Unlimited Machine War

: 2741 Prometheus Persuaded Xiao Ran to Be Kind

The current Legion Council, Xiao Ran also finds it very interesting, but what is interesting is not because of the benefits and benefits that the Legion Council itself or the Parliament can bring to him. At present, all the benefits and benefits have not been officially confirmed. It's not clear exactly what changes can be brought about. It can only be said that there are expectations.

The existence of such a thing as the Legion Council, which is really interesting. Yes, only in terms of existence. The Legislative Assembly is obviously an institution initiated by the participants. It is a thing used to resolve disputes between legions and maintain a general balance in the real area. If Mithus is official, then this parliament is actually a complete civil society.

But now, this non-governmental organization has been recognized by Prometheus, and it has also been included in the semi-official scope. It has sent Aboriginal assistance and given great resource support, which is very interesting to Xiao Ran. It ’s much more interesting to solve the limestone army than to deal with the limestone that has no door on its mouth.

Those who know Prometheus dare to say the second, no one dares to say the first, not to mention Ran Xiao has already given Prometheus several times, and even Emperor Luo also used his own luck to let Prometheus fell into speechlessness for a long time, but this kind of ultra-regular stupidity and loophole Prometheus were not limited. Instead, he gave compensation when he could not give a reasonable explanation, even Xiao Ran still returned. I have talked directly with Prometheus and received a lot of compensation.

This shows that Prometheus must continue to operate according to certain rules, and if he jumps out of the rule, he will choose to ignore it, and he will be compensated if he cannot be given according to the rules, but he will not trigger any person who jumps out of the rules and burn. The Legion wasn't tempted on the brink of frenzied death, no, it should be said that Xiao Ran had done so.

And Prometheus is very rigid, such as the core, this stuff does not belong to followers and not participants, but who can say that the light flares can not create greater value than the followers and participants, really want to talk about the flames Yao and Prometheus have nothing to do with each other, but they can enter the mission together with Xiao Ran. They are life, they are combat power, not participants, not followers, but because of the process and reasons of homology, they can Entering the task, it is still the type that does not limit the number of people to enter the task.

Because Prometheus treats them as props, but it is obvious that although the core is a prop label, it cannot be treated as a prop at all. Doesn't that explain Prometheus' rigidity?

There is also the designated follower card, which is also a crazy temptation by Xiao Ran. Apparently, the designated follower card should be used in the worlds under Prometheus. The most correct use is in the various warfare worlds. , Designate aboriginal people for a mission as participants.

Hey, but the strange thing is that after sending this thing to Xiao Ran, the system eternity and the countless worlds below appeared in Xiao Ran's world. Xiao Ran appointed Hades. Prometheus really brought Hades to Xiao Ran. When I come back, that ’s why it ’s not my business to send it to you anyway, but Xiao Ran has a bug there. Prometheus did n’t expect that there would be this bug, so there are no related restrictions at all.

I tried to pry him over half of a **** with all my heart. This is obviously out of specification. This is cheating. This is a foul. A brained system will not tolerate such things at all, but the result is still happened.

Even Xiao Ran felt that he was compensated when he entered Prometheus at the beginning, because he was selected by mistake. There should n’t have been Earth people who entered Prometheus, but he came So, the reward he got for completing the task for the first time was simply against the sky, and directly transformed him from an ordinary person into a **** against the sky, although he could not compare with Luo.

Moreover, Prometheus did not have any actions or actions at all about his memory of various missions. He did not clean him up as a virus, but left him to cause wind and rain in Prometheus. There was no way to continue, forcibly cleaning up was not within his irregularities, so it was very rigid.

In all respects Prometheus is very rigid. As long as he doesn't violate the rules, he can crazy dance on the edge of death. Xiao Ran feels that he still has a good grasp.

But it ’s such a rule that ca n’t be controlled according to the rules. You are yours, mine is mine, rules are rules, and mistakes need to be compensated. A rigid Prometheus will support the Legion Council. Not very inexplicable and surprising.

Then think about it in reverse, why did Prometheus do it, did it go beyond the rules, and if so, what conditions made Prometheus go over the rules, and if not, why? Rules make Prometheus choose to support?

The former can be ignored for the time being, but if it is the latter, Xiao Ran feels that the operating space will be very large, so Prometheus must have a very core rule to cause him to make such a choice.

There are many possibilities for this core rule, such as maintaining the stable development of Prometheus, such as training more and more powerful pilots, for example, Prometheus itself has to balance chaotic rules, etc., and Based on one or more of them, the appearance of the Legion Council could just meet the core rules of Prometheus, so he would have this right to support it.

But in the end, what kind of rule is it? If you can understand the logic inside, Xiao Ran feels completely confident that he or she can speculate on the core rule or rules, because there are many ideas that can be ruled out first. For example, speculating that a core rule must train strong participants, this one can be completely ruled out, at least half of it can be ruled out.

The cultivation of Prometheus is to raise a tadpole. The stronger the tadpole has more authority, and the participants in the task are conflicts. Once a conflict occurs, death is unavoidable, and those who have not grown up are: Trash, Prometheus is unlikely to do anything for the trash. His rule is to give tasks, and tasks will bring death. If you want to protect the participants, then there is no need to let the participants face death. Now, give a great environment and slowly train everyone to become s-class pilots, instead of letting the participants struggle again and again.

So this can be denied half, and the remaining half is a factor of the participants themselves, will there be some rule that Prometheus must give participants above a certain level, such as participation above the s level? To provide the necessary convenience and protection, must the number of s-class pilots be retained as much as possible?

This is very likely, isn't it? After all, the s-class pilot already has the right to refuse to participate in the task, and can return to his original world. It does not make the s-class pilot have to enter a certain task, which is more difficult. The task then made the s-class pilots take risks again and again to face death.

This makes the s-class pilots very free and safe. In this case, it makes a little sense. Prometheus needs to retain high-level power, which is a high-level power that has not grown up but has no potential. This kind of potential is irrelevant at all. When the assessment team came over, they said the same thing, regardless of not looking at the future before, but only looking at the present.

If that's the case, wouldn't the s-class pilot continue to make a bigger death?

Because the real area before the appearance of the parliament was too chaotic, and many high-level pilots died because of clashes between the legions, the appearance of the legion parliament just made Prometheus see the possibility of stabilizing and retaining more pilots. This is in line with his core, so he gave the Legislative Assembly support and authority to help them stabilize the environment inside Prometheus.

The conflict can be coordinated through the Legion Council, so that the loss of the s-class pilot can be more avoided. It is okay to die if it ca n’t be coordinated. Anyway, the purpose of Prometheus is to achieve the s-class in the large environment. The pilots will not be killed casually in a legion battle, at least most of the s-class pilots are protected.

In addition, of course, there are other possibilities, such as whether there are any restrictions on the development of Prometheus. It is necessary to develop Prometheus in a positive way. The situation helped to meet his core restrictions, so the parliament could meet his requirements, and gave parliamentary support and authority.

Xiao Ran felt that he should draw a team to confirm and analyze this matter. He could find a million analysts in the territory and set up a Prometheus analysis department to analyze Prometheus' loopholes. This is very useful. Help him to completely control Prometheus in his own hands in the future.

Regardless of the super area, the real area or the fantasy area where no mystery has been revealed now, Xiao Ran does not know how many people are thinking about the idea of ​​controlling Prometheus in his hands, and how many people have been expecting to leave Prometheus, but at least to the s level they can not control but can also choose to retreat is considered to have achieved one of the goals.

But Xiao Ran no matter what other people think, he just wants to control the two fools of Prometheus in his own hands and completely turn Prometheus into his own tool, although he may not use this tool to go What to do, but all he wants is the reversal of the primary and secondary. He does not want Prometheus to influence him, but he does influence Prometheus. He has never felt this close to Prometheus at any moment. True.

If Prometheus knew that Xiao Ran had so many thoughts in his head in such a short time, it is estimated that at this time, he would choose a jam, and then continue to jam, and he would not be able to get around, because he There is no ability in the core rules to punish and restrict the participants' ideas.

Then he ca n’t get around, he chooses to trade, chooses to make up, and let Xiao Ran give up the idea of ​​madly killing him, but he ca n’t give any punishment, persuade Xiao Ran to be kind, let Xiao Ran have conscience, and say to Xiao Ran Do n’t do this, yell you do n’t engage me, and then kick Xiao Ran out of Prometheus, and even kick out all those camp territories together. In the future, Xiao Ran will not be allowed to enter Prometheus.

When Cruzer next saw Xiao Ran silent, his mouth was raised from time to time and then nodded from time to time. Cruzer, who was very familiar with Xiao Ran, understood that Xiao Ran was estimated to have fallen into his own world. On behalf of a certain person, bad luck, bad luck.

"What vicious thoughts came out of his mind at this time?" Cruze suddenly felt a little fluffy in his heart, and some shivered and chilled. "Then who will be followed by him in the end? People outside?" Own? The stupid dude named Grey Rock just didn't make him like this ... "

"That is to say ... what is he going to do and then keep an eye on himself?"

Cruze gave a cough and greeted the person next to him: "I have something to go before I leave."

Youzes didn't notice Xiao Ran's situation behind Xiao Ran, but she saw Kluze's expression and smiled after Kluze said: "Wait for me, I'll go with you."

"Walk together, walk together."

"Walk and go and drink together."

The two just slipped away, and when Xiao Ran turned around to see that Cruzer had disappeared behind him, he also touched his chin: "What about Cruzer?"

Leonard said, "I've left beforehand."

Xiao Ran nodded, "The battle over there?"

Leonard continued, "It's already started."

Xiao Ran turned his head and suddenly looked at Cang who was a few steps away, and his mouth twitched and said, "Mr. Cang, I want to ask you if you intend to enter into a comprehensive strategic alliance with the Burning Legion, a truly completely open alliance, and a common enemy. Friendship, mutual exchange of resources. "

Cang raised an eyebrow: "Well, Xiao Ran's commander has this idea?"

Xiao Ran smiled leisurely: "I have many ideas, but I need more friends."

Cang was a little embarrassed. He just wanted to keep his distance with the Burning Legion and maintain a normal and normal communication. However, he did not expect that Xiao Ran suddenly changed his mind and proposed a comprehensive strategic alliance, but he did not hesitate. , With a smiling reply: "I need to confirm this."

"Okay, think about it." Xiao Ran patted Renard on the shoulder and said, "You're waiting here, I'll take the others back first, and then wait until the people of the Cuimeng Corps come out and bring me that blue dragon. I don't think he dare to refuse. "

You need to find some cannon fodder to help yourself.

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