Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2711: Shocked Cartiers

There was a card in front of the card, and Xiao Ran and Yao did not take long to go directly to a special research institute through the secret road of Kadias Manor, specifically for adjusting rx-0, perfecting the nt-d system, one A small technology factory hidden in satellites.

A bald man came out to meet the three people in the first time, Jal Chen, the secretary of Cartiers, who was originally a member of the Earth Federal Intelligence Department, but because of the admiration of the ideals of Kadias and Cartiers Give their own loyalty to the common goal.

The bald-headed male Jal was also stunned when he saw Xiao Ran, and immediately bent over Xiaoran: "Xiao Ran adults."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded lightly and looked around and said: "A hidden technology factory, although the rx-0 completed part of the moon in Anaheim, but the final main body development and system development looks like It’s done here, is there a hangar that can hold ms?”

Jarr first looked at Katias and said, after the latter nodded lightly, "Yes, in order to cope with various situations, there is also a hidden ms hangar that can be used."

"Yao, call them over." Xiaoran first said to Yao, and then looked at Jard: "My people are still on the outer wall of the satellite, trouble you and my assistant to pick them up, have been driving It’s not the same thing in the cabin.”

Jal bent down reverently: "Okay."

Katias said: "Let's go, then I will take you to see rx-0."

Jal took the glory and left to meet the light, the flame and the Xiangyu Xinye, and Katias went directly with Xiaoran to the special hangar where rx-0 was stored. A pure white body with a unique angle appeared. In front of Xiao Ran.

Without the gravity, Xiaoran’s feet floated up a little, and after looking up and down, he nodded and turned to look at the Cartiers underneath himself: “Good body, this is industrially It’s already a collection of the latest cutting-edge crystals of Anaheim, but without a suitable pilot, there is no way to fully exploit the performance of this aircraft.”

"So your son is a new human that can bring out the full performance of this body?"

Katias did not deny: "He is only one of the choices."

Xiao Ran did not care, smiled, this **** beast is indeed good, if there is a new human pilot driving, then it is a s-class body, just like the solar furnace body and Xiao Ran is a complementary combination.

However, if the person driving the body is not a new human being, then it is not so good to say how much the body can exert, and once the nt-d system is forced to open, it is also a huge threat to the pilot. It will be affected by those souls that are free in the universe, and eventually the pilot will become the skeleton of the body.

Xiao Ran said: "Is not going to test it? If I don't mind, how about I come to be a test pilot?"

Katias yelled: "You?"

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "I am a pilot who does not belong to Amro and Shaya. If you can't have power in such a world, then how can you ensure that you are not in danger in such a world?" influences."

Katias paused and nodded slowly. The thought in his heart is that since Xiao Ran has this interest, let him try. As for the result, Cartiers is not hopeful. It is a big deal to arrange other pilots to test it. All right.

Katias said: "Come with me, you have to change the clothes first to test this body."

Xiao Ran nodded and refused. This rx-0 is completely problem-free with Xiao Ran’s physical fitness. Even the dragon **** can drive without protective clothing, let alone this one should just reach the s-level pass line. Unicorn, but there is no need to show anything in front of Kadias.

Cartiers found a thick anti-g force suit for Xiao Ran. Although it seems that people don't want to wear this set at a glance, Xiao Ran still slowly wears it on his body. When the clothes of Xiao Ran were changed and appeared in front of Kadias, Katias just nodded and said something.

"Your people have come in. If those bodies don't mind, can you tell me what is going on? I don't know when Anaheim made such a few bodies."

Xiao Ran said: "It's not the body that Anaheim made, but the body that my technical staff created independently. Can you have such a hidden personal factory? As the major shareholder of Anaheim, I can't let me have one. The factory? Oh, of course, I admit that I also use some of Anaheim's technology. Although it is not a suitable human body, it should not be worse than the rx-0 you put in so much."

Katias nodded. "I know, I will go to the control room to help you test rx-0."

Xiao Ran nodded: "Alright, if you want to be with me, then I can't completely squeeze out the performance of that rx-0."

A few minutes later, Xiao Ran had already entered the cockpit of the unicorn, and after a glance, he opened the system of the body, and the voice of Cartiers appeared in his ear: "This test is simple. The test is mainly to check whether the performance data of the body itself has reached the expected level at the beginning."

"It's very simple." Xiao Ran controlled the body to close the cockpit cover and said: "What about the test area?"

"A small piece of meteorite in the vicinity, please be careful."

A map appeared in front of Xiao Ran, with the expected route to the planetary belt and the area of ​​the test.

Xiao Ran took the helmet and brought it to the seat belt and said: "Understand, start to untie the binding frame."

The iron shelf that bound the unicorn was slowly moving, and the red light was lit up in the hangar. The upper layer of the deck was opened, and the cosmic starry sky above the head was quickly revealed. Xiaoran gently stepped on it. After the two pedals were held, the lever was pulled and the two feet were simultaneously depressed. The unicorn reached a straight posture and flew up. It quickly rushed into the passage and entered the universe.

"rx-0 has attacked and started recording the test process."

"The data link is complete and all the data is completely synchronized."

"Wait, Cardias, the data returned by the body is a little bit wrong."

Cartiers was looking at the unicorns that were slowly speeding up on the big screen. After hearing the reports of his technicians, he suddenly frowned and walked to the technical staff of the report.

"what's the situation."

"The nt-d system has not activated the symptoms of self-excitation, and has reached a zero point. I have lost control here."

"Cardias adults, rx-0 began to speed up, 10% at full speed, 20%, 40%, 80%... Cartiers! The speed of rx-0 has been Raised to the expected one hundred and eighty percent! The pilot unlocked the rx-0 shackle and also modified the rx-0 os!"

"We have completely lost control of rx-0, and now only the data reception feedback function for rx-0 is left!"

Cartiers turned back and saw that the rx-0 on the big screen had now turned into a blue light, and then drilled into the small gravel belt in the scheduled test area.

Katias was a little flustered, but still kept his face serious: "Record all the feedback information, you can't miss it, let the rescue team ready to go!"

After that, Katias looked at the four people who had entered the control area at this time. Three women and one man, one of them, Kadias, had already seen it, and was called Xiao Yao by Xiao Ran. The two girls, Cartiers, also showed a little surprised expression when they looked at each other.

The looks of the three girls can be said to be exactly the same, even the clothes they wear have the same style and texture, just a difference in shape and color, which reflects a three-body homologue but another Different characteristics.

A cold arrogance, a gentle, a full of peace.

"The triplets are still clones?" Cartiers had such a thought in his mind, and then turned to the light and walked over: "Miss Yao, the situation seems to be a bit wrong, you need to pay attention. Can you rescue at any time?"

Yao looked at some nervous staff around him and grinned at Cartiers. "Mr. Katias doesn't have to worry, the master's ability is very strong. He should be helping you test the ultimate performance of this body. At the same time, the modification of the body os is not enough, such operation is common for the owner."

It was a bit horrified to hear that the heart of Cartiers was said, but the voice of the staff suddenly sounded in the ear and he put his attention back on the big screen of the control room.

"Cardias, we found that the instantaneous response of the body increased by 30%, the body flexibility increased by 50%, the thruster power increased by 15%, and the instantaneous burst of power increased. 50%."

"But this is incredible. How can humans withstand the pressure of such a huge instantaneous turn, and now the body has to withstand more than double the g force!"

"Report, the body information feedback nt-d system has been opened, no, no, it is a part of the opening, there is no reference to the corresponding situation in the database, Cartiers adults! I saw here because the nt-d part of the body is turned on Performance is again showing an increase in multiples!"

At this time, Cartiers’s mind was all occupied by shock. The words in his ear made him have some time to think. It seems that some people don’t quite understand what kind of situation is now. The body is the development of him. Come out, what kind of strength this body should be able to play, Cartiers should know.

But Cartiers is only a regular technician, not a pilot. He can't really understand how much difference between the expected data and the actual utility after the machine is manufactured, and can't understand one. A good body can meet an incredible chemical reaction in the end.

They used this understanding to create this body, and Xiao Ran used his own understanding to operate and modify the body, and adjusted and modified every os link of the unicorn to the s-level pilot. Even if the change of each link can finally bring the improvement of the body to an estimated degree of 0.01, there are countless links to this machine because the innovation of os also produces incredible changes.

Xiao Ran is not a new human being, but he is also a **** person like the new human being. Even if he can't push nt-d from the soul level, but with his huge mental power, the motivation can also be The unicorns on the nt-d system play a real utility.

Xiao Ran just opened up some of the functions of nt-d, and increased the power of this part of the function. It also made the body change the shape, which brings the body with a higher coefficient of magnification. The increase, and even so the Unicorn Gundam shuttled in the meteorite belt under the driving of Xiao Ran did not appear a little bit of problems.

After maintaining this almost full-power operation for a few minutes, Xiao Ran slowly stopped the body and began to gradually stabilize and reduce the performance of the body. One turned back to the secret factory of Cartiers.

After Xiao Ran re-opened the machine back to the hangar, and after the air in the hangar reached the safety limit and automatically opened the door, Cartiers rushed in directly, and anxiously floated out of the open cockpit. I looked at Xiao Ran incredibly: "How did you do it?"

"The body has such potential." Xiao Ran took off the helmet and said: "I just called out the potential of the whole body, but if I change a more powerful new human to control this body, I should still Can do something that makes people feel even more incredible."

"The concept of this body is very good. The increase in capacity brought about by the change of shape is very characteristic. The performance of the body itself in the original form needless to say. The capacity growth in the second form will grow with the ability of the pilot. The use of the spiritual skeleton makes this body also have the possibility of higher access. If it is an infinitely powerful new human, then this body may continue to be infinitely strong, but after all, there will still be ceilings, just According to the current situation, this ceiling is estimated to be no one can touch it."

"Exactly, I am barely a new human being. It is nothing strange to be able to squeeze the power of this body. And the os of this body itself has a lot of problems. I will use my vision to os. The modification is really to show the performance of this body."

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