Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 496: Two-person mission

"The first phase of the main line mission is completed. You can abandon the follow-up mission phase and this award. You will get a victory after the start of the Mobile Fighting Conference and return to Prometheus. You can also accumulate rewards to start the second phase of the mission."

For two people, the continuation of the mission is nothing to hesitate, and even if you choose to abandon the mission, you will not be able to go back immediately. You must wait for the start of the Mobile Fighting Conference to win a victory before you can leave the world. The qualifications are not said, there are no rewards, and it is straightforward to say that it is risky and not harvested, even if the general participants do not choose to give up the task.


Although Luo and Bassack are not together, the two have almost chosen the opening of the second phase of the task at the same time. Unlike the mission of the corps that Xiaoran has performed, the option of the ultimate task is not included in the mission of the two. of. After the second phase of the task is opened, this is the only task that the two need to perform.

"The second phase of the main line mission was opened, obeying the rules of the Mobile Fighting Conference, and won 10 victories after the start of the Mobile Fighting Conference. After winning five games in a row, you will be awarded the basic reward for completing this mission. You can return to Prometheus. In the winning streak, seven games will be awarded, and the winning streak will be rewarded again in ten games. The mission will successfully receive the unknown reward, and the failure will be punishable by the unknown." (Note that all the combat processes are under the supervision of Prometheus, and any fraud is invalid. And warned for one time, the second direct judgment task failed.)

When this task prompted to appear in the minds of Basque, the two eyes of Bassack also flashed a squat, and the next mission required to win ten times in accordance with the rules of the world, that is, at least ten battles. It is possible to complete the task. If you have a bad luck, you can't do it for twenty or thirty games. Of course, you can play twenty or thirty games and that you haven't died yet. It is also considered to be very good luck.

The key is that there is a very serious problem that is concealed under the ten-game victory and winning streak. Indeed, the mission does not say how the battle will fail. It just means that the task is completed according to the rules of the Mobile Fighting Congress. But the key is in the rules of the Mobile Fighting Congress.

One of them, even if the body is destroyed, the head is disqualified. In exchange for saying that if the head of the body is destroyed by others in the first game of the battle, then the second stage of the mission will end directly with failure, and there is no possibility of continuing.

There is another rule that may not be taken seriously, but it may come out at a critical moment, prohibiting direct attacks on the cockpit, which may not be anything for the world’s original Gundams. Because they may have been accustomed to such rules, but for those who have experienced countless life and death struggles, it is enough to cause headaches.

Attacking on the vital parts has long been the instinct of these participants in countless kills. Even Barsac has no exceptions. It may be remembered during normal times in battle. But when you are in danger or something else, the other party is just showing up in a critical cockpit. I am afraid that ten participants. Nine of them will be reflective attacks.

It is not known that such a rule violates such a rule, and it is ultimately the failure to eliminate the task of the Mobile Fighting Conference, or whether it is hard to win in the battle of life and death without being recognized by Prometheus.

Luo also received the second phase of the mission. It is only his mission that is slightly different from the mission of Basque.

"The second phase of the main line mission is opened, technical logistics: as a logistician to assist the Gundam (teammate: Bassack) to win ten victories in the Mobile Fighting Conference. Make sure that no more than 24 hours after each battle to enter the competition The body resumes combat capability. It takes no more than 72 hours to fully recover the participating body. Each time the body is repaired, one point is obtained. Each time the body participates in the battle, there is no problem arising from the body itself. One point is obtained. Teammate Bassack The second victory scored one point."

“The teammate Bassac wins five games and chooses to finish the mission to enjoy the same treatment. The points will be added to the 20 rewards, and the points will be added to the 30 rewards.”

Luo accepted this task. I also stopped the work in my hands and seriously looked back and forth several times until I remembered all the contents in it, and then I picked up the tools and continued to work on the black market from the world. Tattered up to disassemble.

"No need to fight, as long as the body is responsible for the task can be completed, this is not bad." Luo side with a screw. While talking to himself in his heart, he said: "Now the task has already been received, it is almost time to leave here. If you can bring a warship, this thing can be directly thrown into the battleship. Now, I have to delay two days. I will have to get a working ship next time, no matter how you do it. Now it is a waste of time."

Luo looked helplessly at the big iron shovel under his feet. After scratching his hair, he looked at the sky silently. After a while, he buried his head and continued to work.

Bassac is happily ready to take things when he wants to leave. Whether it is food or transportation, transportation must be prepared. The Mobile Fighting Conference is not waiting for someone else to come to your meeting. The whole earth is the collapse of the battle. If you don’t take the initiative and just wait, it’s hard to say when you have ten battles.

However, Luo is holding on to the final time to study the whole human-machine integrated system. As for other things that can be removed, they will be removed. It is not too late to get a big plane to take it away and study slowly.

However, neither of them noticed an equally misguided question in the description of the task. If both of them are Xiaoran and Kruze, the two of them are careful and the black is absolutely in the first time. The huge pits and problems brought about by the subtle differences between the two mission descriptions of Luo and Basak were discovered.

In the task of Basque, it is stipulated that according to the rules of the Mobile Fighting Conference, in the description of Luo’s mission, there is no limit to Luo’s inability to join the battle, and there is no limit to Luo’s need to follow the Mobile Fighting Conference. The rules, in other words, although they were also added to the Mobile Fighting Conference, Ronaldo could help Bassac to win without any punishment. (To be continued.)

Ps: winning ten games ~? ? ? ? What is the reward?

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