Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2739: You pretend you pretend

Three days later, the Arena, Legion Arena.

This is a peculiarly shaped building. Although it is an arena, it is indeed a high tower. Perhaps this is also because the battle in the arena is not a real battle at all, and it does not require much area at all.

Xiao Ran covered his face with a mask, followed by Cruzer, Barsac, Luo, Uzes and other s-class pilots who had to be identified. A total of twelve people entered the lobby of the competitive tower.

At this time the hall was already full of people from various legions, from the first to the fifteenth, and even the legions ranked later were there, although they did not participate in the 'exercise' battle of the two legions. The method is known, but as a result, they were able to confirm at the first time that a legion that had already reached the fourth challenge suddenly emerged. If victory can still be achieved after this battle, more or less it can indicate the burning legion. Where is his strength.

And after the battle, you can confirm the expressions of the two sides, either relaxed, angry, or heavy, and you can also roughly analyze a little thing, whether it is aggrieved, smooth, or something else to show the strength Gap issue.

At the same time, there is another important thing, that is to come out to recognize people, to clearly understand the Burning Legion, who has been hanging on the mysterious veil, but suddenly stood out. When members of the Legion met these people, they could run and run.

Another thing is to look at the Burning Legion, to see how the attitude of the two ranks before and after the war, and whether there will be a possibility of a real conflict in the future, and how many people the Burning Legion will show up. Wait.

But Xiao Ran was wearing a mask, Cruzer was wearing a mask, Charya was wearing a mask, Uzes was wearing a mask, and Graham was also wearing a mask at this time ... Many people in the group were wearing masks, thinking To see the faces of Xiao Ran and others through the mask should be impossible.

After entering the arena, Xiao Ran of course also noticed those who set their eyes on themselves, but they were just some eyes. Xiao Ran was already used to being looked at by various eyes, but Xiao Ran didn't even look at the same group The people in the middle looked at the environment of the sports hall for a while, and they clearly saw the current ranking of the legion from the screen in the sports hall.

This is Xiao Ran's first time here. Not only Xiao Ran, the participants of the entire Burning Legion are insulated from the Prometheus's athletic area, and will hardly appear here. The territory training and courses after the mission are not known. How much more useful than blind play here, not to mention that similar training equipment is not lacking in the Burning Legion, so there is no need to come to the athletic area.

Finally, the corps on both sides were about to start a battle, and the members of the Burning Corps headed by Xiao Ran stopped to look at the other group who were facing the front.

This is also a team of more than a dozen people, eight men and five women, and the general appearance of Prometheus participants generally remains about 20 to early 30s, but not necessarily looking at young people. It must be young, the older one must be older, time will not play any role in the participants, and behaviors such as strengthening bloodlines will also make the participants look younger.

A man in his twenties with emerald hair came up, and there were four people in his group who looked exactly like him.

The man stopped at a place less than one meter away from Xiao Ran and looked up at Xiao Ran with a look of indifference: "Cuimeng Army, Qinglong."

Facing the other's indifference, although Xiao Ran was wearing a mask, he still gave the other a smile on his mouth: "Burning Legion, Xiao Ran."

Qinglong did not respond, but only said: "Full-scale legion battles, encounters, until one side completely loses combat capability."

Xiao Ran kept smiling: "On the conditions, you have no problem with us."

Qing Long nodded and turned to leave. At the same time, he took away the dozens of individuals behind him. Xiao Ran watched the other person's departure and the corners of his mouth also appeared a curved arc again. He said to himself, "It's interesting to put b in front of me."

Leonard stepped up and coughed softly, and said, "Let's go, blue."

Xiao Ran turned his head and glanced at the constant light on the several doors in the hall, red orange yellow green blue blue purple. Of course, there were more than just these seven colors. Nodded his head and went directly towards the blue light above. The door went over.

After a while everyone entered the gate. A large but special room was like a command room, but it was not clear how Xiao Ran should operate and arrange it, so he turned his attention to Lei. Nader.

Leonard stood out and said, "I have already understood that the command platform can show the details of our legion, all the details of the troops and so on will appear on it, and the territory is also ready so only You just need to pick directly, and it's the same as normal full-scale legion wars. "

Xiao Ran nodded and walked to the console. Although he was unfamiliar with this place, he was very familiar with full-scale legion warfare. However, it really felt like playing a simulation game with careful operation. It took a little bit to formulate the attack. At the moment when the power was determined, the picture in front of Xiao Ran suddenly changed dramatically. From the standby room this year, he entered the bridge of the new Burning Legion.

"Five minutes, the countdown starts."

The prompt of Prometheus flashed in his ears, and Xiao Ran looked at the others in the bridge, Maliu, Shirley, and the entire bridge staff.

Xiao Ran nodded to Maliu, and Maliu immediately stood up and began to loudly command: "Calm down and start the self-inspection process. The pilot MS starts boarding, confirms the environment and enemy position, charges the main gun, and starts the engine. Defensive preparation. This time the battle is only a virtual one but it cannot be taken lightly. "

"It's a bit different from the virtual training in the Legion." Xiao Ran turned away from the bridge and began to go to Gnacu. He was also thinking: "It seems that we are all transmitted to a special world, except that it will not really be Everything but death and loss is a real special world. "

Not long after, Xiao Ran sat in the cockpit of Yinglongshen, and at the same time opened all the communication channels of the entire army: "Is the s-class pilot in place?"

"It's all in place."

"Fake s-class pilot."

"Seat in place."

"Maliu, do you know where the enemy is?"

"The location has been confirmed and the expected relative contact time is thirty minutes, but within our range."

"How about the quantity?"

Maliu was quiet for about two or three seconds, saying, "The number of battleships is less than a quarter of ours."

The opponent opted for a full-scale battle. This time, Xiao Ran really took out a full-scale stance. The warships that attacked were far more than when he had dealt with the twenty or more Super Departments at the same time.

However, because the warships in the super zone and the warships in the real zone belong to two concepts in essence, the understanding, role, and difficulty of obtaining warships are completely different. Therefore, the number of warships invested by this emerald army is actually very large. Yes, at least more than 10,000 ships.

But ... it's just more than 10,000 ships, the conventional fleet of the Burning Legion, the new main force fleet, the cruise fleet, the logistics fleet, the defense fleet ... almost 50,000 battleships were brought into this time by Xiao Ran Virtual confrontation, and this is definitely not the full force that Xiao Ran can mobilize in all territories.

Xiao Ran also feels that the opposite is really stupid. Which kind of battle is not good. I have to choose a full-scale battle, and it is still an encounter. Both sides meet at the same time in a vast and cosmic space. The two sides are moving forward at full speed. It takes half an hour, which is equivalent to an hour's flight.

Such a voyage is short or close, and there are many warships in the world who do not lack the ability to attack at this range. In the past, there was no reduction in power.

"Less than a quarter, huh."

Xiao Ran smiled and said, "The ma is released after the first release of all s-class airframes, and then the pseudo s-class, flaming flames. The control of ma is entrusted to you. After the preparation time is completed, it starts with the battleship and gunboat They carried out ultra-long-range attacks, and all the attacking pilots pushed them off after the fleet attack. "

Kluze inserted in the newsletter: "So he turned his cards all over?"

"Scared them." Xiao Ran grinned and said, "Anyway, you signed a confidentiality agreement, but you are right that you can't explode all at once. Now that the battleship has been exposed, there is no need to hide it."

"The first batch of s-class pilots are mainly pilots in the real area. The other s-class pilots are on standby, and the pseudo-s-classes cooperate. Anyway, it is just a virtual battle. Then accompany them.

After the preparation time was over, the imprisoned fleet finally had the ability to operate. The first batch of s-class pilots were dropped from different warships. Various legions of the army with a long-range range of warships were immediately launched. A huge and terrifying beam of light flew towards the Cuimeng Legion, which had already been positioned.

Five minutes ago, the Cuimeng Army was also prepared and entered this special universe battlefield.

This is a very regular start. Very routine, the pilot prepares, the defensive barrier is opened, the main gun is charged, and the enemy's position and number are detected.

This is a very calm, confident, stable and prudent start. A battle that has decided to play the style and strength of the Cuimeng Legion regardless of victory or defeat. The legion leader Qinglong also quickly came to the cockpit of his own body and started. Ready to attack at any time.

But ... this but it is very spiritual, but the blue dragon army commander who just sat on the body just turned on the communication cockpit and it turned red instantly. Various messy warnings and important tips popped up one after another.

"Head of the army! We have confirmed the enemy's position, number ... the number of enemy warships is five times ours! Their largest warships are more than ten times our flagship, and on average they are five times ours!"

"A high-energy gathering reaction was detected, a terrible energy gathering! Their warships have the ability to attack at a distance!"

"This energy-gathering response ... this is ... a star-strike weapon!"

Qinglong hurriedly connected the screen to the real-time pictures of the battleship's collection. The densely packed battleships immediately filled the entire body screen. Although they were not lined up, they were also orderly, and those battleships in the picture had at least four points. One of the front ends is already lit like a little sun.

"Stop! You must stop! After the preparation time is over, the whole ship will spread out as soon as possible, and the opponent will be included in the attack range at full speed. The s-class pilot will make a breakthrough and the a-class pilot will cooperate. Fire at will! "

Qinglong felt some sweat dripping from his forehead, and suppressed his voice to pass his commands to everyone's ears.

The battle began, and countless rays of light struck a distant distance in an instant, and then passed through a battleship of the Cuimeng Army, brushed, densely covered, one explosion, two explosions, and then more explosions One after another appeared in the fleet, and all the warships also began to quickly disperse, disperse, and continue to disperse.

After a wave of attacks, over thirty s-class airframes rushed out of the battleships on the side of the Burning Legion, one by one, and penetrated into the purple light gate at full speed, and then quickly returned from the purple in front of the Cuimeng Legion. Flying out of the light gate.

In the follow-up, more s-class airframes attacked, followed by numerous ma spread out, shield-shaped battleships blocked the front to open the barrier, pseudo s-class, and a-class airframes also flew out one after another but only spread out. There was no movement behind the barrier.

Xiao Ran's Yinglong God appeared first at the front, directly opening a wave of forced skinning: "The Cuimeng Army, the size of 10,000 ships is also okay, and the full-scale legion battle is a bit interesting, The people in the past stopped for a while and let them release all the bodies. I also want to see what level of power the Fourth Legion has. "

After a few minutes.

"Master and craft, you go."

After a few minutes.

"Go for five more."

After a few minutes.

"Go ten more."

Five more ... ten more ... twenty more ...

Xiao Ran used full-frequency communication throughout, and went a few more, a few more ... Such a voice fell into the ears of all the Cuimeng Army personnel, like a whisper of a demon, like the temptation of an abyss, Like a lingering nightmare, like an eternal nightmare.

Weak, stubborn, but there is no way. When the Cuimeng Army has only a few forces, but it is surrounded by more than one hundred s-class combat power, I am afraid that special emotion is only for them. Can feel and understand.

In the end, the cruel Qinglong chose to explode ... blast ... blast, never accept this sad humiliation.

But just at the end, Xiao Ran's fluttering laughter passed into his ears again: "Hehe, full scale, encounter battle, fighting to the end, pretending to be nothing, really interesting."


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