Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 966: Langba Confluence

Xiaoran, Thousands of Birds, and Xiangliang Zongsuke have not slept overnight because of yesterday’s events, but compared to the physical qualities of the two birds and Xiang Liangzong, the lack of sleep overnight will not bring any exhaustion to Xiao Ran. In order to let Xiang Liangzong Jie perform his tasks better the next day, Xiao Ran took over the guardian work of Thousand Birds and let Xiang Liangzong Jie go to rest.

In particular, after the secret bank sent a message to Xiaoran, Xiaoran became more cautious.

From Richard’s mouth, I learned that the giant beast with λ-dirver is not made by them personally. A does not have any technical conditions at all, and that is called the giant beast. In fact, it is provided by Mithril's old-fashioned amalgam.

Even the λ-d-day ver-modulation of the honing is responsible for the amalgam. It is not known whether there is a deeper purpose. The key is that the city that chooses to destroy is just selected in the thousand birds. From the point of view of this, I have to let Xiao Ran pay more attention to it, and this news really makes Xiao Ran feel a little bit wrong.

He originally thought that the behemoth was a thing that he had made himself, but he did not expect that it would be given by amalgam, that is to say, a did not have any whisperer at hand, so how could the Langba participant go to a? Mixed with this group of miscellaneous soldiers.

This seems to be somewhat inexplicable in Xiaoran's view. It is always impossible for Langba to deliberately give up the main line task, or even ignore the task in order to mix the a-touch task.

Xiao Ran shook his head, which is obviously impossible. The main task is not small in each task world. At least for the bottom players, they rely on the main task to get rewards, so Langba is absolutely impossible to give up easily. Mission. So either Langba has mastered a whisperer, or Langba may have anything to do with amalgam.

Xiao Ran licked his head and looked up at the opposite side of the sofa. He looked at the closed door of the bedroom, and looked at the closed door of the bedroom. He gently exhaled a breath and found a mobile phone gently from his arms. Tossing, muttered to himself: "Want to do so much, as long as the guy contacts me, then everything can be known."

Three days, Xiao Ran waited for three days, and Qianshen and Xiang Liang Zongsuke also became three-day deaf students until the noon on the third day, when the sun was hanging in the middle of the sky, the one from the Lang Pakistan’s mobile phone finally rang.

Xiao Ran glanced at the all-digital phone, and then pressed the button that was connected. He just put the phone in his ear and heard the male voice on the phone.

"I am Langba."

"where are you."

Xiao Ran did not ask why Langba chose to contact himself on the third day. The two sides signed a contract for the temporary team. If you choose to betray, it is definitely the price that Langba can't afford, even if other participants share it with him. The harsh and strict team system completely rejected the existence of betrayal from the beginning. If Langba chooses to betray, then he has only one way to choose, and that is death.

For this reason, Xiao Ran would not ask him what he had done in three days, but asked him exactly where he was. After half an hour, Xiao Ran found Langba in a hotel suite.

Seeing Langba again, the other person is wearing neat and clean clothes that are easy to move. The refreshing and short-lived looks make people feel full of spirit, but Xiao Ran sees a deep tiredness from the other's face, and even feels Lang. Pakistan is weak at this time.



"Come in." Langba said to take the initiative to let go from the door, and wait until Xiaoran walked into the room before closing the door. After entering the room, Xiao Ran saw the third person in the room. A girl who looked like only fifteen or six years old, with a long brown hair and two eyes filled with pity, fear but not dare to make a sound. .

In the first time I saw this girl, Xiao Ran could be sure that the other person was the whisperer that Langba was looking for, but he couldn’t know if the girl was a real awakened whisper, but from the other’s eyes, it seemed to be able to feel It is not because of this voluntariness that this girl has appeared here.

Xiaoran turned his head and looked at Langba, who was standing behind him. He frowned slightly and asked, "What happened."

"This is my mission goal." Langba shouted his head and shook his head. He sat directly on the sand in the suite and waved at the girl.

The girl looked at Xiaoran and looked at Langba again, but did not follow the meaning of Langba to go to Langba, but slightly shrunk his body and buried his head slightly.

"Mom, I said that I will protect you, and will not sell you, what are you afraid of!" Langba snorted at the girl, making the girl even scared to start thinking about it. I dare to cry and weep.

"Enough!" Xiao Ran frowned and looked at Langba, and walked to the girl's face and gently touched the **** the trembling head. The eyes were lightly lit at the invisible angle of Langba and the girl. Jin Guang, and then began to whisper the comfort of the girl in front of him.

"Okay, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. If you need any help, you can tell me." Xiao Ran gently stroked the other's head, Wensheng said: "It doesn't matter, don't be so nervous, relax or be good." Rest awhile."

Xiao Ran conveyed his tenderness to the girl through his ability to change, and conveyed his friendliness. The girl seemed to feel a reliable force from Xiaoran’s hand. The trembling body calmed down slightly, slightly lower. The head was lightly clicked.

"I... I am afraid."

Langba looked at Xiaoran's movements, and looked at the girl's appearance without any rejection. He also stunned, and then he was very dissatisfied and snorted directly to his head. Xiaoran completely ignored Langba, but just picked up the girl. Entering the bedroom, smiling and placing the **** the bed, and then covering her with the quilt and then staying with the girl without saying a word.

After almost half an hour, Xiao Ran came out of the bedroom and gently brought the door of the bedroom to avoid the noise of talking to Langba and the girl who was so sleepy.

Xiaoran sat on the opposite side of Langba and asked a little frowning: "What is this? Your status does not seem normal?"

"Nothing, this is the mission goal I found." Langba was somewhat intolerant, but after seeing Xiaoran, he still replied: "The target I just found was also stared at by others, but it was not a late step. Someone else grabbed it."

"On these three days of life?" Xiao Ran stunned, the main task is about to end soon, this guy is only a whisperer now is too exaggerated.

However, Langba shook his head and said, "I have a slap in my head:

"I found her when the task started for a month, and then I stayed by her until I reached a. I left when I was near the mission. Who knows that after I went back, there are other people who are staring at her. A battle took the **** back and ran back to Japan with her."

Xiaoran stunned and nodded and asked: "It turns out that, where did you find her? Her family?"

"Dead, anyway, I am not killing." Langba did not care about licking his mouth and said: "A small coastal country in the Eurasian region, right, the monster that was killed by you was also found on my head, by myself. After the delivery, the continuous task has been completed and the two have not continued without going down."

When I heard this message, I frowned again: "A person?"

Langba spread the staller: "The woman of a seems to be the boss of this organization, and there are other people, but after leaving Japan, I left. At that time, I also made some mercenary tasks over there and made some money. It’s a little famous. I didn’t expect them to touch the sideline task when they contacted me. I accept it.”

After listening to Langba’s words, Xiao Ran also understood the exhibition. Langba found his goal one month after the start of the mission, but did not completely decide whether to choose protection or control. Anyway, he hangs on the girl’s side. By the way, I made some mercenary tasks and made some money, and I also got a little fame.

Then a needs to carry the behemoth, perhaps because he does not fully believe in amalgam or other reasons. He chose to hire Langba to help. At that time, Langba received a continuous quest and then came to Japan with the behemoth, but Who knows that after returning to the girl after giving up the follow-up mission, there are already other people who are thinking about playing their own meals.

I am afraid that the next thing is a killing. As for whether or not to use the body, it is not easy to say. Anyway, the girl who died with her loved ones ran to Japan, except for meeting with him. There is no need for Xiaoran protection.

I want to understand this, Xiao Ran also looked at Langba like a smile, but the latter did not feel anything about Xiao Ran's deep smile, or it did not matter, the hob meat like you think.

"Well, I probably know what's going on." Xiaoran tilted his legs and leaned on the sand and said, "But it's not appropriate for you to keep her in the hotel. I will arrange for her to find a school. You I am responsible for the peace of mind to carry out the protection task, and other things I will solve."

"Right." Langba shook his head. Anyway, things went on like this, and he didn't have much room for choice.

After gossip, Xiao Ran is also ready to talk to Langba about business. (To be continued.) 8

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