Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2646: First task

In any case, Wrynn was somewhat moved by Xiao Ran. There are indeed many problems in front of Stormwind. There are many existences that have been continually threatening the world, threatening Stormwind, now in Uri The most serious problem before us is naturally the threat posed by the natural disasters of the undead. Of course, there are other problems that are left behind in the face of the undead natural disasters.

In the picture that Xiao Ran showed, Wryen felt the power that Xiao Ran wanted to show him, but the picture was always only the picture. What kind of strength Xiaoran had in the end? Uruen could not guarantee that he would directly throw the undead natural disaster to Xiao Ran. If Xiaoran’s strength is not enough, it will harm him, and it’s not just him who is facing the undead natural disaster, not just a storm city, but the whole Azeroth. So this reward should not come out only by Stormwind. Night elves, dwarves, and gnomes should all be responsible for some of them.

After thinking for a while, Wrynn said to Xiao Ran: "Alex, I can give you some tasks first. If you can finish it, I will give you the corresponding reward, but for other tasks, I need to work with others. Discuss it and decide what kind of reward you should come up with. After all, if you come with sincerity, I can't let you return with disappointment."

"Of course, I don't think it will take much time." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "So you can tell me now that you can give me the task and pay."

"Okay." Wrynn raised his hand and recruited. Soon someone took a map and ran over to spread it in front of the two. Wrynn looked at the map and then pointed at a point and said: This place is called Stratholme. It used to belong to humans. But because the undead natural disaster has become a dead city, it has become a stronghold of the undead. This city is not too far away from Stormwind, if you can clean up the dead souls thoroughly. If I purify it, I am willing to pay a set of professional inheritance, the corresponding part of the knowledge, and 100,000 gold coins or books, materials, and drugs of corresponding value."

"I know that 100,000 gold coins may not be too much, but the real value is still the inheritance and knowledge of the profession."

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded lightly. At the same time, he also got a task reminder from Wrynn in his ear. Xiao Ran said: "No matter whether the value of this task is counted or not, it is even us. The sincerity of both sides is just what you call purification... It is necessary to purify it, and it is very simple to let Stratholme and the surrounding undead completely smouldering. If I want to eliminate Stratholme as much as possible, I will eliminate it. I can hardly do the undead inside, unless you can provide some people to close the door here. I don't know how to completely remove the forces that belong to death without too much contact."

Wrynn groaned, and immediately thought of the destructive power of the wars that Xiaoran gave him to see the meaning of Xiaoran. He paused and said: "If you can save it, save it as much as possible. I will arrange for the staff to go after you complete the task."

"That is estimated that you have to arrange now." Xiao Ran stood up and smiled and said: "I believe it will take me a few minutes."

Xiao Ran walked outside the hall, and Wrynn quickly stood up and walked side by side with Xiao Ran. The other people in the hall followed, until they walked out of the hall and looked at Xiao Ran with curiosity.

Xiao Ran reached out and took off his necklace from the neck. He read the power as the key to start the necklace. The pendant of the necklace shot the blue light. The light column was ejected from the pendant and changed into a magical array. Slowly drilled out of the magic array.

Wrynn noticed the dragon god, and saw the dragon pattern on the dragon god, the dragon wing, the dragon claw, and said: "That is the dragon!?"

"Only part of it is a dragon. In general, this is a scientific creation. It is not a magical creature." Xiao Ran nodded and turned to look at Wrynn: "I will return almost within an hour. I hope that Varian can I'm going to collect my rewards in an hour, you already know what I need."

After that, Xiao Ran slowly floated up and stood on the arm that Ying Long God had extended. Instead, the dragon's flying wing was spread, and the green gn particles were sprayed over the entire palace, turning into a green. The light quickly disappeared into the sky.

"My king, what should we do?"

Wrynn exhaled a breath and said, "Inform the Knights to be prepared, contact Master Dalaran to let them come to Stormwind immediately, and let people prepare for the promise."

After the dragon flew away from Stormwind City, Xiao Ran entered the cockpit and went all the way to Stratholme. This undisguised move was combined with the long trail of gn particles, and the scattered light spots spread all over the sky. It is really like a **** who crossed the sky.

For this mission, Xiao Ran feels that it is not bad. The professional inheritance is still worthwhile. In real games, this kind of thing should be something like a professional card, and the purchasing power of the 100,000 gold coins is not clear. In short, 100,000 gold coins should not be too small, enough to trade a sufficient amount of resources.

In fact, Xiao Ran told Wrynn to return to him for an hour. In fact, he left some time for him. After half an hour and a half, Xiaoran actually completed the task. It took some time to fly over Stratholme and spent a little time spreading. Gn particles, then all the conditions of the entire Stratholme fell into the control of Xiao Ran, then the more than 10,000 dragon scales summoned by the Dragon God quickly spread, not only to clean up the undead inside Stratholme An empty, high-intensity energy ray is not to say that those undead, even the ghost is not the end of the ash annihilation, the last thing is those hiding in the building, a place full-screen coverage attack will be the entire Stratholme As for the messy things in the surrounding kilometers, they were slaughtered by Xiao Ran.

The real time spent is not to clean up, but to collect the trophies that the so-called monsters have exploded after cleaning up. The number of these trophies is quite a lot, although most of them are materials and things that can be equipped, and finally Actually, there was a reins of a dead army horse, so that Xiao Ran really had a cool feeling of playing a monster, and the explosion mount was even cooler than the explosive equipment.

An hour, say an hour and an hour, no more than a minute and a minute or so, the dragon **** appeared again in the palace of Stormwind City, Xiaoran also slowly fell from the palm of the dragon to the door of the hall outer.

Unlike when I left, this time, Xiao Ran came back to meet a lot less people, but the weight of the staff did not know much.

Xiaoran went to Wrynn, and the latter and the people around him also greeted Xiaoran. They opened their arms and said with amazement: "My friend, what you have done is really amazing."

“No need to be too surprised.” Xiao Ran smiled slightly and glanced at a few people behind Wrynn and said, “Varian does not introduce me to these new friends.”

"I am abrupt." Wrynn smiled and began to introduce people behind him: "These are the leaders of the most determined ally of Stormwind, the Muradin Bronzebeard, a member of the Dwarf Council, the Night Elf. The leader Tyrande, the gnome leader of the great craftsman Mekkatorque, and the messenger from the Dalaran Kirin Tor Council, Jaina Proudmoore."

A few people who appeared with Wrynn are not too strange. Tyrande and Jaina are more familiar with Xiaoran, especially Jaina, hey, the kind of aura that can bring bad luck is very famous. It’s just a lot of people who died in the pit, um~ of course there are a lot of wonderful stories behind.

A few people walked up to Xiao Ran and bowed to Xiao Ran with their own etiquette: "It's nice to meet you, the mysterious power from a different world."

Xiao Ran is quite gentle in the face of their respect, and he bends his chest slightly: "Hello, I am very glad to meet you."

"That, that is a science and technology creation!? Unbelievable, it is incredible."

Mekatok looked fascinated at the dragon in the air, the deep sense of technology, the sense of mechanics, and other special creations similar to magic or life fusion that made mekatok very bad. Reaching out to give the dragon **** a good study, there is only the creation of the dragon, which is incomparably perfect for him. Other things seem to have been ignored.

Xiao Ran is amiable and smiles and says to the short, Mekkatork: "It is indeed a technological creation, but it also uses some very special techniques."

Mekkatorke turned and looked at Xiao Ran, and both eyes braved: "Can you study it?"

"I am afraid this will not work."

Mekatok’s face was sad and sad: “That’s a pity.”

Xiao Ran smiled and regained the space in his necklace, and then sat down with everyone in the hall. Xiaoran clearly felt that some people’s eyes were gathered at their own place. There is a kind of inquiry, a kind of surprise, and there is also alertness and suspicion, and the most deeply suspected of his own alert is the famous Jaina.

Xiao Ran did not pay attention to Jaina's alert and suspicion. She smiled and smiled at the other side and looked at Wrynn: "I have completed my first employment, Stratholme and about 10 kilometers nearby. I have completely eliminated the undead and monsters that I can discover, and it is estimated that it will cause some shocks."

Wrynn said in an amazed tone: "I have received reports from the scouts. It is true that there are no traces of the existence of the undead in Stratholme. Even the ghosts are completely destroyed. I can't believe Alec. You can do this in such a short period of time and there is not much damage to Stratholme at all. What a surprise you have in controlling your power."

"Don't worry about my friend, I promised you all the things I have prepared, and I have prepared a special catalog for you. You can exchange all the things in the catalog with a certain gold coin."

Said, someone carried a box slightly larger than the pencil case and a sheepskin roll sent to Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran first opened the box, one by one through the contents of the hand to confirm these so-called career heritage also After the validity of the professional card, this slowly opened the sheepskin roll and quickly swept through the contents.

"I am very satisfied." Xiao Ran smiled and swept the crowd: "Done friends are here, that is the human allies, the allies of Stormwind City, should also know my thoughts from Varian, then everyone for me I don’t know if there are any places or opinions that I don’t understand. As long as you can pay the corresponding rewards, then I am willing to give my strength to solve the threats in front of you. I mean all the threats, including I am also willing to take a look at the most flaming army that you threaten, as long as your reward is worth my strength."

Tyrande looked at the people around him and had a night elf character but a look of polite smile on his face: "Mr. Alex, please allow me to call you like this, we have already come from Varian The King learned about your willingness to trade, and we strongly agree with this willingness. This is a very fair transaction. As a mercenary, we accept our mission and we pay you, so I agree to your request on behalf of the night elves. ""

"But the people we are present will serve as a unified employer to Mr. Alex, and you have no opinion on this."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "Of course, as long as the price is right, everything can be said."

"That's good." Tyrande continued: "Because Mr. Alex, you may need too much, we don't know what is Mr. Alex, what you need most, so we will be ourselves. Everything that can be provided is marked on the sheepskin roll with a little magic applied, including materials, knowledge, career heritage, weapons and equipment, and some special things. Then we will use gold coins for all the tasks you complete. The form is recorded on the sheepskin roll, and you can exchange the price for everything on the parchment."

Xiao Ran thought about what he had just seen from the scroll of sheepskin. He said with a sinking voice: "I understand what you mean. I don't know how big your gold coins are in this world, but I already know the 100,000 I just got. Gold coins can get something, and barely can be considered fair, but there is nothing special about it."

Jaina took a deep look at Xiao Ran and took the topic and said, "What do you need?"

Xiao Ran said calmly: "There is too little content in knowledge. I need the knowledge of all of you, and the copy of the magic book of Dalaran."

Tyrande looked at Xiao Ran and said with deep meaning: "Mr. Alex, you have to be clear that knowledge is priceless, especially precious knowledge and heritage."

"It doesn't matter, isn't it? For me, everything is pricey." Xiao Ran's mouth curled up and said: "And for you, the use of all valuable things in exchange for the future of infinite value is a For the sale of strokes, you must know that Azeroth is already eyeing by the Burning Legion, and it is also being stared by some of the existence of the distorted void. What you can exchange now, you should be very clear, don’t wait until It’s better to regret after the disaster, Ms. Tyrande, what do you think?”

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