Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2726: Who is against it?

The three squads have come to personally come over, Xiao Ran arranged for them to rest first, and by the way try to find other participants to participate in this task. Apart from these, there are currently no things that need more than a dozen of them. Xiaoran, but Xiao Ran's arrangements for these people have already planned.

The representatives sent by the Federation and Zion were aired by Xiao Ran for a few more days, and in these days, Xia led the New Zion Army to the Federation, which is enough to be considered a disabled soldier compared to the current environment. The army launched a raid, occupied another important fortress of the Federation in the universe, and officially started the war against the Federation after the declaration of war.

The moon base ignored the orders of the high-ranking federations. Now it is suddenly installed in the universe as an important stronghold to monitor and suppress the colonies of the universe. It is impossible to say that it is not possible, but now the war has officially begun in the universe. The strength of the Federation has been greatly weakened. Even if the Federation is procrastinating, it must immediately enter the state of war, otherwise the consequences of losing the dominant war on the universe will be more serious.

At the lunar city of von Brown, when the federal government finally decided to meet and began to make arrangements, Xiao Ran's key members, power representatives and all the others gathered in the future.

These people include the owners of many consortium companies or their immediate family members, many members of the federal parliament, officials, representatives of the major colonies of the universe, independent representatives from high-level federations, people from Zion, and so on.

Many of these people have the intention to stay and wait for Xiao Ran to meet with them, but some people want to leave after the ceremony, but they are restricted to appear and are forced to stay. In Xiao Ran's arrangement, these people have already Come, how can you really let them participate in the engagement ceremony and let them go after you come, you always have to express your attitude.

The meeting place was a conference center. After the invitation letter entered, they sat together in groups of three, one party, and five groups. The expression on the face of the federal delegation was not good. On the contrary, there was a smile on the face of Jion. It's as stable as Mount Tai, and even people who come here don't sit clearly on both sides, but sparsely sit together. Many people are very curious. Xiao Ran is now leaving them, hanging them, and finally And would like to see what they are paying attention to.

After everyone arrived, Xiao Ran appeared in front of everyone in a hurry, standing directly in the center of the conference center, and behind him were two industrial ultra-small MSs with one A huge prop came in, and no one could know what the prop was, because the whole thing was covered by a black cloth curtain.

Xiao Ran took the microphone handed over by others, smiled, and glanced at the two or three hundred people in the conference center. He nodded gently and began to speak: "Whoever I am, I already know who I am. More self-introduction. "

"Some people have proposed to meet with me before, and some people have been forced to stay by me, but no matter what kind of willingness you are here, I would like to thank you and welcome you here."

Xiao Ran stepped sideways and pointed at the huge object covered by the black cloth behind him, saying, "Everyone may be wondering what this thing is. Do n’t worry, I will make it public immediately. Now in this conference center People include the Federation, the Zeon up to the major consortia, and the representatives of the colonies. It can be said that it covers all the forces in the entire earth circle. It is no exaggeration to say that all of these people who are here will unite if they change the world. "

Xiao Ran walked to the side of the huge object and tore off the black cloth. It was very easy and light, without pretending to be mysterious and undignified. The black cloth was torn open to reveal the contents, and there was no chance for anyone to speak.

When everyone present looked at the exposed object, many people were a little embarrassed at first. A five-hive structure, the hive structure at the corners was empty, and only the middle hive structure stuck something. .

But the people present were not everyone's eyes were so good, so some people couldn't see what was written on it, but many people's faces also changed instantly, unbelievably looked at Xiao Ran who opened the black cloth. I just felt that I was on top of Tian Ling Gai and it was completely unknown what happened in front of me.

"It doesn't matter if you can't see clearly." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't see clearly. The big screen above me will clearly show the content on it."

Slowly, some sounds began to appear in the conference center, and then these sounds became cluttered, noisy, and then became a quarrel.

Xiao Ran didn't join any quarrel with a smile from beginning to end, and no one now wants to pull Xiao Ran into the quarrel. Until ten minutes passed, Xiao Ran didn't find it interesting. Gently tapping the microphone with your hand attracted everyone's attention again.

"You don't mind if you make a noise, but I hope you can give me some time to finish my next speech, so be quiet."

Xiao Ran's expression became a little serious, and at this time a group of soldiers in federal uniforms rushed in through the gates of the conference center, wearing helmets and body armor, holding weapons, and directly surrounding the entire conference center. In it.

The faces of the Jeon's face changed greatly, and the people on the Federal side were rejoicing after being confused, while the others frowned for such a scene.

A member of the senior federal representative team suddenly stood up, holding Xiao Ran with a twisted expression and excitement, and fingered everyone in the entire conference room: "Catch them, kill them, hurry up!"

The soldiers around were motionless, with no expression on his face as if he hadn't heard, and the muzzle hadn't moved.

The man who stood up froze a bit, and then shouted angrily: "What are you doing! I am Major General Perry, senior staff officer of the Federal Ministry of Military Affairs, and now I order you to immediately grasp all these people and kill them they!"

At this point, it was finally discovered that it seemed that something was not right, and gradually began to return to God.

Xiao Ran lowered his head and smiled slightly, then waved his hand and said, "Thank you for taking this senior staff general away. I don't want to see him one day."

More than a dozen soldiers came forward and kept aiming at the people around them with their weapons, and then walked to the standing staff officer and shot him with a shot in the head, smashing this guy like a dead pig. After dragging out of the meeting room.

Until this time, many people found that although these soldiers appeared wearing federal uniforms, all the uniforms did not have any Federal Army logo and rank on them.

Xiao Ran looked at all the people present with a cold look and said, "I hope no one will speak next. I don't make a sound without allowing you to speak. If I disturb you, I will ask someone to go out."

"You should also notice that the uniforms worn by these soldiers are indeed of the federal style, but they have no armbands, no ranks, and no federal logo. This is because they did belong to the federation but now they are private in Anaheim. Legion burners. "

"The uniform is just a small problem. It just doesn't have time to start the production of new uniforms for everyone and then distribute it. But a small problem often brings people some unexpected situations, such as just now."

"Well, I won't delay time about this." Xiao Ran pointed to the things behind him and said, "As you can see, this thing has always been in the hands of the Bicester family, and it is also Anaheim. The foundation of development is the Laplacian box and the Pandora's box that have been legendary. "

"Because once the content above is leaked out, it will urge all the evil thoughts that exist in this world, which will bring war, and war will bring greed, hypocrisy, jealousy, and pain."

"The box of Laplace is the real constitution of the Federation. It is also what the top federal and countless families have wanted to cover up and even disappear in the past 100 years, because the emergence of the real constitution will bring the current federal system. The imminent threat will change the situation in the entire earth circle, and will also cause the high-level federations to lose control of all cosmic colonies, and will make countless people lose the benefits they now hold. "

"The constitutional requirements are very clear. We must treat all cosmic colonies, treat all new humans, and let colonies, new humans, and the future broaden the universe as the dominant development of humanity. But now all this, all everything because now The cover-up and manipulation of the illegal federal government has prevented any one from being implemented concretely. "

"All colonies are endlessly suppressed under the operation of the federation, and all new humans are suppressed and covered by the federation, but I believe that everyone present should believe in the existence of new humans, Amro, Xia , Ekamu, which appeared during the Titans and August wars, and Jetta, which appeared during the later wars, and countless people, including the well-known General Rebil, are actually new humans. "

"But these new humans have been suppressed by the federation for various reasons and even disappeared by the federal secret. It is because some people worry that new humans will become a threat to their existence, so they have always refused to acknowledge the existence of new humans."

"What exactly is a new human being, newtype, abbreviated as nt, an unrecognized evolutionary human being, because he was born in the universe or stayed in the universe for a long time and broke the **** of the earth. A human who has awakened a new power because of the universe's environment. Can be called new humans. "

"Through research and analysis, we can generally confirm the capabilities of new humans. They have extremely strong spatial cognition capabilities and can specifically sense the distance and direction in the universe. This is an ability that ordinary people do not have. Openness is also indispensable. "

"Very powerful perception, you can see through the nature of things at a glance. In the openness of the universe, in simple terms, you can clearly sense whether there is a threat. This ability can even generate the ability similar to short-term prediction."

"The brain waves are more powerful, that is, the mental strength is infinitely more than that of Superman. It can sensitively detect things that ordinary people cannot notice, and it will also bring some special special abilities because of stronger mental strength. For example, the Sacmou device has been confirmed to be able to use this thing by intensified and new humans, but in fact, anyone who has more than a certain level of mental strength can use this thing. "

"And the most special thing is the soul. The person who truly inspires his new human ability can still exist after death, and has always existed in the universe in an independent way. In other words, if there is suitable technology, Being able to protect their organisms for a longer lifespan, they will always exist forever, which is definitely the best commander and pioneer for a human who wants to open the universe. "

"If the body is gone, cloning the body in some special way and then reinjecting the soul into the body, they can also do things like eternal life."

Xiao Ran said for a moment, raised his hand gently, and said, "Although we all recognize the existence of new humans, we still know too little about them, and we ca n’t find any more specific content to prove it. The real existence of a new human being, but now you will see and feel it for yourself. "

Xiao Ran raised his hand gently, and the powerful thoughts burst out and shrouded all the people present, not only erupting his own mental power to mentally deter these people, but also using the physical power transformed by the thought power to them Physical oppression was carried out.

All of a sudden, everyone felt a depression in their hearts and a heavy body.

At the same time, the original constitution behind Xiao Ran slowly floated in everyone's eyes, flying around Xiao Ran's side, and finally fell slightly in front of Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran slowly floated up and finally re- Back to the front of the original constitution.

As Xiao Ran's hands began to drop, everyone suddenly felt a fierce relaxation in spirit and body, and then all looked at Xiao Ran with incredible or fearful eyes.

"Shock is understandable, but fear is not necessary." Xiao Ran pointed to everyone present and said, "Because the children you give birth in the future, your grandchildren, and your offspring may all have similar abilities, and even It's all of you who are there. "

"But for the general situation, there are roughly two types of new humans. The new humans of the sympathetic type have more powerful sensing and mental powers, and the new humans of the combat type have more powerful spatial perception and predictive abilities. There are many more new humans besides this species, such as intelligent type, suitable for scientific research and development, command type, suitable as a commander, etc., and I belong to a higher level of existence, the pioneer of new human beings. , All capabilities can be directly reflected without the use of any equipment and also have the power to interfere with the physical properties. "

"And this is the only way for the future evolution of mankind. The emergence of new human beings will bring huge cosmic openness to human beings, and it will also bring a huge speed of technological explosion for human beings. I am very dissatisfied with the interests of the family and the interest of all human beings as nothing. "

"Now that I open up the real constitution to show these capabilities, I hope that all of you present can understand that the universe is not an abyss, and the colonies are definitely not inferior settlements. The colonies are the true future of mankind, so next you will It's something I care about doing for this future. "

"Here I propose that we must unite and declare the illegality of the current federal government with this constitution as the core, and at the same time dissolve the existing federal system and establish a real great unification of mankind. I will deal with it relentlessly. After solving these people, the entire integration will be supplemented by countless vacancies, people, new families, new consortia, and new forces. I would like to ask if there is such a presence Many people, who is not willing to join? "

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