Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2710: Innocent?

The Bicester family's manor Xiao Ran has come many times. It can be said that it is a place where you can find a place where you can find a place, but in the memory of Xiao Ran, even in the colonial satellite, there are birds and flowers, people and flowers, gardens and flowers. They are quite luxuriant. Every day, many people in the yard take care of the wood plants. There are also many guards outside to protect the safety of the Bicester family.

But the only family in front of the Bicester family, the only thing that can be felt is the coldness and silence. There is not a little bit of popularity, even a servant guard can not see, even if only a small thief can smoothly enter and exit from inside.

The same people in the different worlds of the world, the same place, have completely different differences.

Xiaoran, who shook his head and stood outside the door of the Bicester family, rang the doorbell and waited a few times for a while before it sounded a voice.

"who is it."

Xiao Ran heard this voice, and then smiled and said his name, but there is nothing else besides the name: "Xiao Ran."

After all, this is another world. The relationship between Prometheus's identity and Cartiers is hard to say, so it can only be further determined from subsequent contacts.

"Xiao Ran... Xiao Ran... It's you, how come you come here? No, how come you suddenly?"

Xiao Ran said: "Cadias, I have already come over. Are you still not ready to let me in? You don't want to know what I am coming for?"

Katias was silent for a moment: "Please come in."

The door opened silently, and Xiao Ran opened the door with a jewel and walked in. He walked all the way to the equally calm living room, and then saw a Cartiers with a suit carrying his hand.

There is not much expression on the face of Katias. Looking at Xiaoran’s eyes is also a warning rather than a closeness. From this point, it can be seen that the identity relationship between Cartiers and Xiaoran in this world is not so good. .

After Xiaoran approached, Katias did not invite Xiao Ran to sit down and asked directly: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Ran smiled and didn't mind sitting directly on the sofa in the living room. Yao stood behind Xiaoran like a guard.

"The Laplace box is on me."

Katias’s pupils contracted instantly and the body became stiff, and Xiao Ran said: “This thing was not more than a decade ago, a few years ago, you are not willing to take it out. Now even Jiong is almost there, but you choose Take it out, now in this era, do you really think that the original constitution can change anything? The colony has lost the courage to fight against the federation. What you are going to do now is just a basket of water."

"Not to mention that what you want to do has been leaked from the beginning. From the very beginning, there is no possibility of success. The federal troops are waiting outside and ready to sweep you all out. You decide to take the Bicester family to gamble. Can the people of this family have a heart with you?"

Katillas’s face was stiff and stiff, and he went to Xiaoran’s tone and asked anxiously: “What do you know!”

Xiao Ran faintly glanced at Cartiers: "I know that your son betrayed you because of dissatisfaction with your choice, and your sister has betrayed you to protect his status and power. What is your little son?" I don’t know the little confused, I want to ask you this is really good? After all, I am also the major shareholder of Anaheim. Are you ready to put in with Anaheim to gamble and have not considered me? Comments, and will entrust the future to a little guy who knows nothing?"

"The rx-o is not strictly in your family, but the assets of Anaheim. You are going to give that body to your son, because your son is a new human? What can a new human being do to kill the entire federation? Can one machine dominate the world?"

"Or do you think that the people in the Federation have problems in their minds and even a child can play? Kadias, how can you see the situation so simple, I really can hardly believe that the person making this decision will be your Kadi Yas, it is even harder to believe that you have not prepared for the situation before making such a decision, and you have been betrayed by your own son and sister. Are you old enough to have problems?"

Katillas' face was completely discolored, and Xiao Ran slammed into his heart, and also made Cartiers somewhat unrest and stabilized his emotions.

"Don't be so nervous, sit down. If I really come hostage, why should I come to see you personally? The Laplace box is in my hand. The rx-o can also be copied. The most valuable thing you have now is either in my hands or I don't care, what else is worthy of my greed."

Katias nodded and sat slowly opposite Xiaoran: "What do you want, what to do?"

Xiao Ran tilted his legs and leaned back. He smiled and said: "I want to take charge of Anaheim, but I don't think I have enough influence in Anaheim, so I need you to help me and use your Influence to become the first person in Anaheim."

"The original federal secret force is ready to let rx-0 disappear with you, but I can protect you and protect your son from any threats from the federal and will not make your son a federal tool. It's my chip, you can think about it."

Katias bowed his head and thought for a moment, then looked at Xiao Ran: "What are you going to do with the Laplace box."

Xiao Ran said lazily: "That stuff is a bomb. Whenever it is detonated, it is very particular. If you just give it to the Gion Disability Party, it will not have the effect you want to see. You want to give it to you. The Gion Disability Party made them public, but what can Gion once do, and I want to disclose that thing, but when I open it, I have the final say."

"The people who are too strong and corrupt in the colony are too bitter. I want to create a whole new world. Whether it is a world where the human beings of the earth or the inhabitants of the universe are completely equal, let the new human beings become truly capable of determining the future of mankind. The leader, I want the federal disintegration and there is no independent force in the universe and then open a new era."

"Because this original constitution, the Gionon Remnant Party wants to cooperate with me, and does not cooperate with me. It will never be the leader who will become the leader. As for the federal side, it is not necessary to wipe your eyes and see who is Those who need to be cleared can be wooed, for which Anaheim’s influence and platform on the federal is what I must have."

Katias looked at Xiaoran deeply: "You said that what I did was to make a basket of water, but how do you think you can do it."

"Power, intelligence." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "The original constitution can only have its role in the hands of the party with power. I have more power than you can imagine, and intelligence can make me forever. One step ahead, let me make all the arrangements in advance and guide all the people in the direction I want."

"In the end, I still need to tell you one thing. The Earth Circle may soon be chaotic. The Federation and the Gion Disability Party have found a group of pilots with strong powers. The capabilities of these pilots may be It will be the existence of one person against the army. Now throwing out the original constitution will only become the fuse that will attract the outbreak of the two sides. If it is released at the right time, it will become the door to the development of the world in a new era."

Katias was a bit anxious at this moment. He did not believe what Xiaoran said now, but the original constitution is indeed known to many people in the Federation. It is also the family of Anaheim and the Bicester. The biggest reliance on this level to this day, but where is the Laplace box, and there are only a few of them in the Bicester family.

Xiao Ran can tell the Laplace box and point out that the original constitution is in the original constitution. Cartiers believes that this is indeed in the hands of Xiao Ran, otherwise no one will say the box of Laplace. Such words are more related to the original constitution, but Xiao Ran said that to overthrow the current federation to create a new world, this great dream makes Cartiers feel a bit like a dream, a bit too dreamy.

At this time, Cartiers was hesitant between being convinced and not believing. At the same time, he did not know how to pick up Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran saw the suspicion and hesitation of Katias and smiled and said: "It is difficult to make a decision?"

Katias said straightforwardly: "Yes, I don't know if I should believe what you said, your arrival is very sudden, and the Laplace box has already fallen into your hands. This game is for you. It is already taking the initiative, but it will also attract the goals of all parties to you. At that time, what is the difference between you and me?"

"The emergence of the original constitution will open up the earth circle that is now gradually occluded. Although it may cause more confusion, it is the last chance."

Xiao Ran nodded and smiled lightly: "Only you know that you don't know who will know this, even if you know what it can represent? Anaheim has always been a neutral arms dealer from now on. At the beginning, the federation needs stability. So accept your support and support you. When Gion is strong, the Union can't help Anaheim, and it will not force you to become an enemy."

"But now the biggest threat to the Federation is gone. What does an original constitution stand for? Can they say that it is a fake thing, but now Anaheim is not so important to the Union? When will they start, and it will not matter if you keep it, but it doesn’t matter if the Bicester family is obedient. Now you make a disobedient move to make the person angry and angry. You have sent a secret force to come and prepare. The Bist family is completely annihilated at the root of their serious sin."

"So, the original constitution still has to fall in the hands of really powerful people. For example, in my hands, the federal or Geeon knows how it can be, and it’s not too good to accept my attention. I told you that if I were to redevelop Anaheim, they would not even dare to provoke us."

"Our difference is the power just said, I have strength but you don't."

Katias shook his head: "No matter what kind of power you have, unless you can unite the colonies of the entire universe, you can't beat the current federation. The original constitution is this. It can make the universe's residents truly unite. Let the federal introspection together, so that the inhabitants of the universe can live a better life because of the existence of the original constitution."

Xiao Ran smiled and didn't pick up. This Cartiers is a lot of innocence. If there is no power, the cosmic colony will not be beaten to death by the federal team. It really thinks that it has the revolutionary ability of rx-0 alone. The horned beast can reverse the situation. The world's Banaji is just a little kid who is about to be stunned by love as if he was almost ntr.

The partner chosen by Cartiers is a deep pit. The princess simply does not want to continue to set off the war. Even as the princess of New Gion, there is no plan to reshape the glory of the new Gion. It is also interesting to not unite Kadias to give the original constitution to these people.

Xiao Ran gently looked up and asked: "There are not many other things to say, do you want to cooperate, I can help you, but you must also help me even if it is for your two sons, the small is not used by the federal, not by me. Deal with it, you know that the current Anaheim master is your sister and your son. If you don't cooperate with me, then I must deal with these two people."

Katias looked at Xiaoran deeply: "I will look at you, but I also have my insistence."

Katy Yass’s subtext is easy to understand, and he can’t talk about any cooperation, but he will help Xiaoran take control of Anaheim and use his own eyes to see how Xiaoran is going to do what he wants. If Xiaoran wants to do the next thing, If the goal to be achieved is completely different, then he will not hesitate to choose anti-water.

"You won't have a chance to leave." Xiaoran smiled and said: "So now can tell me when people who deal with you will come over."

Katias stood up: "It is already on the way, and it is expected to arrive before the start of the next job. There will be another test of rx-0 in one session, and there is no interest in seeing it in person."

“Testing?” Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows and said: “I’m very interested in testing the body myself, maybe you want to see what I’m talking about.”

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