head. Shifted the topic: "This is your kingdom, even in the universe has such a huge territory."

"Not only the universe, but many worlds. My territory includes many worlds, all of which belong to my army." Here, Xiaoran’s mouth is slightly tilted: "In fact, my army and the world are really There are some coincidences, this world has a burning army, but this burning represents the burning of the fire. In my world, my legion is also called burning, which means the hope and the light of peace will never go out, knowing the world. After the Burning Legion, I suddenly had an idea that I wanted to make the two Burning Legions face each other. See who can use the name of the Burning Legion, whether it is their destruction and destruction, or my hope and future."

"But I guess it is the same. We have the ability to kill single stars. No, it should be said that I alone can annihilate most of the power of the entire Burning Legion, but for this world I am just a brigade. I can shoot but what can I get?"

"So Varian, do you make a deal with me, you collect what I find interesting, then sort out the target price, what kind of tasks can get, then I will complete your task in exchange for what I want Something, whether it is the Undead Scourge or the Burning Legion, I think there is a price. This price can be calibrated by you. Gold coins, materials, knowledge, and professional inheritance are all good. For you, it is just a matter of storing the original. Things are taken out, and knowledge and inheritance are copied. The price is relative to the harvest, and you should be right."

"If you choose to refuse, then I can only find other people to complete my transaction. Although I don't want to join the chaos and create chaos, the power of the order side should not be only human. After all, I am also Humans will come to you first."

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