Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2727: Defeat without a fight

Xiao Ran, the Confederate, did not care about them, but took the lead in focusing on the representatives sent by the colony of the universe, and glanced at them with a smile.

"The colonies should have better lives and conditions, rather than seeing the future and always being oppressed by the federation."

"The new unification will have a new parliament. All colonies will find their place in parliamentary seats. At the same time, they will use various methods to strengthen the connection between the earth and the colonies. You will have greater rights. There will be more resources, and each colony should have its own special products and its own industry and agriculture, instead of becoming a federal resource factory. The new integration is like a huge enterprise. And the colony will be an essential part of this business. "

"The treatment of the colonial people will increase, your autonomy will be greater in addition to military unification, the treatment of new humans will be improved, and they will assume more important and more dangerous duties, even if the colonies were born Will also be able to play important roles in integration, and in the newly formed integration army. "

"The Earth Sphere has been ruled by the ** dark federation for a hundred years. They have not brought a better life for humankind and peace for the world. Until now, there has been no real solution to the problem of poverty. Exploitation and oppression. Do you still want such a federation to overtake you for a hundred years? "

Xiao Ran swept away from those who came from the earth with his own eyes: "As for you, there are many people who are vested in the current federal system. I just tell you a very simple sentence. I want to make this If the interests continue, if we want the family to continue to thrive, we need to have a far-sighted vision to choose the right one to bet. "

"Next I wo n’t delay time here. You can have a little time to think about it here. This conference center has set up remote communication equipment for you. You can also contact and discuss with people who can truly be the masters behind you. There will be Cartiers to entertain you, I only look at the results and not the reasons. "

"But all those who oppose and disapprove will be my enemies. I have no habit of showing mercy to the enemies. You can leave safely from here today. I will let people safely send you to Earth. But, Then there will be only war between us and nothing else. "

"I don't hide from you. Once this plan starts to work, I will give the highest priority to targeted opponents and possible threats. The opportunity is now in front of you. Give you a second chance. "

"But conversely, if you join today, you will definitely get the report you deserve. The return will be far beyond your imagination. For example, I have a drug in my hand without any side effects and it will be effective if I take it once. Enhancing cell activity while inhibiting normal cell division. In other words, the body will stop aging for one year, and continue to take it for ten years, one hundred years, ha ha. "

"Besides that, I have mastered the technology of consciousness, spirit and soul transfer here, which can replace a perfect body for the aging body."

Having said that, Xiao Ran didn't continue to talk, half deterred and half tempted to finish all the words he wanted to say and waved away.

How many people present are mentally inadequate, even if they can, but can definitely understand what Xiao Ran said in the last words, stop aging and have no side effects, what is the equivalent of taking a hundred years? Immortal?

What is the most fearful thing after having money and having everything, of course, is to be afraid of the aging of his body, to fear that he will step into death, and now when Xiao Ran said these words, he was telling them that death is not terrible, because now there is already Ways to fight death.

Next, you can already foresee what kind of waves Xiao Ran's words will bring, and how many people will fall into madness because of these words, but then Ran chose to leave before the madness started. Leave the rest to Cartiers for processing.

Those who come here, Xiao Ran, of course, will have a list, and whoever supports or opposes will have a list of records and send it to Xiao Ran. What Xiao Ran is about to do now will surely provoke a lot of opposition, regardless of the people who oppose For what purpose Xiao Ran can be regarded as a firm supporter of the Federation. Xiao Ran will of course arrange manpower to resolve all of these people.

However, Xiao Ran himself will not show up, but the usefulness of those who have come to him is reflected, and Hades can also let him go out and move around in one day. The assassination forces are still needed and can be used to deal with them. Lots of small hassles.

Cartiers took over from Xiao Ran. After this guy's appearance, his expression was so complicated that he didn't know what words to use to describe it. This made the original constitution public? Just so generous? The power of your public disclosure of the original constitution is not as great as your threat in a few words.

The original constitution was actually useless. Approved ones would naturally approve them. Those who did n’t approve would n’t approve anything, but it was a good reason. It was naturally useful to add Xiao Ran ’s threat and seduce.

Anyway, after seven or eight hours, Cartiers took Jal Chen with a lot of documents and appeared in front of Xiao Ran. He asked Jal Chen to put these documents in front of Xiao Ran and looked at them. Xiao Ran asked incomprehensibly: "So the original constitution was made public?"

Xiao Ran took a strange look at Cartieras: "Otherwise, when will all the representatives of the entire colony of the universe appear, and the moon bases have been fully trusted, and with the representatives of so many consortium powers, now Isn't it already the best time? "

Cartiers opened his mouth. "But didn't you say that you had to wait at least after weakening the federation?"

Xiao Ran felt a little funny: "The purpose of weakening the federation is to let everyone recognize the original constitution. The original constitution gave them a reason to stand up against the federation, but now who dares not recognize it, and who dares to oppose it? Even the moon base has already Standing on the side of justice, hasn't the purpose been achieved the same? Cartiers, I think your current state seems a little strange? "

Cartiers shook his head silently and sighed: "Too many things happened during this time, I really can't keep up with your rhythm, I really have lost my head."

Xiao Ran smiled: "If you don't understand, you can take a slow look. The Confederation will soon be defeated without fighting. These things are the guarantees signed by those people?"

"By the way, having their name is tantamount to betraying the federal choice to support the establishment of a new unified government." Cartiers sat down and asked, "Those things you said before in the convention center are true. Many people are just preparing Qichen to come to the moon because of what you said. "

"Of course it is true. If there is no basis, I wouldn't say anything in general." Xiao Ran nodded gently, "Just to make that kind of drug would be very troublesome, and it would be difficult to do so at the current biological level in the environment. But it is not completely impossible. In short, I have many ways to extend life, but in the end, how much they can do depends on how much they are willing to cooperate. "

Cartiers nodded: "I see, but at least you also need to give them some visible hope that these people will be at ease."

Xiao Ran smiled and replied: "This problem is not big, it is too easy to solve."

"After the integration is established, are you ready to lead the integration?"

Xiao Ran shook his head: "No such thought, it's like I said relying on elections to determine leaders, but I will definitely appoint some people in the first session. Generally speaking, there will be nothing after the stability of the integration for more than ten years. Problem. "

Xiao Ran wasn't prepared to do anything to this world, nor was it necessary to turn this world into something like camp territory. His plan was to complete the task normally and then leave the world.

Those who came to participate in the meeting did not leave any of them in the following days. This time, Xiao Ran did not force them to stay but instead chose to stay on their own initiative, and then more people rely on various methods to run. Come to the moon.

The high level of the Federation also knew what Xiao Ran did in the conference center that day. The original constitution was open to question and deny the legitimacy of the current federal government. At the same time, it drew all cosmic colonies to establish unity. The family, the consortium, anyway, as long as they sent representatives of the past to sign their names on that document as an oath of proof, this also has to be accompanied by their senior representative team.

After knowing this, many people at the high levels of the federal government suddenly got their heads up, can't they? Why did it take so long to make such a big thing? The moon base has already made clear the fact of the overall rebellion. All the family consortiums that should have stood tightly with the Commonwealth all chose to retreat, which almost cut off the foundations for most of them.

Life-sustaining drugs? Technology that transfers soul, spirit, and consciousness? These two things mentioned by Xiao Ran caught the pain points of these people fiercely, and the Federation became more and more unsettled because of everything, and various undercurrents began to surge.

And when more and more people have other plans in mind, the original cohesion of the federation has also been reduced to a minimum at this time. No one is willing to stand up and shout in support of the federation to help the federation. The first thing to keep silent is the federation. Those big families that have n’t known how many years have survived, as well as the big consortium that occupies more than 85 percent of the federal economic system. These forces have all chosen to be silent and choose to comb with the Federation.

Xia ’s side also attacked several Federal Space Force bases one after another. In just three days or so, all federal bases in the Earth circle were suppressed. Of course, the help provided by Xiao Ran was also indispensable. Na Luo, Xiang Yu Xinye, Jigus and their three participating team members were all sent to Xia by Xiao Ran. With the help of so many top pilots, it was easy for the Federation. Total loss of control of the universe.

Because of this, the Federation seemed to cover a cloud of breathlessness and suffocation. Everyone felt a sense of imminent calamity, and it was quite confused to see the future.

But at this time, a message began to spread quickly in the high-level circles of the entire Earth circle. In an experiment on the moon, countless eyes witnessed the founder of the dying Bicester family from the vertical. The appearance of the old man turned into a middle-aged man, and the old father of Cartias suddenly became about the same age as him.

There are also dozens of guns in the body that have undergone body modification. After a few minutes, the bullets are automatically ejected from the body. All the wounds are healed without medicine, which makes people feel incredible.

In addition, some people took a special drug, and after checking, the cell activity was increased to the highest level, and similar news was quickly learned by many people.

Countless people who can directly leave the relationship with the Federation want to contact Anaheim in every way and want to move to von Brown to live, and the Federation is even more interesting.

As Xiao Ran said, it almost collapsed without a fight. Numerous officials and members of the federal system stood out like crazy, and began to blame the federal government for its illegality, and the top officials of each region couldn't wait. Jump out and start to declare the slogan of being kind to the colony before Xiao Ran has even started the next operation. The more extreme kind directly called for Xiao Ran to dissolve the federal government and establish a new unity for all mankind.

Within the Federation, various contradictions erupted directly. Although there was no war caused by these contradictions, but

In just a few days, the Confederacy has become a dark force referred to by thousands of men. This development has reached the point where Xiao Ran feels a bit interesting. These people in the Confederacy are really for their own sake, for the benefit, and to live more Over time, everything was revealed, even the federations that they had previously regarded as a community of interests can be abandoned immediately. It is conceivable to what extent the federal federation of this world has become dark, but now these people have stated their position in the establishment of integration Xiao Ran will keep them afterwards, but only just.

When the integration is established, although Xiao Ran will not deliberately target these people, what Xia wants to do is not something that Xiao Ran will care about.

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