Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2074: Integration

Today's legions have a lot of territories, in order, the ship group, seed, revolutionary machine, 0079, og, muv, j, Lelouch, all gold.

The total number of newcomers that can be elected has reached 19, and there are already 10 places in one territory, but there is only one more place without a territory. This is also a special restriction on the legions of the multi-disciplinary. But in fact, there are still ways to get around this limitation.

That is, the generals are hung in other legions and merged into the name of the subordinate legion. If each legion has ten places, then nine territories can recommend up to 90 people, but there will still be some The special problem is that it is impossible to recruit people from any territory at will, and the people who are elected must also join the subordinate legions. It is not always appropriate.

Some things can only be regarded as 100% insurance if they are firmly in their own hands. Xiao Ran will not ignore the quality because of the quantity, and will not ignore the stability because of the quantity.

So even if there are only 19 places, Xiao Ran feels it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you give ten places to the super area. It's almost half the number. In the real area, there are a lot of a-level pilots waiting to be promoted to real. The s-class pilot, so the ten places are really not a problem for the real area. Even if ten places are given, there will still be a lot of s-level pilots appearing in the real world. Area.

After simply and completely arranging all the things to be done next, Xiao Ran dismissed the meeting, and all the things that were done were arranged, the recommendations of the personnel were good, things about those legions, etc. Anyway, I don't have to worry about Xiaoran in the first line.

After all, the Legion is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more people who have the ability to throw it out and deal with those guys. It can also prevent these guys from doing nothing and doing nothing, and it can be used to the best of their ability.

Although Hades was on the side of Prometheus who returned with Xiao Ran, but he did not participate in the following meeting. Seriously, Hades was the core of the Legion in the team of Xiao Ran, but However, this core is not good for all the things of the Legion, and those meetings are not too lazy to call this guy.

Before Hades was able to operate the camp territory in the world of God of War, it was the only person in the army who had the opportunity to operate this thing. Although this is only an opportunity, this guy of Hardy is also the same. The matter was not enough. As a result, the matter that came back to the camp territory was not handled, but Xiao Ran would not say anything more about it.

The world can not become a camp territory. In the eyes of Xiao Ran, there is not much meaning. In short, the world’s valuable things have not reached the point that Xiao Ran has to turn that world into a territory. If Xiao Ran really feels valuable, then it is not at all. Hadis will be sent out to get the wind and rain, I am afraid I am already very worried about this matter.

Hades has put all the main energy on it to restore his own soul and small universe. Basically, he has been running behind the battlefield in the late stage, to gather those who are dirty in the eyes of Hades but can not be lacking. The soul rebuilds a underworld in its own small universe, and uses God's authority and power to direct those souls into its own small universe.

This kind of behavior is unavoidable for human beings, but it is only good for Hades, but there is no harm in it. It can make his small universe slowly recover and full of activity, and gradually rely on the power of the small universe to restore its soul. As for whether it is possible for Hades to restore the destruction of the underworld in his small universe to pureness after the restoration, it is quite possible, and those souls that are absorbed into it will be destroyed by the false underworld in the small universe. Completely annihilated, but the dirty soul, Hades, said that he did not care at all.

After waiting for a few days, the legions that had come back slowly began to enter the territory of the Burning Legion and began to touch everything. Once and for all, they were surprised to see the numbness again and again, from numbness to luck, from luck to joy. The journey of the super-participants who come to the base is also extremely complicated, and it is also known what kind of incredible existence is the Burning Legion.

A completely out of the conventional legion, a legion with a huge local power, numerous systemic technologies, and a lot of powerful pilots, and being able to join the legion may have entered the eyes of many participants. The most fortunate thing after Prometheus.

But after the basic understanding, what these latter participants have to do makes them feel a headache, that is, class, every day from morning to night, the course is full, and they have to take the exam after class. It was too painful for the participants, but compared to the fear of death and the joy of joining the Legion, the pain they could only hold on to their teeth.

The work handled by Nazi was also completed within a week, and then I found Xiao Ran to report.

"The 21 regiments that originally had the Jess Empire could be combined into seven legions after the reorganization. The Jess Empire originally belonged to the Giant Legion and continued to maintain a separate structure. Others were analyzed and negotiated by the Legion. It is determined that it will be regrouped into six legions. All adjustments will be completed within a few days. After the integration, the materials will be redistributed, and the subsidies we need to provide will be reduced by at least six floors."

Xiao Ran expressed his satisfaction with the handling of Nazi: "It is good to be able to regroup into six regiments besides the Jessie regiment. I am not very good at this."

Nazi put a form in front of Xiaoran: "These are things that need our subsidies."

Xiao Ran picked up the form and looked at it while thinking about it. After a while, he looked up and said to Nazi: "According to this form, the legions will be formally involved in the legion after the merger. Come, and the statistics of their material props, these are all handled by you."


And Nazi said a conversation to remind Nazi what to do in the face of these regiments. After the conversation was completed, Nazi chose to leave, and then the technology that had already waited for a while came to Xiaoran.

"Adult, I have contacted the three legions, but now only one legion has chosen to join us because it can't compensate enough. The other two are unwilling but tell me that even if they sell iron, they will send enough compensation."

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