Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2706: Four territories

The military martial arts originally owned by these regiments did not want to be. They were originally a group of pit goods. They really had to collect their combat points. The next task is estimated to have to go on a pit. The other is the technology and the mess that fills the army warehouse. The stuff.

The value of technology is not well estimated, but most of the technology is completely sellable, and it can return a lot of combat points. Most of the technology is useless to the Burning Legion. It is like a chicken rib. It’s a pity that it’s boring, but it’s impossible for me to sell these technologies. Why bother to use technology for some combat points, of course, if someone is willing to come up with some special things to do the transaction, Xiao Ran also Will not give you a stink in your hand.

However, which technologies can be taken out and which can't be done can still be decided after a detailed analysis by Luo's technical department.

On the fifth day of returning to Prometheus, the two large regiments that decided to pay compensation were actually handed over to the Burning Legion. The original idea of ​​Xiaoran was to keep the information of the Burning Legion secret, but the two regiments all agreed. Choosing a refusal, preferring to open their own door, casually burning the Legion is not willing to sign a confidentiality contract.

Under such circumstances, Keji can only choose all the valuable things of the two legions in accordance with Xiao Ran's instructions. Of course, the territory is the exception. No matter how the other party chooses, the other party's territory will be preferred.

After all the processing, the Legion had four more territories, one of the Jess Empires, the first one to choose to surrender the Super District, and then the two that did not want to become affiliated. All the legions have their own camp territory, and the assets belonging to their legions at the moment of the defeat of the Legion have all been locked in. In the case that they cannot choose to become a subsidiary leg of the Burning Legion, they can only watch the Burning Legion. Take ownership of your own camp territory.

This made the Burning Legion, so that the Jess Legion suddenly became the two legions, and even the enemies in the back of these two legions, I don’t know how much hatred they brought with them to participate in this army battle, but also hate Even the Burning Legion, which did not give a face, even took their territory away. They also prepared countless battle points, many high-level bodies and even mythical bodies, special inheritance, skills and blood. Category.

However, after the final weighting, the huge weighting score gap made the two regiments feel a angina in addition to losing the territory. The extra weight scores made their brains hurt. What they deliberately prepared was After delivering the camp territory, he even handed it out a third.

As for technology? Keji is smart and doesn't choose any technology, unless the two gangsters of the two legions will completely kill the entire camp territory, otherwise they will be able to find their technical retention in the territory of the two legions, their battleship in the territory. The factory, the ms factory and even a mess of technical institutions can all become the Burning Legion along with the territory.

Moreover, they want to slaughter and have no chance. All the assets are blocked and they want to go back to their own territory. Can it be done only by waiting for the Burning Legion to receive it?

Moreover, a territory represents a unique technical system of the world. Why do you need the technology of the two idiots who can't even match the space-hopping warships? He is not stupid, but he must be stupid. In front of someone can be stupid, but also depends on when it is silly. Since joining the Burning Legion, Keji feels that his IQ has improved a lot.

The four territories plus blood, inheritance, skills, special parts, even the body is not rare in the two legions, in front of the Burning Legion are some **** is not worth the waste of time, these things can be said to be this time The Burning Legion challenged the true harvest of the twenty-five legions, and the war money was no different.

After Kruze understood these situations, he was also a dumb smile. He probably knew why the two legions did not choose to join. The two legions were indeed affiliated with other top legions and had signed an affiliated contract. It is impossible for them to change the door, unless the Burning Legion can kill the top legions behind them.

However, as for the information leaking from the Burning Legion, they are not unable to sign, but sometimes there is no way to sign these things. Do they really feel bad about their own things? Of course, it is impossible. After all, for the Burning Legion, which has extremely terrible power, the special army that has swayed the entire super-regional army, they certainly have to explain to the army behind them. After all, this army battle The loss of failure is so big that it can't help.

But Kruze has a foresight better than Xiaoran. When the other party chose to surrender, he signed a confidentiality agreement with the other party. The content and development of the task itself did not require them to be kept secret, but from the mouth of Kruze. Those words that were said to be heard by them, as well as all other legions, were all kept secret.

A water mythical pilot? Thousands of tens of thousands of warships with jumping capabilities and super-powered over-the-horizon attack distances? Appropriately revealing some information about the strength of the Burning Legion is not entirely a bad thing.

The four territories Xiaoran also went to look at it. The world belonging to the Jess Empire went around and Xiaoran knew what kind of world it was. The new brave Lai Ting, a super-civilized civilization and an alien technology world.

The territory owned by the large army that took the initiative to take over is the brave police. There is basically no value for the Burning Legion.

In the territory of the two legions that did not come over, one of the territories turned out to be a combination of six gods... no wonder that the similar body would have been encountered in the world of Lelouch.

The last one is the steel **** Jack, which is another world that fights with God.

The four new brave men in the world, Lai Ting, remain in the hands of the Jessie regiment. The same is true of the brave police world. The remaining two worlds are hung in the hands of their own regiments in the name of the Burning Legion. Xiaoran is not prepared to make more interference, but he can't make an urgent arrangement for the latter two territories, but only sends people to these two worlds. After gradually infiltrating, they gradually merge into the legion. Come in the territory.

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