Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2740: Top five, provocation

In the arena hall, the two doors with blue and red lights have always been the place where all the participants waiting to pay attention to. The duration of a virtual exercise actually can not take too long. The virtual world and the time lapse outside The speed is different, no matter how long it is played, it will be compressed within a certain time range, which is about a few hours, so it is impossible for people outside to know how long the virtual battle has been played.

But this time it is less than an hour, which is relatively short. Relatively speaking, the red light suddenly goes dark, and then the blue light gradually goes out after 30 seconds. This gap also keeps the outside guard. The people who know it will be able to find out the outcome of the victory between the Burning Legion and the Cuimeng Legion.

This result is an unexpected but predictable ending. Of all the legions waiting outside the gate, there are only two legions of people. As a result of this ending, their faces are darkened a lot.

Former fifth and former fifty, the former was excluded from the top five seats, the latter was directly driven out of the parliamentary seats, and the Burning Legion won directly to the fourth place, and Cui Meng and the other legions behind were postponed.

Many participants looked at Xiao Ran and others who came out of the blue door, and noticed the indifferent smiles on their faces that did not change at all. The first feeling in many people's hearts was that the next parliament was about to change. God.

The Burning Legion, a legion that has not had any fame or even a sense of existence not long ago, and because a shop has gradually gained a little fame, let the Legion District know that such a legion has very strong technical strength. Just the beginning.

But later, as more and more items were sold in the Burning Legion ’s shops, more participants learned about the existence of the Burning Legion. When using the high-profile airframes produced by the Burning Legion, the participants of the warships became more involved in the mission. After getting more and more active, many pitted participants firmly remembered the name of the Burning Legion. From then on, the Burning Legion became a strong technical force, and members acted strangely but did not communicate with the outside world at all. Mysterious Legion.

Until more A-class pilots and even s-class pilots were pitted by members of the Burning Legion during the mission, the mystery of the Burning Legion not only did not diminish because of more exposure, but instead became More elusive.

To the end of the present, the Burning Legion took the initiative to lift the mysterious veil, and when it came out, it has already ranked the fourth place given by the assessment team and shocked the audience. It also resolved the original fourth place to succeed, and many participants did not scratch their heads. Can you think of how such a powerful legion developed, and the Burning Legion really only has the fourth-ranked strength?

If you have to use four words to describe it, that is ... then what.

After Xiao Ran came out, he slowly walked to the center of the hall. He just met the position of Qinglong of the Cuimeng Army. He turned his hands and smiled toward the red door. This behavior was not strange, but others felt a little provocative. .

"Congratulations, congratulations to the leader of Ran Xiaoran, and congratulations to the Burning Legion officially entering the Legion Council."

The sound of congratulations suddenly sounded, and several members of the Shadowblade Corps, which fell from 33 to 34, got out of the crowd and came to Xiao Ran.

The deputy chief of the Shadowblade and the chief of the army, Sutter.

Xiao Ran never met with Sute, but was familiar with it. Cruze came to introduce Xiao Ran first: "The leader of the Shadowblade Corps, Suter, himself."

"That's right, my own person." Xiao Ran nodded to Sote with a smile and said, "Thank you."

Suter bent slightly politely: "The commander of the great army is very polite."

"The commander of the army?" Xiao Ran's mouth angled and smiled softly: "This title is interesting. I've been busy dealing with things over the past few days, but I don't ask you too much about the current situation. Wait a moment, we are looking for a place. Sit down and talk. "

"Okay." Suter nodded again and again, the smile on his face was quite bright.

The Cang of the Bercia Army also came to Xiao Ran, smiling like a spring breeze: "Congratulations, the leader of the Xiao Ran Army, directly into the parliament became the fourth. In the future, I also hope that the head of the Xiao Ran Army can take care of me. The owners of the corps congratulated the leader of Ran Xiaoran and the Burning Corps. We have prepared a gift that will be sent directly to your corps later. "

"It's very polite," Xiao Ran said with a smile. "Then I will accept the gift with a brash face, but it is inevitable to take care of the cooperation, and I will be very happy to move forward with Bercia in the future."

"As long as it doesn't affect the Burning Legion."

The latter sentence was not spoken, but Cang must be able to know what Xiao Ran thought, and now the two legions are one third and one fourth. Before the Burning Legion entered the parliament, they were already talking about cooperation. He put forward the hope that further cooperation can be carried out so that he did not delay the signing of a cooperation treaty, but this did not affect anything. The signing of the cooperation treaty was already a very inevitable thing.

However, Cang is also curious about the strength of the Burning Legion, but he will not ask and does not want to explore. Even if the next matter of cooperation is determined, he will always stand on an equal level to sign a mutually beneficial relationship. Cooperative jumps, not support clauses, can't take advantage of the Burning Legion.

If you take advantage of this aspect, you have to pay more from another aspect. The more you take advantage of it, the more you have to pay for it. It is not a good thing to take advantage of it, regardless of whether the Burning Legion is better than Bercia. Strong is weak. The purpose of cooperation is to win-win and grow together, instead of seeing the Burning Legion weak, we must try to obtain more benefits. On the contrary, if the Burning Legion is strong? Getting more benefits from the Burning Legion will eventually become a result, that is, it is inseparable from the help of the Burning Legion and eventually become a subsidiary of the Burning Legion. The Burning Legion has never been a simple legion.

Very simple logic, but Cang told himself wisely that he did n’t have to search for any situation of the Burning Legion. He really wanted to ask that the person who had a headache or two or three was struggling. It ’s just him. Cooperation is all it takes.

Finally, Xiao Ran, who had been waiting for the fifth Cuimeng Legion, came out with a complicated expression on his face, very weird, and very special. There were thousands of kinds of crooks that could not be opened, and they were so tight. headache.

After seeing Xiao Ran, Qinglong suddenly thought about Xiao Ran's whispering like a demon in the virtual confrontation, and he couldn't help but soften. He really didn't want to face Xiao Ran in the past, but Xiao Ran's staring eyes made him unable to retreat. Taking a deep breath, he strongly drummed his last confidence and momentum towards Xiao Ran, but it looked like Jenny Turtle's courageous expression pack.

Cang also saw the Qinglong who came over. He nodded to the friendly dragon and then stepped aside. After walking to Xiao Ran, Qinglong took a few deep breaths and forced himself to show a smile, very reluctantly and awkwardly. Smile.

"Congratulations to you, Xiao Ran, regiment. Congratulations to the Burning Corps for their promotion to fourth place. I really hope to have more exchanges with the Burning Corps in the future."

"Of course you can communicate." Xiao Ran said very friendly and kind: "I also think we should communicate more."

Qinglong's head nodded, and then clicked again, keeping the embarrassing smile that was incomprehensible: "Then I will take someone to leave first, without disturbing the leader of Xiao Ran Corps. I will visit when I have time."


A voice sounded suddenly, with some dissatisfied shouting: "Wait a minute."

These three words attracted the attention of most people present, and some participants whispered, "The fifth-ranked legion limestone."

"Hey, it's not the fifth or the sixth. I'm afraid I'm very upset this time. I was kicked out of the top five. I think it's going to be a problem."

Canghe smiled and whispered to Xiao Ran and said, "The limestone of the limestone legion is rarely seen by people who use their own name as the legion's name. They are very confident and arrogant but their strength is still there. Prometheus's specialty is defense A rare tortoise here. "

Xiao Ran also looked at the person who stood out with interest: "Meat shield? That's special."

Qinglong slowly turned around and looked at the person who stood out, and it turned into Xiao Ran's first look before him: "Gray Rock, what are you doing?"

The man named Grey Rock is a sweaty man with a very sturdy figure, and his hands are also unusually strong, and his height has reached more than two meters. It is definitely a proper sense of oppression to walk over.

The mocking face of Grey Rock said: "The waste is waste, and was actually snatched the fourth place by a strange hair that didn't know which one came from. I think you never have the real fourth qualification, in this white I haven't grown a bit since I sat there for so long. "

Suddenly, many people put their eyes on Xiao Ran, but Qinglong turned into an existence, if any. In fact, even Qinglong put his eyes on Xiao Ran at this time.

The corner of Xiao Ran's mouth still kept a small radian, and his smile didn't change at all because of what the limestone said.

Xiao Ran said lightly: "I'm looking for you."

"Oh." Qinglong reacted for a moment and then nodded, her eyes became cold and hot, staring at Limestone: "What are you going to do?"

"Certainly challenge you to retake our place!" Said Gray Rock and looked at Xiao Ran, but he re-focused on Qinglong with just one glance.

"Oh." Qinglong was so anxious at this moment that he laughed angrily, and was also laughing at the ignorance of the gray rock.

You bastard, I lost to the Burning Legion. You really thought that I was a soft persimmon. NTM has the ability to challenge the Burning Legion! Hundreds of s-class pilots I know but will I tell you! ? ntm has the experience of being surrounded by hundreds of pilots, asshole!

My fourth, no, it is the fifth, whether or not I am qualified to sit in this position. Today I have to let you take a look.

Qinglong sneered: "Full scale, encounter, 200 million bets."

Limestone gritted his teeth and sneered: "Okay, it's better to choose another day and start now."


Kruse laughed. "Don't show it?"

"What does it mean to use this kind of virtual battle to make him understand mistakes?" Xiao Ran smiled indifferently, and said, "Well, there are many people who have the problem of mouth odor, even if it scares him. That wouldn't cure him, and I'm not the kind of person who would have to take everyone's birth and death to revenge myself for a word. "

Cruze smiled and didn't speak, Xiao Ran was indeed not the kind of person who would take trouble for the sake of his selfishness, but Xiao Ran was definitely not an ordinary person, he would not take the Legion in vain. Going on an adventure, but it's not easy to say if he thinks it's not adventure.

"Miscellaneous hair? Hehe." Cruze suddenly smiled and looked at Cang next to him, and asked, "Mr. Cang, we are now in fourth place, but I still don't know if the top five are in this place. What kind of rights are in Parliament. "

Cang said, "Not only rights but also some obligations. The original legislative assembly was established to reduce disputes between legions in the real area, and as a coordinator to coordinate conflicts between legions as much as possible. The district was also chaotic for a long time due to clashes between the Legions until the Legion Parliament was established. "

"Although starting a legion war is not entirely possible to suppress coordination, after all, the essence of the participants is fighting, and not everyone really takes the parliament seriously, so the first five are more of a kind of card. However, many purchases in Prometheus can receive two-tier discounts, which seem unimportant but are of great significance to the long-term development of a legion, such as the reduction of Prometheus' punishment. "

"This is just one of them. In the non-ranking competition, the top five corps have the right to reject any corps challenge initiated by the corps, and some other more corps authority, such as a vote of veto."

"Then there is the Legion Trade Coordination, sharing of territorial management rights, use rights, and the opportunity to completely waive a punishment in a single mission cycle. The name must also be handled as the leader. "

"In terms of obligations, the operating funds of the parliament are provided by the five major legions. Many specific things are not clear in a few words. You still need to understand them yourself."

Xiao Ran nodded gently. Now all the Legions of Prometheus can be said to be in a competitive state, but the appearance of this Legion Council seems to be used to ensure that Prometheus's competitive environment is normal and not chaotic. If a legion is regarded as a country, of course, it is much stronger than many countries. It is like a burning legion, so there must be some farts.

This is just a platform, a platform that is beneficial and rewarding. It can strengthen the ties between the legions and the trade between the legions. It can more quickly find the needed things from the parliament's product catalog and can exchange them. The exchange of internal resources is also a good thing.

But really speaking, this is just a platform. If he does n’t take this platform seriously, he is not a matter. What about Prometheus' support in the back? What is the virtue of Prometheus? People in the Burning Legion are more aware that it is a more advanced computer that can't break the rules and even jams.

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