Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2075: income

Xiaoran was a little surprised to hear Keji’s words, but more of it was funny: "The two regiments have to pay a lot of money. The twenty-five legions challenged us to earn only one-fifth of our army. However, the compensation is compensated according to the value of each legion, and they are more active. The weight of the active challenger will be higher. The weight of the captured prisoner will be compared to the one who can afford it."

Keji shook his head and said that he was not clear, but he could say that the sale of iron in the shabu-shabu was estimated to be a serious injury, and he did not know how many times he would have to slow down.

Xiao Ran thought for a moment and nodded and said: "Well, since the other party is not willing to join or not, they will be compensated according to the normal procedures and the amount of bad debts. In addition, they must sign a good contract with them and they are not allowed to leak. Any information and any intelligence of the Burning Legion."

"They are willing to sign the payment and they can choose by themselves. If they don't sign, they will choose our own rights. If the other party has a legion territory, they will give priority to the ownership of the legion."

Kirky nodded. "Well, I will go back and contact the two legions."

After Corki left, Xiao Ran also shook his head. Then the only thing that couldn’t be joined is that they feel they can pay for it, but even if they can pay for it, it’s definitely hurtful. The whole army will have a long time. I haven't been in for a while, but since the other party is willing to do so, there must be a corresponding temperament. Perhaps there should be a larger legion behind the two legions.

This mission feels like a glimpse of the past, from the beginning to the end is like a tourist, except for the atmosphere of the task at the beginning, I can’t feel that I am doing the task of fighting the army. It is really Too much an end, they have made so many preparations for this army battle, and as a result, many things have not been used.

It’s the kind of feeling that I just took off my pants and you said that you can’t do it. It’s a bit of a feeling that Xiao Ran feels unfinished. There’s no sense of rhythm in any task at any time, that is, even if you hide behind the scenes, you can control everything. I didn’t feel it at all in this mission. It’s inexplicable to win a face.

After Keji left for a while, Xiao Ran picked up the form that was brought by the previous Nazi. The form indicated the situation of the several legions that were extra and the subsidy that the legion would subsidize. However, there is another checklist under this form, a list of all new subordinate military warehouses and assets.

Xiao Ran first put the form on the side and picked up the list of items. This is just a catalogue. The detailed list has been entered into the electronic files of the Legion.

On the list of the list, Xiao Ran is concerned with only a few aspects, technology, special bodies, battleships, props and parts, as well as blood, inheritance and skills. As for ordinary warships, bodies, combat points, free to buy The props, skills, and the like are not too valuable for Xiao Ran.

The results obtained by the 20th Legion are not particularly good. The special warships can be said to be one, even if there are warships, they are quite ordinary things, but there are some special bodies but for the Legion. There is no woolly meaning, and the cracking of these organisms under the technical blockade of Prometheus cannot be achieved at all, and can only be used for reference at most.

If you encounter these special bodies in the mission world, then even if there is no technology, you can analyze these bodies and get the relevant technical standards. Once you are labeled by Prometheus, there is no need to waste this time. You Dare to dismantle it and dare to explode.

For these special bodies, most of them are from different worlds. Some of the world's bodies are still very interesting. For example, a kind of thing called a vector fighter. These fighters are similar to the Gaeta fighters. In a different order and then combined into the body of a large robot, but unfortunately only one of these fighters, as to which army from which channel Xiaoran did not have much interest to understand.

However, it is still useful to send these special bodies to the technical department to observe and study the concepts and modes of operation.

In addition to the body, the number of blood sera is quite a lot. After all, it is the inventory of so many legions, and all kinds of blood sera can be found. If all the blood sera are divided into one to ten, then, Second, the three-level blood serum is half of the road goods, and the serum above the fourth grade is even good and rare, and the seventh grade is the top blood.

These blood sera are basically the kind between the four and seven levels. They are rare and have good enhancement effects, but they are not the top bloodline, and they belong to the middle grade.

There are also some special props and parts, and some are messy things, which can increase the attack, armor enhancement, speed enhancement, attack attribute enhancement, attribute defense enhancement and other messy things, what increase the locking speed and increase the radar effect. Classes, all of which are the same kind of consumables, these things will inevitably be filled into the warehouse, and it is a not too high point of credit to be thrown in.

As for technology, there are about 60 kinds of special technologies. Most of the technical materials collected from more than 20 legions can find relevant alternative technologies in the Burning Legion, and the level of these technologies is not high. Most of them are dispensable for the Legion. There are only a few technologies that are really not in the Legion. The body and weapons are also some of the technical information on the Super Zone. As for what role it can play, You can only type a question mark.

After reading the detailed list, Xiao Ran quickly assigned all these things to the right place. The special body and technology were all filled into the technical department. There is nothing to say, and then all the valuable things in Xiaoran’s eyes are all worthwhile. Enter the Legion warehouse, and give corresponding points compensation according to a certain proportion of value, and then most of the things that Xiaoran can't see are all returned to the original army to be used by the reorganized legion.

Confirming these things and then distributing it still took a lot of time, and waited until Xiaoran regained the subsidy table and then began to analyze the situation of the reorganized legion.

He had already agreed to support the legions in accordance with the subsidies on this form, including the warships, the body, the blood and the necessary items, as well as a large amount of warfare points to be paid out from the Burning Legion expenses. In the hands of the affiliated legion.

The losses of these regiments were too great, and they were almost directly dumped by the Burning Legion. Of course, the biggest loss was the giant corps Jess Empire, so in this subsidy, the Jess Empire side occupied the big head, while the other ones The legion integrated by the small legion, because of the integration of resources and manpower integration, is more substantial and powerful than the original single legion.

These support is equal to the legion gave them, but if they want to have better things, they need to exchange their own leg points. Of course, the technology and the body will be recharged and some points will be used to replenish them. Use, but those points will not be too much, after all, even if you don't give points, according to the normal situation, these things must be the Burning Legion. This time, it is equal to the process of changing the right hand for the left hand and the left hand for the left hand.

And this process seems cumbersome and meaningless, but the rules of the legion's points system cannot be violated. No matter how cumbersome it is, it must be carried out according to such a process, but the most important thing is that these points are distributed to each of the legions. In the hands of the people, the meaning of consumption from them is very special, and they will be erected with a sense that the legion points are more precious than the merits.

At the same time, when letting them know the importance of the points, when they see the good things that need permission and points to exchange through the point exchange directory and permission exchange list, these participants will try their best to get points like playing games. To exchange what they need, step by step so that they can see their own growth and change, and finally fully integrated into the Burning Legion, thoroughly accustomed to become the action mode of the Burning Legion.

They used to be the scourge of the Burning Legion, but now it will not be long before they join the Burning Legion and they will become the flag of the Burning Legion to harm other Legion.

In fact, this is also very good, and more disasters. Next time, there are a lot of legions coming over to force the army to fight. Then there is a wave of deep pit operations to conquer more affiliated legions. This operation may not take long before the whole super Districts have to be replaced by a surname Xiao?

Xiao Ran picks up his eyebrows and feels that the feasibility of this operation can seem to be very high. Maybe there is a possibility to try it?

In short, the harvest of this mission can be said to be big or small. The giant army is one. Although it has been turned into a general large army, it has support from the camp territory. It has the support of the entire Burning Legion. It is estimated that after two or three missions, Back to the extent of the giant legion.

It is still unclear whether a large legion, whether it is half-resident or not, is not yet clear. It has to wait until Coki is officially confirmed to sign the contract. Basically, it takes two or three tasks to spend the difficult period, but Fortunately, there is a burning army to support the body to the warships to equip the weapons, there will not be too many problems to survive.

Then there are a few general regiments after the reorganization. If you have money, you have weapons, you will be equipped with warships, and the next development speed will be explosive. It is estimated that it will grow to a general large army level at about the same time. .

After waiting for a few tasks, the power of the super zone will really far exceed the real zone. Moreover, when the super zone arrives, there will be an undefeated master in the east, and then the other legions will be in the mission. When you meet the Burning Legion, you will also have a lot of fun to deliberately provoke the Burning Legion.

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