Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 497: Going to find the undefeated road in the East

Luo can drive his own red heresy when he battles with others in the Mobile Fighting Congress, using remote weapons to harass one side, and even directly smashing the other's cockpit to make Bassac win. ∷∷,

He can play with the other side when Basque and the other side fight, and then let Bassack go up to solve the other side's victory.

Luo can even poison, dig traps, bury nuclear bombs and other means to get Bassac to win a streak, because the mission did not explain that he could not do so.

The second stage of the task of the participants of the Bassac, because of the requirements of the mission, will certainly be more than the world’s most disciplined fighters. For example, the protagonist of the world, Domon, must abide by the rules of the Mobile Fighting Congress. Every participant in the battle will definitely be the perfect gentleman. Of course, this is also the case under normal circumstances.

When the task subject can only follow the rules and rely on his own strength to complete the task, and the task assistance can help the main body to complete the task by various means, then the subject of the task will not be true under such circumstances. The center of gravity, and this focus has become the off-court duel when the mission was released.

The savage Basque did not notice that the veteran who had gone through the eighth task did not notice the problem, let alone the straight Luo, but only participated in his first formal task, and even less likely to notice Prometheus. The pit that was buried.

In two people, a newcomer with a bit of a brain mad warrior began his mobile combat conference career, and continued to stay in the city for two days, Luo also finally dismantled the full-day screen man-machine integration system. This disassembly is not a second-time split with skill, but rather a little bit of decomposition after analyzing its own abilities and techniques. And draw the corresponding things on the drawings. When I have not fully understood the full-day screen human-machine integrated system, I have already drawn almost complete drawings, and even marked the corresponding ones in many places. data.

In addition to the integrated system of human-machines, the skeleton of the organism has also been parsed by Luo, compared to the fineness of the integrated system of human-machine. There are not so many places to pay attention to in the skeleton.

What's more, although the body skeleton of this world is slightly different from other worlds, it can be as flexible as human beings. In the world of high color ed, the skeleton of Gundam is also recognized as flexible and movable, so although there are differences, it is rough. The place is basically the same. As long as the fine structure of the skeleton of the world body is analyzed, it is only a matter of time for Luo to completely imitate it.

What really makes Luo do not understand, but the energy structure of the world, is completely new technology that has never been in contact. In addition to this, there are some parts, parts and so on that have a special role throughout the body, but I don't know what it is.

For a waste recycler, it is an excellent character to disassemble, so when Bassac found a huge suspension truck, all the problems were solved.

Unexplained things, demolished, all removed and thrown into the cargo box of the huge suspension truck. This truck is very big, but it seems to be Luo. The truck is completely wide and can be installed side by side with two bodies and there is still space. The length is similar, and it is suspended. The terrain can be basically ignored. It is only the parts that are removed and transferred into the container of the truck. Later, Luo found that the truck was somewhat familiar. It seems to have seen the same place.

However, if Luo knew that there was no such big truck in the city, even if the truck came to the city because he ordered the broken high, it would eventually be bought directly by Barsak with gold. I sighed.

The two prepared some things to use in the city, and they drove the huge truck slowly to leave the city for a short time. After waiting for the city, the two teams also had a few more lively little friends, rolling around in the cargo box of the truck with a round body, or pulling a line from the body. Access to the appearance of things to crack.

In the cargo hold, which is almost nothing, there are two large bodies lying side by side. It is the red heresy of the Xiaoba and Red Dragon equipment equipped with the disaster.

After leaving the city to go to the uninhabited place, the two people will have been released in the storage compartment with the smog and gloomy sky, of course, with those plugged in the cockpit. In the Haro, there is such a truck as a stronghold for the two people to move. These Haro people can also have a place to stay. They can not only drive this huge truck, but also help Luo as soon as possible. Analyze the things that have been disassembled.

After all, even if Luo is so powerful in technology, there will still be a gap between the human brain and the computer.

The two men went all the way and also circumvented all the cities on the road as far as possible. Even if they want to enter the city, they would stop the truck far away, leaving one person in the car and only let one person go to the city to purchase. This practice was also mentioned by Basque, and it is nothing more than avoiding contact with other participants at this time.

After all, the two don't know how many participants in the world are distributed again. Otherwise, once the mobile combat conference has not started, there are no rules to limit them. They can't start with other participants. So, really want to be entangled by the participants, it is also a very troublesome thing.

The journey between Luo and Basak is still far away. It is a small matter to cross the mountains. It is a big thing to cross the sea. Two people who can't find any clues can only find the East according to what Xiao Ran said. Loss, as for the second stage of the mission, there is no time limit and there is no need to worry about it. Bassac is quite experienced in this.

And knowing that the East is unbeaten can be said to be the strongest in the world, with the powerful power of empty-handed dismantling, Bassac actually can't think of the main task of the main line than the desire to see the unbeaten of the East. For Luo, listening to Xiaoran’s words and learning from the East is unbeaten. It’s just as important as the task. How can I get a teacher, whether it’s Luo or Basque, I’m also very clear about the two that Xiao Ran said. Words.

"Hot blood!" (To be continued.)

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